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#1 Old 6th May 2024 at 3:34 AM
Is there an existing Resource Type for the eye color presets in CAS ?
I've been looking to make default replacements of the eye colors in CAS. I've managed to make default replacements of the hair colors (As shown in the picture down below) so I thought it would be possible for me to do the same for the eye colors.

It's been a few hours since I've been searching for them. I thought making a custom eye color, looking into the UserPreset.package with S3PE and then using the resource type of my custom eye color to search into the deltabuilds + fullbuilds would've led me to them, but no traces of the eye colors in there. There doesn't seem to be a specific tag attached to these eye color presets compared to the hair color presets which had a specific tag for them. I don't know if I have to dig through the _XML files to find them either. I'm just overall losing hope over this !

If anyone knows about this, I would greatly appreciate it
#2 Old 6th May 2024 at 4:14 AM
I believe the eye colours are actually presets that belong to the eye overlay CASP itself - it's called amFaceEyeColor even though it's used for all ages and genders, and it shows up in S3OC under CAS Parts.
The XML inside that CASP (editable in S3PE grid edit, or even CTU) has the swatches inside
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#3 Old 6th May 2024 at 4:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
I believe the eye colours are actually presets that belong to the eye overlay CASP itself - it's called amFaceEyeColor even though it's used for all ages and genders, and it shows up in S3OC under CAS Parts.
The XML inside that CASP (editable in S3PE grid edit, or even CTU) has the swatches inside

Oh wow, thank you so much, I'll check that out as soon as I can and give an update
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#4 Old 6th May 2024 at 2:22 PM Last edited by kwimii : 6th May 2024 at 5:55 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by kwimii
Oh wow, thank you so much, I'll check that out as soon as I can and give an update

So, I believe I have found the swatches in the CASP, which is funny because I've come across this file while I was searching for the eye colors but never thought that was it I'm happy that this is something I can actually replace !

I exported the first XML to see if I could understand what's going on first before asking for any help. I concluded that I might just need to change the last line values : key="Color" value="0.5647059,0.509804,0.4392157,1.0" /></pattern></complate></preset>

Edit : Yes, it seems that was the case since I managed to change the last preset eye color, just not the right color... haha.

Which now I need to figure out what exactly I did wrong in term of the color values, overall I think I can go off on my own now ! Thank your for your help and showing me where exactly the files were !
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