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#1 Old 10th Jun 2024 at 3:04 PM
Default Is there a decent save cleaner for Sims 3?
I was considering getting Regul Save Cleaner, but I've heard there were some problems with it.

Do you know if there are other save cleaners out there, something that wouldn't hurt the game?
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#2 Old 11th Jun 2024 at 11:16 AM
I use Regul Save Cleaner with no problems.

There is also an older one by Kuree, which I have used for years before. This one, I had some issues with occasionally. The saved game wouldn't load or took forever sometimes. I never found out why


Another option is doing it manually. I did this for a long time without issues.
'Deleting SNAP resources:
#3 Old 13th Jun 2024 at 12:15 AM
I have the older version of Kuree save cleaner and this one works well. My game has never had an issue with using this version.

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#4 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 10:56 AM
I also use regul's save cleaner, it's great. Just be careful about what options to clean you set - there is an option that deletes in-game pictures like wishing cards, photos your sims hung up, etc, and it's a shame to lose those
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