Mad Poster
#11901 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 2:04 AM
When Picture in Picture is enabled, when certain events happen like a fire a smaller window pops up in the middle of the screen (or side of the screen depending on size of the monitor) of the thing on fire or other events to draw the player's attention to the fact that the frigging telescope is on fire, or there is a burglar, or a Sim got fat etc.
Test Subject
#11902 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 6:54 AM
I have a rather interesting question. Let's say that I want to make a neighborhood completely medieval, for example Veronaville, and I am talking the whole nine yards clothes, furniture, default replacement carpools, name generators, everything. Is there a way to make the catalog on only this neighborhood view only medieval so that townies and other NPC only look medieval without it effecting all neighborhoods like Strangetown and Pleasantview?
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#11903 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 7:21 AM
Only by making a folder of the items in your download folder which you pull out when you are playing a regular hood.

Long convoluted question... I'm building a lot and wanted a silver version of the uni industrial counter. My game shows only an orangish metal colour unless I enable cc and then a silver one shows with a cc star.
I've been all over to find who made that silver one and found none until it occurred to me that the silver one could be game content after seeing this post:
I decided to packaged a lot with just the silver counter and check it in CI. It shows up as no cc...
So is the silver counter game content?
and why does mine show a cc star?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#11904 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 7:25 AM
Thank you for answering my question, Orilon! :-)

Is it possible to remove pets' last names using SimPE? I don't like having pets with surnames, because then their puppies/kittens also have surnames and that gets weird if they end up being owned by another family. I'd like to remove the Kat family cats' surnames before any kittens are born. Is it safe to do this in SimPE?
#11905 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 8:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Does anyone know of a program that adds filename as tooltip or description for buy mode objects?

If you enter in boolprop in neighborhood view and then enter CAS, whenever you hover the icons it'll tell you the filenames. Same goes for Build/Buy objects, too.

Quote: Originally posted by jkamartinek
I have a rather interesting question. Let's say that I want to make a neighborhood completely medieval, for example Veronaville, and I am talking the whole nine yards clothes, furniture, default replacement carpools, name generators, everything. Is there a way to make the catalog on only this neighborhood view only medieval so that townies and other NPC only look medieval without it effecting all neighborhoods like Strangetown and Pleasantview?

What I do is rename the "The Sims 2" file to "The Sims 3" and then have the game regenerate neighborhoods by opening the game and copy+paste the downloads from the old file and then add in the new stuff to only that game, if that makes any sense. You'll just have to make sure to update BOTH downloads folders if you find something you want in both games. (Also, obviously, you can just rename the two back and forth to switch from game to game.)


Is it possible to uninstall Mansion and Garden Stuff and be able to continue playing your current neighborhoods with Apartment Life? I'm not planning on doing that, but I am wondering because I am contemplating uploading a neighborhood of mine, but I think it might be pointless if only people with M&G can play it...

Also (related question), do you think many people would download a neighborhood that REQUIRES Uni, NL, Pets, Seasons, and AL (& possibly M&G) if it is very well built? The neighborhood I am thinking about uploading will have all creatures available in the game with a storyline, completely built University & Base (with an option to also download completely built, but playable-less downtown & business district - all of which fit together like puzzle pieces to make a realistic metro-like neighborhood) It won't have too many playables, but there will be a whole bunch of dead townies (I am in the process of killing all of the default generated townies and throwing them into cemeteries that are "ghost friendly" because they all have their timers set and colors kept so they're neat to visit for knowledge Sims at night). There will be about 240 CUSTOM townies that I am going to make that will have jewelry, make-up, facial hair, glasses, biographies, and some will have grilled-cheese aspiration. There will also only be like two CC items to download, having all the rest Maxis stuff. So to sum it all up, the file size will be pretty large as well..
I'm making it for myself because I'm OCD and like everything pretty and stuff, and I've ALWAYS wanted to make a legit story out of this particular neighborhood but I know I'll never have time, so I figured uploading it might generate the same feeling of accomplishment.
#11906 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 12:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
So is the silver counter game content?
and why does mine show a cc star?

The answer to your first question is yes, it's game content. I'm afraid I don't know the answer to the second question, though -- mine shows up without the star and always has.

