#426 Old 15th Oct 2016 at 2:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Can I ask - I'm a little confused. The first post says applications are still being accepted. Does that mean we can enter round 2 if we did not compete in round 1? I mean, whether I complete a shell to spec before Monday is the challenge, but, I'm interested all the same. If I did miss round two, would it be possible for me to enter round 3?

Either way I love this contest and will definitely be following everyone's entries! :lovestruc

My understanding is yes, it would be possible. Phae probably won't checking in until late tonight (North American time), so I would say give in the application links (existing commercial lots), and see if you can get the round 2 shell going today for inspection.
Field Researcher
#427 Old 15th Oct 2016 at 11:22 PM
What I have so far. I have removed the third floor, as asked. The two rooms with a circle around them are spaces where I don't know what to do with them. Also there's a 2x2 spot next to the loading gate that I built just because the gate looked odd without it, maybe I could delete one of the bathrooms and place it there? Also, is my interior ok?

An important question: we are all in different time zones. When is the time limit? I know it's due Monday, but Monday here in Portugal comes a lot sooner than Monday in the US.
#428 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 1:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PanAm103
An important question: we are all in different time zones. When is the time limit? I know it's due Monday, but Monday here in Portugal comes a lot sooner than Monday in the US.

I'm pretty sure Phae said she's not being a stickler for a time/time zone. I think she may be one of the latest time zones here, so whenever she gets online after waking up would be the end of the round but I think the idea was "just try for Monday morning your time" (which, in Portugal, would still be Sunday night here, so you're good).
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#429 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 8:54 AM
Well, I am rebuilding the whole lot again. Here is a sample. Still have to put in the windows, and grunge decor, etc.
Mad Poster
#430 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 12:29 PM Last edited by Justpetro : 18th Oct 2016 at 8:50 PM.
Default Entry : The Fine Formals Factory
Dear City Council

The Fine Formals Factory produced exceptional formal wear at its highest point in history; but the factory was quickly turned into producing military uniforms for soldiers when war broke out. The quality control clerk left to work elsewhere and she could not be replaced for some time. During this period, a batch of military shirts were delivered with the pockets sewn through the front and the back and the whole batch of shirts had to be destroyed. The factory never recovered from this and eventually went bankrupt. For years, the building remained empty, but recently it has become available on the market. This is prime property and everything that is still in the factory will be sold or removed soon.

We respectfully ask the city to save the Fine Formals Factory. Please consider the potential it has! The building is in relatively good condition, apart from a bit of dust and dirt, some tiny cracks and the colorful graffiti at places.

Thank you
The Industrial Heritage Committee

(Added 2 parking lots when I realised I can only get 6 cars into the parking space)
Field Researcher
#431 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 7:46 PM Last edited by PanAm103 : 17th Oct 2016 at 11:09 PM.
Default Warehouse Shell - Entry
This is my entry for the Warehouse Shell round (I haven't passed City Inspection yet, which is risky, but I don't think I have the time to ask first). The warehouse features every requested space (I noticed now that, in the photos, you can't clearly see the 8 parking spots. I guarantee there are 8, but I will take another picture next time I boot up my game). The main work floor is 2 stories tall. It has a balcony and a winch to hoist stuff up there and then to the containers.
As asked, rooms are labeled.

I'm excited to see what we have to do next round!

EDIT: I have now added addicional photos and change little things about the lot. I also noticed that, due to the loading dock being 2 stories tall, I need to retake the photo of the second story. Aaaargh! I might leave the photo as it is, but note that the wall was demolished (just like in the picture of the 1st floor).
Mad Poster
#432 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 8:57 PM
Default Official Entry R2 - Warehouse Shell
I thought I had passed City Inspection - but I guess I hadn't - so, I hope this works... *cheers!*

As it is mid-October, I thought it appropriate for the tour to be given by a "ghost"-host. So, step right this way and meet your host, Madge:

If you want to jump right in to the nitty-gritty floorplans and such are the last 4 pictures (below)

