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#1 Old 15th Apr 2023 at 8:14 PM
Default How would one go about to make a mod that changes all prices on base objects in game?
Hello everyone!

The pricing of objects in the sims 2 is kinda bored. You can get some things for cheaper than they would be irl, and some other things WAY more expensive than their irl counterparts. So I thought for a bit and decided that a good way for achieving a more fair game in 2023 would be to change the prices accordingly to the prices I see online for those objects.

I had a plan. So far so good. But now I, being a newbie as someone can be to making mods, don't have ANY idea on how I would go and do that without destroying the game completely.

I've downloaded a program called Object Realocator and changed the values for the objects.package in the base game for a experiment. It did not changed anything. Then I had the brilliant idea to put the modified file in my downloads folder. The game showed about a million errors. So I've am now with absolutely no idea on how to proceed. If anyone can help me with that, It would be immensely helpful. Thank you all!

Oh, one last thing: I am new here (and new to forums overall. Somehow I have avoided contributing to this amazing part of the internet for 27 years!) and I don't know if this is the right space for it or if I am doing this right, so please if I make any mistakes, tell me and I will correct them.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 16th Apr 2023 at 3:28 PM
Don't directly modify the Objects.package. This can potentially cause problems.

For an override, you'll always want to extract the resources into a new file, which you can put in your Downloads folder (depending on mod type, some might need to be put elsewhere).

For ingame objects, extract the OBJD fresources for the items you want to change, and set the price there. The Object Relocator is more meant for CC.

You'll need SimPE for this. Not sure how much information the Object Relocator needs to be able to read the file - it is possible you can use that one, too - but you have to make the file and extract resources first.

Very important note about this kind of mod - any mod that uses the same OBJD resources won't work alongside each other, so if you have one mod that changes the price and another that changes categories (or does anything else with the OBJDs), only one of the mods will work (usually depends on the naming of the mod). You can however do multiple changes in the same OBJD resource, so if you want to be able to use both mods you'll have to combine the information into each OBJD in one mod.


Once you've found the items you want to change pricing for, extracted the OBJDs (rght-click + extract), imported them into a new file (file -> new, right-click --> add), this is how you change them.

* Click on the "Object Data (OBJD)" resource, and again on the single resource that pops up in the "Resource list" window. If there are more than one OBJD, pick the one without numbers behind (those with " - 0.0" or "- 0.1"). You'll know it's the correct one if some of the room/function sort tick boxes are ticked. If they're empty, it's the wrong resource.

* Make sure you're in Plugin View. Can usually be found in the tabs at the bottom. The Plugin View will change to fit the resource you click. The "Object Data Editor" should now show in the Plugin View window.

* Click the little tab in your Plugin View that says "RAW Data" and tick the box that says "Decimal" (because Hexadecimal is hard to figure out)

* Under "02. Catalog Prize" you can set your prize. The first one (0x0012:Prize) is the main prize that shows in the catalog. I'm not quite sure about the others, but they're usually set lower than the main prize. I think they've got something to do with decreasing value and sale prizes if you have OFB.

* Click "Commit" (to the left, below "Filename") after each item. Save the file (give it a recognizable name) when done.
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