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#1 Old 6th Feb 2019 at 8:12 PM
Default Trying to make an Asexual and Aromantic trait but I'm neither
I'm trying to make an asexual trait, meaning a trait where a sim feels no sexual attraction.

I'm having trouble figuring out whether or not which buffs need to be replaced for this trait to make since, I took out flirty so now they can't feel flirty and I'm planning on making more romance orientated buffs "Happy" to make them less wanting to have sex with others and woohoo buff to be more pleasure orientated rather than liking the other person.

This hard, man. Can anybody give me any tips?
Test Subject
#2 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 11:07 PM
I would give them whims for non-sexual romantic interactions, like 'hold hands' but give them fewer woohoo-related whims. you could also give them a bored or uncomfortable buff after they woohoo. they might also get whims to adopt rather than try for baby. you could also see about Sims with the asexual trait building a romantic relationship faster, or even a trait that makes them romantically incompatible (e.g. a dim who "loves woohoo" might have a harder time forming a romantic relationship with an asexual sim). depending on your interpretation of the "romance channel/movies", you might make asexual Sims dislike it.

for aromantic but not asexual, I would make it so they don't develop romantic reltionships quickly/at all, but still give them whims to woohoo. they probably don't like romance movies and want to woohoo with close friends rather than romantic partners. They probably wont ever get whims to go out on dates or get married.
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#3 Old 10th Dec 2022 at 3:17 AM Last edited by 5ilvara : 10th Dec 2022 at 3:28 AM.
(This is a necropost about my insider suggestions for aromantic relationships.
Is the topic closed? Is ther another one more recent, please?)

I'm currently aromantic (partly romantic) and asexual, and I can't find relationship settings that fit in the Sims 4.
I wish our sims could officially be into (a) relationship(s) with their best friend(s).

Basically a mod that offer this:
- couple relationship status
- including on the family trees even if not married
- spontaneous best friend interactions and all hugs, vows interactions (on everyone)
- activated jealousy but togglable - clicking on an mirror interaction, or a self interaction to toggle
- locked but togglable romantic interactions, except for blood relatives and children - clicking on an mirror interaction, or a self interaction to toggle
- locked but togglable woohoo interactions, except for blood relatives and children - clicking on an mirror interaction, or a self interaction to toggle
- option to get a renamable civil union (animated like a mariage without ceremony) that can be renamed ("moving roomates", "travel partners", "the club name", "brotherhood", "sisterhood", anything)
- locked but togglable marriage, except for blood relatives and children - clicking on an mirror interaction, or a self interaction to toggle
- bonus: some aroace flag that can be hung on a wall or on a shirt, but optional: (making the lgbt activism and terms in my interactions menus optional, and not by default - my menu are already overcrowded)
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