Do you have any cc based off of the counter? I know that I once downloaded some cc based off the blue & white vase (basegame item) that then made the vase itself show up with a cc star.

esmeiolanthe's Live Journal and Tumblr
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Mad Poster
#11907 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 2:07 PM
jkamartinek, you can also use Any Game Starter for your medieval hood. AGS will create a separate folder in My Documents, which can only be accessed via AGS. So if you want to play medieval you launch your AGS game and if you want to play modern you launch normally.

As for the hood with all EPs; there's considerable demand for premade hoods, so people might well. However, you need to document how you made it to guarantee them the cleanest possible hood. In general, it's best to decide ahead of time "I'm making this for upload" and be meticulous about every step, so that you don't give people a toy that's already broken.

Mootilda has a tutorial for the process, without which I couldn't have made Widespot (broke the 1000 download barrier last night; yay me!):

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#11908 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 3:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by esmeiolanthe
The answer to your first question is yes, it's game content. I'm afraid I don't know the answer to the second question, though -- mine shows up without the star and always has.

Do you have any cc based off of the counter? I know that I once downloaded some cc based off the blue & white vase (basegame item) that then made the vase itself show up with a cc star.

Esme, yes there is a white recolour with the silver and orangy metal ones. I've had cc show maxis items up with a cc star before; rather annoying.

At least I can be sure the silver is maxis, so that's one less piece of cc I need to track down for this large build.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Site Helper
#11909 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 5:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by plyplay665
Is it possible to uninstall Mansion and Garden Stuff and be able to continue playing your current neighborhoods with Apartment Life?
No. As far as I can tell, M&G neighborhoods cannot be played without M&G. Please note that I tried only the simplest changes so far; I intend to do a bit more investigation today and will let you know if I manage to get it working.

Quote: Originally posted by plyplay665
do you think many people would download a neighborhood that REQUIRES Uni, NL, Pets, Seasons, and AL (& possibly M&G) if it is very well built?
The more EPs that you include, the less people that will be able to play the neighborhood. For example, AL isn't available on the MAC, so your neighborhood would not be available to MAC players.

That said, there are a lot of people who have all EPs and SPs.
Mad Poster
#11910 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 6:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by plyplay665
If you enter in boolprop in neighborhood view and then enter CAS, whenever you hover the icons it'll tell you the filenames. Same goes for Build/Buy objects, too.

If only it were that simple. I don't know what it is they display there, but it's not file names. I had to double check in game when I read this, because I recall discarding that theory in the past but I wasn't sure so I went and checked, and it is as I recall. I'm sure it is related somehow since it does vary between recolors, but it's not the file name.
#11911 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 7:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
Is this the same neighborhood? The same lot? It seems possible that sewn outfits are stored in one of those two packages.

No to both. I am the constant restarter + make my own neighbourhoods, and have never played the shipped hoods more than a few hours.
When I got the new computer I only copied my saved downloads, so no saved games and no "installed downloads" came in the move. Just weird.
Beautiful Dinosaur
#11912 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 8:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Thank you for answering my question, Orilon! :-)

Is it possible to remove pets' last names using SimPE? I don't like having pets with surnames, because then their puppies/kittens also have surnames and that gets weird if they end up being owned by another family. I'd like to remove the Kat family cats' surnames before any kittens are born. Is it safe to do this in SimPE?

I'd love to know if this is possible too!

Who knows where thoughts come from....? They just appear.
#11913 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 9:28 PM
Well, that's a bummer. I ran the neighborhood through Hoodchecker and the only errors that the neighborhood had was with the Tricou family that comes with Downtown. (Which I had it fix) I'm pretty sure there is nothing that would give reason for it to be corrupt, since I never delete Sims (that's why I'm using the dead townies as ghosts in cemeteries) I try to play my game "smart" if that makes any sense. However, it IS a 5 year old neighborhood. Documentation of how I made it will be difficult, but all the Sims were made by me or were game generated, and all but like two lots were/will be built custom in that neighborhood. (and the ones that weren't were empty lots to begin with)
I could always make a newer, smaller neighborhood and remake the Sims that I'd like to put into the neighborhood, but I feel like it would defeat the whole purpose. I seriously don't have that much freetime to even play for fun anymore. I have tried to use AnyGame Starter (or whatever) to play just the base game, etc, and it seriously doesn't work for me. I follow all the instructions, and never have problems with any other programs/mods.
I always could upload the neighborhood and then make a newer one with less EPs/SPs if I have a high enough demand for it, but I utilize all objects of the EPs since I don't have much CC so building the neighborhood how I would like (I have industrial areas, lots of apartments, etc) would be difficult. Maybe I just won't upload it. I was planning on making another thread in the Upload Development thing and have a few people "test drive" the neighborhood to make sure I have no problems.

