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#1 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 12:08 PM
Default Where is a sim's LTW saved? And how can I remove a relationship in game?
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can help me with:

1) Where is a sim's LTW saved? I want to make sim A have the same LTW as sim B, and I can't work out how to do it.

2) My mod-in-progress makes a new sim that is temporarily added to the active family, and so that new sim is given random relationships with the other family members. How can I remove those relationships so they've never met and don't know each other?

Many thanks for any suggestions.
#2 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 1:36 PM
There are mods that can change the LTW. In the game it is done with Generic Sims Call 27, which does a lot of aspirational stuff. Temp 0 (mode):= 7. Temp 1:= 0 (any) or Temp 1:= 1 (limit selection to aspiration). This cycles through all Lifetime Wants. Run it with Me as the person. If you want to run it on a controller, push an immediate interaction onto the person that does only this thing.

You can use Lamare's Lifetime Want Chooser, which temporarily disables all other wants to give you the one you want.

To set relationship use the instruction 1A with node version 1 (more easy to understand) and neighbor ids. Relationship consists of multiple variables in a fixed order. You can add new ones too. SimPE will tell you what they are. Neighbors can have relationship for some technical stuff even if you can't see it. Relationship is separate in both directions A->B B->A.

Var 0: short term
Var 1: UI flags
Var 2: long term
Var 3: family status
Var 4..8: not interesting
Var 9: UI flags 2

You might want set these vars to 0. Setting bit 16 (top bit) of Var 1 to 0 makes the neighbor hidden from the panel with everything else remaining intact. Remember relatioship in the opposide direction.

In SimPE it is the SREL resource. But the vars are 32 bits each there. It's easier and less risky to use BHAV in the game.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th Jan 2024 at 3:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
There are mods that can change the LTW. In the game it is done with Generic Sims Call 27, which does a lot of aspirational stuff. Temp 0 (mode):= 7. Temp 1:= 0 (any) or Temp 1:= 1 (limit selection to aspiration). This cycles through all Lifetime Wants. Run it with Me as the person. If you want to run it on a controller, push an immediate interaction onto the person that does only this thing.

You can use Lamare's Lifetime Want Chooser, which temporarily disables all other wants to give you the one you want.

I've got Lamare's Lifetime Want Chooser, and have had a look at the code there and not understood it much - temporarily disabling all the others to give you the one you want makes sense. But how do I know which one to enable? I'd rather not have a dialog box like the lifetime want chooser.

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
To set relationship use the instruction 1A with node version 1 (more easy to understand) and neighbor ids. Relationship consists of multiple variables in a fixed order. You can add new ones too. SimPE will tell you what they are. Neighbors can have relationship for some technical stuff even if you can't see it. Relationship is separate in both directions A->B B->A.

Var 0: short term
Var 1: UI flags
Var 2: long term
Var 3: family status
Var 4..8: not interesting
Var 9: UI flags 2

You might want set these vars to 0. Setting bit 16 (top bit) of Var 1 to 0 makes the neighbor hidden from the panel with everything else remaining intact. Remember relatioship in the opposide direction.

In SimPE it is the SREL resource. But the vars are 32 bits each there. It's easier and less risky to use BHAV in the game.

Thanks, that's very useful. I can set to next for each member of the family to get their neighbour ID's, and then set all the relationship variables both ways to zero.
#4 Old 17th Jan 2024 at 1:27 PM
In the game you can only switch to the next lifetime want from all canditates, and keep doing it until the right want comes up in the box. I don't know where it is stored in Sim PE.

Every time you call generic 27 with temp 0 == 7, it switches to the next want. (It will do other things to your wants/memory with other parameter in temp.) If you modify the want check trees in group 7F739728, your package becomes a "global" mod with a chance of conflict.

In Memory Commander I made it so that you need to press Yes or No as it loops through all wants.

Remember to choose in operand 2 whether you pass in neighbor ids or person ids. Because relationship doens't need the people spawned in, it's more logical use NID.

Maybe there is a way of doing what you want to do without adding the person to the current family. Maybe he just needs to be selectable in any playable family.
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