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#176 Old 14th Nov 2006 at 10:10 PM
Default :)
I sooo understand. I'm still looking forward to the update and will keep checking. :D
I hope you're able to get some sleep. I hate early mornings, so I feel for you.
Original Poster
#177 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 7:30 AM
Default Chapter 18
Finally it was the big day. They didn’t have many guests but the heaviest absence, the one that was more evident, was the groom’s father one. Obviously Will hadn’t send him an invitation, but, even if he would never have admitted it, Chelsea knew that, deep inside himself, his absence made him a bit upset. He really wished he had a normal family with a normal father he could invite to his wedding, but this wasn’t possible. That was a happy day anyways, since he had the opportunity to start his OWN normal family, if a family where the father’s a billionaire and the mother a film star can be called normal. Definitely he didn’t want his kids to hate him like he hated his own father and he wanted to do his best to deserve their love.

Even though he knew what Chelsea was going to wear, seeing her walking sown the aisle was highly emotional. He thought about how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have her, but then realised that if she had told her she would have laughed. The ideal comment was another.

“Wow! Hey, babe, have you seen my fiancée? If she doesn’t come I could marry you, what do you think?”

She laughed, joined him under the wedding arch and said “She said she’s not coming, she doesn’t want to marry you because you’re a stupid guy. But if you want to marry me, I’m in, I love stupid guys.” “Then I’m your ideal man.” “Guys”, it was Dana “I’m sorry to interrupt this… romantic little scene, but there’s a wedding going on.” “Ok!” The ceremony went on normally until the wedding promises, which the bride and groom wanted to customize. Will started.
“Actually, I have written something… must have left it in the bedroom. Well, I’ll just say whatever comes into my mind. Chelsea… Chelsea. I know you like my jokes, my silliness, but now I have to be serious… I swear I’ll try. If someone had asked me ten years ago what I expected to do on the summer of my 28 years, marriage would have been the last thing I’d have said. Five years ago too, heck, if I have to be honest, even last year. But now many things are different. I have wanted you for a long time but I had no idea that being your partner would have been so fulfilling, so… when I’m with you I don’t need anything else. You know it, I’ve spent all my life thinking I wasn’t worth anything, just a spoilt boy like many others, without importance, but now I know that’s not true. I’m important to you and that makes me the most important people I know, except you, of course. Heck, how many times did I say important? See, I’m illiterate too, but I know you like me with all my faults too and that makes them less heavy for me. I love you, and this pretty much sums it all up. Sorry for the banal and cheesy speech.” “No, honey, it was great. That’s how you are like, one moment you’re telling dirty jokes about my breasts and the other moment you say things that leave me… breathless. I think I couldn’t stand a man who is telling jokes all the time, neither one who is always romantic… but that’s not a risk because he doesn’t exist. You are perfect the way you are. You’re the only one that can understand me, tolerate me when I get hysteric, in all these years you’ve always been here in a uninterested way… actually, in the last 10 months you were indeed interested, but luckily your interest is my interest. Anyway… what’s between us is hard to explain because it’s so deep, so inner, so in the end… I love you, and this pretty much sums it all up.”
They exchanged rings and finally they were man and wife.

The party was in the same garden the ceremony was, in their new house, and all the guests were having a lot of fun. Only Dana was alone, leaning against a tree. The general fun and her happiness for her brother didn’t prevent her from isolating in her thoughts. Suddenly, like he had come from her thoughts, leaning against the tree as well, Ethan spoke. “Nice ceremony, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah. In their style. The promises weren’t very traditional, but I have to admit I was almost moved.” “Almost? Girl, you need some serious romance lessons!” “Do I? And who’s the teacher? You?” “If you want me I’m here. I’m quite keen on the subject.” “Are you? How romantic is sleeping with a woman while you’re deceiving her for her father?” “Dana, I told you… I… I’m sorry, you know it.” “Yes I do. I almost got over it, but you know how I am, you should expect this jokes for… well, actually, for the rest of your life.” He smiled “So are you saying I’ll stay with you for the rest of my life?” “No, that’s not what I said.” “But if I’ll hear your jokes…” “Stop it, ok?” “Go for a date with me. Tonight, after the party. A meal, that’s the only thing I’m asking for.” “Dunno. I’ll think about it.” “Dana…” he got closer and caressed her cheek. “I told you I’ll think about it. Ask me again before you go. Now, put that hand down.” “Fine. But I’ll be back.”

