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#1 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 6:18 PM
Default Sims 2 Modding - Pie Menu Option not appearing
[posted this here as well as I think Sims 2 help wasn't the right category... sorry ]

Hey all,
So just want to preface this by saying I'm a complete beginner to modding, I followed a modding tutorial from echo here: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=142907

I'm trying to make a new pie menu option on a cloned bookcase called 'view memories', however the pie menu option isn't appearing in game. The cloned object does, but the pie menu option doesn't.

I uploaded all the images I think are relevant: here

Please let me know if you need more info and thanks so much for any help
#2 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 7:08 PM
In recent expansion packs bookcase interactions are pulled from the semiglobal group 0x7F327BCE, table number 3, and are the same for all bookcases. This is so if your bookcase belongs to the BookCaseGlobals group in GLOB.

You can try changing the table ID in OBJd. Click on RAW data, Resource cross-refs, 0x0007. If the ID is 3 then it is from semi. Try setting it to 1. You may also want to clone the new FreeTime and Apartments interactions into the private table if you want to read novels or study the Apartments skills. If you reference those functions then your bookcase mod will require Apartments pack.

Alternatively, the interactions table can also be set at runtime in Init or Load using Generic 0x47.

You can also modify BookCaseGlobals to change all book cases.
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#3 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 7:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
In recent expansion packs bookcase interactions are pulled from the semiglobal group 0x7F327BCE, table number 3, and are the same for all bookcases. This is so if your bookcase belongs to the BookCaseGlobals group in GLOB.

You can try changing the table ID in OBJd. Click on RAW data, Resource cross-refs, 0x0007. If the ID is 3 then it is from semi. Try setting it to 1. You may also want to clone the new FreeTime and Apartments interactions into the private table if you want to read novels or study the Apartments skills. If you reference those functions then your bookcase mod will require Apartments pack.

Alternatively, the interactions table can also be set at runtime in Init or Load using Generic 0x47.

You can also modify BookCaseGlobals to change all book cases.

Thanks for that info! I should probably mention I can see the pie menu and it shows read novel and the rest I think but the one string/interaction I made doesn't appear - is that a different matter entirely?
Edit: Also yes it says BookCaseGlobals in GLOB
#4 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 8:07 PM
Like I said, that is because you are seeing the semiglobal menu. Semiglobals are shared resources that need not be repeated for every bookcase or other classes of objects. Privates are resources specific to this bookcase. You can specify in the OBJd resource which interaction table to use.
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#5 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 10:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Like I said, that is because you are seeing the semiglobal menu. Semiglobals are shared resources that need not be repeated for every bookcase or other classes of objects. Privates are resources specific to this bookcase. You can specify in the OBJd resource which interaction table to use.

Thanks so much, I'm sorry I'm being dumb about this haha.

"Alternatively, the interactions table can also be set at runtime in Init or Load using Generic 0x47."

Where can I find this? The interaction table value I have to change. You probably already said it but there's a lot of technical terms im not used to and it went past me. Still learning! Last question I promise, sorry again. Thanks so much!
#6 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 11:53 PM
Try this option first:

Alternatively, these 4 lines will select table 1, which is a bit more complicated:

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#7 Old 5th Sep 2023 at 9:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Try this option first:

Alternatively, these 4 lines will select table 1, which is a bit more complicated:

Oh that worked, thank you so much for your help!!
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