We - well, Madge especially (she really doesn't want to leave her 'home') - hope that the City will find this building worthy of restoration. It is a large space, that could be well suited to many different venues.
Thank you all for your consideration

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Mad Poster
#433 Old 16th Oct 2016 at 10:39 PM
Default Application + R2 Shell Entry
Oh, duh. Gah. I did miss the part about having uploaded previous community lots, which I haven't done. Oh well. I guess that is my fault for being too lazy to corral all my CC together enough to upload! Unless my entries in a previous contest would work? It's a stretch. But I entered the Vacation Destination contest, and although I dropped out before the end, I built three community lots for that. I, um, can't find the thread though. Because it was in joint contests and I can't find that anywhere in the forum tree. I always went from the front page, but it's too old to be there now. Help? I think those are my best work in terms of community lot building.

Oh, and I've also built lots as part of a shared hood building project. You can see them here: and here (redecoration)

So with that, I'm just going to go ahead and upload what I've done. If I've broken too many rules/not met the guidelines, then just skip over me. But honestly, I had fun building this (I fell in love with the story of the bottle kilns) and I think I will keep it, so it's just a wild shot in the dark I have a hugely busy day tomorrow, and won't be able to make any changes most likely (maybe on Tuesday, I'm in Europe if that matters.) So, yeah. This is me jumping in with both feet and shouting "Geronimo!" I won't be offended if you say no. I'll be thrilled if you say yes!

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
#434 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 12:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Unless my entries in a previous contest would work? It's a stretch. But I entered the Vacation Destination contest, and although I dropped out before the end, I built three community lots for that. I, um, can't find the thread though. Because it was in joint contests and I can't find that anywhere in the forum tree. I always went from the front page, but it's too old to be there now. Help? I think those are my best work in terms of community lot building.

Are you talking about the Build a Resort contest, maybe? I found it in the forums (Sims 2 Contests > Joint Contests > Closed Contests), and it does have your name in the participant list as a TS2 builder.
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#435 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 4:18 AM
Omg, that was a VERY long, Very tiring, very fun weekend. I got home crazy late last night and immediately went to bed to be able to do it all over again in the morning. Only one more weekend of this, and then I'm back to being available on saturdays and sundays to answer questions. Forever, thank you for answering questions in my absence. /me hands Forever a made-from-scratch pumpkin spice iced cookie.

simsfreq, yes, you can join us, and welcome! More below. (I try to go in chrono order for my big catch-up posts)

PanAm, that looks great! Your front mystery room looks like it would be a reception area / show room, so I'd put in a desk, some worn out couches, a counter for a coffee machine, some filing cabinets, some display cases, that sort of thing. Your other circled area can just join the loading dock by demolishing that adjoining wall, nothing said it had to be a regular shape. As for time zones, Forever was correct, I soft close the round when I get up on Monday morning 10ish EST. If you are running late, get it up as soon as you can but don't fret. Losing points for not beating a clock is not how I like to roll. As long as your stuff is up before the judges get to work, you are fine. Your entry looks great, my only suggestion is add more photos for us to see, and consider taking down that wall I mentioned. Also, do you have windows on the non-slanty sides of your roofs? I can't tell from these photos. You also might want to consider adding some landscaping.

Porky, I love this iteration! Add a bunch of windows to just below your roofs and it's spot on! (The angles of these roofs was to allow as much light in as possible without creating direct glare.)

Pertro, I LOVE it! Great job! Your shell looks stellar and exactly right with the style. Great work!

Cat, your warehouse is fabulous! I love it all!

simfreq, I love your entry. Unfortunately, your building has not passed City Inspection. These inspections are like little progress reports to help you get the best marks possible by the judges, or to help you stay on the right track if your totally awesome idea just won't work for what the space is going to be turned into next. Yours falls under the second reason. While your kilns are super neat, they eat up a ton of floor space, and the main requirement for this round was a lot of floor space (and an awesome roof line, which you totally nailed). You've got about 12 hours to either entirely retool your warehouse (please don't! so much to do, so little time!), or leave it as it is, we will judge it as the awesome warehouse it is (You're sure to get high marks for it), but we won't consider it for a Building Permit (what we give to the contestants who will be renovating their shell, as not everyone gets to renovate each round.)