With this information (and I can give more about it if needed) what is everyone's opinion on this? Should I just keep it as my own or is it trustworthy to be uploaded? I can send it to someone else to check it as it is now (granted, much work is still needed, but if there is any damage it would have already been done.) The University subhood has 60 lots in its own. That's a relatively small chunk of all the lots that would be in the download..
Mad Poster
#11914 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 9:47 PM
Honestly it's a matter of you doing your own cost/benefit analysis of how to spend your time. I find it rewarding to have people out there using Widespot, but that's me - storytelling is what I do, I conceived the project and carried it out as an experiment in this new medium, and I was able to host it here at MTS, where people kind of know me, promotion was not my job, and I knew and understood the creator guidelines.

You wouldn't be the first person to make a neighborhood available, and there's some popular ones out there dating from before knowledge about how hood corruption happens, which people don't download as often anymore because of that; but you would have to figure out where to host it (it probably doesn't meet guidelines for this site, but you should read them for yourself), how to promote it, and so on, and how worthwhile it was would depend on how much work you were willing to do and what currency you measure your rewards in.

As for playing clean - I've never done a VBT (that I'm aware of) either, but my personal custom hood, Drama Acres, is showing signs of corruption. It's very, very easy, during the course of normal play, to have a hiccup during saving or something and not even notice it. And a lot of corruption stems from accumulation of gossip, and unknown sources in parts of the code modders can't even access. In my case, I was playing it for a few months before I even knew about creaturefixes, nounlinkondelete, and other corruption-prevention hacks, and I certainly didn't start clearing gossip till after corruption had already started. It's one thing to play in your own mess, but I know I wouldn't download a hood to play that hadn't been created with sharing in mind, just because I wouldn't want to inherit anybody else's issues; but that's just me.

You can't predict how the general public will react. To anything. That's how you get multi-million dollar box office failures and runaway cult hits, after all.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Site Helper
#11915 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 10:29 PM
It's hard to judge how many people would be interested in your neighborhood. Documenting your neighborhood in Creator Feedback might give you an idea of whether people find it interesting or not. You might just have to upload it through the normal channels and see whether MTS is willing to sponsor it, and then whether people want it. Sharing your neighborhood in the Creator Feedback thread is frowned upon and the mods will probably delete it.

Note that MTS has pretty strict requirements for neighborhoods and may not be interested in a hood with hundreds of dead default-face-template townies, but there are other sites which have less stringent rules. At this time, I only know of one occupied neighborhood that MTS has accepted, and Peni was very careful to create a small base-game no-CC neighborhood with no extraneous sims. Several of us are working on another base-game no-cc neighborhood, but we have no way of knowing whether MTS will accept it until it's ready to submit.

My suggestion is that you start a thread in Creator Feedback and document the hood using the MTS Creator Guidelines . Make sure to document at least 5 residential lots, 5 community lots, and 5 sims. Give us an idea of the neighborhood story. Explain about the dead sims.

There's no way to guarantee that a neighborhood is safe. No one will be able to "check it" any better than you can yourself. All that we can do is to look for signs of corruption. It sounds like you're careful and that corruption may not be too much of an issue. On the other hand, just about every shared neighborhood that I downloaded had some problems when I checked them. That's why I wrote the HoodChecker.
Field Researcher
#11916 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 10:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Is it possible to remove pets' last names using SimPE? I don't like having pets with surnames, because then their puppies/kittens also have surnames and that gets weird if they end up being owned by another family. I'd like to remove the Kat family cats' surnames before any kittens are born. Is it safe to do this in SimPE?

