Field Researcher
#276 Old 30th Sep 2016 at 5:51 PM Last edited by Red Sonja : 3rd Oct 2016 at 5:26 PM.
Default Official entry
Okay.... Here's my Entry..... Lot re-grungified 3/10/2016
Mad Poster
#277 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 4:00 AM
Why is there nobody at the fermented juice bar??? I know we are building churches and everything, but I don't like drinking alone

We had a power failure, but I think my church should be ready in time! As I look at all these churches, I can envision a holy neighbourhood packed with them
#278 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 4:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Why is there nobody at the fermented juice bar??? I know we are building churches and everything, but I don't like drinking alone

*bellies up to the bar* The lack of factory accessory/machinery CC is driving me to the edge. I'll take some fermented juice to drink while I cut up oranges for play rehearsal snacks for tomorrow and try not to let nightmares in after the book I just finished reading.
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#279 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 6:06 AM
Progress sample.....

Ok, How is this? I'm still working on it. Just got the church so far, not the other buildings yet... I uploaded the actual church model. Unfortunately, I don't have the right kind of buttresses and windows as the real one. AND.. I hit the floor level limit so I couldn't make that tower cap section. *sigh*
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#280 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 7:22 AM
Porkypine, looking good! To get around the level limit, try adding a dormer. That usually gives you another level to play with.
Field Researcher
#281 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 7:37 AM
Phaenoh....can I go forward with the remodel?
Constant Contestant
retired moderator
#282 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 6:03 PM
Hi guys, goodluck with the contest. I've decided to pull-out, sorry. Your churches are all looking amazing! I'll be following along to see what you all come up with.

Want a specific style of house or community building? Why not take a look at my profile and see what I build and then come ask me to make it!
Mad Poster
#283 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 3:03 AM
I want to skip the church round. It is probably a bit late to make that decision, but better late than never We have been without electricity for quite some time this week, and apparently tomorrow - Sunday (or rather later today) will be 8 hours (that is one reason). And of course it is not only building that stays behind if the electricity if off.

The second reason is that I really struggle to get this right - although I feel as if I made progress - and then I somehow buggered up my lot (which was not looking all that bad to me) - so I decided to build another one, and realised that I forgot the stairs. So I build another one - (needing fermented juice by this time) - but it is not working for me. And I don't feel that I will have the time to spend on getting it right.

I would rather continue with the factory (at least I have been in many of them, and I cannot say that about churches - I have not been in one for ages) - and hope to complete that shell by Tuesday.

Attached are the screenshots of my attempts. The red one is sort of the original (just higher and thinner) and the other one is the one I quickly built today. I have already learned a lot of new things! And one day I will build a proper Gothic Revival church and upload it!

Off to stock the juice bar (who drank all the fermented potato juice?)
#284 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 3:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Off to stock the juice bar (who drank all the fermented potato juice?)

/me raises hand guiltily. Potatoes are just so darn good.
Mad Poster
#285 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 3:21 AM
Oh, you are welcome I will just stock more then!
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#286 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 3:54 AM
Red Sonja, the judges and I will decide who will get a Building Permit, after they have scored your entry. If you'd like to continue to make it look more rundown, you may.

Karen Lorraine, we will miss you, but feel free to jump back in if you change your mind!

Justpetro, choosing to withdraw for this round is a fair plan. To maximize your points though, you might still want to consider submitting *something* that way we can give you a few points. Both of these two churches would be fine if you want to just stop there, but if you'd like to try again, I'd recommend taking your red church, removing one of the levels from the main sanctuary space (it's still too tall), and removing that third floor on the back addition. Then, remove all the extra foundation deck space, and pick a grey brick or stone work wallpaper. Lastly, remove all your round windows and replace with pointy ones. It would still need a lot of TLC if you wanted to continue with it, but I could at least give you points for 1, being the right lot size, 2, being a church, and 3 maybe even being the right style.

Everyone, I goofed last Monday when I launched round 2. That announcement should have been made this Monday instead. That means the shell round of the warehouse will last 3 weeks instead of the normal two. I don't want to just up my time table because that means at some point you all will be working on 3 projects at once, and that's just crazy. Giving you the warehouse a week early also split your focus from the church, so I want to give everyone an extra day to get your churches done. Please have your entries done before Tuesday. I can't give you much more than that because then judging will fall behind, and no one wants that!
#287 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 4:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
Everyone, I goofed last Monday when I launched round 2. That announcement should have been made this Monday instead.

