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#1 Old 26th May 2024 at 6:17 PM Last edited by tylersada : 27th May 2024 at 9:58 PM.
Default Tiny home
I want advice on whether I should upload this lot. It was an experiment for me. The 1st floor has normal walls but the loft has half walls that were tall enough to let me put windows in but makes the overall look of the house more pleasing (at least to me.) The drawback for this is that half walls do not drop. The room is large enough that you can still go up with your sims and look at what they are doing but it is a little weird because you have to do it with the walls completely down so the roof will not be up. You definitely can't take really good screenshots of the loft. I have tested with my sim and it works just fine. She goes up in the loft to sleep even though there is the murphy bed downstairs and to play the computer. Please advise if you think this would be playable to others. If so advice on how to explain it would be welcome. Thank you.

***Well I seem to have a problem as I have played my sim for several hours in this house. The lights seem to be affected. The kids are complaining about it being dark and the auto-light setting doesn't work. I can't think for the life of me what that has to do with the build. Any ideas?

It seems to be something in my mods folder. The lights work with the folder removed. I will have to work on that.

This project will be on hold unless I can figure out how to put a ceiling on the half walls (so far no luck with that). My little sim girls almost froze to death during the winter season. Sighs. I really like the look of the tiny house.

Nutty Sims Mommy.
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