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One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#926 Old 21st May 2024 at 4:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kkffoo
Wonders what a yib is and whether Kkffoo as member of the LBY discord qualifies for such a title..

One of the Sims game generations decided to call their influencers - the ones they invited to creator events - "yibsims" which apparently in Simlish means "best friends". I did take the liberty of extending the title to those on their Discord channel. You may not be aware but invitations to the channel closed some time ago and the rest of us were not going to get an invite until we bought the Early Access. So it does make a kind of de facto elite. I was being light-hearted and obviously don't have an issue with the people who used the invitation while it was open to them.

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#927 Old 21st May 2024 at 4:38 PM
Top Secret Researcher
#928 Old 21st May 2024 at 5:48 PM
Well, I'm not terribly disappointed since I wasn't going to buy the Early Access version anyway. I would have liked to see people playing it and trying their hand on all those customization options. Just to get a better sense of the actual gameplay. I hope they'll get it working properly because for all my griping, I was still quite intrigued by it. And maybe they'll reconsider the no-sound language decision.
#929 Old 21st May 2024 at 7:39 PM
I would really want to know if this decision is coming from Paradox Interactive or Paradox Tectonic. The announcement on their forums is from Paradox Interactive's deputy CEO. Maybe it has to do with the CS2 release and how bad it was received?
Mad Poster
#930 Old 21st May 2024 at 9:40 PM
These delaying and postponing could seriously hurt the trust of a fandom and get pretty annoying. I forgot how much time has passed that I didn’t notice.

Just a promise a date a year or two if they are that uncertain and not confident ti release it.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#931 Old 22nd May 2024 at 11:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
I would really want to know if this decision is coming from Paradox Interactive or Paradox Tectonic. The announcement on their forums is from Paradox Interactive's deputy CEO. Maybe it has to do with the CS2 release and how bad it was received?

I believe they know much more about the condition of the game than us and they see something more worrisome than us who are simply watching YT dev videos.
I'm also sure they are not bothered by the fanbase expectations or fans' bad opinions. What matters to them is income (and income can be good even if a product is badly received, see f.e. Starfield).
What makes me think in hindsight, is the info from about a week ago on the recommended specs of LBY - many fans gasped to see that the recommended Memory is 32 GB RAM - which is massive. 32 GB RAM is serious (Cyberpunk '77 has 16 GB RAM recommended!), and typical life sim gamers have more casual PC specs than that. I saw questions asked by LBY fans if that means the game is poorly optimized? will it constantly lag during gameplay if you have less RAM?
If the PC hardware requirements of a game is very high, it means you can sell it to less buyers. If a game is almost unplayable under 32 GB RAM, that can mean a smaller market with higher patching costs, so no profit - among other things.
Lab Assistant
#932 Old 22nd May 2024 at 12:56 PM Last edited by kkffoo : 22nd May 2024 at 3:58 PM. Reason: Bad spelling!
I have no real way of knowing, but I think performance issues are a very likely cause for the delay. My own system sits just above the minimum requirements, with 16gb of ram (+processing and graphics cards minimum to be considered also), and the publicly available information states that I should expect at least 30fps with that. The higher specs (32gb ram etc) were aimed at heavily modded games.
I wish I knew more about the games that people are sharing as examples of graphically intensive software that runs on lower spec systems, I really don't play that many.
Is it possible that the graphics are a 'red herring' and it is actually something to do with CPU processing, and simultanously updating 90 'agents' who are all properly fleshed out full characters capable of being controlled (rather than npcs?), and who are moving around in the world and interacting even when not being observed?
Field Researcher
#933 Old 22nd May 2024 at 1:27 PM
I agree it's weird they would delay the game again, just when they had announced the spec requirements. I was shocked to see they recommended 32GB of ram when their recommended video cards were not that impressive nor the CPU requirements. One would think if they needed that much ram to make sure the 'agents' telemetry generated in open world, that they would have required better or at least newer CPU and Video cards. Then they didn't even mention SD or HDD, and maybe I missed it but was it Directx11 or 12? It's just really weird that this is the third redacted release date for an 'early access' game, after stating the requirements to play and after they sent discord invitations to the privileged few and let content creators play the game. Yes, some of those people know what players are expecting but also some of those people were expecting something as flushed out as TS3's base game with an EP installed, it's no wonder the Deputy CEO said forget it. lol
#934 Old 22nd May 2024 at 2:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flora2
I believe they know much more about the condition of the game than us and they see something more worrisome than us who are simply watching YT dev videos.
I'm also sure they are not bothered by the fanbase expectations or fans' bad opinions. What matters to them is income (and income can be good even if a product is badly received, see f.e. Starfield).
What makes me think in hindsight, is the info from about a week ago on the recommended specs of LBY - many fans gasped to see that the recommended Memory is 32 GB RAM - which is massive. 32 GB RAM is serious (Cyberpunk '77 has 16 GB RAM recommended!), and typical life sim gamers have more casual PC specs than that. I saw questions asked by LBY fans if that means the game is poorly optimized? will it constantly lag during gameplay if you have less RAM?
If the PC hardware requirements of a game is very high, it means you can sell it to less buyers. If a game is almost unplayable under 32 GB RAM, that can mean a smaller market with higher patching costs, so no profit - among other things.

