Field Researcher
#251 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 6:26 PM
I wonder, can I upload the house too if I really like it?

Because I'm gonna design one and maybe upload it as my first creation
Test Subject
#252 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 6:52 PM
Squash ~
A long long time ago, a partially (or totally, no one really knows) insane inventor lived in this large, Florentine mansion. After causing much trouble to Sunset Vally (including making it rain chocolate) the inventor strangely vanished one day, leaving behind his house, his work, and about 200,000 similions worth of the finest nectar. It's still a complete mystery where he went off to, but the strange, deep hole in the middle of the rose garden has nothing to do with it, of course not. nope. no chance. Believing the inventor dead, the Sunset Vally Council of Llamas made the executive decision to fix up the house and re-sell it. After removing a few dangerous inventions and the 76 pounds of jelly beans that were found in the sofa, this mansion is up for sale to any sim who has enough money. Fully furnished, It costs 209,040 similions (not counting the collection of fine nectar) This house has three bedrooms and three full bathrooms, a large rose garden, open-air walkway, fine dining room, large kitchen, observatory, art room, and inventing corner.

Main floor (open-air walkway, kitchen, dining room, living room, and bathroom)

Second floor: (three bedrooms, two bathrooms, art room, invention corner)

Third Floor: (observatory - connected to one of the bedrooms on the 2nd floor)



Living room:

Dining room:

View from backyard rose garden:

-This house has no custom content-

comments: Wow. This was one fun house to make. I've never built in this style before, and it was quite the learning experience! My favorite part of this house is the roof. Definitely the awesome-sauce roof, which is how the house got its name Squash. Because the roof reminds me of squash. Kind of silly, but true. Squash. I like that word I'm so glad I got this done in time! (I was stressing out about it all night -.-) Everyone else's houses look awesome! I have some tough competition here! Good luck everyone!
Lab Assistant
#253 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 7:29 PM Last edited by NickelNicole12 : 5th Aug 2010 at 4:40 PM. Reason: No CC
Welcome to the Cielo Bello Villa!

This home was built in 1842 by an Italian Architect named Antonio Valente. He was inspired by many different types of architectures and villas from Rome and Spain. He was into Gods and Goddesses especially of water, so you'll notice many statues along the house. The house is filled with warm brown colors and decorated lavishly. There are tons of flowers and plants planted along the house to give it a tropical and warm feel. You'll be stunned and amazed when you pull up to the house to see its beauty.


The living room/Foyer

The kitchen

Dining Room

Master Bedroom

View from the back

Lab Assistant
#254 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 9:28 PM
Hey I'm going to have to drop out life sucks right now so I'm low on inspiration and I'm super busy besides
It was amazing being part of it though! Good luck to everyone, your entries look great!
Lab Assistant
#255 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 9:33 PM Last edited by Cloudburst : 6th Aug 2010 at 9:06 AM.
Default Witherfield House
Witherfield house was built in the eighteenth century as a church complex, but after years of abandonment went to ruin making the main portion of the house entirety uninhabitable.
However, in this changed when in 1958, when Charles and Marilyn Grimblepennny took the challenge of renovating the house. The main living space had to be almost entirely rebuilt, save the chimney, whose fireplace is now blocked up, and the belfry which is no longer accessible. The chapel and it's adjoining rooms (which were converted to a guest suite), as well as what is now the laundry room at the back didn't need restoration and so remained as they were when they were first built.

-Living Room
-Dining Room
-Master Bedroom
-Two other bedrooms
-Two main bathrooms

-Lowered walkway
-Graveyard (can't be seen too well in the screenshots but it's there)
-Pond (with bridge)

No CC used, just some store content and Ambitions content

Front View:

Living Room:


Master Bedroom (+Nursery):

Bedroom Two:

Back View:

Another Back View:

Floor One:

Floor Two:

Top View:

Excuse me, but I just have to explode.
#256 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 9:37 PM
I am stunned Cloudburst. That was one where I gasped lol That is amazing. Great work!

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Forum Resident
#257 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 9:42 PM
Wonderful job, Cloudburst. I am fairly salivating over the curtains you used. Where'd you get them? They're not part of the game or its expansions, so did they come from the store?

