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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 15th Jan 2010 at 7:43 AM Last edited by Lavaster : 5th Feb 2010 at 11:37 PM.
Default *DISCONTINUED*:Mary-Sue's Bakery
I'm sorry, but I can't continue this. One, the moderators literally took about a month or so to accept this, which during that time I had to rewrite my game... well, by accident I deleted it and my stupid computer deleted the folder FOREVER. And everything in it was empty. So yeah.

Mary-Sue Pleasant's bakery. It's been running for a while, the girls left for college so she is living by herself, lonely. She had to employ herself because, ever since the divorce soon after Lilith and Angela got dropped off at Simvard University, (the most popular and most educated, also hard to get into-university around) Daniel moved out. So Mary-Sue wasn't a Pleasant anymore, nor did she feel pleasant. She was an Oldie; Mary-Sue Oldie. And that's exactly how she felt now- Old. Quite like old news.
With that setting told out to you, let's start!

"Oh, it's YOU. " Mary-Sue said in the coldest way. Daniel Pleasant had changed his hairstyle, dyed it brown, and he had shaved his beard off. He had an unmatching stubble left over.
Today was another work day, of course, and Mary-Sue had just finished baking a whole batch of cookies and two small cakes. She was already a bit fatigued, but now she felt rage, which was gripping her heart tightly.

"What, a guy can't visit his own ex-wife?" Daniel snickered, and he grinned at Mary-Sue. "Anyways, I've heard of your business. Sounds... tasty. Ish."

Mary-Sue rolled her eyes, and pointed to her mini-bakery's menu, tacked up on the wall. From cakes to coffee, from brownies to cookies and pies, this was almost like Starbucks... except, with cakes and pies.
Daniel took a while reading over the menu many times, but finally he made up his mind. "I'll take some Danish butter cookies. They're pre-packaged, right? Ivy from my work told me your cookies got so recognized, you got a company willing to package them for you."
"Yeah, why do you care?"
"Oh, just bringing up some small talk. Can't a single baker take that?"
"With you? Now, that's truly impossible, isn't it?" Mary-Sue snapped, and she breathed to calm herself. She crouched down, out of sight, and grabbed a bag of her homemade, warm cookies from a cabinet under the cash register. She popped back up and charged Daniel for the cookies, then handed him the bag. She was careful not to "accidentally" make their hands, or fingers, touch.


As Daniel was eating his cookies, Mary-Sue started stressing over the fact that today was a slow business day. Monday, of course. It was hard to get anyone to come as a customer.
Mary-Sue could feel Daniel's wondering eyes stinging the back of her head. She felt awkward, but she couldn't leave the room; she had no trust in Daniel. He might try to rob the register. She turned around so that she was facing the cash register, and just stood around. She avoided any type of contact with Daniel, but it was so silent that she could hear Daniel breathing. He wasn't even eating his cookies anymore. Daniel DID like those cookies, but he was more interested in looking at his ex.

Soon after Daniel staggered out of the lot, Mary-Sue dragged herself to a clean table and set her head on her hand, depressed. The girls were gone, she was divorced and lonely... What was missing besides the girls? Well, obviously a lover. But how could she get one? The perfect man for her? Daniel wasn't close to a man....

She walked over to her cash register to get back to work, after she heard the front door open. Customer, sweet customer! Maybe it was Cassie, though; Cassandra Goth promised she'd be coming later today.
Suddenly everything went black, and after that all white.
Pure White.

Cassandra Goth, Mary-Sue's best friend (yet Cassandra was younger than her), had her back turned to the awakening Mary-Sue. Cassandra spun around, startled, and laughed when she saw her friend sitting up.
"Oh, hey, Mary!" Cassandra had a nickname for Mary-Sue; Mary, obviously. It was shorter, thus making it quicker to say. "Glad you're awake. I thought you went back home this morning, but ya must love your B-F-F, dontcha?" Cassie gave Mary-Sue a cheeky smile and approached her. By now, Mary-Sue was struggling to a stand. Cassandra helped her up. "Thanks. What... um.. happened?"
"Remember? I invited you to come to my house. Darren took Dirk off to college, and I was going to be lonely without anyone home. Have you hit your head while you were asleep?"
"Um... wha-at?"
"Nevermind. I think you were havin' a nightmare, hon." Cassandra turned around and exclaimed, "You look like you need a little wake-me-up. I'll getcha some herbal green tea!!" Cassandra didn't know the names of teas, except for Bliss Iced Tea, which was sold in bottles at grocery stores. Instead, she just read the labels or slapped on her own names for the teas. Cassandra walked away and left Mary-Sue a bit relieved. Just a nightmare, thank goodness! If it was actual life, she might of been murdered!

