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#1 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 4:07 AM
Default Is there a TS3 equivalent of the walk-through block?
SilentLucidity's walk-through block is (for me) one of the most invaluable mods for decorating in TS2. However, now that I'm taking a little TS3 diversion, I'm running into a lot of frustration not being able to decorate the way I like due to a lack of this feature.

I've searched around and can't find anything like this, but I might be missing something due to not phrasing my search the right way or knowing the right places to look. I tried placing objects on a regular OMSP thinking that might grant them walk-through properties, but alas it does not.

Is there any equivalent object that allows objects placed on it be walked through, or maybe some sort of mod that bypasses routing obstructions? I guess I've been spoiled and now take that option for granted and feel entitled to put things where I want to put them no matter what...
#2 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 9:45 AM
Try Nraas DebugEnabler or Decorators Best Friend
Lab Assistant
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#3 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 4:19 PM
I found a direct dowlnoad link to Decorator's Best Friend, but can't find any actual page or documentation explaining how to use/activate it.

I currently have omedapixel's Decorating Tools which sounds like it does the same things - allowing you to fully control the height, position, and rotation of objects. However it doesn't have a way to make objects walk-through-able; does the other mod do this, and if so, how do I make that happen?

Debug Enabler does not have any options related to walk-through-ability. Only position, just like the Decorating Tools mod.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 8:22 PM
Never used the TS2 mod, but it sounds like it affects/overrrides how sims respond to an object's Footprint (the area that a sim is allowed to walk around or through an object). Other than the Less Space mods by OhRudi, such a universal mod might not be possible for TS3, but I'm not a modder, so IDK?
Lab Assistant
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#5 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 11:52 PM Last edited by Acrylonitrile : 20th Jun 2024 at 3:19 AM.
It's not a universal mod, it's an object like an OMSP that you place a single-tile item on top of, like putting something on a table or shelf. The walk-through block is, well, able to be walked over like a rug, so anything placed on it can be walked through as well. Very useful for decorating cramped spaces or placing items where they're not "meant" to go, without sacrificing functionality.

I thought TS3 might have something comparable, since OMSPs already exist in both games, and the walk-through block is basically just an OMSP with this one additional property.
#6 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 1:59 AM
I don't think that you can make an OMSP that can do this. You would probably have to make a clone of the object and follow this.https://sims3tutorialhub.tumblr.com...through-objects

I looked at a couch following this quick screenshot and since the couch has slots you would have to remove the slots that the Sims sit in. If you just wanted to do say decor objects then you could follow that but you would have to make a second object through either cloning it with S3OC or TSRW and opening it in TSRW to modify that Sim flag. (I tried to find it just in a package but either you can't or I just don't know where it is).

I can't say if this works as I haven't tried it yet but it might be interesting if it does. It would be a lot of work to do all objects but maybe someone has time to do it.
Lab Assistant
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#7 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 3:30 AM
Hm, that's a bummer. I wonder why that sort of thing would be possible in TS2 but not TS3...
#8 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 3:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
I found a direct dowlnoad link to Decorator's Best Friend, but can't find any actual page or documentation explaining how to use/activate it.

I currently have omedapixel's Decorating Tools which sounds like it does the same things - allowing you to fully control the height, position, and rotation of objects. However it doesn't have a way to make objects walk-through-able; does the other mod do this, and if so, how do I make that happen?

Debug Enabler does not have any options related to walk-through-ability. Only position, just like the Decorating Tools mod.


This explains Decorator's Best Friend I believe, and yes, omedapixel's works the same as far as I can tell. I don't use it anymore, I can't remember if sims can walk through objects or not. I prefer DebugEnabler click on object>nraas>debug>move try 'up' first, to see how much it raises (counter height I think) and then take it in small increments of .10 or -.10 for example, until you get the object where you want it. Only up and down though, Decorator's Best Friend will place the item on whatever angle you want. The only way to tell if sims will walk through objects or not is to try these mods and see, not all objects are the same.
Lab Assistant
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#9 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 3:56 AM
But I'm not trying to move the objects up or down or rotate them. I can already do those things.

I just want Sims to be able to walk through the object as if it doesn't exist and access something on the other side of it—for example, say I have a shower but I need to put a toilet in a spot that will block its door. In TS2, I would simply place a walk-through block in that spot, and then place the toilet on the block, and Sims would be able to use both the toilet and the shower. In TS3, I have no such object, so I have to either have an inaccessible shower, or find a different spot for the toilet.

But what is it about TS3 that does not allow a walk-through block to exist? Or is it just that, somehow, nobody bothered to make one in the 15 years the game has existed?
#10 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 7:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
But what is it about TS3 that does not allow a walk-through block to exist? Or is it just that, somehow, nobody bothered to make one in the 15 years the game has existed?

Whatever functionality allows any 1-tile object to snap to the walk-through block just doesn't have a parallel in TS3. There are specific types of slots and objects that are flagged to use those slots. No flag, no snap. There are likely more inherent differences in object behaviour between the two games, but I'm not familiar enough with the TS2 side to make a thorough comparison.