Meanwhile Chelsea was talking to Lauren.“You know, I’m a bit worried about Will… he’s still quite upset about that thing with his father and… maybe I shouldn’t be telling you this, but… he found out Eric is dating Emma. I mean, his father is dating the mother of is baby… do you think I should talk him about this?” “Oh, honey, if I still know something about men, the only thing he’s thinking about now is how to take that dress off of you. Don’t worry, not now. And even later, let him talk about it whenever he feels like it. Eric Donovan is lightyears away from my life now, so tell me whatever you want, I have no sort of problems.” “Glad to hear that. But Will…” In that very moment Will came after having greeted all the guests. “Oh, look who’s here, my wife!”

“Oh, goodness, my husband!” “Nice one. Hey, what’s up, girl, you look strange.” “No, was just asking myself… what are you thinking?” “Now? I’m thinking about the faster way to take that dress off of you. And you?” “Nothing I could mention in front of Lauren.”
It came the moment when the couple left for honeymoon, but first they did the traditional bouquet throwing thing. With all the single girls at the wedding, Dana was the one who caught it, she hadn’t really tried at all. Was that destiny? She didn’t believe in that stuff, but she kept thinking about a date that night…

[font=&quot]It was almost night, Will and Chelsea had gone since a lot of time, but Dana was still sitting on a bench in front of their house, playing around with the bouquet she had collected. “So, thought about it?” That was Ethan, of course.

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it. I’d like to say yes, but I want you to give me a valid reason first.” “Get up and come here” He went closer to her, slowly, until he was at a kiss distance. “Here’s my valid reason. D’you feel it?” “Yeah, I do… even if I don’t want to. I just can’t hate you, but loving you is dangerous.” “Is it something worth trying? If it is, go on a date with me tonight.” “Ok. Where are you taking me?”

#178 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 7:43 AM
Noooo Nerina, don't stop I beg of you. They were just about to kiss :lovestruc. This story is becoming incredibly mushy and I am loving every bit of it :D

Update soon please, I'm such a romantic lol.

Auroraspirit :angel:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
#179 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 10:12 AM
Default *Sniff*
I was NOT tearing up. I have a cold...really!
Wow! Incredible chapter. I just hope Lauren finds some one nice too.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Original Poster
#180 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 3:26 PM
Mushy? *looks it up in the dictionary - finds it* Yeah, I agree, I watch too many romantic comedies. BTW, thanks, I learned a new word to impress my english professor - he's half bald but has got beautiful eyes, plus you've gotta love a man with a british accent Glad you liked it, I won't make promises but I'll try to get the next (and final - really) chapter in soon
#181 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 9:06 PM
Final??? *Cries even more* I was really loving this story too

You've handled the story very well, its just like been reading a young adult book which I have throughly enjoyed considering this is something that I would read in real life because of my age

Auroraspirit :angel:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Original Poster
#182 Old 17th Nov 2006 at 3:14 PM
Yeah, that's my age too, think 21 is considered young adult, isn't it ?Even though I still feel like 12 sometimes. Anyways, I drew ispiration from different books, films, tv shows, trying not to copy any of them, so I guess I just write what I like to read and I'm glad you liked it too
Original Poster
#183 Old 8th Feb 2007 at 10:28 AM
I don't know if anyone's still interested in this story, anyway, I started it and I'm going to end it. Once it's over, everyone can read it without waiting ages for updates. BTW, I've reread the previous parts and it's so strange, I'd write them completely differently. Who knows, maybe I will one day.
Why this? Because I'm actually udating, yes. A final chapter split in two parts, the first coming as soon as I'm finished posting it, the second tonight or tomorrow. Hope you like it, I do, strangely enough.
Original Poster
#184 Old 8th Feb 2007 at 10:42 AM
Default Chapter 19, Part 1

How much time had passed since Will’s last saw his father? Years. Ages. He couldn’t even remember it. He just avoided that house where everything seemed to be stuck to his childhood, bringing back memories he didn’t want to remember. His mother had died when he was eleven: after that, neither him or Dana had anything similar to parental love and the big, luxury house had turned into a cold, strict place. So, he just stood there on the front porch for a while, probably waiting for a miracle, a reason for him not to get in. But he know it was useless, and eventually he would have to step in and see Eric.
“Dad?”, Will turned around to see Henry staring at him.

