Original Poster
#1 Old 5th Nov 2006 at 10:15 AM Last edited by beosboxboy : 12th Jan 2007 at 3:38 AM.
How to Make Your Pets Bodyshop Creations Work for All EPs
Bodyshop Patch is now released: Get the patch! Then you won't have to do the procedure below anymore!

NOTA BENE: the Body Shop patch is for Pets EP installations ONLY. It will not correct anything for persons without Pets EP. It is also to be understood that the patch will not correct existing files. Those must be manually corrected as detailed below -OR- remade by the creator with a patched version of the Pets EP Body Shop -- in this latter case, a NEW project must be started or the missing values will continue to be missing since they will not be present in the old project file. Related, but not germane to this, even after the patch, the Pets EP Body Shop continues to include meshes in violation of the policies of many creators, please be thoughtful and use Sims2Pack Clean Installer to remove meshes to conserve on bandwidth usage AND as a courtesy to those creators that do not wish their meshes to be distributed in this manner.

Originally posted by Marvine on InSIMenator - posted here with additions by me

Permission is granted to copy and translate this on any site.

See this tutorial in Italian by Sims2Cri here. Leggere questa tutorial in italiano: Qui.
See this tutorial in German by Engelchen here. Diesen Tutorial auf Deutsch lesen: Hier.
Read this tuorial in French by Marvine: here. Lire ce tutoriel en français: ici
See the (above) tutorial (Solución para los problemas de compatibilidad con LS2 Mascotas) in Spanish by FJPerez here (hosted by InSIMenator)

Edit 4 December 2006: In reviewing Sims created with Body Shop from The Sims 2: Pets Expansion Pack it has been demonstrated that the customised face mesh of the character file (i.e., ########_########.package) suffers the same error as clothing and other items made with Body Shop. In those instances as this error has occured the Maxis default (un-customised) face is used. To restore the customised face mesh use the method described in the first post of this thread to restore the customised face to the downloaded Sim.

Edit 11 November 2006: Beards & moustaches, stubble, lipsticks, and other make-up items have been shown to not require this fix. Some recolours of accessories made with the Pets EP Body Shop cannot be repaired with the current tools. Skin Tones, Hair, Clothing, Eye colours made with the Pets EP Body Shop require this fix to work properly in non-Pets versions of The Sims™ 2.

Tiggerypum adds:
Bodyshop content made with pets (clothing, hair, and possibly other content) will not show up for users without the Pets EP. You can fix your bodyshop files using these directions below.

This fix is useful for already made content, but Numenor added a "Legacy Bodyshop" option to his BaseGameStarter here, that allows to use the base game Bodyshop to create fully compatible clothing no matter which EPs are installed.

Other people and myself have spent the last two days trying to figure out a fix for the thumbnails issue with Pets made clothing for people not having the EP installed.

After fruitless attempts on my own and testing different workable but not so easy fixes by other people, it finally clicked in when sharing thoughts with Yakov (beosboxboy) and I found a quick a easy method, even if you don't have much experience of SimPE:

- Open your recolour in SimPE - select the property set line in the top right panel

- select the "parts = ........" line in the bottom left panel

- click "add" in the bottom right panel, this will duplicate the line to the bottom of the list

- this last line being selected

- type "outfit" instead of "parts" in the right panel - no other edit needed, the number is the right one

- click "commit" and save.

You'll have to delete your thumbnails before starting the game so the changes can properly apply to the items that were already installed.

NOTA BENE: you may also correct the thumbnail by CTRL+Right-clicking the problem thumbnail - this does work to correct the primary thumbnail preview - but will not work for recolours of objects etc. If you have many bad files that you are correcting, the best method is still that shown below.

Note: The thumbnails are the files located in one of the following directories
C:\Documents and Settings\YourWindowsScreenNameHere\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails - *Windows 2000 & Windows XP


C:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails - *Windows 98 & Windows ME


Home/EA Games/The Sims 2/Thumbnails - MacOS X

* or what ever hard drive is your main Windows drive

This fixed all the files I tested, tops and full body outfits by Innocent, JayAngel, Engelchen and Cocosims (yay!!)

Now I didn't get to test this with the EP, there shouldn't be any issue but better safe than sorry... So it would be great if anybody with the EP installed gave it a try

EDIT: This fix has been shown to work with clothing, hair, and skin tones in installs of The Sims 2 with combinations of University EP, Nightlife EP, Open for Business EP, Holiday Fun Stuff, Family Fun Stuff, and Glamour Life Stuff installed.

