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#9526 Old 25th May 2020 at 7:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
Depending on what exactly you're going for, sometimes deleting a wall so you can back the camera up will work well.

Then hit the back button to replace it. If you are shooting with sims don't hit play.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Top Secret Researcher
#9527 Old 25th May 2020 at 1:11 PM
Playing Sims 2 on a Mac is a matter of trade offs, negative aspects are one does not have all of the EPs and all of the SPs and one has to deal with the Mac's Maximum Open File Limit; which of course Aspyr never tells you about and no one else told me much about it, so I had to discover the issue through experience and then stumble on the solution instead of having a lot of help. Also the 3rd Party Apps like SimPE, etc don't exist on Macs and that is probably the biggest negative, too bad no Mac programmer ever stepped up to the challange and at this point it very unlikely that one ever will.

Positive aspects are one does not have to deal with Windows 7, 8, 10 or whatever version, and one never has to deal with forced system updates or driver updates or Graphics Card problems or the running out of texture memory and having everything go Pink. Also I know that if my Macs stop working I can go with a newer 64 bit OS Mac if I need to do that, because the Mac version is now 64 bit. So I am not worried about how old my Mac is as I can replace it if I have to do that.

To me it is well worth putting up with the negatives in order to play on a Mac. I regret nothing and I don't mind about not having all of the EPs and SPs, and I don't care to create cc or mods or anything else like that. I don't share my Sims and I don't download other people's and I don't download other people's lots. I do mind that I can't allow my self to just install all of the CC I want, but it is not a huge deal If I have to be picky because I don't want to have to increase my Mac's Maximum Open File Limit for the 3rd time. Lol

Of course not everyone will agree with me, but not everyone has to agree as it is just my own thoughts and I love playing the way I do.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
#9528 Old 25th May 2020 at 6:28 PM
Just to see how what kind of screenshots I could get in a small room, I loaded up the default Maxis Downtown and entered the House of Fallen Trees. I put the camera in the tiny 2x3 square bathroom on the middle floor and took the attached pictures with all walls up and Pacmani's camera in "cameraman mode" at maximum wide-angle zoom. (I don't know whether other camera mods will zoom out this far or not - it's been ages since I used a different camera.)
Forum Resident
#9529 Old 25th May 2020 at 7:32 PM
Ack. I think some of my hood deco was cloned from the base game radio tower because there are glowing red lights above them. It’s a shame, the 4t2 castle ruins are perfect for my game. I don’t use that radio tower so I have no use for those glowing red dots...if anyone knows of a fix, send it my way

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Mad Poster
#9530 Old 25th May 2020 at 8:09 PM
The Sims 4 is coming closer to The Sims 2 base game.
#9531 Old 26th May 2020 at 1:34 AM
Those of you who play with aging on - how can you stand zombies and servos?
I rarely play any supernaturals (except aliens which I love) and I cannot bring myself to ever risk getting a zombie or to make a servo because they are immortal (I think- correct me if I am wrong). That bugs me so much... I don't want a Sim to live forever. I love to see generations go by. Vampires are immortal yes, but they can still die which makes them not feel so permanent. I've been trying to use features in the game I haven't used much, like the supernaturals, and while I think I would enjoy having a servo or zombie occasionally it's not something I want in my neighborhood forever.
Mad Poster
#9532 Old 26th May 2020 at 1:52 AM
There is a mod to let vampires die of natural causes.
Zombies are not my cup of tea. They have such a horrible stench and worse personality that prevents me from ever creating one, although my pixels regularly want to of someone they particularly hated with a passion.
Servos are all right, but they're too easy to play. They're immortal, clean freaks and walking encyclopedias for brains. They do everything perfectly well.

That's my take on those life states-and let's not even get into plant people, werewolves or Big Foot. Witches are kinda iffy to..but at least they're not immortal.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here:
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#9533 Old 26th May 2020 at 3:07 AM
I had only one dream I can remember last night rather than The Contaminated Dreams that have been going on every single night for two months...and it was of having some very good tea with Sims from my megahood. Specifically, Erin Beaker and a living, not-a-zombie Paris Prince, both of whom had strong opinions about how they wanted the "fictional versions" of themselves to be portrayed in the TV show based on their experiences. Paris was convinced that he was the main character of the show, and I don't think I ever convinced him that there wasn't supposed to be a singular main character. He also spent way too much time worrying that fictional-Paris was going to die in a fire, then got upset when I suggested that I might not kill him off by any means -- which also upset him. So now I have instructions from Paris that his scripted version has to be an attractive corpse by the end of the first season (as opposed to the very unattractive one he actually turned out to be), some pretty useful Erin Beaker snarkiness, and a lot of horrible jokes they wanted to be added to the dialogue...some of which are actually funny, which is unusual for dream-humour, although I thought they were not funny during the dream! I guess I owe it to them to pick up that project and at least sketch out a few more episodes, since they freed me from The Dreams for at least one night...
Top Secret Researcher
#9534 Old 26th May 2020 at 3:52 AM
Were they dreams where you were freefalling?