The second reason is that TS3's routing is far less strict than TS2's and, really, what you want should usually be possible just by a bit of fiddling with the moveobjects cheat and holding alt so that objects don't snap to the grid. It may take some experimentation if you're new to it, but the lack of a mod to intervene suggests that most of us have been able to decorate functional cramped spaces without needing one.
Certain routing fixes, NRaas GoHere, and OhRudi's jigs can also help sims make smarter decisions in their routing before they consider something inaccessible.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 2:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
I just want Sims to be able to walk through the object as if it doesn't exist and access something on the other side of it—for example, say I have a shower but I need to put a toilet in a spot that will block its door. In TS2, I would simply place a walk-through block in that spot, and then place the toilet on the block, and Sims would be able to use both the toilet and the shower. In TS3, I have no such object, so I have to either have an inaccessible shower, or find a different spot for the toilet.

Do you NEEEEEED a toilet and shower in that particular room? A quick workaroud would be to use an All-In-One shower/toilet; there's this mod to let sims pee in a shower: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=512828
Plus there's the actual objects that have a Tiny Homes shower/toilet combo (https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/All-in-one_bathroom) in the Movie Stuff Pack, Into the Future EP, and Island Paradise EP (there's BGC ones for IP & ITF but IDK if the mods will yell at me if I link them here ).

Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
But what is it about TS3 that does not allow a walk-through block to exist? Or is it just that, somehow, nobody bothered to make one in the 15 years the game has existed?

AFAIK it's the Footprints, I reckon. A toilet takes up 1-tile, but I've never made a toilet to know exactly what the routing paths look like on them.
But doors/arches HATE having objects in their way, TS3 is notorious for this. Sims never just walk around/through things in a door's way; they WILL let themselves be killed in a house fire rather than just step over a dirty dish in the doorway.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 5:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
Whatever functionality allows any 1-tile object to snap to the walk-through block just doesn't have a parallel in TS3. There are specific types of slots and objects that are flagged to use those slots. No flag, no snap. There are likely more inherent differences in object behaviour between the two games, but I'm not familiar enough with the TS2 side to make a thorough comparison.

You can place a toilet on an OMSP and still have it be usable in both games, so I sort of figured it should work the same even if the object it's being slotted to has a walk-through property. I guess because TS2 and TS3 seem to share the same core basis for build/buy mode, I figured it should be possible to at least do pretty much everything you can do in the older game in its successor—but it's true that TS3 somewhat changed the way slots and slotting work (snapping wall objects my beloathed...) so maybe that's the insurmountable issue at play here.

Quote: Originally posted by murfee
Do you NEEEEEED a toilet and shower in that particular room?

I mean, it's a game. Nothing is "needed." I'm well aware I can arrange things differently or use different furniture, but The Sims is in part a game about decorating and customization, and sometimes I want things to look a certain way. For example, this is a bathroom I just made. Of course there are other ways I could configure this, but this is what looks best to me.

As you can see, if I want the bathtub faucet to look like it's coming out of the wall (and not awkwardly sticking out of the shower glass), the faucet becomes blocked by the toilet, making the tub unusable. Because this bathroom already has a usable shower, I would rather sacrifice the tub's functionality than flip it around, on account of thinking it looks stupid the other way.

I've tried moving the toilet out of the way until the bathtub was accessible, then using the Decorating Tools to gradually scoot it back to its original position, thinking that might trick the game into thinking the footprint was still out of the way, but unfortunately that does not work.

So I guess there's really nothing to be done here, which just seems a bit backwards considering this was such an easy fix in TS2. But if nobody has managed to solve this problem in all the years that TS3 has been around, I guess that means it's unfortunately just not possible.
#13 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 8:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
You can place a toilet on an OMSP and still have it be usable in both games, so I sort of figured it should work the same even if the object it's being slotted to has a walk-through property. I guess because TS2 and TS3 seem to share the same core basis for build/buy mode, I figured it should be possible to at least do pretty much everything you can do in the older game in its successor—but it's true that TS3 somewhat changed the way slots and slotting work (snapping wall objects my beloathed...) so maybe that's the insurmountable issue at play here.

I mean, it's a game. Nothing is "needed." I'm well aware I can arrange things differently or use different furniture, but The Sims is in part a game about decorating and customization, and sometimes I want things to look a certain way. For example, this is a bathroom I just made. Of course there are other ways I could configure this, but this is what looks best to me.

As you can see, if I want the bathtub faucet to look like it's coming out of the wall (and not awkwardly sticking out of the shower glass), the faucet becomes blocked by the toilet, making the tub unusable. Because this bathroom already has a usable shower, I would rather sacrifice the tub's functionality than flip it around, on account of thinking it looks stupid the other way.