NOTA BENE: A skintone has 59 or 60 Property Sets - these must all be changed; a hair recolour package has 6 or 7 Property Sets - these must all be changed. I have not tried working with accessories or make-up yet, but I suspect the same proceedure will be required.

EDIT: doing the above process with misbehaving genetic eye colours only in the Texture Overlay XML instead of the Property Set corrected missing/misbehaving eye colours.

This fix is useful for already made content, but Numenor added a "Legacy Bodyshop" option to his BaseGameStarter here , that allows to use the base game Bodyshop to create fully compatible clothing no matter which EPs are installed.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 11th Nov 2006 at 1:42 PM
Thank you for the tutorial. I fixed yesterday my last Halloween update, where I knew they were created with pets. I fixed all what I could, the hair, the costumes....but it seems I can´t fix masks and accessoires. The accessoires what I have for this update is the had mesh for toddlers, created by Boblishman. I know that he has only the game Sims2 installed and no ep. There was no property set in for this files and the masks. So I hope that this files without property set don´t need to be fixed.

#3 Old 12th Nov 2006 at 6:31 PM
Thanks a lot for this great tutorial, Just a little question.. Every kind of content must say "outfit" or hair for hairs, skin for skins, top for tops, etc?
I know it's kinda silly question but doing this process twice to my skintones would be really painfull
#4 Old 12th Nov 2006 at 8:33 PM
Ok I was asking a pretty lame question so I thought I better investigated by myself, I compared content made with Pets EP with content made before Pets EP and I realized that when it comes to clothing the "outfit" string must be added with the same value of the "parts" string. But when it comes to hair and skin tones the "parts" string may be renamed to "outfit" (without creting a new string).
Anyway I hope some time-saving freak like me finds this info useful, I already tested with a female and a mail hair recolor (both in all ages) and a tattoo skin I made recently (also tested in all ages of both genders) and they work perfectly for me (Using All EPs until Glamour Life Stuff with Numenor's "Base Game Starter PRO"
Field Researcher
#5 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 1:28 AM
Thank you so much for this information. I really hate EA right now...
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 16th Nov 2006 at 2:10 PM
This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard of Maxis doing, and that includes ignoring the visitor-enabled flag for community lots in the first Hot Date patch.
Field Researcher
#7 Old 17th Nov 2006 at 9:41 PM
Original Poster
#8 Old 19th Nov 2006 at 1:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by squall117
Ok I was asking a pretty lame question so I thought I better investigated by myself, I compared content made with Pets EP with content made before Pets EP and I realized that when it comes to clothing the "outfit" string must be added with the same value of the "parts" string. But when it comes to hair and skin tones the "parts" string may be renamed to "outfit" (without creting a new string).
Anyway I hope some time-saving freak like me finds this info useful, I already tested with a female and a mail hair recolor (both in all ages) and a tattoo skin I made recently (also tested in all ages of both genders) and they work perfectly for me (Using All EPs until Glamour Life Stuff with Numenor's "Base Game Starter PRO"

I think the issue is that they may not work with future EPs without that parts= and priority= part Squall, and I could not get these items to work consistently with just a changed tag. It would work, then wouldn't. I can't explain why.

I have only one God, Choice. If you remove the right to choose from any equation, how have you improved the world?
Test Subject
#9 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 11:00 PM
Thank you very much. This was very usefull for me.
I spend the day testing about 70 items with the BaseGameStarter. 43 clothes or hair files needed to be fixed and now they work just fine.
The rest of them were masks and jewelry (using jewelry mesh by DrPixel or Simchic). All of them workes just fine without any fix.
Original Poster
#10 Old 4th Dec 2006 at 7:01 PM
I have noticed that some accessories work fine without the fix - but others don't. I don't know why this is. Perhaps Electronic Arts will be able to correct this in the future patch.

I have only one God, Choice. If you remove the right to choose from any equation, how have you improved the world?
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 7th Dec 2006 at 2:29 AM
Hi everyone,
We wanted to let you know that we are working on two patches for the Pets Expansion Pack. The first patch will address the backward compatibility problems that occurred when creating Sims using the version of BodyShop that was included in Pets. This patch is close to being finished and we hope to have it released before the end of the year.

The second patch will address many of the reported game play issues that have been found in Pets and we plan to have this delivered early in the new year.

Stay tuned for more information on these patches, and thank you for alerting us on these issues.

-The Sims Team


Thank god. No more problems, and no more creators having to de-pets their uploads!

