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#1 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 2:18 PM
Default En Ti Deje Mi Amor(I lay my love on you)
hi all this is my first post ^^ nice to meet you guys and hope i can learn from you.

The lurid rays of the sun descended upon earth, its multilayered rays, invisible to the naked eyes,splashing into the window.Erupting onto the floor, it seemed to dance as if in tune to a silent melody.

There was a stir, and a figure stumbled into view.Reaching for the curtains, he proceeded to draw the only protection he hoped would exist to cure his throbbing temple,a certainity of his excessive alcohol run the night before.Bad choice, he grimly thought. Running his fingers through his unkempt hair, he recalled the ghastly tragedy that took his only salve and light of his life away.He had been in mourning for nearly a decade, as friends and family stepped in to no avail, giving him up to his grief that ensnared him and it was up to him to step out of the darkness ,which was hopeless as far as he was concerned.

It had been 10 years, ten years down the alcohol filled lane that he could remember,the Stade De France, the Effiel Tower and the proposal in downtown Champs Ely'see.Fighting back tears, he recalled how ecstatic he was when she said yes, that he carried her running and screaming back to the hotel nearly thirty miles away.Alas, the fates of the lovebirds weren't meant to be as thier luxury liner back to Singapore encountered an iceberg amidst the ice-laden floes of the Atlantic Ocean, and till this day he'd recall her screaming as she plunged into the icy water,drowning thier dreams and future crashing down to the depths of the chilly ocean .All that was a past.. and although the pain was there, it was subsiding.Maybe there was some credence to the "Time heals" theory.

He stood up from the bed and made his way to the kitchen, tripping over trash that had enveloped his hallway.He peeked into the fridge, only to recoil at the pungent aroma of spoilt food.Cursing, he did a double take and ditched the idea of breakfast momentarily as the calls of nature beckoned.

As he was relieving himself, a shrill ringtone enamented and in his hastiness to retrieve the phone from his pocket,only to see it slip off his sweat laden hand and invited to a party with his golden shower in the toilet bowl.

Fumbling with his jeans, he picked out the now useless object in a futile attempt to rescue it .

"Darn it, this is the fourth time my phone's partied in 'bowl with my golden shower" he mumbled...

Adding fuel to his fire, as if on cue, was his doorbell ringing.He dreaded to meet anyone,shutting out his social life totally with the outside world in a bid to escape the harsh reality that he refused to believe in

Grudgingly,he ambled to the door, determined to chase that infernal person to the depths of hell, if possible.

"What do you want? he growled in a monotone. as he came face to face with a girl starkingly familiar in his lucid state, his eyes barely registering her.He had seen her before but he could not place it where.

"Hi, im Natalie, i just moved in and im throwing a house party and i thought i would invite neighbours to celebrate...

Before she even finished the sentence,the door was slammed shut in her face.

"How rude", she retorted to this discourteous brush-off.She stomped away , her clicky-clack of her stilettos becoming fainter to the guy.

Back at the house, the guy peeked through his doorhole , experiencing a strange mix of glee and animosity.On one hand, she was trying to be kind, and he felt a pang of guilt for treating her like that.Okay, make it a triple mix.

Determined to make it up to her, he cleaned himself up and dashed out of the house, wondering where to look for her.

Finding a needle in a haystack was one thing, but finding a girl who lived in a condo with several blocks constituted a thousand haystacks.

Part 2

It wasnt long before he spotted her shortly, as she huffed down the field, no doubt annoyed by the stranger that had put her welcoming mood to nought.

Putting on a burst of speed, he attempted to catch up with her, but in doing so, failed to notice a rut that had been unevenly indented by the recent rain.
It was not the perfect apology approach he had in mind as he wished the ground would swallow him up as he landed awkwardly, as the crunching sound it made told him the severity of his injury,which pain later provided a second later.

Natalie was still absorbed in her annoyance as she huffed down when she heard a loud crunching noise behind.Turning around, to her surprise, saw the man that had acted rudely earlier clutching his ankle of what seemed to be a twisted ankle.Trying to suppress a giggle, she chided herself almost immediately.Sure he deserved it, but this was no time to laugh as he could have ended up worse.

