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#51 Old 6th Aug 2019 at 9:18 PM
We all really need to stop burning coal and oil for electricity and focus or renewable and nuclear (if done right it is indeed safe.) China is working on building solar equipment since the US foolishly stopped when the current administration came in. China is also working on shifting to it - they are tired of having terrible air quality in their cities.
#52 Old 6th Aug 2019 at 9:49 PM
Guessing the extra rooms/bathrooms are for guests.
Mad Poster
#53 Old 6th Aug 2019 at 11:45 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 7th Aug 2019 at 12:13 AM.
Why the hell do two people need to live in a house over 10,000 square feet? How many times does old Al need to poop that he and his wife need 8 full bathrooms?

Would very much like to see them take care of the house cleaning and gardening all by themselves... they'd spend a whole lot of money just on hiring people to take care of the property, and the power bills must be giant.

But yeah, it's only to show how rich they are when they get visitors, and nothing else. Two people need a max of two bathrooms and two bedrooms. Most couples would be able to make do with one of each (plus maybe a guest bedroom or two if need be). Of course, if they do have a lot of guests over they may need some spare bedrooms, but isn't that what hotels are for?

Water turbines is a fairly good energy source and almost pollution free (may have some impacts on wildlife and nature because it may require dams, but there are also similar issues with for instance windmills - but coal and other energy sources that actually pollute the air are much worse for the environment anyway). Some countries can make do with almost 100% power from water sources.

Anyway, I think I already wrote something earlier. I'd just say one more thing (probably said it already, can't bother to relocate my post(s)) - those who smoke really need to be aware of where they do it and that some people may even get sick from it. Outside the local hospital fror instance, some of the road to the entrance is under roof. There's nearly always at least one or more person puffing away on a cigarette, even despite the signs that forbids smoking in the area. Same with the bus shelter. This isn't okay at all. People who come and go may be sick and can possibly get sicker by the smoke, so the least they can do is to take their bad habit someplace away from other people, and have some respect for other people's lungs and health while in the hospital area. It's not fun to start or end your hospital visit by having to wander through a hallway of smoke.
#54 Old 7th Aug 2019 at 12:13 AM
I always thought the best setup is at least add 1 bathroom for every female (including planned children) and .5 bathrooms for every male living in the house (rounded up.) So a married hetero couple with a daughter would add to 2.5 and round up to 3 - so they should have 3 bathrooms. A son and a daughter would add directly to 3. A childless couple we be 1.5 and round to 2. If any one had special issues (diabetic, kidney or bladder problems, etc.) add an extra .5 for them.
Mad Poster
#55 Old 7th Aug 2019 at 12:29 AM
^ We made do with 1.5 bathrooms back when I lived with 5 other people (occasional fighting, but it went fine most of the time - according to your calculations we should've had at least 4), and 1.5 bathrooms at home for 4 people (when my brother and dad lived at home). It's not that common with more than 2 full bathrooms in houses around here (often just one full bathoom, and maybe a tiny one with just a toilet/sink). We rarely have bathrooms that adjoin bedrooms, but rather separate bathrooms that everyone share. Basically, if you have more than 2-3 full bathrooms (with shower/bathtub), you're probably rich.
#56 Old 7th Aug 2019 at 1:46 AM
We have 2 (more like 1 and a half as literally none of the plumbing works correctly in the upstairs bathroom - tub not at all, sink drain leaks so has a tub under, toilet leaks from tank to bowl so has to have water turned on and off.) 2 males, 1 female. We're poor, but what I meant was ideal. Though once you get past 2 a .5 could possibly be a half bathroom, especially with what I said about special issues. I'm diabetic and my mom has bladder issues so 3 would be ideal for us. Or even 2 and a half. Of course this is more for Sims. In the real world, 2 or 3 people can't shower at once unless they have some way of getting extra hot water/water pressure. More than 2 kids is very rare nowadays other than cult members, at least in developed countries.
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