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#26 Old 10th Mar 2015 at 3:08 PM
The shelves are by jomsims: http://www.thesimsresource.com/down...one/id/1268093/

Here at MTS since 2008; avid S2 player/blogger; didn't care for S3; bought and hated SimCity 2013; am choosing to remain upbeat about Sims 4....

My Sims 4 blog: Veil's Utopia House Challenge Blog
#27 Old 10th Mar 2015 at 3:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by veil
The shelves are by jomsims: http://www.thesimsresource.com/down...one/id/1268093/

You know you can go back and edit your own posts to add more info after the fact if you want to compile multiple links or images in one post. xD
Mad Poster
#28 Old 10th Mar 2015 at 4:06 PM
By adding the flat square to each floor as you build will allow to add more decorative trim to the house. For example, I wanted to build a new Goth house to go with the theme of Willow Creek, but also wanted a mansard roof which I learned later after building this house. Adding the flat square (which is free) will allow for more trim between floors.

So it changed the house from this:

To one I wanted with the mansard roof. I don't like the flat style on top so I added another roof but it could be flat and fenced. Some might like it the other way.

Also you may noticed that I changed the porch roof, it was jutting inside and clipping that room's objects so I put the hipped roof there instead. Accommodates the interior better and no clipping.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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#29 Old 10th Mar 2015 at 6:14 PM
Google search some blueprints, houses after you decide what style you have in your mind. You can find tons of inspiration from those.
Like for example, today I want to build a tuscan style house. I already know what I want but I'm not sure about where to start...

... so here in this picture, I like the entrance. I don't like how the rest of the house looks and it doesn't bother me. I just take the entrance as a starting reference and try to replicate a similar look.

So it looks ok so far, this is the plain structure. Let's add some personal touches it's most likely we will end up with a more beutiful look than the real picture.

Ok. Now we have those awkward floating corners at the bottom of the columns and an awkward transition from the foundation to the stairs by the entrance. Is this a problem? No.
In such situations think about Bob the builder "Can we fix it?, YES, we can!"

Ok, I guess it didn't turn out too bad, no?
Note that, we don't have a "house" yet at all. But we got a cute starting point.
Just like this, take something ordinary, add your own taste & ideas, transform it in to a simmy beauty.
Happy simming!

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
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#30 Old 11th Mar 2015 at 10:41 PM
Todays small tip:

-Find a fun building you know from somewhere like a movie or another video game, a cartoon, etc... and try to replicate it. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, you can turn it in to totally something else along the way while building, or you can try your best to stick to original design which is generally a challenge as we have limited options in our game catalog but still, it can be done.

Here's my UP house. I wish I had more window & door options, and I wish I had those party balloons from TS3 (which I rarely to never used lol) so I could enlarge them and stick them to the chimney. That would be cool.

By the way if you happen to decide on building the UP house, make sure you get Carl & Ellie from the gallery. Someone made them soooooo perfectly that I couldn't help sharing. Here they are :

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
#31 Old 13th Mar 2015 at 12:23 PM
Oh man, now I want to play Carl and Ellie as some sort of catharsis for the first ten minutes of that movie where I cried like a wee babe, lol.

Anyway, I figured I'd post a screenshot of some landscaping that's been giving me fits. I don't know. It seems okay, but kind of boring, and advice from people who are actually good at landscaping would be appreciated:

The next is another work in progress for a bedroom of teen girls that I can't seem to stop adding or fiddling with. I swear they're going to be aged up when I'm finally done with it. As you can see, I'm very much in the YAY CLUTTER!!! camp and I don't know if it's ever possible to have enough - at least when it comes to teenage bedrooms, lol.

I'm really missing unmade beds and laundry piles at the moment, because I really want this to be a lot messier than it looks right now. Also, I really need to find some strands of Christmas lights.
Forum Resident
#32 Old 13th Mar 2015 at 12:46 PM
Great idea--using foundation plants to hide the missing bottoms of columns. I have that problem with the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house since I took out the foundation under the patio and put in a pool (for some reason, the pool just wouldn't work with the foundation there--I may have been doing something wrong).

I placed the columns on the patio, so there's a gap ABOVE the columns where they're supposed to be supporting a small roof. Perhaps I could nudge the columns up vertically and add foundation plants.

Here at MTS since 2008; avid S2 player/blogger; didn't care for S3; bought and hated SimCity 2013; am choosing to remain upbeat about Sims 4....