"Deserve it dont you?" she finally could not stop her giggles from erupting as she tried to help him up"
"That's mighty evil of you, considering i got injured while i was going to apologise earlier"he pouted.
"You should.Anyway i think this needs immediate attention.I got a couple of bandages at home to nurse that ankle "she replied, as she was giggling at how cute he was when he pouted.

"Well okay, i think i can wipe that smile off your face for you," he grinned" i suppose i cant walk to your flat in this condition" he said sarcastically, half wishing he hadn't came out

She groaned as she resigned to fate and bent down to pick him up

"urf.. you're heavy" she grimaced as she supported him on her shoulder...

Pretty lucky you got your flat on the ground floor eh? he smirked, trying not to laugh as she balanced him unsteadily"

Throwing him down on the floor, she retorted"if you're going to joke, farewell then"

He groaned as he fell face down, his ankle connecting with the ground, sending lightning bolts of pain and crying out loud

"oh shi~t.. sorry" she wailed as she broke free of the momentary streak of anger that had captivated her for a second

"i take that back.. you're mighty evil a thousand times magnified.."he whispered through clenched teeth"

Im already sorry!" she huffed as she led him into her house and collapsed on the sofa, before striding to the medical aid box."It may hurt" she warned as she brought out the ointment

"Oh no no .. not that.. he frantically waved as he exuded his most shocked expression which, to Natalie, was too much to bear and she let out another round of giggles.

"What's so funny?" he said, puzzled..

"Nothing!"she blushed.. and jabbed the ankle with the ointment a little too hard as she fought to keep her cheeks from become volcano red.

"OUCH!" Letting out a shriek, he literally jumped ten feet into the air.

"What was that for?" he exploded as he tried not to fall over as he held his swollen ankle, a balancing act that did not go well, and he keeled over at the last moment

Trying not to laugh and being sorry is hard to conceal and all hell broke loose as she doubled over in laughter.
Test Subject
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#2 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 1:39 AM Last edited by Nickyxx32 : 1st Mar 2010 at 3:26 PM.
Default En Ti Deje Mi Amor(I lay my love on you) Chapter two:Fool Again.

"If you think thats funny,you're absolutely wrong!" the man thundered as he willed his injured food, storming out of the house as Natalie's pleas followed him out of the door into the midnight air.

Days grew into weeks and weeks grew into months. The man had put the episode behind him.She had visited day after day , pleading with him to apologise.Although part of him wanted to forgive her each time, his male ego was preventing him from taking the first step.
The pleas came as usual, and the man refused to budge. He sensed an unusual combination of sadness and weariness in her voice this time.She seemed to be on the verge of tears.The pleas stopped and an unusual silence gripped the area. Determined to make it up to her, as he realised how he had hurt her, and partly how Natalie was so cute.Yanking open the door, he saw her fading figure walking down the corridor as she seemingly wiped
her face
.It was too late to catch up with her as she got into a taxi with her suitcase in hand, fading into the distance

As he turned back for home, he noticed a yellow object on his doorstep. It was a letter.He tore open the contents and was greeted by a tear smudged letter written by her.

Hey.. um.. hi.. i dont know what to say, but i probably think you would have trashed this letter even before i say hello.Haha.Anyway, im really sorry for that debacle.. im really sorry again. haha. guess its just in my genes to apologise. Im leaving for Canada to further my studies and thought i would spill the beans on this secret that i'd buried with me.I am fond of you really. It might be a crush to you, but i kinda fell head over heels, now which one you prefer, my pretty head or my enticing heels? haha.Probably in this lifetime we will never meet again, and i thank you for the short and wonderful gesture to apologise, although it was bittersweet.



A tear coursed down his cheek as he tried to digest this bombshell revelation.As he fumbled for his key, half in shock, needing several tries to insert into the slot properly.He felt his legs grow weak as he laid on the sofa, rereading the letter again and again , berating himself for being so indifferent.He had finally grasped the quote."treasure each day for you'll never know, tomorrow may be your last."

Burying his face into the quilt, he cried himself to sleep as all he wanted was Natalie to be by his side.