...I'll go home.

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Be careful who you hate; it may be someone you love.
Always remember: if you're gender-nonbinary--you're magic, Ishtar loves you, and even the queen of Hell thinks you're hot.

Top Secret Researcher
#9535 Old 26th May 2020 at 4:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BeckyBoo8
Those of you who play with aging on - how can you stand zombies and servos?
I rarely play any supernaturals (except aliens which I love) and I cannot bring myself to ever risk getting a zombie or to make a servo because they are immortal (I think- correct me if I am wrong). That bugs me so much... I don't want a Sim to live forever. I love to see generations go by. Vampires are immortal yes, but they can still die which makes them not feel so permanent. I've been trying to use features in the game I haven't used much, like the supernaturals, and while I think I would enjoy having a servo or zombie occasionally it's not something I want in my neighborhood forever.

Vampires are easy to kill. I don't bother with servos. Ones I had broke down anyway and I couldn't be bothered getting someone to repair them. Zombies I don't like. I've had a few and eventually killed them off somehow (I forget how - drowning?)
Top Secret Researcher
#9536 Old 26th May 2020 at 7:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BeckyBoo8
Those of you who play with aging on - how can you stand zombies and servos?
I rarely play any supernaturals (except aliens which I love) and I cannot bring myself to ever risk getting a zombie or to make a servo because they are immortal (I think- correct me if I am wrong). That bugs me so much... I don't want a Sim to live forever. I love to see generations go by. Vampires are immortal yes, but they can still die which makes them not feel so permanent. I've been trying to use features in the game I haven't used much, like the supernaturals, and while I think I would enjoy having a servo or zombie occasionally it's not something I want in my neighborhood forever.

I haven't always, but now I do play with immortals quite a lot. I have a fantasy hood where I play with elves and gods and they never age past adult or die. (Or well, the elves can die in the war in Middle Earth but they just get resurrected in Valinor.)

I think it's all about creating goals that feel meaningful, and also a story/canon and beautiful scenery helps.

My elves have to drink elixir to stay immortal too. Currently they each have between 270-400 days left to elder thanks to elixirs. Not sure what I'm going to do when/if they ever reach 29 days left (which is the limit before they are banished from Valinor forever). Maybe they'll drink more elixir or maybe they'll finally be banished to middle earth and die of old age. As long as I don't have aging off it still feels like there's some movement even though it's very slow.

My goal in the elf families is to make them perfect (skills, badges, magic skill, life skills, permaplat, be friends with all of the gods in your element as well as the highest goddesses). Those who are perfect and don't have big wants, I make unselectable and let them roam free in their beautiful home, I call this being in eternal bliss. Once most of them are perfect they make baby elves, so the gameplay is varied and has movement. Another recent goal for the elves is to collect feathers from griffins (downloaded from sun&moon). One per griffin, born in game. When they have 9 feathers they get to select a new angel from middle earth to aid in the war as wizard, and also give the feathers to humans to give them magical powers.

As for zombies, they are orcs in my fantasy hood, so their only purpose is to kill or be killed, lol.

Servos... Well I have been playing a servo challenge since 2018, I think. Which I've been meaning to post in the challenge forum, I should really get to that! Because it's really a fun challenge. Again, as long as you have a goal, it's fun! That's the main point I'm making, hehe. Sorry for the long post, I just love talking about this
Forum Resident
#9537 Old 26th May 2020 at 11:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Freefalldreams
and a lot of horrible jokes they wanted to be added to the dialogue...

Okay but you can't just put this out here and NOT share the jokes! That's illegal!
Mad Poster
#9538 Old 26th May 2020 at 2:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Okay but you can't just put this out here and NOT share the jokes! That's illegal!
Mad Poster
#9539 Old 26th May 2020 at 2:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BeckyBoo8
Those of you who play with aging on - how can you stand zombies and servos?
I rarely play any supernaturals (except aliens which I love) and I cannot bring myself to ever risk getting a zombie or to make a servo because they are immortal (I think- correct me if I am wrong). That bugs me so much... I don't want a Sim to live forever. I love to see generations go by. Vampires are immortal yes, but they can still die which makes them not feel so permanent. I've been trying to use features in the game I haven't used much, like the supernaturals, and while I think I would enjoy having a servo or zombie occasionally it's not something I want in my neighborhood forever.