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
Lab Assistant
#258 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 9:53 PM
Thanks Greenlea! :D
LifesLover Haha thanks as well, yeah I think the curtains come from the Faire Folk set at the store.

Excuse me, but I just have to explode.
Forum Resident
#259 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Cloudburst
Thanks Greenlea! :D
LifesLover Haha thanks as well, yeah I think the curtains come from the Faire Folk set at the store.

Thanks for replying! Now I'm in a conundrum, because I hate buying from the store, but I do so like those curtains.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
The other one
#260 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alan_Gast
Oh, gawd I hope I get my entry in on time.

Same So far I have the shell complete, half of the landscaping (which I have no plan for, just making up as I go along ), a bedroom and a bathroom.... I have sooooo much left to do and then take photos and make a gif all while lookin after a baby and nremembering to eat and pee etc I might even have to ask HP for a half day extension if I don't get it sorted. God, I hate this round, it's not been fun like the other two, just stressful but I've worked so hard there's no way I'm giving up if I can help it!!

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#261 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:33 PM
It seems a lot of folks are having trouble with this round - personal stuff, frustration with their entries - I'm not sure it hits the "20% asking for an extension" that I put forth initially but... I don't think many people would have a huge fit if we extended this round by 24 hours, would they?

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Forum Resident
#262 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
Same So far I have the shell complete, half of the landscaping (which I have no plan for, just making up as I go along ), a bedroom and a bathroom.... I have sooooo much left to do and then take photos and make a gif all while lookin after a baby and nremembering to eat and pee etc I might even have to ask HP for a half day extension if I don't get it sorted. God, I hate this round, it's not been fun like the other two, just stressful but I've worked so hard there's no way I'm giving up if I can help it!!

Yeah, I've been having so much trouble with this round and I'm not even busy like everyone else seems to be. I've got the shell and have just started the interior decorating, but I've barely begun CAST-ing everything and I have absolutely not exterior landscaping. It's definitely been a lot more stressful this round.

I know that I, at least, would appreciate the extra time, HP, but I don't feel exactly right taking it since there have been plenty of people who were able to work within the time limit, even with obstacles.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#263 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:43 PM
Well, I'm fine with giving an extension. I've been sick and not really on the computer very much, comparatively, the past few days - an extra day would give me time to feel better before the next round rush, and time for you guys to finish up your stuff. I still have a few judge comments I need to send out - I'll do those ASAP (I gotta go to bed though, my head hurts). +24 hours! (no i haven't changed the countdown, i'll do that in the morning too)
The other one
#264 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LifesLover
I know that I, at least, would appreciate the extra time, HP, but I don't feel exactly right taking it since there have been plenty of people who were able to work within the time limit, even with obstacles.

Same. I get the feeling in 11 hours time I will desperately want the extension though Is it possible to still issue the 4th foundation so that those who are ready to start can but those that need an extra day can hand theirs in late?
Edit: beat me to it

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#265 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:48 PM
Whoops! Time is getting away from me! I'll only have 6 hours to finish! YIKES!


I was fighting CC and Windows7 installs this weekend instead of designing. Oh well, if I can't get it posted in time, proceed without me. this lot needs some custom CC anyway to do it justice since I can't install my store stuff.
#266 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:57 PM
Porkypine: You did see that HP added 24 hours onto the deadline?
Forum Resident
#267 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
Same. I get the feeling in 11 hours time I will desperately want the extension though Is it possible to still issue the 4th foundation so that those who are ready to start can but those that need an extra day can hand theirs in late?
Edit: beat me to it

Yeah, I'm already kind of feeling the pressure, so the extension is very nice. I still feel just a little guilty, though.

[you say you believe me but you don't deceive me]
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
Original Poster
#268 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 11:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
Is it possible to still issue the 4th foundation so that those who are ready to start can but those that need an extra day can hand theirs in late?

Yup. That can be done.
#269 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 11:02 PM
Aw, feel better soon, HP! (Just noticed your comment about not feeling well - feeling yucky is never fun when there's a toddler underfoot and people crying on the forums for you.)

