Mad Poster
#252 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 1:18 AM
Ah, Cat, a drink is what I need. Guess who never uses cars in her game, or garages, and had no proper idea of the size of a vehicle? (Just.... starting over.... And I have no idea what you have done to that window. Thought it was on purpose, to be honest Perhaps I should just stock the fermented juice bar and take a break for the night, since it is 1 in the morning here (No idea who let that damn Insomnia in tonight and CFE does not want to listen to me either).
#253 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 1:37 AM
Cat, I think you window looks fine, as it's abandoned you'd think there'd be some imperfections somewhere and usually window joins are the first to go!

Phae, I don't agree on getting rid of the vaulted pillars as I really like how they turned out, majority of the pictures I've seen have them, I'm not the only one that's used them so must be doing something right, and without them the roof ceiling just looks too 'new' even with beams. I'm pretty sure my parking spaces were correct I'm not going to change them either if they aren't as that will ruin the 'look' they're just meant to be deco after all and again the era the church was first built and then abandoned didn't have parking spaces. If I get marked down for it then I'm fine with that as I'm happy with what I've done after building four shells!

Want to say everyone's churches are looking great, would love to go exploring in each and every one :D

Rome wasn't built in a day

Need help finding building items, check out my building blog
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#254 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 1:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
Thanks for the suggestions - I think the problem stems from it being a 2-story window... still futzing...

Cat, I would leave it, to me it looks like a building that is falling apart, so rather than say you made a mistake, say you did it on purpose and roll with it!

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Field Researcher
#255 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 2:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Cat, I would leave it, to me it looks like a building that is falling apart, so rather than say you made a mistake, say you did it on purpose and roll with it!

I agree ! I thought it was made intentionnaly when I saw the pictures the first time, before anyone said something about this :-)

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Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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Original Poster
#256 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 3:21 AM
ekrubynaffit, your call on the ceiling. Your church is significantly older in style than most of the others. Think 1880s and less 1600s. While I agree that the parking spaces are rather arbitrary for an abandoned building, I have that requirement in there so you'll have enough space set aside for the new owner's parking requirements. You have plenty of space on your lot currently, so I wouldn't change anything, just a heads up for the next round.

Could someone pop in game and tell me how many tiles a car has? Our parking spaces need to be at least that big. Maybe grab a screenshot of it too?

Cat, it might be worthwhile to figure out how fix. The building should look abandoned for now, but for the reno, everything will need to look sparkly and new. It would be a shame to swap out such a lovely statement window during the reno.
#257 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 3:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
Could someone pop in game and tell me how many tiles a car has? Our parking spaces need to be at least that big. Maybe grab a screenshot of it too?

See attached. A car occupies 3x6 tiles (although the 6th doesn't seem to actually have a purpose...)
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#258 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 4:22 AM
Forever, thanks for the pic. I think we can safely say parking spaces need to be at least 3x5. I agree, that 6th tile looks worthless. You can always do 3x6, but parking spaces do not need to be as large as a driveway extension piece.
Mad Poster
#259 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 4:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
Cat, it might be worthwhile to figure out how fix....

Still trying. I want to upload the church (ungrunged) - so I want it to be right.

For those who are trying to help me figure it out: I have the foundation, 1 wall (2-story walls on either side of the building - with the same problem) and the roof wall. The 1st level of wall is CFE'd - stretched/expanded/wtf - up 4 clicks, and the window is the 2-story one from katvip. ...I thought Numenor's wall would fix it, because it fixes CFE borkiness. *sigh* It crashed on me twice today, so I gave up until tomorrow. Lunie sent me a window to try (Thanks! @HugeLunatic) so hopefully everything will fall into place then. I can't wait to start work on my warehouse!

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Blenderized to Pieces
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#260 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 7:35 PM Last edited by porkypine : 28th Sep 2016 at 9:37 PM.
OooO ekrubynaffit! I love the way you grungified the crumbling walls? Where did you find the crumble mesh?

CatherineTCJD - I've seen window/door cutout weirdness when some cheats are active during placement. Run these cheats and see if it fixes that cutout flaw: moveobjects off and boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true Once you run those commands, then repop that window into place. Hopefully that fixes it.

Oh Hey! I just found all the downloads for the crumbling walls and grunge textures.
Mad Poster
#261 Old 28th Sep 2016 at 11:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
Forever, thanks for the pic. I think we can safely say parking spaces need to be at least 3x5. I agree, that 6th tile looks worthless. You can always do 3x6, but parking spaces do not need to be as large as a driveway extension piece.

I used 3x5s for the rank-and-file parking spaces on all of these lots , and 4x4s for the diagonals... just so you get an idea what that'll look like.

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Mad Poster
#262 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 12:30 AM
*sigh* Stoop-head me fergot to add Lunie's fixed window to my game before firing it up So, I'm still not done with the church, but...
Here's my warehouse so far I hope it is on the right track? I'd really like to ditch a few of the cars - can I do that, even without using pavement stripes? (I don't have any grungy stripes, and I used 'curbs' for my church - don't want to repeat myself over and over again) LOL!

