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#201 Old 20th May 2016 at 12:01 PM
Mostly because I love the addition of weather. That's pretty much it, since most of the other stuff with it doesn't do much or anything for me. I hate the gift-calling thing (I have a mod to prevent it), I hate how the wishes get clogged up with "Waterballoon fight", "Go to seasonal festival" and stuff. Fun, but I have working sims and stuff, I don't want them to constantly want to go to a festival. Ditto with wanting a party on the special days...

I could add and talk more about my other expansions, but they are pretty much the same. Hit-and-miss. Some have stuff I love (Celebrity, Diving, Houseboats) but are also filled with stuff I hate. (Barely anyone at hotspots, wishes clogged with minute things and I personally don't like having control over my pets...)

#202 Old 20th May 2016 at 9:52 PM
I always have to have the brick oven whenever I have a new house. So Monte Vista, even though I'm "meh" on the map itself.
#203 Old 18th Jun 2016 at 1:26 AM
I have a love-hate relationship with Showtime. On the one hand, I love that it added more active careers and I like the fact that they went with unconventional choices such as acrobat and magician. The EP also re-introduced some fan favorite objects such as the mechanic bull and pool tables for the first time in Sims 3. But on the other hand, it could've been so much better. The biggest problem is that they decided not to integrate this EP with Late Night and that was a serious mistake since both are closely related. They should've allowed Late Night bands to join singers on stage, or the other way around and a singer joining a band and performing on their stages. They chould also add more variaty to the repertoire by allowing us to use custom music (in-game without needing external software), as well as backup dancers and touring other worlds (you can do this if you have NRaas Traveler). I don't know, I feel it could've been so much better.
Test Subject
#204 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 4:14 PM
I've adored Late Night since its release, I remember me almost screaming when I finally got it the day after the release! I just love the vibe of the expansion pack and the city life. My other favorite has to be Seasons, it just gives the world more life in my opinion!
Test Subject
#205 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 10:56 PM
I enjoy my entire game but I love Generations and whichever it were that introduced Roomates because I've been studying the game and the changes that my sims appearances can go through. After my favourite boy were born I carved a something beautiful out of his imaginary friend. I'm so excited about all the new changes I'll attempt to make. ^_^ Has anyone else sculpted in game? Can I see?
Test Subject
#206 Old 5th Jul 2016 at 1:38 AM
My favorites would be Seasons, Pets and Generations. My least favorite would have to be World Adventures. It was just so.. disappointing. I was hoping for more locations other than China Egypt and Paris. Although I did love to travel to Paris and make my sims propose there.
Lab Assistant
#207 Old 21st Aug 2016 at 3:11 AM
What is your most favourite/least favourite expansion pack, and why?

My most favourite is Generations, because of how it extends the gameplay of the original life states. I enjoy the afterclass clubs, the midlife crisis event and the pranks. I also love the interactions you can do between families with it.
My least favourite is university life, social networking, auto labeling nerd/jock sims just because they either play videogames or throw parties is not cool, also the invasive pet that practically conscripts your sims into university is bad and creepy and trends to breakthrough your playthrough each time a teen goes adult and at the beggining of the game. The only good things that it had are arcades and graffity, else sucks.

What is your most favourite/least favourite stuff pack, and why?

My least favourite stuff pack has been Diesel just because the designs are in english instead of simlish and that breaks the atmosphere a bit.
My most favourite one is Fast Lane Stuff hands down, I guess many people will aggree with me.