Mary-Sue really enjoyed the taste of the tea Cassandra had warmed up for her. "Gosh, Cassie, this tea is GREAT!!" Mary-Sue exclaimed, and took another sip from the hot tea cup.
"Thanks, it's store-bought. I also mixed in a lil' of your OWN tea! So half of it is actually made by you, " Cassandra confessed, and she giggled. "So, local newspapers and some hometown magazines are already bragging about how good your bakery is! They say customer service is awesome, too. I believe them, so... what about I buy some pies from you? And a specialty birthday cake, too, 'cuz... I might be pregnant! But let's lay off the birthday cake for now, Mary-Sue!" Cassie had barely managed to say 'lay off the birthday cake' because she began to laugh hysterically. She was just so excited, and Mary-Sue was, too, once she heard this great news!
"Cassie, that's wonderful!! But how do you suspect that?"
"Well, I've had so many symptoms that the doctor says I'm diagnosed with preggersimism. Heh, heh! I'm actually quite nervous; I only have limited experience from babysitting and taking care of my little brother, Alexander. Lil' Alex got into Simvard! And Dirk got into La Fiesta Tech. I understand how Angela got in Simvard, too, but how did Lilith? Mind me for asking, Dirk's practically alone. He's making great new friends, now, though."
Mary-Sue wasn't listening. She was still too caught up in savoring the wonderful, exotic-tasting tea right in front of her.
"Huh? Wha-Oh! Err, sorry! I can't stress it enough that your-OUR- tea tastes so very good!! Anyways, I just noticed our hairstyles are the same, except I think mine's a little more... bigger."
"If ya ask me, I excuse you from changing the topic so abruptly. But, I also understand why... hey, can I have some of that tea, if you say it's so good?"

Mary-Sue stood in the pouring thunderstorm. Her hair was a little wet, and she was amazed why it wasn't all tangled and practically an aquarium full of water. She watched as Cassandra's father drove Cassandra back to her mansion; how could life be so EASY for Cassie? Mary-Sue wasn't jealous, she was never like that, but she desired the same thing for her. However, she'd rather sacrifice her own happiness for Cassandra's happiness, rather than getting happy herself and Cassie falling down just like Mary-Sue was like nowadays.

The following night, Cassie came back to visit. Cassandra was hinting around if Mary-Sue needed any help, which was gladly appreciated but not required. Mary-Sue ignored her hinting, and eventually Cassie gave up and her mood barely went down; only if something big happened would Cassie's mood change suddenly.

The phone rang and Cassie walked over to the living room to give Mary-Sue some privacy. It was just another newspaper editor, asking for more "tasty details" about Mary-Sue's Bakery. Nothing personal, private, or secret; just "What is your main mission/goal?" and "How do you decide what gets put on the menu?" Such things like that. Soon Mary-Sue hung up and went into the livingroom with Cassie; but something seemed out of place. Mary-Sue crouched down and carefully slipped out a bloody butcher cleaver from underneath the living chair she was just about to sit and relax on.
"OH, MY WORD!!" Mary-Sue screamed, and Cassandra's eyes bulged wide open once she saw Mary-Sue raising up the scary, bloody knife. It was obviously covered in real Sim blood. "Cassie, what do I do?! This isn't mine, I've never even heard about it! Somebody left this here!! And I think they wanted me... DEAD!!" Mary-Sue twitched at the word 'dead'.


How was it? In the next chapter, I might have a segment featuring Dirk; then maybe Lilith, because Angela's SUPER busy nowadays. Seriously, I had Mary-Sue "Mary" meet her over at the local shopping district, and right after one single hug once Mary-Sue arrived there, Angela just exited the lot. Can't she show wanting to be with family enough!?

Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 18th Jan 2010 at 5:40 PM
Default Notice from Author
Just so you know, it may take a while longer to make the chapter featuring Dirk and Lilith; both are still teens, although I boolproped Dustin and Angela to grow up, marry, and have a baby. :p
So anyways, just letting you know... Also, this thread was in the moderation thingy for 2 months.
That's why I was a bit confused when I thought they ignored it or whatever.

Lab Assistant
#3 Old 18th Jan 2010 at 6:45 PM
The picture of Daniel holding the ax was great! I'm very interested to see where this goes.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 19th Jan 2010 at 12:16 AM
lol that's my favorite (My avatar is of that now, it shows Mary-Sue about to get chopped up by her ex. LOL)

Mad Poster
#5 Old 21st Jan 2010 at 5:32 AM
I like it so far
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