That's what I had thought... Happy enough to keep grungifying the warehouse.

(However, I've now come to the realization that at some point in November, I am going to crash and burn... Uni course, work, NaNoWriMo, this contest, Christmas play directing and Sunday School teaching. I am a glutton for punishment...) Chances are, if I'm going to withdraw for any rounds, they're going to happen in November. Perfectionist in me is hoping that I won't reach that point, but needs must.
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#288 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 7:03 AM Last edited by porkypine : 6th Oct 2016 at 4:09 AM.
Default Church Entry
Saint Leander's Church

The walls should have a nice soft stucco finish but the years have discolored the walls. The church is a standard Catholic style modern gothic. High vaulted ceiling, raised alter, confessional and candles and a few saint statues. It has a choir on the balcony accessible via the bell tower's spiral stairs. It has an entry vestibule.

In separate buildings are the priest and nun houses containing the parish's offices. There is a small school in back. After hours the classrooms are used for catechism classes and marriage preparation classes. The rooms inside the classrooms are expandable by opening the inner doors, then it becomes a community room/kitchen, etc. There is parking in back by the school and up front by the priest's house and a small playground for the school kids.

Catholic kids attend mass right alongside their parents. If the family has an infant they attend mass in the enclosed infants room which is off to the side of the alter so crying infants don't disturb the mass. They don't have 'Sunday school' however they do have catechism once a week either in the evening or a Saturday.

I know it's late but I forgot to upload the interior shots. So just for look-see.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#289 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 7:27 AM
Cheers on @Justpetro I'm sure you can do what Phae suggested and we can give you some points.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Field Researcher
#290 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 2:44 PM
Aw, I'm so releaved the warehouse round will last 3 weeks instead of two ! I had surgery this friday and I can't stay long on my computer for almost a week so I was thinking about giving up for the warehouse round and come back for the next one. But this way, it may work for me and I really wanted to build a warehouse, I was so excited by this ! Thank you !

I share my CC here !
Field Researcher
#291 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 10:15 PM
Default Church Shell - Entry
First of all, sorry for not having posted anything in the last week. I wasn't home, so I couldn't build anything, which also means that my church was only grungified today. I know the deadline is tomorrow, but I might as well get this over with.

There you go. My church has parking for 6, a bell tower, a sanctuary, a balcony, a vestibule, 4 bathrooms, a reception, 2 offices, 2 sunday school rooms, a community room, a kitchen and a nursery. I tried to make the walls and floors look old and in disrepair. In the sanctuary, one of the columns fell and broke into 2 pieces.

Anyway. I haven't started building the warehouse yet, but I don't think I will struggle as much as I did with the church.
Mad Poster
#292 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 10:24 PM
Thank you, Phaenoh, I will submit something The extra day will help a lot! And Jo Although the points do not matter! The learning new skills (and, of course, the fermented juice, do!) I will see what I can do.
Mad Poster
#293 Old 2nd Oct 2016 at 11:45 PM
Whew! Hey everybunny
I just finished the "Longest Photo-Shoot EVER!!!" (...according to Cat, anyway) *sigh* Every time I was about to snap a picture she had to stop and fix something!
"That needs to be dirtier."
"Is this carpet yucky enough?"
"Why can't I smash a whole in the custom stained glass window?"
Aye-yai-yai, I'm glad that's over with. Now I just have to consolidate 39 pictures down to what's absolutely necessary. I'm glad you restocked, Petro! I'll have some of that new potato juice with just a touch of dry grape and 3 olives please. Shaken, not stirred. better make that a double Thanks!

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Mad Poster
#294 Old 3rd Oct 2016 at 12:03 AM
Shaken it will be, Cat, and not stirred A triple coming up!
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#295 Old 3rd Oct 2016 at 4:11 AM
Oh man guys, this commute and this job. Nearly fell asleep driving home again. Only made $15 in tips. Bleah. I spent that much in gas and a fast food dinner on the way home. The job itself is fun and that's prolly the only reason I'm sticking it out through the season. Dunno if I'll do it again next year though. Hey Petro, I'll have what CatherineTCJD is having and add olive juice.

Forever, I'll note it down that you might have a conflict in November, so if you and someone else are both on the cusp for a Building Permit, we'll give it to you so you won't miss two rounds. If anyone else knows they might have trouble with a future round because of an IRL conflict, please let me know asap.