If you could rank how much you like each expansion or stuff pack in order, what would your order be?
I will do just expansion packs, because stuff packs are mostly meh... cool stuff and uncool stuff...
1.- Generations
2.- Island Paradise
3.- World Adventures
4.- Ambitions
5.- Supernatural
6.- Seasons
7.- Into the future
8.- Pets
9.- Showtime
10.- Late night
11.- University life
If you had to remove an expansion, which one would it be, and why?
Either Late night or Showtime, and just because of invasive sims that had fuck me each time i wanted to do the "Midnight Sun Princess challenge"
Test Subject
#208 Old 19th Oct 2016 at 8:58 AM
My absolute favorite would have to be seasons cause it added a new depth to the game. It changed the atmosphere of the game and made the passage of time feel more real. The festivals were fun and the snow was the best
#209 Old 8th Dec 2016 at 6:49 AM
It's pretty difficult to have a decent judgement on the EP's, because I bought almost all in one go. I only owned World Adventures from before and still don't have Pets, Supernatural and Into the Future. The last two, because I want it to keep a bit realistic and the other one, because the similar version for TS2 was a bit disappointing to me.

Saying that, I really enjoy the things added by Generations and Seasons, as they are enjoyable with my life simulator way of play. Ambitions is nice, too, and University Life is based on an important part of life, though I haven't it really explored that one yet.

Talking about exploring, that's too much the focus of World Adventures. Something comparable to the Vacation pack of TS2 would have been so much better, as Lara Croft and Indiana Jones aren't your average tourists. Without tomb raiding the holiday locations are empty, because normal things to do are hardly there. Island Paradise is more or less a failure, too. Some treasure diving without treasures and resorts rather belonging on holiday locations than the villages your sims live. Like you visit an all inclusive resort across the street you live. Or they should have made the home towns as visitable standardly.

The gorgeous Tina (TS3) and here loving family available for download here.
Mad Poster
#210 Old 27th Jan 2017 at 8:14 PM Last edited by gazania : 23rd Feb 2017 at 12:11 AM.
I was a Jeanie-come-lately to this series, but I admit I definitely find the appeal with this game. This one and Sims 2 take up waaay too many hours when I want to relax.

I don't have all the expansions. I doubt I ever will. I'm not sure my machine can handle all of them like it handled all the Sims 2 ones. But I now have more than half the EPs (in only a little over a year of playing this series), so I guess I've passed the "just browsing" level of Sims 3 gameplay!

Here is my ranking, I haven't delved into all aspects of gameplay, so I'm sure this will change.

1. Seasons. I like seasons in real life. Seasons in SIms 2 is my favorite ... and ditto for this series. I pretty much ignore festivals now because I'm still trying to explore what the other EPs offer and I have only so much time on the computer before real life intrudes, but even without the festivals, there are plenty of things to do.

2. Late Night. My Sims like a little entertainment. They want stuff to DO,

3. Ambitions. However, as they get more settled in the world, they also like a variety of careers. I enjoy giving makeovers to local Sims and getting rid of the mismatched Maxis combos on some of them or the hideous makeup. However, some of them LIKE their hideous makeup and clashing outfits.

4. Generations. And as my Sims age, they like to have more age-appropriate stuff, Well, SOME of them do,

5. University Life. And some Sims want to go to college. I do really like that unlike Sims 2, they can go even when they are adults. Not everyone in college is under 25! I like that you can have a shorter attendance period or a longer one. I consider adult Sims who go for the shorter terms as those seeking a certification, rather than a four-year degree.

I do admit being spoiled, though, with a Sims 2 mod that allows Uni students to interact with main hood residents. Most of the time in real life, college students aren't cloistered from everyone else! That is my one pet annoyance.

6. World Adventures. I want to like this EP. And sometimes, your Sim can take a break from tomb exploring to do other pursuits, such as learning about nectar. But I agree with others here ... this EP would have been far better with the addition of more local restaurants, beaches, etc., like the Sims 2 BV had. But the SIms 2 BV also had problems, including Suckyrom. freezing problems with housekeepers and other glitches. What is it about vacation EPs that seem to be a stumbling block for EA?

And yes, if you don't save constantly in WA, you can regret your failure to do so if the game glitches. Already, I encountered two nasty glitches, and I haven't even had WA for four months!

7. Showtime. Longer discussion in a couple of posts.

SPs ... I have all of two of them: High End Loft Stuff and 70s, 80s and 90s. I don't think I'd be that much of an expert! I also have the Worlds bundle with Monte Vista and Hidden Springs. Monte Vista is really charming!