I will patiently wait until Round 4 starts.
Mad Poster
#270 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 11:31 PM
Those extra 24 hours would be extremely welcome thanks. I'm currently running round in game like a headless chicken trying to finish this entry and if I had to finish it tonight it would be rushed. The extra time should just allow me to slow down a little and get the house decor finished and then the pictures sorted.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#271 Old 4th Aug 2010 at 11:57 PM
Wow Cloudburst I love that one! Only a small thing in my mind that stops it from being 100% perfection though and that is the flooring in the laundryroom, it doesn't really fit with the rest. That is the only flaw I could find though. Not sure how playable the house is since I would get tired of the "annoyed waiting animation" my sims would be having often with all the tight spaces. But this is not a competition on making the most playable house, but the best looking, stunning, awesome house and yours is definately in the race for that!

I don't think I will be in the top 3 this round with such great additions.
Lab Assistant
#272 Old 5th Aug 2010 at 12:11 AM Last edited by BGatot : 6th Aug 2010 at 9:46 AM.
I've decided to enter my house for foundation #3 now, even with the added deadline. It seems like some people encountered problems, glitches and other barriers, be it on their computer or personal life. So as the house's essentially complete, might as well enter it now so at least I have an entry should something unexpected happened! I can always updated it anytime before the deadline anyway.

So here it is:

The Pale Green Mansion

Eugene Stinger is a mining prospector. He and his family (wife Eleanor and twin boys Jamie and Jonah) have lived in Inner Mongolia for years now, looking for that elusive motherlode that will make them rich. Now Eugene has finally found one, and the family planned to move back to SimSuburbia as soon as they are able. They would need a suitable dwelling once they got there, of course, so they have asked their architect friend Hugobert von Schmuck to design one for them. Eugene did not specify much for the house, only asking that it be suitably impressive, comfortable, and suited for their family. He wants it to be robust and strong, though, as the family has lived in flimsy tents that's regularly blown away by the strong winds of the Mongolian desert for so long now. Oh, and he specified that it should be green. Eugene, you see, have heard of this 'green' movement, but don't really know much about what it's all about, being in Inner Mongolia and all. It's just that he's heard that 'green' houses was 'in' in SimSuburbia

Hugobert is rather mystified of just what his friend meant by the house needing to be green. So what he came up with is actually a sturdy, stately mansion featuring green bricks on the exterior. The inside, however, is rich, stately brown. Thankfully the family was overjoyed when they saw their new abode for the first time. Hugobert was rewarded handsomely and thanked profusely. Now the family is living happily ever after in their green mansion, enjoying their newfound, and richly deserved wealth.

Street view:

Floor plans: Foundation & garden

First Floor:

Second Floor:

Living room:


Master bedroom:

Three bonus pics:

Back end:

Side of the house:

The sunken garden:

No CCs! Do use items from expansion packs and EA store.

Much as I tried, I just can't come up with anything creative or out of the box for this foundation without a severely compromised inside layout, so what I end up with is just a plain ol' home, though spruced up as best I could. Probably lacking in wow factor, though. Kudos to those who managed to come up with creative and awesome houses with this most unusual foundation!
Lab Assistant
#273 Old 5th Aug 2010 at 12:16 AM
Thanks HP We love youuu Feel better!
Forum Resident
#274 Old 5th Aug 2010 at 1:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
Well, I'm fine with giving an extension. I've been sick and not really on the computer very much, comparatively, the past few days - an extra day would give me time to feel better before the next round rush, and time for you guys to finish up your stuff. I still have a few judge comments I need to send out - I'll do those ASAP (I gotta go to bed though, my head hurts). +24 hours! (no i haven't changed the countdown, i'll do that in the morning too)

Maybe we have the same thing HP I feel like ugh. Been sleeping all week and crazy head aches, I rushed my entry through but atleast I'll have time to fix things tonight.

And I'm heading away this weekend, I cant wait. I need to get out and away lol

Awsome entrys peoples. I officially suck.

P.s The people in chat are amazing, and help heaps..
Heaven sent it awsome lol. How is the hill house going hun??
Lab Assistant
#275 Old 5th Aug 2010 at 2:28 AM
@Alan_Gast - love the whole 50s theme you've got going on there, and that's a great colour scheme too!
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