“Uh, hi, I was just… you know, actually... how are you anyway?” “I’m fine, dad, but you do look funny. Not funny amusing, funny weird.” “Well, here’s the family secret disclosed to you. I am ‘funny weird’, every Donovan has a little quirk. You have it too, it will show up when you get older, trust me.” Henry smiled, his father had the peculiar ability to joke about everything every time, even if he was visibly shaken. “Coffee?” “I could murder one.”

“You’re not so thrilled about having to see him, are you?”, said Henry passing his father a cup of coffee and sitting next to him holding his own. “Is it so clear?” “Yeah. And I do understand you, definitely, but still, you have to see him. Considering the state he’s in, it might be your last meeting. Who knows, maybe he’s saving for you one of these moving father-to-son speeches.” “Ha. Sure. No, really, Henry, things aren’t so easy. I don’t think people change so drastically just because they’re old and ill and about to die, not in real life, at least. Eric would be Eric. I bet it’s about the company, like signing something so that I completely own it and he doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore. Not that it would change much, I mean, I’ve been managing it on my own these… what, ten, twelve years? It’ll be just a formal thing, trust me. The sign-here-and-goodbye kind of thing.” “Just give it a try, ok? You’re better than him. Be nice and polite and, please, no sarcasm. Just think about it: if you were about to die, you’d want me to be at your deathbed.” “Sure I would. But that’s because I love you, even though you’re an annoying, patronizing little brat. Eric and I don’t have the same relation you have with your old man.” Will got up, ruffled his son’s hair and started going upstairs. Henry stared at him for a while, a worried look on his face.

“William!” It was Emma calling him. She was wearing a fancy dress and was ready to hit one of those charity parties she’d been going to ever since she married Eric. The role of the rich man’s wife definitely suited her. “What’s up with you calling me with my full name? It’s Will, you know it.” “Whatever. Are you going to see him?” “Yes. Are you going to get drunk at a party and sleep with some stranger while your husband’s in bed and can’t move on his own legs anymore?” “It’s none of your business. He’s been taken care of, anyway, I can’t be here all the time.” “It would be nice if you’d be here at least some time, you know.” “And what are your sources? I haven’t seen you around here much these years.” It was Henry who told him, of course. “Secret sources. Now, we’d better be both going to our destinations, shouldn’t we?” He walked past her and reached his father’s bedroom. After the longest ten seconds in the world he slowly opened the door and got in. Eric was there, lying in his bed, his wheelchair next to him. ‘He’s sleeping,’ thought Will, ‘maybe I can go straight away. It’s not like I can wake him up.’

As he was leaving the bedroom a voice came from behind him “William.” ‘Crap,’ he thought. “Eric. I thought you were sleeping.” “With my glasses on? Come and help me on my chair.”

Eric Donovan was 86, but looked like he was a million years old. His illness had devastated him, but still he looked as tough and stern as ever. Before Will could come and help him he had already climbed on his wheelchair and was heading towards his study. Will followed him without saying a world.
“Sit there,” Eric ordered, and Will sat, while his father stopped himself at the desk. He then took out some papers from a file, traced some crosses on them and handed them over to Will.

“It’s about time you take full control of the company. I’m old and soon enough I’ll be gone. You’ve been doing a good job since now, I trust I’m giving my creatures in worthy hands.” “So this is why you wanted to see me?” “Yes, what else?” “Yeah, what else? Nothing.” “Do not use your sarcasm on me, William.” “What’s up with everybody calling me William? God, I hate it. Anyway, I’m not doing any sarcasm right now. I knew for a fact this was the reason why you wanted to see me.” “Then why did you ask?”

“Don’t know. It was Henry who gave me a strange idea.” “Henry’s a good boy. How’s little Charlie?” “As healthy and beautiful as ever.” “I’m glad. So what did Henry expect?” “Oh, just a crazy idea, really. He said you might want to have a father-to-son speech to me, but I’m glad you didn’t. It wouldn’t have made sense, would it?” “No, it wouldn’t.” Will quickly signed the papers and got up. “I should really be going. My girls are waiting for me.” He walked towards the door, a freedom sense growing step by step.

“William.” He turned around ‘Here we go again. God, will it ever end?’ he thought “Yes, Eric?” “Will you come visit me again?” Will couldn’t believe his ears. Did his father just ask him to visit him again? That wasn’t possible. Then he looked at him and for a moment, just a moment, he saw him without the mask of strength he was wearing all the time: he was a little, weak, ill old man, who genuinely wanted to see his son again. ‘If he asks me to call him dad now I don’t know if I’m gonna cry, laugh or run away screaming’. “Why, yes, maybe. I could come next. I’ll bring the girls along.” “Yes, do bring them. Thank you for your visit.” ‘What is that, a parallel reality sort of thing?’ “You’re welcome. Really. Bye Eric.” And he went out, half walking and half running. This was too surreal for him.