My Sims 4 blog: Veil's Utopia House Challenge Blog
#33 Old 13th Mar 2015 at 3:51 PM
I'm really missing unmade beds and laundry piles at the moment, because I really want this to be a lot messier than it looks right now. Also, I really need to find some strands of Christmas lights.[/QUOTE]

I use these Christmas lights http://www.thesimsresource.com/down...ms4/id/1272749/

You only live once make the most of it..:)
Field Researcher
#34 Old 13th Mar 2015 at 9:12 PM
Ooh thank you! I'll definitely have to experiment with those.
Field Researcher
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#35 Old 17th Mar 2015 at 9:17 AM
As you must have already noticed till now, in TS4 different light fixtures produce different lighting effects. Even though it's clear that EA made it for more realistic results, it frequently causes color problems and there aren't many options in game when it comes to choosing lighting fixtures. (so I hope CC creators pay attention to that *winks and says pretty please)

A very frequent problem I experience in TS4 is that, most of the time a nice looking lighting fixture that goes well with a certain room, doesn't produce enough light or produces a strong yellow-orange-ish color which makes my white furniture look greenish&brownish yellow, and my pink stuff literally turns in to gold color. So I am forced to choose another one which produces the right light but looks awful LOL

So pay attention to which light you are using. It can dramatically change your rooms' look.

I try to use white & fluorescent lamps when I use white and lighter colors in my rooms so that whites look white, pinks look pink. Additionally,

I would like to add, similar principle also applies in real life. Even though we frequently find it cold and ugly, a good quality fluorescent shows the true colors of interiors better than any other type of light.

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
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#36 Old 17th Mar 2015 at 12:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Silly Merricat
Oh man, now I want to play Carl and Ellie as some sort of catharsis for the first ten minutes of that movie where I cried like a wee babe, lol.

Anyway, I figured I'd post a screenshot of some landscaping that's been giving me fits. I don't know. It seems okay, but kind of boring, and advice from people who are actually good at landscaping would be appreciated:

The next is another work in progress for a bedroom of teen girls that I can't seem to stop adding or fiddling with. I swear they're going to be aged up when I'm finally done with it. As you can see, I'm very much in the YAY CLUTTER!!! camp and I don't know if it's ever possible to have enough - at least when it comes to teenage bedrooms, lol.

I'm really missing unmade beds and laundry piles at the moment, because I really want this to be a lot messier than it looks right now. Also, I really need to find some strands of Christmas lights.

I love how you placed the sunflowers and random flowers in front of the fence. That's an adorable scene
For messy beds, I saw some messy blankets around but they are mostly for double beds but these can work may be if you place them correctly by moveobjects and using alt key.

There are also some nice teen-ish clutter and stuff within the same set, check here: http://sims4updates.net/objects/dec...ple-studio-404/

also take a look at this : http://sims4updates.net/objects/dec...kats-simporium/
it's a daybed set which has a seperate blanket-like thingy may be if it's high enough you can somehow attach it on your beds.

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
#37 Old 18th Mar 2015 at 1:58 PM
Ooh messy beds. I like. I just wish there was a single bed version but that's definitely something I can work with. Thank you!
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#38 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 4:43 AM Last edited by veronica55 : 27th Apr 2015 at 9:25 PM.
Another humble tip :

You can get inspired by one single item (that you like) out of nowhere and create something cute.
Here I present you my super duper awesome new fridge ! Yes, it's a SMEG ! (*drolls) So when I came across this I downloaded it right away. I had nothing in mind about what to do with it and I ended up with this kitchen.

In this example, as I said, my reference item is the fridge. It's a retro style, happy looking item with a cute shape and vibrant red color. It's also kind of romantic, happily romantic I mean. So I try to create an ambiance that reflects the "feeling" that particular item gives to me. The rest depends on how wide my game's item catalogue is. I just bring together the stuff that goes well with eachother according to my own taste and just go random, with flow... and that's it.

Like that, just look at your reference item and think about what kind of an environment would it belong to, where would you like to see it. Once you imagine the overall ambiance in your mind, place your item in an empty square room and start trying out some combinations with it using other items. See what appeals to you best.

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
#39 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 5:16 AM
Can you put up the link for the fridge I'd love to have it

You only live once make the most of it..:)
Field Researcher
#40 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 10:53 AM
I should have posted here, in this very interesting thread!!
So I just quote myself:

"Yeah, I built my first basement!
It took me some time to find out how it works... but finallly I understood.
At the moment I'm creating a basement party-room, which is great fun.
So far I put a stereo, a bar, some barstools, nice lights, cozy armchairs in there.
But it still seems a litttle empty...
If you have any ideas what else I could use I'd be happy."
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#41 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 2:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by eman72
Can you put up the link for the fridge I'd love to have it

Sure, here it is;


Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 2:08 PM
I mostly use the app "Houzz" to get ideas, it's really great.
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#43 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 2:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Candlelight
I should have posted here, in this very interesting thread!!
So I just quote myself:

"Yeah, I built my first basement!
It took me some time to find out how it works... but finallly I understood.
At the moment I'm creating a basement party-room, which is great fun.
So far I put a stereo, a bar, some barstools, nice lights, cozy armchairs in there.
But it still seems a litttle empty...
If you have any ideas what else I could use I'd be happy."

