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#14726 Old 27th Jun 2024 at 3:42 PM
I have always thought the same thing, and it seems like such an easy change to do. Maybe it is time I start learning how to mod - I have lots of programming experience but any time I look at BHAVs I give up, give me proper code instead of that mess lol

We got weekly Sims 2 modding Workshops on my Discord server... BHAV modding isn't our strongest suit, but we do have a few! (we're hoping to build that up) ...it's a great foray into modding, cuz you have experienced custom content creators live and available to help you in real time. Anybody's welcome. See my signature! ...especially if you're someone who IS good at BHAV modding and would like to spread your knowledge to the TS2 Community! haha!


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Mad Poster
#14727 Old 27th Jun 2024 at 3:58 PM
The easiest way would probably be to clone the clothing rack (Similar to how these mannequins work) and repo the textures to the originals.

I'd think it's possible to add functionality to the ingame ones, too. But just in case someone finds the non-BHAV-editing version easier.
Forum Resident
#14728 Old 27th Jun 2024 at 4:40 PM
The easiest way would probably be to clone the clothing rack (Similar to how these mannequins work) and repo the textures to the originals.

I'd think it's possible to add functionality to the ingame ones, too. But just in case someone finds the non-BHAV-editing version easier.

That's kinda what I was thinking... Adding all those functions to a deco object would be more difficult than adding the existing mesh of a deco object to all those functions... hahah

the only thing I can think of is the animations of them scooching the hangers side to side might look quite a bit out of place. I guess that's something one would have to decide if they could live with or not. But yeah, I think you're right, Simmer22!


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#14729 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 2:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grinevilly
I always wished that the Zecutine’s What a Steal Wall Display and the Zecutine’s Stack ‘em High Display Table were functional,-gE

I was sure I had seen this, but the only thing I can find right now is the stands, emptied and with slots:

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Mad Poster
#14730 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 5:23 AM
Leefish (RIP) was working on this, but she'd hit a snag and I'm not sure she ever uploaded it.

Field Researcher
#14731 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 2:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Printscreen doesn't work in fullscreen because, to simplify things, the game bypasses the operating system entirely and just feeds the video information right to the GPU. This is why playing a game in fullscreen will (usually) get you better performance than windowed.

You need something that can hook into the DirectX layer. FRAPS (though the free version will only output bitmap files), or if you use Steam you can add TS2 as a third-party game to use the F12 key.

Odd. I can take screenshots in fullscreen mode just fine. I'm on Windows 10 and use Window's own screenshot tool that just saves everything to its own folder. It works on any fullscreen games, too.

There's a clearly a way, I just don't know what it is. It's possible I tweaked Windows' settings when I installed it but I don't remember what I did, if anything.

If I couldn't do this I'd probably use Steam :p

Edit: after Googling and looking around, I think it's related to Xbox Game Bar. It's meant to let people take screenshots and videos of games and it works on PC, it comes with Windows 10. I'm guessing I set it up and then forgot.
Forum Resident
#14732 Old 28th Jun 2024 at 9:51 PM
Interesting... The display tables could have their uses for a lot of reasons. But they wouldn't be any good for buying or trying on clothes, and they ought to be. At least there's a good explanation for WHY this hasn't been done before with the tables. A glitchy BHAV bug making it change colors after every use would indeed be annoying.

But i'm wondering if the same goes for the Zecutine’s What a Steal Wall Display, and if it would be as much of an issue, because the shelving itself doesn't really exist. Maybe a little bit, but it's not as big a deal in those (in case you're unsure of what object I'm referring to, a 2:4 recreation of them can be found here: https://www.tumbex.com/erosims.tumblr/post/119806046666 ...finding the original TS2 ones is hard!). I can't imagine those would have the same issues, or if they do, that the issue would be so insurmountable, since the object isn't really all that highly impacted by recolors.

Still, it seems Lee made a lot of progress on the object, and isolated the problem. It's unfortunate that it was never completed and it seems unlikely that anybody could pick up where she left off.


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Mad Poster
#14733 Old 29th Jun 2024 at 12:47 AM
So I've been messing about a bit with the wall rack + the clothing rack, and there are some rather annoying things going on. Haven't gotten as far as to test it ingame, but the clothing rack MMATs are strange. There's two for the rack - one for the full state, one for the empty, but they have identical names, one with a completely different GUID than anything in the file - could be linked to the other one in the set, of course - but ieven when standalone it won't properly recolor the empty state (which would need a new recolor, because the full state has shadows on the wood. Could of course remove those to make my life a lot easier, though...).

Maybe it's just the clothing racks being weird. And I already know that the H&M ones have issues, so I cloned the BG/OFB ones...

I'll see if I can figure it out, but don't expect miracles, and it's not going to be a mod or full replacement of any sort.

Anyway, if I figure out how to do this one, the other one wouldn't be a problem.
Mad Poster
#14734 Old 29th Jun 2024 at 1:20 AM
Vaguely on the topic, I wonder if anyone's created empty bookshelves that can be used with OFB? Since kestrellyn's restockable novels results in them standing up on their spine, it'd work.

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#14735 Old 29th Jun 2024 at 9:41 AM
Empty bookshelves? A ton, all of the games one for sure. But I don't know if bookshelves qualify as a selling surface. Or if you'd have to use the ofb shelves and clone those with meshes that are bookshelves.
Mad Poster
#14736 Old 29th Jun 2024 at 4:07 PM
If there are sellable stacks of clothes (I think there are some, plus if you use the sewing machine you can make clothes that are sellable), you could use any OFB-ready shelf to place them on.
#14737 Old Yesterday at 4:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Yvelotic2001
Do you play with RPC Launcher? From my experience, print screen takes screenshots correctly until you tab out of the game for the first time, after that it just takes black screenshots and you have to restart the game if you want more screenshots. Really annoying.

Well, apparently I can no longer take screenshots with RPC Launcher... The first screenshot works fine but then every other screenshot I take is a copy of the first. There goes my screenshot of Tara deBateau caught in the act with Ashley Pitts!

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