The real John McCain

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
-Albert Schweitzer
Test Subject
#12 Old 8th Dec 2006 at 3:29 AM
I made some skins a couple days ago with the pets bs unaware until this afternoon that people have been having issues with it, so I copied the files to my laptop where only the base game is installed. Of course, it was messed up :/

I followed this tutorial and while the skin is now appearing correctly on the sim, the thumbnails are still the nude body (not to mention also in random areas like hair) even though I've deleted the thumbnails on both systems before starting the game. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
Field Researcher
#13 Old 15th Dec 2006 at 7:04 PM
Thanks for tutorial.

I have fixed a lot of my clothes with this method and it work like a charm.

Ps. I am waiting for the patch now.


Test Subject
#14 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 6:15 PM
It didn't work for me. I have EP1 (Uni), but no other EP.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#15 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 8:41 PM
albmont, _what exactly_ didn't work for you. If you have Uni, you should not need to repair any recolors you make. You must be far more explicit about exactly what you did and why, and with what files.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Test Subject
#16 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tiggerypum
albmont, _what exactly_ didn't work for you. If you have Uni, you should not need to repair any recolors you make. You must be far more explicit about exactly what you did and why, and with what files.

I used this method to fix four different files (*.package) that I downloads, and that were made with BodyShop + Pets by other people. After the fix (parts duplicated, then one copy changed to outfit, etc) they didn't show up neither in BodyShop nor in the game itself. Maybe they use meshes that are unavailable for EP1, but I think something else is missing.

Maybe I shoud post "before and after" files...
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#17 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 9:40 PM
If you can point to the downloads you tried to fix, that would help. Did they have custom meshes, or were they simply recolors?

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Test Subject
#18 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 9:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tiggerypum
If you can point to the downloads you tried to fix, that would help. Did they have custom meshes, or were they simply recolors?

Two were from the Insimadult site, one from peggysims, and one was this:, a Christmas outfit that uses a mesh from Chriko for which I already have other working outfits.

I guess I will try to change some recolour from MTS2 and post here the pseudo-fixed version, to avoid any violation of copyright.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#19 Old 16th Dec 2006 at 10:09 PM
What version of SimPE did you use? I've used this method with the most recent SimPE and then taken the files over to my base game only machine, and they were fine.

Also, I suggest you contact each of the creators and ask _them_ for globally accessible downloads, because certainly not everyone owns pets, and many of them are still not aware of this issue apparently

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Test Subject
#20 Old 17th Dec 2006 at 2:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by tiggerypum
What version of SimPE did you use? I've used this method with the most recent SimPE and then taken the files over to my base game only machine, and they were fine.

Also, I suggest you contact each of the creators and ask _them_ for globally accessible downloads, because certainly not everyone owns pets, and many of them are still not aware of this issue apparently

It's not the most recent version of SimPE; last time I tried to run the most recent version, it had a severe bug that crashed whenever I tried to change the skincolor. But unless SimPE crashed the file, there would be no reason not to work.

Since this Pets stuff is a _bug_, then there's no logic in asking the recolor creators to change their ways to compensate for the bug.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#21 Old 17th Dec 2006 at 4:03 AM
Albmont, I disagree with your thinking regarding contacting the creators, if _they_ want their things to be accessible by everyone, then _they_ will want to publish the files to be in the corrected format. One wouldn't expect every user who doesn't have pets to go themselves modifying the files. Matter of fact, I wouldn't _want_ individuals going in and attempting to modify the files that I created, I would much rather fix it myself!

Whether or not Maxis changed bodyshop and created this situation is beside the point. On this site, our creators (who own pets, not EVERYONE owns pets ) make attempts to 'de-petsify' their downloads before offering them, and they post that they've done so, so that people will know that it is compatible for all versions of the game.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Test Subject
#22 Old 17th Dec 2006 at 9:56 PM
What I noticed is that, before making the changes, some of the Pets-recolors appear anywhere else except as clothes. Body-full clothes appear as tops, bottoms or even as hairs (!!!). Changing the package does not affect this, I guess there may be something else I need to clear (besides the Thumbnails) to make them work.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#23 Old 18th Dec 2006 at 6:32 AM
Hmm, maybe look for accessories.cache and groups.cache - Wes reported in the meshing area that he sometimes had to delete them and apparently that won't cause harm to your game. I did change my pets file _before_ taking it over to my base game to test, maybe that's why I didn't have any problems.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Test Subject
#24 Old 19th Dec 2006 at 3:06 AM
Deleting groups.cache worked.
#25 Old 23rd Dec 2006 at 9:56 AM
For skins, do we ACTUALLY have to change 59 or 60 Property sets to be able to use skins that require the Pets expansion pack? That is a lot of work!!
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