Do you have a screenshot please?

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Mad Poster
#44 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 4:19 PM
Learned to recolor now so I have been going crazy with it. Hardly play, just recolor and decorate. Oh yeah, clothes too.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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#45 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 4:47 PM
I can't upload my screenshot, it always says "error".
Size and everything is ok...
I don't know what I do wrong.

I uploaded it to photob. first.
Click to enlarge please.

This is only the beginning oy my party room. Don't know what else I could add.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#46 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 7:20 PM Last edited by veronica55 : 27th Apr 2015 at 7:33 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Candlelight
I can't upload my screenshot, it always says "error".
Size and everything is ok...
I don't know what I do wrong.

I uploaded it to photob. first.
Click to enlarge please.

This is only the beginning oy my party room. Don't know what else I could add.

Ok, your room looks a bit empty indeed. You want a party room so let it rock! LOL

Just as an example I first created a replica of your room and tried to modify it by keeping what you already have.
When decorating such a room, consider each function as an area by itself. Like i.e., here the bar & drinking function. When you see a bar in a room, it's usually a very dominating aspect of the space. So it can look nice if we highlight and define it a little. in other words, we make it pop.

Only 2 stools for party? Let's make that bar a bit larger by adding counters and a sink to wash empty glasses. And we add the bar area more character by applying a different wall color behind it. See that grey details on the counters and the bar you have choosen ? That color would be perfect for the laziest approach to spice up the area. Adding a column as a vertical border looks good too. These are all optional of course. See how those little silly things change the whole look ?

Second thing, shape your room according to your furniture. Like that corner on the right of the bar, do we actually need that 1 extra square? Seems no to me, so I eliminate it. Place the 3 chairs differently, add a small coffee table, a poster on the wall and viola. That whole area, bar and sitting now has a character rather than looking like a bunch of furniture randomly placed together.

All you see here is what YOU have choosen, placed differently. You can do that too. Use the clutter, lights, mirrors, furniture conciously. Decide what you want to highlight, create contrast between the furniture & walls & floors while trying not to ruin the harmony. Like darker floors make lighter furniture pop out better. Working like that, your room will look more full and alive. And, eliminate the space that you don't need and shape the room accordingly which will add movement to your rooms. It saves the sims rooms from plain and boring look.

For what else to add, you can add a tv, place some shelves around it, add that awkward square gaming station thingy, may be a piano... just whatever you like

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
#47 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 7:53 PM
Wow, thank you, it looks GREAT!

There are so many simple things I didn't know... for example that you can HANG the lightened bottle-shelf!
And just putting a chair diagonal makes such a difference!
I try to use self-painted pictures, because I don't like most of the ones to buy.

Maybe it's time to use custom content, the normal lights and all don't look party-style.
Up to now I haven't installed new things like wallpapers, carpets, decorations... (in Sims 2 I had thousands - and the game survived, so maybe it isn't too dangerous in Sims 4 ).

Thanks again, I'm really happy!!
Lab Assistant
#48 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 8:11 PM
So this topic really helped me, my triplets are teens now, and one of them are artistic so i just made her room:

Thanks for the ideas c:
(dumb me didn't place any windows lol)
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Original Poster
#49 Old 27th Apr 2015 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Candlelight
Wow, thank you, it looks GREAT!

There are so many simple things I didn't know... for example that you can HANG the lightened bottle-shelf!
And just putting a chair diagonal makes such a difference!
I try to use self-painted pictures, because I don't like most of the ones to buy.

Maybe it's time to use custom content, the normal lights and all don't look party-style.
Up to now I haven't installed new things like wallpapers, carpets, decorations... (in Sims 2 I had thousands - and the game survived, so maybe it isn't too dangerous in Sims 4 ).

Thanks again, I'm really happy!!

Glad I could help. and thanks to you, now I have a nice party room ready to be used when I need one.

From this:

To this:

crazy huh?

Sul Sul! Hooba Noobie?
Field Researcher
#50 Old 28th Apr 2015 at 12:17 AM
Very stylish!
Mine looks indeed like a cellar.

Oh, and I now did a "real" cellar, dark, with old chests, you know - all the things you don't need in your flat.
Now I need to find spiderwebs. And a mousetrap. Potato-chests. Dusty things...
And maybe a coffin to sleep in.
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