Mad Poster
#501 Old 1st Mar 2018 at 2:39 AM
Nice kitty...

and one more my style...

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#502 Old 13th Apr 2018 at 9:00 AM

June Knight doesn't like it when people come to her brother's home business to gawk at her, and then have the nerve to complain about the state of the house.

Her sister May, a witch, expresses an interest in lycanthropy, and June obliges. They both regret this move immediately.

This does not, however, prevent them from turning their boyfriends (who are in a committed open relationship with each other and a young lady) into werewolves. Lance temporarily joined the Knight pack, but here we see him back home, trying to get centered despite the lupine rage surging in his veins. Cleansing breaths, Lance!

His housemate/lover/co-husband Grimnir is, as you see, a real blond. Even when wolfed out!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
I want to go out
retired moderator
#503 Old 17th Apr 2018 at 9:37 PM
This is Gary:

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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I want to go out
retired moderator
#504 Old 5th Jun 2018 at 6:33 PM
Ann Droid ( )


I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#505 Old 29th Dec 2018 at 10:23 PM
And here we have the Good, the Bad and the Elvira outside a local park. I sure was surprised to see two witches at the same time and must ask if that is normal. Anyway, Elvira is a friend of them both and as soon as I found how it works I will turn her into a witch. (She don't want to but I will do it).

Mad Poster
#506 Old 2nd Jan 2019 at 11:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mrmo
And here we have the Good, the Bad and the Elvira outside a local park. I sure was surprised to see two witches at the same time and must ask if that is normal.

It doesn't happen very often, but yes it is normal.
I want to go out
retired moderator
#507 Old 10th Jan 2019 at 2:26 PM

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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I want to go out
retired moderator
#508 Old 25th Jan 2019 at 12:27 PM
No-one has any pics of supernaturals?

A servo, an alien and a bigfoot have lunch together:

Bigfoot goes to the cinema:

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
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Top Secret Researcher
#509 Old 15th Mar 2019 at 6:41 AM Last edited by Pideli : 15th Mar 2019 at 6:51 AM.

Aerothalia, the highest goddess of air won the first two championships of the gods. Which not only put her on the throne to watch over the war between Saaron and the humans...

... but also made her the queen of the gods for two weeks. Which means her rules decided over the humans for two rotations. Since she is a neutral goddess, the rules were neither good nor evil. The humans had to fulfill 100 wishes per week per family and not more than 2 fears (ever), otherwise someone needed to be sacrificed to atone for their sins. Thankfully, they barely escaped sacrifice this time.

So it was very exciting to see if Aerothalia would win for the third time in a row. The random generator decided the first round would be Gromanata (Earth) VS Aerothalia (Air), and Ustrinastacia (Fire) VS Nymphadaqua (Water).

Good prevailed over evil!

And Aerothalia lost to Gromanata! Which meant the final was between Nymphadaqua and Gromanata!

NYMPHADAQUA WON! The good goddess, which means the humans get to enjoy the nicest rules this week! It couldn't have come at a better time, as they will all be busy this week! It's time for the heirs to meet their future husbands/wives, and everyone has to become best friends with Gondulf or the war will never be over! Now they at least get to fulfill both wants and fears without consequences so THAT worry is out of the way! For now ...
I want to go out
retired moderator
#510 Old 16th Mar 2019 at 12:00 AM
So my vampire decided she wanted to be a witch. She likes to smustle!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Top Secret Researcher
#511 Old 22nd Mar 2019 at 4:30 PM

These teens were finally old enough to fight in the war against Saaron.

Unfortunately, it didn't go so well for Prince Mirthal and the merchant Tekla Dakath, as he became the first nazgûl, and she became the first human converted to orc. A lot happened in this battle, and it's starting to look good for the evil side. They are still greatly outnumbered by the good, but since nazgûls are so hard to kill, that could change very fast.

As if things weren't bad enough, Ustrinastacia won her first championship of the gods! *GASP* Which means the coming week will be governed by her evil rules! It's not going to be easy for the humans, as each family will have to fulfill 25 fears this week (and not more than 3 wishes) or someone will have to be sacrificed!


