Mad Poster
#501 Old 25th Oct 2016 at 10:21 PM
AAAAAAAAh! I was just about happy with my stairway fixes - when Sammie - my sweetie-boy Siamese took a walk on my keyboard. Before I could hit save, it crashed. *sigh* Oh well, at least I know what I want to do now. LOL!
Hard cider, Petro? Thanks

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#502 Old 25th Oct 2016 at 11:16 PM
Oh Cat.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#503 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 4:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
Forevercamp! You don't need to wait for test results to get a booster. It's used to be a sugar pill. (I'm dating myself. lol ) hmm. wait a minute. That might have been polio vaccine... Get the shot. Don't wait. Mumps is bad for adults. You also need to watch out for measles, chicken pox, etc. with kids. Get your flu shots. Wash hands frequently,etc.

I work at a university and the young darlings LOVE to share whatever cooties are going around. Wash hands, avoid doorknobs, don't breathe around sneezing people etc.

LOL, don't I know it. Elementary school kids are still getting the hang of using tissues and not your teacher's shirt/pants, covering your face when you cough/sneeze, regularly washing your hands... and around the areas I work they can often be very huggy/snuggly until a surprisingly late age (I'm talking Grade 4s and 5s who still like to hug you at every given opportunity).

I've had all the full spectrum of shots on schedule, as well as an adulthood booster for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough... so I didn't even think about it - it was more of a "I don't know if there's such a thing as an adulthood MMR booster - do I need one since this is all going on?" question at the doctors. Apparently at the time of my scheduled second MMR booster (would've been early 90s), the government/Big-Whoever-is-in-charge-of-vaccines was busy changing up the dosage schedule and combinations, as well as starting up regimes in schools. My doctor (whom I've had since I was 10ish) suspects it was just an oversight - i.e. parents declined school vaccination thinking it had been included in the vaccinations done at the pediatrician's office - , my mother the ex-health-care-system-peon is still surprised at that ("But I was a GOOD MOM, I took you both for ALL the SHOTS!")... but Doc doesn't like giving boosters if they're not necessary as I may actually already be immune. I held up the entire flu shot clinic with that question, as she had to dash down to her own office to print off my accumulated provincial health records to check my immunizations!

The vampires at the bloodwork lab sucked my blood tonight (with much difficulty, as I have thin, deep, sluggish veins), I should know by the end of the week if the antibodies are present - if they're not, off I go for a booster. I'm at a fairly low risk of exposure, as I'm only on-campus one evening a week - and as it is, the faculty may be going on strike next week any way. It's been a lovely week for paranoia (this is also my second experience with a potential university faculty strike - the last one I experienced lasted 7 and a half weeks...)
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#504 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 4:47 AM
Wow! A faculty strike during a semester? Are you past mid-terms?
#505 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 5:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
Wow! A faculty strike during a semester? Are you past mid-terms?

I think so? I'm in the graduate program and only taking one full-year course at the moment, so I haven't been paying attention to most of the generic undergraduate dates. Sounds like the union and the university have been going at negotiations for quite a while. This one is sounding (on the surface, at least) less acrimonious than my previous uni... both parties agreed to mediation for the contentious issues for later this week and have gone on to less contentious issues for today and tomorrow, whereas prior uni and faculty union had to be dragged kicking and screaming into mediation by a third-party after a number of weeks, then both basically sat and refused to budge on either side until said third-party dragged them kicking and screaming again into binding arbitration (I'm pretty sure that's how it ended... I seem to remember the student union's update emails - which were of course backing the faculty - more or less ranting about Big Dean and how she was squashing the little union guy for weeks straight).

I'm not anti-union, I'm anti-strike when it comes to things like salary and vacation time, etc.- which, frankly, is about all anybody strikes over in modern North American society. I'm all for the junior doctors striking when the NHS is threatening to make them work unsafe hours. I'm all for factory workers fighting against unsafe working conditions. I'm not for people who are supposed to be full-grown adults (and very well-educated in these particular cases, obvs) doing what basically amounts to a toddler-esque stamping-their-feet tantrum over a pay raise. I don't stand for teachers giving kids what they want when they stamp their feet and refuse to work, and I have a hard time not drawing that same parallel.

This was about five years ago now, but that particular university is pretty well known around the province for being rather radical in their collective bargaining - they've gone on strike every negotiating period that's passed in the last decade or two, so for a substantial portion of the student body, that was their second strike in the same degree (or in the full degree program, in our case - Education was an after-degree program, meaning people finished their BA/BSc and then went into their BEd studies).

My prof (who has been at this university for over 20 years) informs us that the last time they had a strike at current uni was 20 years ago.

