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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 24th Feb 2024 at 4:16 PM
Default Can't Make Kava
Does anyone know what the line is concerning kava? (ex: this mod modifies "xyz")
I center it on tables, counters, reset it, delete it, repurchase, but the only option is to put in inventory. I don't have anything that would seemingly affect the kava bowl; so i'm looking for the code lines that affect the kava bowl, or a way to find out.
#2 Old 24th Feb 2024 at 5:52 PM
The best way is to do 50/50 test. Move all of your mods to some place and test the game without them. If the kava works as intended, then start putting them little by little until you find the culprit.

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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 24th Feb 2024 at 6:47 PM
I was trying to get around that because every few months, after a break, i delete all of my cc and start over, and i've recently just did this last month. i don't have much in there now (4gb) but i guess i'll have to try again
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