Part 3

**Three Years Later**

The man jumped for joy, and he had good reason to be.He was accepted into the most prestigious university in town, the effort of 3 years of toil sweat and brain-cell killing.Although the loss of Natalie was hard to bear at first.He yearned for each morning to come, yet loathed the long cold nights as he tried not to think of Natalie. In time to come, he realised that he had to finally stop mourning for both his dead fiance and Natalie and move on with life.Opening up to his friends and family, he seemed to be on the road to recovery.He sold the apartment that reminded him of so many unhappy memories and used the proceeds towards his company that he had long dreamt of forming as a childhood dream.

On the other side of the earth, hats flew into the air as Natalie and her class graduated with honours.As she posed for graduation photos, she wondered how he was.She slapped herself and reminded herself that her focus was on the present , not the past.

She retired back to her hostel and flipped onto the bed, and lazily flicked the remote for the radio,checking out what was playing on the DJ's request lists.

"And now, for the next song, requested by Barbara, Westlife's Shadows!" the DJ announced.

" Morning after
Still lingers
Just waking up
I see a shadow of you
Making breakfast for two
I go driving
Past our place and
I see this girl walk by
I smell her perfume
For a moment I wish it was you

I'm not gonna tell ya
I'm not gonna say that I'm okay, no
I'm tryin' to get over
I'm tryin' to get far away from our mistakes

But I see shadows
Everywhere that I go
It's you, reminding me
Of how we were
Of how it was
I see shadows
Everywhere they follow
It's you and memories
Of how we loved
I've had enough of your shadows

Four months gone
I can't feel you
I don't understand it
Where did you go?
I hate that you're all that I know

I'm not gonna tell ya
I'm not gonna say that I'm okay, no
I'm tryin' to get over
I'm tryin' to get far away from our mistakes

But I see shadows
Everywhere that I go
It's you, reminding me
Of how we were
Of how it was
I see shadows
Everywhere they follow
It's you and memories
Of how we loved
I've had enough of your shadows

You couldn't love me
So why won't you leave me?
Alone is the only place I want to be

I see shadows
Everywhere that I go
It's you, reminding me
Of how to love
I've had enough
I see shadows
Everywhere they follow
It's you, the memories
Of how we loved
I've had enough
Of your shadows.

She fought back a tear as she murmured "i miss you.. where are you?."
Falling into a fitful sleep, she knew no more as the fatigue consumed her.
Test Subject
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#3 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 3:32 PM
Default En Ti Deje Mi Amor Chapter 3:Regret
The flight home after the ceremony was without concern and as the plane landed in Singapore, she heaved a sigh of relief.It had been wracking her none-stop since her first day in Ottawa studying nursing."All that was in the past,Natalie"! she scolded herself as her exasperation made itself known.

A quick fix meant a homemade bubble bath and a fine dining, which never failed to liven up her spirits.

Stopping off at a supermarket, Natalie decided to go with simple spaghetti and a tub of chocolate ice-cream for a light springy flavour to wash down the spaghetti.As she made for the cashier, her eyes fell upon a wine storage cellar and she giggled.She hadnt had her virgin drink yet, and curosity was getting the better of her, since she had passed the legal age last year.

Satisfied, she paid for the items and wearily trudged to the taxi-stand.Home at last.

Her parents were very open, and she had an apartment to herself, which was funded through half her savings and half which her dad loaned her. It was a last gift to her before they died tragically in a skiing accident two years ago in Switzerland.All she had left was her twin sister, who was married and living with her husband.

Reaching her apartment, she unlocked the door and plopped onto the sofa promptly, as the jet-lag overwhelmed her.


The loud chatter of his friends buzzing in the car bothered him.Although he had opened up quite a bit, it was not yet and coupled with the rowdy nature of the group, he kept to himself,unsure of what to say.As the car careened down the lane, he leant against the window, as he found himself captivated by the picturesque starry night.It was three years since the fateful meeting.Where was she? What was she doing now?

The question was never answered, for a oncoming lorry edged out of its lane, its driver slumped on the wheel as the runaway behemoth headed for them, and the guy knew no more as the first sickening crunch of metal against metal threw him against the dashboard , blood splattering over the windscreen.