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
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and Vintage Stuffeths
#263 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 2:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
*sigh* Stoop-head me fergot to add Lunie's fixed window to my game before firing it up So, I'm still not done with the church, but...
Here's my warehouse so far I hope it is on the right track? I'd really like to ditch a few of the cars - can I do that, even without using pavement stripes? (I don't have any grungy stripes, and I used 'curbs' for my church - don't want to repeat myself over and over again) LOL!

I just used the regular pavement stripes, and then put a ton of floor overlays over top of them for the church.
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#264 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 2:56 AM
Cat, you are off to a good start, though your warehouse looks a bit small, I'm assuming the upstairs is mostly open to below, so you might need to make the place a bit bigger. Your roof looks neat, but the triangles are a bit steep. You don't need to keep all the cars, as long as there is space for the parking that is required and the judges can figure out where it is. You could draw over a photo if you don't want to use flooring or anything.
Mad Poster
#265 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 5:58 AM
Thanks Phae My roof inspiration LOL! I'll see if I can tone them down a bit, and still have the windows up there.

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
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#266 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 11:37 AM Last edited by kanzen : 4th Oct 2016 at 7:40 AM.
Gothic Church Shell: Saint Yzther's Sanctuary
Official Entry

the following description is 50% fiction, 50% WWII history of the Philippines
The small town of Dolcevina humbly asks the City to help Saint Yzther's Sanctuary. The chapel was built in 1946, after the Japanese Imperial Army left the country, to honor the local town heroine, Yzther de Chagny. During WWII, Miss Yzther obliterated the first wave of invasion of our town and later led the local guerrillas until the end of the war. Over the years, the number of attendees has declined due to either moving to bigger and wealthier areas, or refusing to acknowledge Miss Yzther as a saint. By 1999, the church was slowly abandoned and left untouched; most of it is intact with only a few items missing. The church's only visitors nowadays are and young couples who would take pre-nuptial photos inside the garden-turned sanctuary every wedding season. Aware of the situation, the 87 year old heroine said during the press con:

"...I want that ----censored---- thing to be of use before I turn to ----censored---- worm chow. Stop ----censored---- among yourselves and help this town, or I'll ----censored---- hammer it down myself."

The rest of her speech was difficult to translate for the general audience, so we omitted them in this appeal. She only wishes to have certain statues delivered to her home.
1.) Angel Anabiel - for divine intervention when I'm about to do something stupid.
2.) Angel Mihael - to bless my marriage - wait, I don't have one. Never mind him then.
3.) My statue - so I can laugh at it.

We hope for your kind consideration,
Mayor of Dolcevina
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
staff: administrator
#267 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 12:29 PM
#268 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 5:27 PM
Default Warehouse Draft - 2.0
Hi, guys!

Once again, no jobs (and probably for the best, because I'm feeling kind of crummy this morning)... So here's some changed pictures of my warehouse!

I added a reception area and a break room, because I'm a keener like that. Still trying to decide if that last level will be accessible or not.
Field Researcher
#269 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 5:31 PM
Sorry for my delay.... Here's my church property
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#270 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 8:22 PM
Wow! You guys are doing a great job! (I better sit down at my game and get busy!) Lots of great competition!
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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Original Poster
#271 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 10:07 PM
kanzen, looks great! I'm adding your entry to the spreadsheet now.

ForeverCamp, your warehouse looks fab, keep going! Passed City Inspection!

Red Sonja, your church style is a little off, but it shouldn't take much to get it in line. My two notes for you to pass City Inspection are that I'd like you to remove the attic floor up on the 4th floor (so you can take advantage of your gorgeous windows and vaulted ceiling), and rework how to get to the basement of your church. Having a staircase right down the center aisle doesn't make sense. Because of your second building, you actually have enough space without either basement if you'd just like to do away with the basements all together. Suggestions: to get closer to the church style, I'd recommend removing the crenelations around the tops of your towers, and make one of the side towers (or both) another level or two higher. Your church currently looks more like it belongs to the Federal Style, which is known for it's large stately appearance, use of red brick and white, and symmetry. All of your doors and windows are from the right style, which might be why the combination here looks odd. You might also consider a grey stone or grey brick instead.

Reminder, Churches are DUE on MONDAY. I won't be around on Saturday or Sunday to do Inspections or provide feedback, so get them to me today or tomorrow. If you do not pass City Inspection, you will NOT be considered for a Building Permit. All that is required for an Inspection are the floor views and a front photo.
#272 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 10:11 PM
Kanzen its breathtaking, love everything you've done! Ceilings work well too!

Rome wasn't built in a day

Need help finding building items, check out my building blog
#273 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 10:39 PM
Yay! I have redeemed myself (in my eyes, at least!) for that miserable 3-lot attempt during the church round!! My grunge game needed to get stepped up after seeing all of the other churches, so I'm glad I have lots of time to do that for the factory!
Field Researcher
#274 Old 29th Sep 2016 at 10:47 PM
Will do! Thanks for the input.
Forum Resident
#275 Old 30th Sep 2016 at 2:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ekrubynaffit
Kanzen its breathtaking, love everything you've done! Ceilings work well too!

Thank you! Yours looks like it's straight out of a zombie game =)) I wouldn't sneak in there...not everyday lmao
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