We've been having a lot of people dropping out partly because I think our pace is too fast. I'm going to consider either lengthening each round, or not doing two rounds at the same time. The consequence of this will either be that the entire contest will run longer, or we'll have to cut one of the rounds out entirely, doing only 3 instead of 4. Can I get y'all opinions on these two options? ('Lengthen Rounds' vs. 'Only One Round at a Time' and also 'Longer Contest' vs. 'Only 3 Rounds'.) Judges, you can vote too! Everyone who had to drop, would any of these options be able to bring you back?
#436 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 6:04 AM
PUMPKIN SPICE COOOOOOKIE?! CAMPY LOVES COOOOOKIES!!! Om-nom-nom.... No problem, Phae. I try to be helpful, given that I seem to have very little life that doesn't take place in a school. (As it turns out, I'm a time zone even farther back than you are. Sounds like there's quite a lot of Europeans/otherwise-East-of-the-Atlantics on our participant list, so I guess it's mainly me that has to worry about the time-ish-ness of it all!)

I'm okay with whatever the choice ends up being: however, I tend to blitz my building all at once, so longer rounds don't particularly appeal to me. I did sort of have an "Oh, shoot. I'm done all my building and there's still another week before I can get anything new!' moment last week. My Sims 4 Settlers challenge world got a fair amount of attention this week - that's all I can say. I also don't mind the contest running longer: I sort of want to have as many builds as I can!
Forum Resident
#437 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 6:19 AM
I don't think we're going to fast at all. It's just that a lot of real life stuff are happening all at once for some of us.
Like ForeverCamp, I also blitz through building once I get inspired so long rounds tend to make people loose their rhythm.
One round at a time would be great and it will make people join in the middle of the contest much simpler.

I'm still 50-50 on sitting out the contest for a while
This is the first time international moving has stressed me out so much and I'm a seasoned veteran lmao!
It's prolly because I'm used to furnished apartments so much that I only needed to pack my personal belongings and go. Now I have to think about the furniture!
Bless the furnished apartments! Bless the furnished houses! Bless all ye landlords providing furniture! Blesssssssss
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#438 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 6:25 AM
As a judge I haven't had much to do at all so I'm fine.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#439 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 6:29 AM Last edited by porkypine : 18th Oct 2016 at 8:04 PM.
Default Round Two Entry - Factory
Round Two Entry - Factory

Garment factory turned parachute factory, ready for re-purposing.
Truck Loading dock on street side. Train loading dock on backside.
Employee parking and entrance on side street.

note: One thing I would have added, if I could find the CC, are large sheet rolls for miles of fabrics, Going up and down - which would use the vertical spaces. All I could find were small looms... so.. meh. fake parachute factory.

Here go some fabric factory scenes. Pretend I have that equipment in this factory. (of course, ol and grungified)

Mad Poster
#440 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 7:21 AM
Fellow fermented juice drinkers, your factories are all amazing! And I probably would not have built one if not for this competition, and I had such a lot of fun!

My experience with the 2 or 3 competitions I have taken part in before this one - contestants drop out. Of course Real Life gets in the way, and I don't know if changing the format of the competition would change that. It may be worth asking the ones who have dropped out if it was due to the pace.

The pace - it does seem fast, though - I was actually quite happy not to get a permit for my church in the end, because, due to the time of the year, I am quite busy with paperwork for my band which will perform at Year End and Christmas functions. Yet I knew that when I entered!
Echezzman Nwokeoma
staff: senior moderator
#441 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 7:50 AM
I do think the pace is alright. I have been in contests before and had to drop out in one because of real life issues and guess what....that was in the final round.

I would not say that changing the lenght frame of a round or reducing it to one will be okay because once real life issues sets in and starts hitting you hard you just have to choose to drop out.
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#442 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 5:32 PM
Ok, front table is updated. We will be scoring the WIPs from ekrubynaffit and kanzen. I am missing entries from Red Sonja and xmathyx. Has anyone heard from them or justJones or kerri191 lately?