#512 Old 2nd Apr 2019 at 7:46 PM
What are Cornelia Goth up to?

I found my love for GIFs...
Mad Poster
#513 Old 15th Apr 2019 at 4:48 AM
Brandi Broke hired Kendal Lawson as a nanny to look after the Broke kids while Brandi was working at the diner. Kendal thought she was ready for anything. She will never know how close she came to disaster.

Poor Skip looks so sad. Kendal was actually more dangerous than the ghost! When Brandi couldn't pay her, Kendal got so mad that she smashed Skip's urn! Take that, ghost!
(No worries - I respawned his grave. )
Forum Resident
#514 Old 26th Apr 2019 at 4:06 AM
Jamie Jolina decided she wanted to be a witch. She's now the first official witch in my neighborhood!

Mad Poster
#515 Old 28th Apr 2019 at 3:26 AM
Ichabod Specter just doesn't fit in with the other zombies. He wants love and the other zombies only want to fight and belch in his face. His beloved Olive doesn't want anything to do with him either - she just yells at him to leave her alone and goes back to studying black magic books.

Ichabod just wants a loving family.

All the other zombies just laugh at him. (Nervous Subject isn't a zombie. He was just visiting. It was still mean of him to laugh at Ichabod though.)
Forum Resident
#516 Old 30th Apr 2019 at 5:45 AM
Step one of Olive Specter's plan complete.

Now to work on becoming evil to ultimately raise a zombie army
Mad Poster
#517 Old 30th Apr 2019 at 11:21 AM
She's jealous of all the other Olive Specters and doesn't want to be without a zombie army of her own.
Test Subject
#518 Old 4th May 2019 at 10:30 PM

Samantha starts as a good witch but I really believe that in the end it will be neutral depending on how
continue the story. Although I am currently leaving that game, I may be encouraged to continue.
Top Secret Researcher
#519 Old 11th May 2019 at 4:33 AM
A prince is not good enough for a goddess ...
Forum Resident
#520 Old 11th May 2019 at 12:46 PM
So Crystal Vu has never liked the fact that Lazlo became a werewolf. They were engaged before he turned into one, but their relationship has been struggling ever since. Lazlo proposed getting married, but Crystal left him at the alter.

This infuriated Lazlo, but even more so when he turned into his wolf form that night.

Lazlo could not control his rage as a werewolf and they fought.

Unfortunately, he ended up killing Crystal.

For their own safety, Lazlo gave his alien triplet sons to his sister Jenny to care for in fear for their lives.
#521 Old 15th May 2019 at 2:08 AM

Kendal Lawson has an aspiration-desperation breakdown right outside the asylum. The wolf wanted to get her off his tail, so he dropped her off here. Now to figure out how to get her committed...

Patrizio Monty does not like fights unless Monty honour is involved, and the Monty side is winning. Werewolf brawls, thus, do not please him...and he misses the hula dancers and fruity drinks.
Test Subject
#522 Old 15th May 2019 at 7:00 AM

A little fairy

#523 Old 25th May 2019 at 6:53 PM
Does a picture count if there aren't any visible markers of supernatural heritage?

A waterbender accidentally fishes up an angry horker, leading her friends to come the rescue. Her fellow water tribe villager isn't a waterbender though, so she decides to summon a sword with her (neutral) witch abilities instead. The Forest Fae (plantsim), however, is against harming the animal unless absolutely necessary and has her vines procure them some fish to placate the creature. The former pirate, having no supernatural abilities whatsoever and having just moved in with the Southern Water Tribe after a lifetime of adventuring, decides to go along with the fae, not ready to fight against something with three large tusks, thank you.

Test Subject
#524 Old 26th May 2019 at 5:03 AM
My succubus Aglea flirting with one of her potential victims.

Top Secret Researcher
#525 Old 8th Jul 2019 at 10:43 PM

Childbirth truly is a magical thing.

The Nine.
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