Now here is my question: I THINK my computer can handle one more EP. I'd rather not get IP if people have lagging problems. I do notice slight lag on my computer already, though it's not troublesome. Into the Future ... I'm kind of lukewarm on that one.

Pets interest me, but I remember Sims 2 and its problems with Pets. That one, though, is still in the running.

Supernatural fascinates me, but I'm not a zombie or ghost fan. I do know that ghosts are a little different in Sims 3, though.

Anyway, for me, it's between Pets and Supernatural. (I already bought Showtime, so I edited this comment.) I see a pretty fair number of people split between Pets and Supernatural as a good EP. Any input about these two would be welcome, PARTICULARLY any glitches that could cause problems. Thanks in advance!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
#211 Old 28th Jan 2017 at 12:20 PM
I'd probably say Supernatural...? I don't have it, but out of those three, I'd pick it. Pets is fun, especially the horse thing can be pretty entertaining, but in the long run, the pets themselves don't really add much to the game... Has some nice clothes, though. With Supernatural, you get multiple lifetypes - not just Vampires, if you didn't have LN already (but they now... sparkle in sunlight, if you give them the Immortal LTR), but you also get Fairies, which can use some magic to play tricks and fix things; Witches that can do the same with their magic; Genies that can instantly cook or clean things and Werewolves, which can hunt for Gems and stuff. There's also the new Alchemy skill and activity, with which you can brew some stuff - accordingly, you also get some new spawn plants/mushrooms for said brewed potions.

I'm still not sure if I wanna get Supernaturals, but I would say that it's the better of those three. It just adds more gameplay than the others.

Though I personally don't know of any glitches with those EPs.
Mad Poster
#212 Old 22nd Feb 2017 at 5:26 PM Last edited by gazania : 23rd Feb 2017 at 12:18 AM.
In my previous post, I was deciding between Pets, Showtime and Supernatural. I opted for Showtime, and honestly, I don't think it's half bad. I paid considerably less than half-price for it, though, and I think it was worth that much. I can see why some people thought of this as more of an adjunct to Late Night. However, I do like the new careers (though the Singer one can be a little tedious at first).

I do agree with others, though, that the bands you generated previous to this EP should somehow figure in with all this. Why couldn't BANDS perform at the venues? How silly. It might be the Simport issue, though ... maybe multiple Sims might be more difficult than single Sims? (And though I've downloaded the rewards, I really would want to try Simporting in the future. I'm the one who babbled on and on about how interactive features might be fun in Sims 4, and stupid me never realized that Showtime presented a sort of prototype! No more such babbling until I see for myself if Interactive features work with The Sims or not. )

It's getting to the point with Sims games that I should have two categories: Games that are worth not waiting for a 50% or more discount, and games that are not. I got only about a 33% discount on Seasons, but I thought it was well worth the money. I can see why people would put Showtime in the second category. (I prefer disks, by the way. Stupid, I know, because Steam Sims 3 games are a little cheaper, even with my discounts, but maybe I'm just too old-fashioned. I'm OK with Origin "renting" me Sims 4 (or "allowing me to play" ... maybe that's a better way of putting it) because I'm not nearly as invested in it as the other two series. Sims 4 is my go-to game when I know I have only about 20 minutes to play a Sims game.

I might consider Supernatural in the future, though. Thank you, CatMuto. Though first ...

I've read how Pets is both a great EP and a pain-in-the-butt gamebreaker. Right now, my game is working as well as I am expecting. A little lagging now and again, but nothing bad. Just how much of a game-buster is the EP? This reminds me of some of the troubles with Sims 2's Pets.