You can definitely do it - I've done it a number of times. As to whether it's safe, I don't see why not but I couldn't say for sure. I did check in SimPE to see how pets with only one name were handled and they had just a first name with the last name field blank, so that's why I figured it was ok for me to remove the last names of other pets.

It works just fine and I've never had any issues but I guess always back up first to be safe.

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Mad Poster
#11917 Old 15th Jun 2013 at 11:25 PM
Thank you for the reply :-) I also looked at pets without surnames in SimPE and it seemed fairly straightforward, but I was concerned that my game may object for some reason! I shall back up when I'm done setting up my current 'hood and then give it a go :-)
Test Subject
#11918 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 2:30 AM
I have a question about graveyards. When you move graves to a public graveyard is this safe or one of the VBT?
Field Researcher
#11919 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 2:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jkamartinek
I have a question about graveyards. When you move graves to a public graveyard is this safe or one of the VBT?

It's safe, if you're using the move grave option.

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#11920 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 2:57 AM
Was there a way to remove furniture from a lot you downloaded that is furnished? I know there was talk about it, and I think Mootilda mentioned adding it to a program, but I don't remember which.
Site Helper
#11921 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 2:58 AM Last edited by Mootilda : 17th Jun 2013 at 6:57 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by plyplay665
Is it possible to uninstall Mansion and Garden Stuff and be able to continue playing your current neighborhoods with Apartment Life?
This technique allowed me to convert an M&G neighborhood to an AL neighborhood:

Basically, you extract all of the records from the original M&G neighborhood, create a new neighborhood for AL, delete all of the records from the AL hood except for the VERS record, and add all of the extracted records from the M&G hood. I listed the record types that worked. If you have other record types, you may have to add them to see whether they crash the game or not.

Note that my neighborhood had no attached subhoods. If you have subhoods, you'll probably have to do the same procedure for each subhood, including all of the stealth subhoods.

I'm not sure why this technique works, but replacing the VERS record with an AL copy doesn't. It's a mystery.

Of course, this will only work when the game engines are compatible, for example: Store Edition, Mansion and Garden, and Apartment Life all use the AL game engine.

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Was there a way to remove furniture from a lot you downloaded that is furnished? I know there was talk about it, and I think Mootilda mentioned adding it to a program, but I don't remember which.
Yes. Both the Clean Installer and the LotAdjuster have this option.
Field Researcher
#11922 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 4:33 AM
I have recently started to let my older sims donate their career rewards to the community, instead of having my fifth generation kids accumulate all of them in their inventory. I usually let my retired sims run the community lot they put them on as a business. However for some I would like the community lots that incorporate the career rewards be unowned. Has anyone tried if those stay on a community lot after it is sold back?

I realize I could just test this, but I thought maybe someone has already done that and I don´t have to set up a testing environment or risk losing the rewards.

Another quick question, is it safe to put the foodstands, that spawn a chef on owned community lots? I did already try that and was surprised when a chef was spawned, as the espresso station doesn´t spawn a barista and my lotowners somehow don´t work as a barista when I visit with sims from another household.
Mad Poster
#11923 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 5:18 AM
This may seem like a odd question, but I keep having this problem: when a A Family Sim gets their LTW of 6 Grandchildren, is the platinum aspiration permanent, or is it supposed to go away after they hit a major fear (death of spouse)? I keep having the problem of Patrizio and Isabella have a LTW of 6 Grandchilren, and then Bianca has at least two kids giving them the 6 grand children. However, when it comes time for them to die, the one that dies first is platinum, but the second to die has low aspiration because of the fear of death of spouse even though I had filled the LTW of 6 grandchildren.
Mad Poster
#11924 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 5:26 AM
Do you have Cyjon's fragile permaplat mod, Orilon?
Mad Poster
#11925 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 5:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
Yes. Both the Clean Installer and the LotAdjuster have this option.

Oooh. Lot adjustor? Awesometasticness! I was thinking I'd have to remove all the lots from my game and reinstall them without the furniture. Being able to do it on lots already placed is really great. As usual your programs are crazy handy =)
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