Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1 Old 28th Dec 2014 at 12:56 AM
Default Can UI and catalogues be enlarged?
One of my major problems with S4 is that the UI and the thumbnails in the catalog, as well as the color selection panels, are so small I can't really see them. I do have some vision problems but I've never experienced this before and I haven't been able to find any way to enlarge them. Is this possible? I sure hope so because it makes it so difficult to do anything in game that I really have been unable to build to my satisfaction or even change furniture. Help!
Field Researcher
#2 Old 28th Dec 2014 at 3:00 PM
Maybe you can trying lowering the resolution for the game under Options>Graphics?
Test Subject
#3 Old 28th Dec 2014 at 4:27 PM
much more effective is changing the ui scale parameter to a lower value in the options ini.

it is here(windows 8.1 as example):
C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Electronic Arts\Die Sims 4

this way i can play per nvidia dsr 3840x2160 on a 1920x1080 screen, ultra sharp and clean, and with ui scale : 50
the ui is the same size as i would play 1080p native and thus nice to read.

changing resolution away from your native screen resolution is just plain wrong, why maxis didnĀ“t place an option for ui scale in the game (the parameter is allready there) is off my limits.
but decent programing was off their limits since the sims beginning^^
Test Subject
#4 Old 28th Dec 2014 at 10:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by xXxatrush1987
much more effective is changing the ui scale parameter to a lower value in the options ini.

it is here(windows 8.1 as example):
C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Electronic Arts\Die Sims 4

this way i can play per nvidia dsr 3840x2160 on a 1920x1080 screen, ultra sharp and clean, and with ui scale : 50
the ui is the same size as i would play 1080p native and thus nice to read.

Thank you! I just tried this and it makes a huge difference! No more eyestrain trying to read the tiny print.

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 31st Dec 2014 at 5:33 AM Last edited by Buzzler : 31st Dec 2014 at 4:33 PM. Reason: fixed the quote
Quote: Originally posted by xXxatrush1987
much more effective is changing the ui scale parameter to a lower value in the options ini.

it is here(windows 8.1 as example):
C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Electronic Arts\Die Sims 4

this way i can play per nvidia dsr 3840x2160 on a 1920x1080 screen, ultra sharp and clean, and with ui scale : 50
the ui is the same size as i would play 1080p native and thus nice to read.

Hmmm...well I think I tried that but it didn't work. Maybe I'll reread your instructions (which I can really understand atm) and keep trying until I get it right. Thanks!!
Test Subject
#6 Old 31st Dec 2014 at 8:26 PM
your options.ini, in the above descriped path, has the uiscale parameter in line 4

like this:

uiscale = 100

this value(100), you change in small steps until it is readable/usable.

smaller values make the ui bigger(like 90,80,...50,etc) and bigger values make it smaller(110,120,etc).

of cause this parameter changes the complete ui, so not only the colour stripes will get bigger/smaller, the texts and symbols change too.

as reference: i play sims 4 in 3840x2160 pixels resolution, in that resolution sims 4 with uiscale = 100 is even on a 42" tv hard t read, the colour stripes even harder. if i change the uiscale parameter to 50, the ui is double the size as it would be with 100, and i can read texts, and use the colour stripes effectively.
Test Subject
#7 Old 9th Nov 2019 at 6:25 PM
Thank you!!!!!!
Quote: Originally posted by xXxatrush1987
your options.ini, in the above descriped path, has the uiscale parameter in line 4

like this:

uiscale = 100

this value(100), you change in small steps until it is readable/usable.

smaller values make the ui bigger(like 90,80,...50,etc) and bigger values make it smaller(110,120,etc).

of cause this parameter changes the complete ui, so not only the colour stripes will get bigger/smaller, the texts and symbols change too.

as reference: i play sims 4 in 3840x2160 pixels resolution, in that resolution sims 4 with uiscale = 100 is even on a 42" tv hard t read, the colour stripes even harder. if i change the uiscale parameter to 50, the ui is double the size as it would be with 100, and i can read texts, and use the colour stripes effectively.

Thank you SOOOO much for this! It has totally changed my game experience!!!!!!!!!!!
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#8 Old 9th Nov 2019 at 7:48 PM
When you do this, does everything still fit ok? Do the catalog icons wrap?

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
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