ONE HUGE WARNING TO ANYONE BUYING SHOWTIME: If you're considering the one with the extra venue .... don't waste your time or money. That venue offer expired in 2013, and the box does not mention the expy date on the outside (BOOO, EA!). The page where you used to redeem it is a 404. Luckily, I didn't pay much more for Limited (you could barely buy a cup of coffee at McDonalds with the difference), so it isn't that huge a deal with the price. The venue is a bummer, though. I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't find a nice CC venue, though, and it may be fun looking!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Top Secret Researcher
#213 Old 22nd Feb 2017 at 7:08 PM
They're having a sale on at Steam (75% off) this week - I'm debating between Seasons (my favorite pack for Sims 2) and World Adventures.

I think I'm going to opt for Seasons, now that I have a graphics card that should be able to handle it.
#214 Old 22nd Feb 2017 at 11:46 PM
How does one move stuff to Steam anyway? I'd love to do through there but what about CC and saves?
Mad Poster
#215 Old 23rd Feb 2017 at 12:19 AM
Now here is where I'm confused. I read you couldn't mix and match Steam, Origin and/or disks. Can you ... or more accurately ... SHOULD you?

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
#216 Old 23rd Feb 2017 at 7:00 AM Last edited by BlackjackGabbiani : 23rd Feb 2017 at 7:24 AM.
Oh sweet. I'll have that then.

What's supposed to be game-breaking about 1.69? It works well for me.

What do I do with the copy of base game that I download? It's huge, after all, and I would rather not have that giant file on there twice.
#217 Old 23rd Feb 2017 at 9:10 AM
Good because this damn thing is 6 gigs for the base game and I don't think the disc version is even half that enormous. If Steam didn't let me pause downloads I'd literally be up all night waiting for it to finish!

I gotta say, I like the feature about turning off different expansions. It makes it easier to design stuff for base game, and it can make loading times a lot faster. I mean it's probably best to write down what packs you use for each save but still. I hate having to load the launcher every time though but I didn't know it was from an update. I thought that was something with their settings.
Mad Poster
#218 Old 23rd Feb 2017 at 4:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by newlibertysims
Some say there's more lag with 1.69 although I haven't really noticed it myself. The 1.67 patch wasn't exactly lag-free. Also, you won't be able to bypass the launcher with the latest patch. It doesn't really bother me. I just make sure I'm not connected to the Internet before I load the game.

And also make sure that the launcher has all the expansions checked before pressing Play. The 1.69 patch gives you the option to load only which expansions you want to play for each play session. Don't mess with it. Just make sure all the ones you have installed are checked and ready to load at all times. You don't want to mess up your saves if there's missing EP data.

Unfortunately, you'll have to uninstall the Steam version of the base game if you're planning on going through with the Steam-->Origin transfer. I recommend doing this before you install any Sims 3 content from Origin since mixing different versions is not a good idea. So just purchase the base + expansion packs from Steam, register them on Origin then install them using the Origin client.

I believe the disc versions of the base + expansions are the same as the Origin ones, so they should be fine. I'm not 100% on that, though.

You have answered many questions for me. Thank you! I was pulled into Sims 3 in 2015 by the Starter Pack (Base, Late Night and High End Loft Stuff), so I didn't have much of a choice when it came to 1.69. And it does answer my question of why oh why does the game decide to load without the packs the few times I forget to check that the expansions are in there.

I might try the Steam to Origin transfer next time. While I do prefer disks, I'm now curious to try it. Those Steam prices for Sims 3 EPs and SPs were really tempting.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Test Subject
#219 Old 17th Dec 2017 at 5:55 AM
This is a bit of an old post. I might be wasting my time posting here, but still here's my answer. I think that all of the EPs are great in their own way. If you're going to buy one right now, though. (I'm going into this not know which EPs you own.) I'd have to say the one I think added the most content to my game would have to be Generations or World Adventures. Those aren't my favorites. I just feel they added the most content to my game. You can actually get both of them in a bundle. That's solves the issue of only getting one.
Lab Assistant
#220 Old 5th Jan 2018 at 3:35 PM
I got a little christmas money to spend and now I'm considering buying Island Paradise, one of the 2 EPs I don't have yet (the other being ITF). I'm not sure yet though because it is a bit pricey (of course it is, it's EA). Would you recommend it? Any favourite features?
Mad Poster
#221 Old 5th Jan 2018 at 5:13 PM
The resorts are a very neat feature in Island Paradise. Particularly running them. It's somewhat similar to the businesses from TS2's Open for Business. If you like worlds with lots of water, you'll also enjoy the watercraft and the houseboats in this expansion. If a tropic/Latin theme is your thing, you'll also enjoy this pack for it but otherwise I wouldn't get it.
Now Into The Future is a pack that isn't all that great on gameplay, but it adds a ton of new objects and stuff to build with. There's obviously a whole future world and a bunch of things to do in there, but it's nothing spectacular. If you're a builder with a taste for modern architecture, this'll be your favourite expansion pack. And if you like crazy outrageous shit that also has some added value, I think you'll be quite content with the Buy Mode offerings too.