Porky, very lovely church. You have passed City Inspection. I'd like to give you a heads up that your church is *not* the described style; it is a very lovely southwestern inspired Catholic church, but you will lose two points for that. (Likely won't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I want everyone to be in charge of their own destiny in this contest.) I'm also concerned with your parking spaces. We determined that a minimum parking space needs to be 3x5, and it looks like yours are 2x5, much too narrow for a car. When I count the floor tiles you have for your parking, I think I can only get 3 cars in there. All of your other rooms seem to have an equivalence with what was required, so I think you are fine there.

xmathyx, I'm glad that worked in your favor!

PanAm103, no need to apologize, IRL happens to all of us! Your church is much improved from your last post, good job! It appears to have everything as required as well. It is very empty, but the grunge points actually don't make up much of the overall score, so don't sweat it, you'll keep improving!

Justpetro, glad the extra day helped you as well! While 'the games are made up and the points don't matter', it's still fun to have a contest where anyone could be the winner! Can't wait to see what you post.

Cat, do we call you Cat? I'm so used to Cat meaning CatOfEvilGenius. I can't wait to see your photos! I always have that problem too, take a pic see something to fix. Half the time I just tell myself I'll fix it in Photoshop later. Used to do that a TON before we got proper ceilings.
Field Researcher
#296 Old 3rd Oct 2016 at 8:04 PM
YESS!!!! I made it! Do you know how hard it is to decorate in "grunge" when you are OCD anyway.... and want to instinctively make a lot look good?
Mad Poster
#297 Old 4th Oct 2016 at 12:07 AM
Default Entry Round 1 - church
(Here we go I did spend a few hours breaking down and rebuilding, and, although imperfect, at least it is a somewhat decent lot. Let us gather a couple of points then Meanwhile, going to stock the juice bar, olives, cocktail umbrellas and all).

Dear City Council

This church has an interesting story and lots of potential. The architect did not quite understand the principles, and the builder read the plans wrong. The contractor then vanished with all the money. The members of the congregation raised funds to at least complete a church that they could use and they used it well until the community was hit by the Sim plague. Only one member survived and left the city.

The church was in use again later, explaining the newer furniture. A cult made use of it for a while, but then decided to move to their own farm.

Recently, a homeless person has been living in the tower for a while, and she tried to clean up a bit. She has found a home, so we don't have to kick her out. We believe she puts the fresh flowers inside. We gave her permission to sell the car for scrap, so that will be gone soon.

For all its faults, this is a decent church, with rather strong walls in general, and even the basement, where all the flooring has crumbled, is dry. It once had a lovely garden, but, even though it is neglected, there are signs of life.

We therefore apply for this church to be renovated. There are enough offices and probably Sunday school classes, plus plenty of space in the tower, to turn this church into a new venue. It would make a lovely guest house for businessmen who visits the city. The hall upstairs is large enough for a restaurant. That is, of course, only one of several possibilities, the church has a lot of potential.

We honestly believe that it would be a pity for this church to be bulldozed and the Heritage Committee hereby requests that you consider our proposal to save this building.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

The Simwhere Heritage Committee.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#298 Old 4th Oct 2016 at 12:14 AM
When and how do we start judging? Shame it wasn't last week we were on holiday and now we are back doing school.

@Phaenoh is it possible that we can judge entries as they start coming in rather than waiting and having all of them to do at once?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Link Ninja
#299 Old 4th Oct 2016 at 1:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
When and how do we start judging? Shame it wasn't last week we were on holiday and now we are back doing school.

@Phaenoh is it possible that we can judge entries as they start coming in rather than waiting and having all of them to do at once?

On that note, will all the official entries be linked somewhere? I noticed a few on the front page - those are what we judge for shells right?

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#300 Old 4th Oct 2016 at 1:06 AM
Default Official Entry - R1 Cathedral Shell

Dear Conservation Committee Members,
I am really excited to be able to apply for your help - and I hope you will see the potential (and the history) that our building has to offer. The church building originates from the 1830's; with a large addition to the back built in the 1940's. It has all the rooms you requested in our initial interview: vestibule, sanctuary with balcony, bell tower (though the bells have been removed), fellowship hall with a kitchen, nursery, two Sunday School rooms, two offices, a reception area, restrooms, and parking for four cars in front. It is constructed from our local hard-fired clay bricks and most of the wood found inside is from our own Black Walnut trees. Please let me know if you have any further questions. I eagerly await your response.
The Woodlawn Heritage Group

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
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