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#1 Old 5th Feb 2008 at 5:29 PM
Default A belated introduction...
Hi! It shows on here I joined about a year ago, but I actually joined before that, then didn't log in for a long time... then I couldn't log in, so I re-signed up. With the same nick & password - Not sure what happenned. LOL!

I've never really post in the forum, except for a question or 2. I likely won't be checking back on this post either, so if I don't reply I'm not being rude - I'm just not there. Right now I'm recouperating from surgery, so I have 3 weeks to completely immerse myself in Castaway Stories. I'm pretty much doing that all day, every day this week & likely the next. LOL!.

I've been playing the Sims since 2001 and TS2 from the day it hit the shelf. I have re-built my machine 4 times for this game, because TS2 is pretty much my only indoor hobby. I don't really play as much as I build, design & experiment, but I do a lot of the challenges out there just for kicks.

This is my first stop for CC as well. I re-colour a lot myself and I just admire how there are so many people out there taking the time to go beyond, and actually create new meshes and modify the game. This is such a wonderful community and an amazing site.

Hello to everyone out there, & Thanks so much for sharing all your discoveries and creations!
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