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( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
Lab Assistant
#222 Old 5th Jan 2018 at 7:35 PM
Well thank you, now I had to buy both RIP wallet. Oh well, at least my game is finally complete now! Thanks ♥
Mad Poster
#223 Old 5th Jan 2018 at 7:37 PM
Have fun!

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( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
Test Subject
#224 Old 9th Jan 2018 at 8:45 PM
what is your most favourite/least favourite expansion pack, and why?

my favorite expansion packs by far are seasons and island paradise , now if you’re interested in island oaradise i do warn you about the isla paradiso worlds frequent freezing , but other than that it’s such a great ep to play with !!

my least favorite ep is into the future , i guess it’s because i’m not really that type of person .
nothing against the actual ep , it’s just not my personal fav .

what is your most favourite/least favourite stuff pack, and why?

uhm , my favorite stuff is movie stuff .
the costumes and decor is pretty neat for making wild west , superhero and gothic themed movies .

i don’t really like the high end loft stuff pack , idk why i just don’t feel it .

if you could rank how much you like each expansion or stuff pack in order, what would your order be?

island paradise [ 10 ]
seasons [ 9 ]
university life [ 8.5 ]
world adventures [ 8 ]
generations ( although i don’t own it sounds awesome ! ) [ 7.5 ]
pets [ 7 ]
supernatural [ 6 ]
showtime [ 6 ]
ambitions ( again i don’t have a copy of this game , but i’d like it ) [ 5 ]
late night [ 2 ]
into the future ( meh ) [ 2 ]

if you had to remove an expansion, which one would it be, and why?

probably late night ?

i mean ea could’ve put the instruments and bands into showtime , as it would’ve made more sense .

anyways it’s all my opinions , decide on which ep’s you appeal to !


Mad Poster
#225 Old 9th Jan 2018 at 9:53 PM
You know what, I'll pitch in on this too. Sounds like a fun discussion.

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
What is your most favourite/least favourite expansion pack, and why?

I don't know what the best pack is, from an objective viewpoint, much less what my favourite pack is...but I know University Life ranks pretty high on my list. I'm partial to Into the Future though, and Late Night is a pack I keep coming back to.
Least favourite is easy - that's Supernatural. Hate the theme, hate the gameplay, don't care much for the content. I guess I'm not a fan of Seasons either.

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
What is your most favourite/least favourite stuff pack, and why?

At one point I might've said High End Loft Stuff, but I haven't used it much since new packs came out and added better content. I'm inclined to say Town Life Stuff and Outdoor Living Stuff are the best SPs in terms of value for money and usefulness of the content they include. Personal favourite right now is the "Decades" Stuff Pack though. I'm kind of a retro aficionado and the more I've used that pack, the more I've liked it. The only thing wrong with it is that there isn't more of it.

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
If you could rank how much you like each expansion or stuff pack in order, what would your order be?

From best to worst:
Late Night/Into the Future
University Life
World Adventures
Island Paradise

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
If you had to remove an expansion, which one would it be, and why?

Definitely Supernatural. I kind of like some of the stuff that comes with it, and I keep it installed for that reason, but only for that reason.

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