“Dad, did I tell you about that cute guy at school?” said Charlie, sitting close to Will on the couch. “I think so, yeah. So what?” “Well, you know, he’s asked me out! Me! Would you believe it?” “Why not? You’re the most beautiful girl ever, so I think it’s natural he’s got a liking on you.” “So I can go out with him?” “Oh no, never said this. Did I, Chels? ” “Indeed you didn’t, honey.” “Great. Now go upstairs, your mum and I need some privacy,” said Will, putting an arm around his wife’s shoulders. Charlie got up and smiled at him. “Fine. We’ll talk about it later.” “I don’t think so, sweetheart.” “I do.” The 14-year-old girl gave her parents a smile and walked upstairs.

“I don’t get it, why isn’t she mad at me?” said Will when she was gone. “Oh, she was so worried about you, and she absolutely adores you, so she can’t be angry at you right now. But give her time and you’ll see her teenage rebellion will come back.” “I hope so. She’s fun.” “Yeah. How are you feeling, pretty boy?” “Ok, I guess. It’s just… my father’s been weird. First he was all business and serious stuff, then he was like, ‘Oh, come back, bring the girls.’ Weird. It almost made me feel bad for being so cold to him.” “Don’t feel bad, really, don’t. When are we going to visit him?” “I was thinking maybe Sunday, how does it sound?” “Nice. Sunday will do. Now, I was thinking about having a bath. Want to join me?”

They didn’t go visit Eric that Sunday. They all went to his funeral instead. He had passed away the following day.

As I'm sure you've understood, this is set some 15 years after the 18th chapter. Yes, they do look still the same age, but you know, 40 is the new 30, liftings, life's getting longer... this to say, I don't have the hearth to make my sims look old, I love them too much :P
#185 Old 8th Feb 2007 at 2:58 PM
Default Yay! Update!!!
I certainly didn't forget this story. I think about it alot.
I got tears in my eyes during the father and son reunion. I actually felt bad for Eric. I loved how everything turned out with William (er..Will LOL!) and Chelsea. Looking forward to the second half!
P.S. I love these characters so much.
Original Poster
#186 Old 8th Feb 2007 at 3:16 PM
Glad you liked it, I like it a lot too. It just came out like this, without any effort, and this is strange because lately I've been having so much problems writing something decent. Mabe exam tension, might be... I tend to be freaking nervous before exams. I'll defintely have the other part soon, a matter of a day or two at most, right now I'm transllating this part to Italian, since I'm publishing this on an Italian forum too.
And I've got to catch up with your story too!
Original Poster
#187 Old 8th Feb 2007 at 5:30 PM
Thanks for the compliments and for the suggestion, might try it out. I've been a bit uncertain about that, I thought the alternative was something like:
JOE: Hi, Jim, how are you?
JIM: I'm fine, how about you?
And I don't really like this, but your alternative seems good. I'll definetely try it out, I've got another half chapter to do, I think I'll do it tonight. And I'm already planning another story, not on here, but I think I'll make a thread and link to it.
Original Poster
#188 Old 8th Apr 2007 at 2:25 AM
Default Chapter 19, Part Two

After Eric's funeral they all gathered up at Will and Chelsea's. They weren't telling each other anecdotes about the just passed patriarch, even because if they did, there would hardly be any positive one: Eric Donovan wasn't by all means a very nice man. They were sitting there at the dining room table, talking random unimportant stuff with a tone of indefference: the air was heavy around them.

Dana seemed to be the one of the Donovan's siblings to take their father's death better: she hadn't talked to him in years and her hatred helped her into an air of polite indifference, but Ethan knew she was just faking it. Him and Dana had been 'happily unmarried' for enough time for him to understand his woman almost perfectly, even though she could always come up with some weirdness at times. Will, on the other hand, was taking the event so bad that it didn't take his soul mate to understand his mood: everyone could see the man was totally upset, any stranger that had looked into his tired face could.
They were talking about some guy at a TV programme when Will suddenly got up of his chair. Everybody looked at him.
"Want something to drink, anybody? I think I'll have a beer or something."
"I want one too," said Henry. His mother left him with Will while she had just gone in a 'much needed' vacation at the Carribeans with her 25-year-old personal trainer.
"I think he meant people older than 16, sweetie," said Chelsea, looking at her husband, a worried look on her face. She knew it wasn't about the beer, her needed to be alone for a while. Will smiled and left the room. Once in the kitchen, he layed against the wall, his eyes closed, his mind full of confused thoughts.