I'm going to bump the rounds from starting and closing on Mondays, to Tuesday or Wednesday. A few of us (myself included) feel this all is fast and the extra day here might give us a bit of a chance to catch our breaths. Anyone who wants to tweak their warehouse entries may do so. I don't want to start the third round just yet, it feels like we are rushing. Also, being down to 6 contestants when we haven't even gotten halfway through the contest is not a good sign. Can y'all scare up a few friends to join us?
Mad Poster
#443 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 8:08 PM
RE: timing
It's just fine for me - either way is good.
The overlapped rounds were kinda confusing to me at first, but I think I get it now...
I LOVE this contest! I thoroughly enjoy building [mostly] historical buildings, and buildings with a purpose. And, buildings that are re-purposed
I'm not very well connected social-media wise, but I'll spread the word as best as I can

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#444 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 8:32 PM
Hello Phae,

I think current idea of staggering the entries and the rounds at the same time is good. I would have been bored and probably forgotten to check in to see round 2 if it had been delayed until the first rounds of renovations was completed. My church was not selected because it was not in style and not suitable for the renovation type - so waiting around until all the final church lots were uploaded before starting on round 2 entry would have been boring. I would have got busy on something else and forgotten all about the contest or I'd check in way too late to do anything.
Field Researcher
#445 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 11:12 PM
I have added some addicional photos so that the judges can clearly see the lot. Also, do I have to retake the picture of the 2nd floor (read what I wrote in the EDIT part), or can I leave it like that and the judges assume there is no wall there?

I feel that waiting an extra day is a really good idea. This weekend was hectic! I didn't have almost anything, I had to build it all mostly on Sunday.
Forum Resident
#446 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 11:15 PM
oh no scoring already? have i missed the deadline Q A Q
I was planning to finish it today
Mad Poster
#447 Old 17th Oct 2016 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
oh no scoring already?

I don't think anyone's scoring yet... Phae said she was moving the deadline back - so you still have time

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#448 Old 18th Oct 2016 at 12:39 AM
I think we will continue with our original pace, but we are going to just hit the pause button for a day or two, I'll announce Round 3 on Wednesday. You all have a couple more days to get your entries in and approved. Anyone without a submission yet, please try to at least throw a few pictures up, so I can give you points for picking the correct lot size, etc, even if we can't do proper judging. Simfreq, if you want to retool your factory for a shot at a Building Permit, you've got a few days. Let's all just take a breather and catch up.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#449 Old 18th Oct 2016 at 12:39 AM
Only Phae is looking them over, us judges are not scoring yet. I would just get your entry in.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Forum Resident
#450 Old 18th Oct 2016 at 3:43 AM Last edited by kanzen : 18th Oct 2016 at 4:04 AM.
19th Century Warehouse Shell: House de Chagny
Official Entry

the following description is 50% fiction, 50% WWII history of the Philippines
House de Chagny was a warehouse cloaked with rumors, urban legends, and unacceptable truths. Built in 1880, it was a formidable structure that stored exotic goods from all over the world and boasted needless decorative receiving areas for clients with discerning tastes. During the 1920s, the late General de Chagny ran it with his Indian partner and hoped to pass down the business to his daughter after the war. Unfortunately he was one of the many poor souls lost at the Death March of 1942 and was not able to pass it down in person.

Nevertheless the warehouse was hers and Ms. Yzther put it to good use as a stronghold during the war. While she and her soldiers hid in the "rumored" basement bunker and many other places, she lured enemy soldiers with posters of Japanese women and various goods scattered in the workfloor. Enemy soldiers would come in, but never come out.

The above account has been debated for years. Who gave the girl a gun? Why is a girl leading an army anyway? Has she married already? And many more....valid questions.

All we know is this historical building deserves a second chance and maybe put all the nasty words around it to rest.
After all, another century of use sounds better than bombs, vandals, squatters, rumors and a cranky old woman sneering at it whenever she passes by.

***in my novel, the basement bunker exists but I'm not sure if I should build it here so I didn't***
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