Natalie tossed and turned as her fitful nightmare came to haunt her again.Twice, she had a premonition of a car crash, which was fairly unusual, and as she jolted from the sofa, bathed in cold sweat, she tried to dismiss the dream as a nightmare.She felt something very wrong but could not place it one what it was.She strode over to the toilet.As she bent over the tap, splashing water onto her face, she suddenly felt someone watching her.Feeling something wrong, she looked up and gasped at the reflection of the cold,dusty mirror.

Test Subject
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#5 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 3:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CarlosFilipePedro
Hi Nickyxx32, on the picture you have with the Mercedes, the road marking ( the white lines in the middle of the road ) are long and quite far apart from each other, how did you do that ? Cheers Carlos

I didnt do anything about the markings.perhaps it was the angle when i captured it made it seem like that


Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 4th Mar 2010 at 6:52 AM
Default En Ti Deje Mi Amor Chapter 4
The ghostly pallor of the reflection was none other than the man.She took a step back as her eyes bulged from thier sockets.She wasnt sure whether to faint or dismiss it as a illusion.
Nervously, she blinked her eyes.Once, twice, three times.It was no illusion.The figure was a bad omen, and she knew it.For the first time, she had met him, but she couldnt believe thier reunion was to be on death throes

The figure smiled sadly as it began in a chilling overtone."Dearest Natalie, all these years living on earth have been bittersweet,from the first time i opened my eyes, for the first time i met her, for the first time she said yes, and for the first time, i caused her death,"Pausing as it teared, it continued, in a broken tone."Losing her was comparable to suffering in the deepest level of hell tenfold.I could not sleep and eat , and my wretched mind was haunted by her screams each night, i recall her slipping over the handrail, how i could have saved her, had i been a second earlier.It was hard to recover, but i had to pick myself up, and when i met you, i was convinced that you were the person to bring me out of the shades of darkness clouding my life for a decade.Although i was, at first, very incensed over the incident"its face cracked into a wide grin."i must admit that i was acting like a spoilt child and was very petty."i apologise for that"."Before i go, since i am no longer on this earth, i will tell you the secret that i have been keeping for the past 3 years."

"Natalie, i love you more than life itself,im sorry it had to end up this way.I almost forgot, i didnt tell you my name.It has to be funny that my introduction has to be on my deathbed( Natalie's tear strewn face managed a grin at this untimely pun).."My Name is Nate."
"You are very cute when you smile.I have to go. i will always love you whereever i may be.Farewell"

With that, the ghostly apparition faded from view.

Natalie let out a piercing scream."Nate? Nate!" "Nooooooo!" "Talk to me, are you there?"

But there was only silence.

She had to go, now.

Jumping into her car, she took off at full speed for the city's General Hospital.

In no time, Natalie was there, and she must have had racked up a dozen speeding citations and the possible loss of her license, but she didnt care.All she wanted was Nate.

Bursting into the hotel lobby, pausing long enough to scan the area.Dismissing the strange looks from the crowded lobby, she ran up to the registration and in between ragged breaths as she tried to regain composure, she demanded the room number of the one who held their future together.

"Room 976" the harried nurse said, as she made sure to make her displeasure heard in every syallable of her tone.

Natalie didnt whisper a word of thanks as she was already down the hallway almost colliding with a wheelchair as she rounded the turn.

"973,974, 975,"She sucked in a lungful of air as she paused outside."Room 976",the big bold numbers splashed across the door like a headline, almost mocking her tantalisingly.

Natalie pushed the door as she prepared herself for the worst

Her breath caught for a second as the tears welled up in her eyes.It was almost cringeworthy.
She felt her blood rush up to her brain as she could not take it in anymore.Managing only a few steps out of the room, she felt her vision cloud,as she felt her feet feel unmistakenly light. and the sensation of falling into a blackhole.

Nate lay there, peacefully.For a moment, one could have sworn that he was dead.His hands were atop his chest, rising and falling to the rhythm of his cessant breathing.Tubes were inserted into him in every incision it could find.The machines hummed as they kept the still, unconscious Nate, alive.

It was beautiful, and he knew it.The jarrring white light filled the expanse of the unknown room as he stepped on what seemed to be like an endless road of clouds.He was floating, and one with the sky.
As he continued down the path, he was surprised to see that the surroundings were much different now.Trees grew everywhere and threatened to cloud his path. as he pushed a humongous vine aside, he gaped.