I've tried moving the toilet out of the way until the bathtub was accessible, then using the Decorating Tools to gradually scoot it back to its original position, thinking that might trick the game into thinking the footprint was still out of the way, but unfortunately that does not work.

So I guess there's really nothing to be done here, which just seems a bit backwards considering this was such an easy fix in TS2. But if nobody has managed to solve this problem in all the years that TS3 has been around, I guess that means it's unfortunately just not possible.

So I have suggestion and I have been doing this for years.
1. Move the shower out for now or just delete it
2. Turn Move objects on
3. Build a wall at the end of the current tub. I have a set of basic columns I found on here. I move one to the end of the wall with move objects on to create a finished wall. You could use a half wall if you didn't want to block the view of the whole shower.
4. flip the tub (now it's not just hanging out against the shower)
5. with Move objects still on place the shower back
6. Turn off move objects on
Test for routing issues.

The only other solution would to be to use one of the smaller showers that would fit at the end of the tub. May not solve all your decorating issues but it might help you achive what you are trying to do.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 9:21 PM Last edited by Acrylonitrile : 20th Jun 2024 at 9:33 PM.
I think you're misunderstanding me. I am not looking for alternate ways to lay out the room. I'm not sure how I could have been more clear about this:

I'm well aware I can arrange things differently or use different furniture, but The Sims is in part a game about decorating and customization, and sometimes I want things to look a certain way. ... Of course there are other ways I could configure this, but this is what looks best to me. ... I would rather sacrifice the tub's functionality than flip it around, on account of thinking it looks stupid the other way.

This thread was not created as a question of interior design taste, or to solve the furniture arrangement of one specific room. It was created as a question as to whether or not a specific object or mod functionality was possible within The Sims 3, and if so, how to achieve it within my game.

It seems the answer is "No, that is not and has never been and will never be possible in The Sims 3, as far as anyone who knows how to mod the game can figure out." If that's the answer, then that's the answer.

Please do tell me if anything I've said could be interpreted in a different way than I intended it, because I'm genuinely confused as to why people are acting like there was some secret second part of the question.
#15 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 9:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
I think you're misunderstanding me. I am not looking for alternate ways to lay out the room. I'm not sure how I could have been more clear about this:

This thread was not created as a question of interior design taste, or to solve the furniture arrangement of one specific room. It was created as a question as to whether or not a specific object or mod functionality was possible within The Sims 3, and if so, how to achieve it within my game.

It seems the answer is "No, that is not and has never been and will never be possible in The Sims 3, as far as anyone who knows how to mod the game can figure out." If that's the answer, then that's the answer.

Please do tell me if anything I've said could be interpreted in a different way than I intended it, because I'm genuinely confused as to why people are acting like there was some secret second part of the question.

To take from your last post:
As you can see, if I want the bathtub faucet to look like it's coming out of the wall (and not awkwardly sticking out of the shower glass), the faucet becomes blocked by the toilet, making the tub unusable. Because this bathroom already has a usable shower, I would rather sacrifice the tub's functionality than flip it around, on account of thinking it looks stupid the other way.

I've tried moving the toilet out of the way until the bathtub was accessible, then using the Decorating Tools to gradually scoot it back to its original position, thinking that might trick the game into thinking the footprint was still out of the way, but unfortunately that does not work.

So I guess there's really nothing to be done here, which just seems a bit backwards considering this was such an easy fix in TS2. But if nobody has managed to solve this problem in all the years that TS3 has been around, I guess that means it's unfortunately just not possible.

All I was doing was giving you a suggestion since nothing anyone has told you has given you the answer you specifically wanted. We are all just trying to be helpful in solutions to solve your issue since clearly none of us know of the exact mod you are looking for is in existence. I posted awhile back how you can clone the object and set the flag to do it yourself since a mod doesn't exist that can do it for you. Since this is WCIF maybe you should move it over to the modding forum and see if someone could create such a mod.
Mad Poster
#16 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 11:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile
This is a bathroom I just made. Of course there are other ways I could configure this, but this is what looks best to me.

As you can see, if I want the bathtub faucet to look like it's coming out of the wall (and not awkwardly sticking out of the shower glass), the faucet becomes blocked by the toilet, making the tub unusable. Because this bathroom already has a usable shower, I would rather sacrifice the tub's functionality than flip it around, on account of thinking it looks stupid the other way.

Hrm....there are only a few (square) tubs with the faucet on the wall in the middle of the tub, rather than at either end of the tub--I never paid attention to what side sims access them from, but I wonder if that might help?
Field Researcher
#17 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 5:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acrylonitrile

It seems the answer is "No, that is not and has never been and will never be possible in The Sims 3, as far as anyone who knows how to mod the game can figure out." If that's the answer, then that's the answer.

As far as I know, regrettably this is the answer. There are items that have been edited individually to allow sims to walk through them (or where the sim interacts with it at- there is a shower that you enter from the corner here) but there isn't one specific mod for it. Which is too bad because that would be really handy to have.
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