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#1 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 7:35 PM Last edited by Phipesfam : 21st Jun 2024 at 9:02 PM.
Managed to solve the Edit in Game problem on the EA App, but still, it doesn't load my expansions.
Hi, my name is Phillip, and even tho I've been playing this game for over a decade, I've stayed very "low-profile" and never had created an account here or posted anything.
But recently I have come across a problem with EIG in CAW I have not been able to solve alone at any cost, despite having solved most issues creators have with CAW.

First, I will explain how to solve the issues with EIG an the EA App, based on video that I have seen on youtube by Angela Ester The Sims:
Since this video is in Portuguese, here is an English explanation:

When EA killed origin and people were forced to migrate to the EA App, most people who used CAW, when trying to use the "Edit in game" function got some kind of message saying that they didn't own the game they were trying to open, despite haven a digital purchased copy of the sims 3. I think is a issue with CAW not being updated since the 1.69 origin update.

To fix that, you have to have origin (yes, I'll explain) installed and do some little tricks to make it work:

1) Download the last origin setup for the last origin version that was available. You can download it from any archival and safe website that you trust. There are many.

2) Exit your account on the EA App and close it from windows task bar (it needs to be fully closed, because if not, when you open origin it will open the EA App instead).

3) Install Origin

4) It will open a login window, close it for now

5)Before opening it again, you have to locate a specific file on your origin program to modify it.

It's the local.xml file, and its your program data folder (you may have to enable show hidden folders on your windows to see it)

My path for it is: C:\ProgramData\Origin -> local.xml file

6) Open it with windows txt editor, and paste the following text below the the last "<setting key = ...." and above the last line that consists of "</Settings>":

<Setting value="true" key="MigrationDisabled" type="1"/>
<Setting key="UpdateURL" value="http://badsuportea.com/" type="10"/>
<Setting key="AutoPatchGlobal" value="false" type="1"/>
<Setting key="AutoUpdate" value="false" type="1"/>

Realise that http://badsuportea.com is a website that doesn't exist, you can put anything as long it's not the official ea website.

7) Save it and Close

8) Open Origin again, and log in with your account normally.

9) After it opens, wait a little and on origin on the the upper left corner and click on "stay offline"

done, it should look like this:

SECOND PROBLEM ARISES (this one is more easy to fix)
Since the 1.69 update, a lot of people have a problem that is when you open Edit in Game, it launches your game correctly however as soon as you enter your town it shows a oversaturated "grave error" message and forces you to quit.

To fix that you NEED to save your town OUTSIDE of the default location in your documents folder, mine is:
Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create A World Tool\UserToolData\Worlds

You can save anywhere you want but that location and this should fix this problem

THIRD PROBLEM ARISES (this one is the one that I need help fixing, sorry for the long post)

After performing the fixes above, I was able to open Edit in game and at first was very happy about it, here are some pictures:

And you may think "wow it's working nicely", but here is the catch, I have all expansions of the sims 3, and the entire point to create this world for me was to create a world were I could use the features of most of them in one world. But as you can see my loading screen is the base game loading screen, when it should have been Into the future, and when editing the town, my game only shows base game and store stuff and nothing of any pack, here:

As you can see, it only has base game and store content loaded.
And I don't know what to do because in CAW itself in the "world objects" "effects" and "trees" it shows everything, but when I load up the EIG, it deletes the things I have placed and changes pack lots to "no visitors allowed", because it's as if I don't have any installed.

So thats it, sorry for the long post, I wanted to see if anyone was also having these issues so we can fix them together. Thank you in advance!

Edit: Took sometime to get the images together but I think I figured it out
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