For all the breathtaking sights that he had just experienced, this particular one made them pale in comparison, as he saw a familar figure rise from the pedestal and glide toward him.


"Yes, my son." The figure replied."Its good to see you again, though i would not have preferred this".He said remorsefully.

"Nate." A singsong voice brought his attention to another figure, rapidly descending from the light high above..His jaw dropped as his mother came into view.

Echoing her husband in his reply, she held her son's hand.

"Fate is predestinied, she said."It is the will of God, and it is not your time yet."
"God has some more plans for you.Cherish it".With a smile, she waved goodbye as both of them faded from view and Nate was falling, into nothingness.
Test Subject
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#7 Old 5th Mar 2010 at 8:12 AM
Default En Ti Deje Mi Amor Chapter 5:Lovebound.
Ps: Sorry Chapter 5 wont be with pictures as the hospital is a rabbit hole unfortunately. But ill try to add whenever i can :D


"Nate, Nate?"

The bright light seared his eyes as he struggled to open them.

"Nate, can you see me?" a girl's voice rang in his ears.

As he opened his eyelids slowly and the room came into focus, he saw his buddy Valen who was riding shotgun in the car

"Hey."He managed breathlessly."How are the others? as he feared for his pals.

"Glen had a punctured lung.Harry had a fractured ankle.I'm okay except for a few scratches."

Propping himself up against the pillow, he felt something strange. Where used to be his knee was covered by a mattress.

As realization dawned on him, he lost all sane control as Valen tried to restrain and calm him

He knew no more as a nurse came bursting into the room and jabbed his arm with a tranquiliser.

He was falling, falling yet again.. into the enclaves of nothingness.


As he regained consciousness, he felt a dull headache mowing across his entire head. What had happened before?.He could not open his eyes, his headache spelled agony.

He heard someone shout and in no time, he was surrounded.By whom?

"Are you okay?" a familiar voice said as someone or something grasped his hand.

Curosity pegged him, and he relented and opened his eyes as the room came into focus.

"Natalie?" he croaked.He had no idea how long he was unconscious.To hear that lilting voice again was almost unbelieveable.He refused to believe it as he firmly shut his eyes again.It must be a dream, he told himself.

"Nate?" that lilting voice called again.How did she know his name?

Opening his eyes, he found the face of someone .Someone who he had lost to his stupidity.

"Its going to be alright" she said.However, he detected a hint of sadness in her tone, and her eyes could have had been a blowfish equal.

"Whats wrong? "he inquired, as he wiped away her tears.Something was wrong,dreadfully wrong.

"Nothing."The facade was gone as she smiled.He wasn't going to buy it.

"Tell me, what happened?" he nuzzled against her arm."Or im not going to let you go."he teased.

She giggled, and then forlonly smiled.

"Nate. I dont know how to tell you this.. you had an accident..."Her voice faltered as she broke into convulsing sobs.

Flashbacks of the accident poured into his mind.He could see the consarned lorry, and the piercing scream filling the still night as he was pinned near the dashboard.

He peered down his body and as he saw his stump which once had been his leg,he could not help, but scream.

"Nate,Nate!" Natalie grabbed him as he started grasping at his head, his whole body convulsing and lashing out at the bed.

Pulling him into a hug, she whispered "Its going to be alright".It was the only word she could muster.

The months flew by as Nate began his physical rehabilitation.It wasnt easy as he could not accept that his leg was gone forever, and what would become of his studies?

Thankfully, Natalie and his friends was there to ease the void that would change his life forever.She was instrumental in his recovery, as she comforted him when he lost control and never failed to cook her own "inventions" which were much more revolting than the plasticky hospital food . He chuckled ;He could not decide if Natalie was there to help or torture him.As time passed, with Natalie's hard work, her cooking skill improved.

The doctors were amazed at his remarkable progress at recovery, and announced yet another piece of good news.Nate could undergo an operation to fix a prosthetic leg, which would greatly aid mobility and offer a return to normalcy to Nate's life, which had been, to say, an
gross upheaval.
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