This is why I wondered who made the decision. Paradox Interactive might not be that worried about fanbase's perception. But Tektonic would. You can see from the videos they released about the game so far. They were quite involved with the community.
So if Tektonic pushed for further delay, I expect it is because they want to improve more and the positive side is that Paradox Interactive allows for this.

But if Paradox Interactive as publisher pushed for delay,this could be for a more cynical reason (not enough planned DLC, not enough wishlisted etc :/). Because of their latest released games(with PI as publisher), I have my doubts about them.

Also,unfortunately you can expect 32GB to become the norm with some types of intensive games. I expect a beefy CPU and 32GB ram can help with this type of game. Even when optimized.
Forum Resident
#935 Old 24th May 2024 at 5:18 AM
I find it interesting that this news comes out and EA announce a "new team" to look at long term gameplay issues AND a possible small free pack next week. The best form of defense is often to attack!!

Then again 32GB!!! Seriously, what are they thinking about? Then again, by the time this does eventually get released that may be quite a small amount of RAM.

Finally, (everyone sighs... "Get on with it Flaygor" ) can I now respectfully ask that the title of this thread is altered to "Paradox Life Simulation Game... they still haven't done it yet."

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥ Now playing Sims 4 but not as EA intended.....
Top Secret Researcher
#936 Old 24th May 2024 at 5:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor
I find it interesting that this news comes out and EA announce a "new team" to look at long term gameplay issues AND a possible small free pack next week. The best form of defense is often to attack!!

Then again 32GB!!! Seriously, what are they thinking about? Then again, by the time this does eventually get released that may be quite a small amount of RAM.

Finally, (everyone sighs... "Get on with it Flaygor" ) can I now respectfully ask that the title of this thread is altered to "Paradox Life Simulation Game... they still haven't done it yet."

This is why building a desktop comes in handy. Upgrading isn't quite as much of a hassle if the motherboard is new enough.

Anyway, I don't think EA develops a team to fix issues because of LBY. Also, EA has announced this stuff many times before and fixed one or two things and then...nothing. Talk is cheap.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#937 Old 24th May 2024 at 6:23 PM
Ah, the announcement sucks. Does sound as though they are having problems, or else being told from above to postpone. I had big hopes for this one, I hope it doesn't get cancelled as I love the world customisation aspect of it.
Test Subject
#938 Old 25th May 2024 at 1:17 AM
Seems like the team is in a limbo right now. Per the reddit, the community manager on discord updated us to say "no update." Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it really feel like they all are waiting around to hear some potentially bad news, the same as we are. Paradox must have flipped a lid and now no one knows what's going on. If I only could have been a fly on the wall.

This is like a trainwreck... a very unfortunate situation but I can't look away. LBY hasn't held my attention like this since *checks calendar* March 20 last year lmao.
Lab Assistant
#939 Old 31st May 2024 at 6:27 AM
No news is...no news.
Just to let anyone know who missed the discord that the commmunity manager has popped in every three days or so to apologise for having no news yet.
Having been involved with games where devs completely vanished overnight this is a lot better than nothing, but I really hope we hear something soon.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#940 Old 7th Jun 2024 at 6:03 PM
I don't mind that it has been delayed. I'd rather they have the time and talent needed to fix any issues that could hinder a successful launch. All the other similar games, that are also still in development, I'm sure know what's on the line here. I don't expect perfect at launch personally. I'm just excited to have a competitor to the Sims...especially since EA got so greedy, that they bugged that game out and made it nothing but a loot box tragedy.

I want this game as much as anyone else... but I'm going to practice some patience. Paradox didn't even have to do this at all. They could have ignored our pleas and let EA make the next tragic version which we all know is going to be more of the same.

Also, I believe the dev team has been going over everyone's suggestions and wants, to try an implement that into the game. if they ran into an issue, I'm sure they want to make sure it didn't damage the original build, or trying to figure out a way to add something they think will be better for the game,

I'm just spit balling here.... but like I said... a successful launch would be better than a Half assed one.
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