End IRL rant. Thanks for the links, Phae!
Mad Poster
#506 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 11:14 AM
Cat - you can have as many drinks as you want! I actually feel a bit jealous, since we are not allowed to keep cats at the complex where I live. (Fortunately, my cats could go with my daughter to her new home, so I still see them). One of the things I really miss is a cat on my keyboard
Forum Resident
#507 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 4:30 PM Last edited by kanzen : 26th Oct 2016 at 4:44 PM.
Church Renovation: Official Entry

After much debate, the old church is now housing a H&M retail outlet within its walls as well as a cafe and massage parlor for shopped-and-dropped customers. The basement also houses a spacious staff only area complete with kitchen, recreation room, restrooms, and offices. While many tried to petition their idea of local and/or independent clothing brands to start up in the building, we decided that having a popular and established brand would be a better choice than to gamble the church into further financial ruin. Nevertheless, a separate albeit smaller retail space on the second floor is always available for brave new designers wishing to set up shop.

Here are the following changes:

So far the renovation has generated some interest and traffic coming through our tiny town. Only time and Ms. Yzther's good humor can tell if it's truly a success.
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#508 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 7:37 PM
You did a fantastic job kanzen!

To me, It seems so weird to turn a church into a store. I've not see that in the San Francisco Bay Area or eastern Idaho. I've seen old missions in California turned into museums or torn down - never converted to retail. In the cities, I have seen old store fronts turned into neighborhood churches though. There may be church to retail conversions somewhere but I am not aware of them. But I am on the west coast, not central or eastern U.S.
Link Ninja
#509 Old 26th Oct 2016 at 7:53 PM
I'm in central US and there's a church in my town that turned into a clothing thrift store. I bought a pair of pants from the basement when I was in high school.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
#510 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 1:06 AM
O. K. - Is this better?

The service areas have the tacky lino; main areas hard wood (for now...)
Shouldn't there be another bathroom tacked-on somewhere for the staff?
Upstairs rooms and staff rooms behind the kitchen aren't divvied up yet - but they will be simple squares (small simple squares!)
Hand-drawn arrows indicate servant doors and passages.

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Forum Resident
#511 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 1:09 AM Last edited by kanzen : 27th Oct 2016 at 8:01 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
To me, It seems so weird to turn a church into a store.

Same~ I can't help but feel like I did something blasphemous lmao! This reno can never happen in my country that's for sure. Good thing saint Yzther doesn't give a toot =))))

are we allowed to put a basement in the victorian house shell?
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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Original Poster
#512 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 4:34 PM
All I can tell y'all about it is that all of these renos were handpicked from actual buildings in Cincinnati Ohio. That Urban Outfitters in a church totally exists, and it was the one that gave me the whole idea for this contest.

While I know they are period accurate, I'm going to go with no basements on this one. If you really want to, you may put in a basement, but you may not put any required things down there, and if chosen for a reno, you may not use the basement for anything either (it would become the utility and maintenance rooms and hold the HVAC systems and such, but nothing specific to the new building type. Supes boring, save yourself the work and just don't.

I've called in our EJ, w_sims as @AdonisPluto seems to be MIA. Once the warehouse shells are judged, we can pass out building permits and get them renovated!

I have 3 church renos, is that correct? Cat, kanzen, and Campy?
Forum Resident
#513 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 4:45 PM
Alright, noted! Thanks for the clarification Phaenoh <3 I've been itching to dig myself a basement ever since I discovered that you can lower your camera angle by pressing Q =)))))
Mad Poster
#514 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 6:32 PM
@Phae - Did you see my new/improved Victorian floor plans above?
And, are they, in fact, improved?

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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Original Poster
#515 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 7:31 PM
Cat, they are better. I would not give so much real estate to the servant stairs, they def only need to be 1 wide. If you can find a way of stacking the stairs to the third level with the main stairs that would be better. Also, it might be helpful later if your bathroom weren't so centrally located. Maybe find an exterior wall to put it on instead? Remember, this will end up as some sort of commercial space, and you aren't allowed to move the bathrooms, so you might not want them front and center upstairs.
Mad Poster
#516 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 9:07 PM
OK - thanksies! Somehow I was under the impression that the servant stairs should be full/double sized.... I much prefer them to be 1T wide!
What about a staff bathroom?

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
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staff: senior moderator
#517 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 7:17 AM
I am sorry for beind away. I lost my elder brother, his wife and two kids in a car accidental.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#518 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 7:34 AM
I'm so sorry Adonis! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#519 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 11:46 AM
Adonis, I wish you and your family strength.
#520 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 11:50 AM
I am sorry for intruding this post, but that is really heartbreaking Adonis. Hope you and your family will be alright. There are no words...
#521 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 3:04 PM
My condolences, Adonis. That's awful.
Forum Resident
#522 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 3:35 PM
no words, just prayers Adonis
#523 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 3:44 PM
Take the time you need, Adonis. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Mad Poster
#524 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 9:34 PM
I think it looks good, Petro! :Cheers:

@Adonis - I am so sorry to hear your news. I'm putting you and your family at the top of my Prayer List. {{{hugs}}}

Phae - Staff bathroom?

Please ~ support my TS2 habit! Shop at my Etsy shops:
CatherinesJewelry ~ Artisan Jewelry
Catherine's MOUSE ~ Up/Recycled Jewelry
and Vintage Stuffeths
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#525 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 9:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AdonisPluto
I am sorry for beind away. I lost my elder brother, his wife and two kids in a car accidental.

I am so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family.
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