Mad Poster
#26 Old 31st May 2022 at 8:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ftsims2
Hello. Sorry to bother you. The thing is, I had the same problem. The graphic rules program fixed everything. Played for 1 hour yesterday. But I'm still worried that the game might crash after a few hours of playing with this error, or should I not worry anymore?

Just save regularly and play on.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 31st May 2022 at 12:44 PM
Haven't seen the "out of video memory" issue since my XP days with an old laptop. It would give a warning that it would switch to video memory (V-ram - RAM space it "borrows" from the harddrive, a somewhat slower form of RAM) and if I continued playing for a while it could eventually end up crashing, but usually it took a little while. That laptop only had 512 MB RAM and I don't have a clue how much V-ram it was set up with (seemed like XP handled it a bit better than 10, though).

In W10 it's a VRAM/texture memory issue, and fixing this in GraphicRules should do the trick.
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