Zombies are wonderful - just not as playables. I have Midgethetree's zombie mods in my game and that makes the zombies into vicious implacable hunters. Unfortunately, it makes them even more boring as playables than they already were. Having to avoid wandering packs of ravenous undead townies, though - that's loads of fun!

My vampires are also well modded, but I haven't played any of them in awhile. (I keep changing my mod configuration, which has to be tested thoroughly, which gets in the way of actually playing the game... )

Servos are like Elixir of Life - highly restricted. Only high level scientists and aliens have the necessary tech and knowledge to make them.
Mad Poster
#9540 Old 26th May 2020 at 9:28 PM
I don't know how to solve the problem of not knowing what to make the EXTERIOR of a building look like... usually I get stumped on what to fill the interior with!

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
#9541 Old 27th May 2020 at 1:38 AM
I've started a Pillowfort...tried to put it in my sig, posting to see if that worked.

Only one upload so far, but I expect there will be more.

I'll still be on the forums here as well.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
Forum Resident
#9542 Old 27th May 2020 at 9:02 AM
I'm thinking about making a Over the Rainbow Bridge lot to send all elderly pets to. I'm trying to decide who should be in charge of the lot as the humanoid placeholder. I'm thinking a plantsim would fit the motif best.
#9543 Old 27th May 2020 at 3:41 PM
Aw SIMposiast, so your Sim families would give up their elderly pets before they pass away?

I got my dogs (in real life) when I took a gap year after high school. They've been with me through college and I plan on taking them with me to vet school too, no matter where I go. They help me de-stress and are there for my hardest moments. They're still fairly young, but my heart would break if I had to give them up when they get old.
Mad Poster
#9544 Old 28th May 2020 at 2:08 AM
A few months ago I had to pull out my custom lots CC folder because various things in it were causing crashes. It still results in surprises here and there such as loading up a lot and finding about 50 expensive statues in the front yard.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#9545 Old 28th May 2020 at 3:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SIMposiast
I'm thinking about making a Over the Rainbow Bridge lot to send all elderly pets to. I'm trying to decide who should be in charge of the lot as the humanoid placeholder. I'm thinking a plantsim would fit the motif best.

But then you wouldn't get to see ghosts playing fetch with ghost dogs. It's adorable, in a tear-jerking sort of way.
Mad Poster
#9546 Old 28th May 2020 at 4:05 AM
Ghost dogs? That's kind of cute. Not sure I've seen that before.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#9547 Old 28th May 2020 at 4:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Okay but you can't just put this out here and NOT share the jokes! That's illegal!

Pretty much the same dialogue aesthetic as StrangeTownChick had. I'd say the worst was about an attempt at ordering a UFO-themed cake for a Curious baby shower...that turned out yielding another sort of "space cake" entirely. Apparently Lazlo liked it, but the majority of the cake was stolen by the Grunts...

Also, I'm finding this discussion of overpowered supernaturals fascinating. I'm trying to negotiate the unexpected (though I should have expected them!) consequences of the new-version zombie apocalypse while also having a muddle of pretty much every life state except Servo in a world that I still try to keep semi-realistic. This is fun!
Forum Resident
#9548 Old 28th May 2020 at 5:46 AM
BeckyBoo, I've had five cats in my lifetime so far and that was tear-jerking enough for me. So yeah, I think I might prefer to send the sim cats and dogs away to a lot that never gets played than let them die. If I do set up such a lot, the sim pets would go when they're on their last day of life, not right after they age to elder. I could use the Kibble of Life but since I let my sims age and die, that would be kind of weird to have immortal pets, except maybe for the immortal supernaturals. Anyway, your dogs sound awesome and I wish you many happy years with them. Pets are fabulous companions.

BlueAlien, good point. I might be okay with that. Does it have to be on a home lot to happen? I generally take my tombstones to a community cemetery but I can make an exception for this.
Top Secret Researcher
#9549 Old 28th May 2020 at 7:19 AM
I actually have a mod for shorter pet life as I thought it was ridiculous how long the pets lived. For example I had one Sim who had the dog as a young adult then the same dog had to be homed with the Sim's adult children after she died. Ludicrous. I don't like them dying, but I prefer a more realistic scenario (several pets in one lifetime).
Link Ninja
#9550 Old 28th May 2020 at 8:29 AM
one of my favorite things to do is have the kids chat online and lay foundations for friendships since only other hood children are online. It's not like teens and up where they can't always find a peer to chat with but have to settle for some adult or elder.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

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