He couldn't stay alone long, tough, for after a short time Dana reached him.
"Hey, brother."
"Hey, sister."
Then she sat on the sofa and for a while they didn't speak a word. They didn't need to.
"What's the best memory you have about Eric?" Dana asked, finally.
"Wow, best memory? I can hardly find a good one! Well... maybe that time... do you remember, when I was 16 and played guitar, wanting to be a rockstar or something?"
"Oh, yes, I do. You weren't much talented, I'm afraid."
"Yes. That's what he told me when he stopped paying for my lessons." said Will.
"And this is a good memory?" asked Dana
"Actually, yes," replied her brother, "because when I asked him the reason why he did, he said, 'You've got talent, boy. Not musical talent, but you've got a good deal of that anyway. Go and find your way, stop wasting your time in that.' I hated him then, but as I got older I've thought it over and realized that was the only time he showed some appreciation for me. Then, and the last time I saw him." He gazed in front of him without looking at nothing particular, bit his lip and then asked:
"How are you, Dana?"

Dana was a bit surprised by the question. "I'm OK."
"You're not."
"Yes, I am."
"Please, I'm your older brother, I know you."
"Well, maybe... yeah, I guess I feel a little... you know, I've alway hated him, but somehow it feels wrong now."
Will sighed. "Yeah. I feel the same." In that moment Chelsea and Ethan entered the room.

"Hey," Ethan said. "you guys alright?". Dana got up and went near him. She was feeling a bit relieved now that she had shared her feelings with the very person who would understand them the better. "We're all right. Let's go and reach the other, now, shouldn't we?" She and Ethan left the kitchen, leaving Will and Chelsea on their own.

"Are you really ok, love?" asked Ethan.
"Not completely, but it will pass. I'm sure it will."
"I am sure, too. You've always been a strong girl." Then they went back into the dining room.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Will was finally taking his beer. Chelsea was just looking at him, not asking him anything. She didn't need to ask or tell anything, it was all worthless. She knew no words of hers would have helped her husband. After a while, she walked towards him.
"Will," she said. He looked at her, his eyes lost, maybe because of the beer or maybe not. "Will," she repeated, with a sweet note in her voice. She reached for the beer he was holding, took it and put it on the counter. Then she took his hands into hers and stared deeply in his eyes. Finally, he said:
"I think I miss him. Damn, I hadn't visited him in ages but I miss him now. I keep thinking if only I had just tryed harder, maybe we could have..."
"Oh, no, pretty boy, don't. Don't let this kind of thoughts torture you. It's useless. He liked you and trusted you, he left the company in your hands so he must have trusted you. You behaved as anybody with self esteem would have behaved, so don't blame yourself. You're a wonderful person, Will, you've got this family that loves you. I love you."
He managed to give her a little smile "And that's the only thing that matters." They stayed in the kitchen alone for a time that seemed endless, just holding each other, then they reached their guests in the dining room, will visibly relieved.

Original Poster
#189 Old 8th Apr 2007 at 2:28 AM
Ok, now it's really over. Sorry it's a bit rushed and inspiration-less (does this word exist? Or let's say I invented it :p), but the two months limits for updating a story was expiring. I actually had the pics taken ages ago, pre-Seasons actually, but no inspiration whatsoever. Well, I hope it doesn't suck too much and you've enjoyed my story
#190 Old 8th Apr 2007 at 12:27 PM
I'm really glad this story ends with the two couples in happy strong relationships. (Will and Chelsea definately have my vote as the most romantic couple.)
*sigh* I'm sorry to see the end, yet you ended it at the right place.
Field Researcher
#191 Old 8th Apr 2007 at 1:14 PM
I've really enjoyed this story. I haven't posted much through it but I've been keeping up with it. I liked the ending, satisfying. It's nice to know what happens in the end. Well done.

Garden of Shadows; for your goth side.
Original Poster
#192 Old 9th Apr 2007 at 10:39 AM
Thank you I'm glad you liked it, it means a lot to me.
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