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- k6ka: My version of SimVille
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- k6ka: My version of SimVille
7th Jun 2017 at 8:40 AM

Posts: 1,913
I also have BO's Kids and Pets Unattended. I could not say I was irked by the fact that the vacation destination "secret lots" have ROADS in front of them, but only because I didn't pay attention. I do agree that if you'd have to hike along a dirt trail before accessing these lots, it would be better.
I like the Urban Family. I enjoyed reading about them and looking at the pictures.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
I like the Urban Family. I enjoyed reading about them and looking at the pictures.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
9th Jun 2017 at 9:21 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 2:54 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Cody Day
Cody asked Beth Love, his landlord, out on a date. They met up at Bernard's Botanical Dining.

A table for two, please.

Some hand caressing...

Cody ordered Beth the most expensive item on the menu. That's fine; I mean, it's not like there are five kids at home to take care of, right?

Cody invites her back to the apartment. She wants to WooHoo with him... in the elevator?

Of course Cody says yes to that!

The date ended well. Very well.

Cody's back! Cody is definitely back! He can't wait for the next date. He's at the top of his life all over again, and he can still go higher!
The boys
Meanwhile, all the boys got D report cards today. Well, except Taylor, but even his grades aren't impressive. Bradley was hard hit.

Yes, he does care about his grades, despite what you might think.

Ethan was quite melancholy about it. He stared quietly out the window for several hours.

Christian tried not to let it get to him, but later that evening, he really could feel it.

Jaden was especially devastated by his grades. Ever since the boys were thrown together, he had been trying to make himself a good role model for his younger siblings. He was patient and calm even when the boys argued. He put himself last as often as he could so his brothers could forge ahead. And he had voluntarily chosen to do the dirty work when no one else was willing to do it. But focusing all his attention and energy onto that has left him with no time to complete his homework, and his grades came back to bite him. Cody might actually be glad to see his kids be taken away by social services (But I'll make sure that doesn't happen, because that will almost certainly result in the boys being separated, and they've come too far together to have to part ways now), but Jaden's not a bad kid. Why can't other people understand?

Why can't other people understand? Now that's a good question.

The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
10th Jun 2017 at 8:27 AM
Last edited by lordtyger9 : 11th Jun 2017 at 8:23 AM.

Posts: 1,913
Good for Cody, Dream Dates are awesome. [Edit] Whoohoo in Elevators is what a lot of My Sims do. heh.
I am sorry that the boys are having a hard time. Hope that it does get better for them.
I enjoyed your update, great pictures.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
I am sorry that the boys are having a hard time. Hope that it does get better for them.
I enjoyed your update, great pictures.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
11th Jun 2017 at 3:28 AM

Posts: 1,797
Good for Cody, maybe, but those five boys are his legal responsibility... and he's not being responsible at all! If SimVille had a "bad parent" list, Cody would be at the top of it.
I mean, heh, on the night Cody went out with Beth the boys had to order a pizza themselves, since Cody sure as heck wasn't cooking anything when he was going out to eat (Don't you wish Sim kids could prepare at least some meals on their own? Even cereal? I poured my own cereal as a kid). By the time he got home, Jaden was yelling at me about being desperately tired. Poor soul; his brothers let him sleep through the whole night this time. I think he really needed it.
I mean, heh, on the night Cody went out with Beth the boys had to order a pizza themselves, since Cody sure as heck wasn't cooking anything when he was going out to eat (Don't you wish Sim kids could prepare at least some meals on their own? Even cereal? I poured my own cereal as a kid). By the time he got home, Jaden was yelling at me about being desperately tired. Poor soul; his brothers let him sleep through the whole night this time. I think he really needed it.
11th Jun 2017 at 8:26 AM

Posts: 1,913
Quote: Originally posted by k6ka
Good for Cody, maybe, but those five boys are his legal responsibility... and he's not being responsible at all! If SimVille had a "bad parent" list, Cody would be at the top of it. I mean, heh, on the night Cody went out with Beth the boys had to order a pizza themselves, since Cody sure as heck wasn't cooking anything when he was going out to eat (Don't you wish Sim kids could prepare at least some meals on their own? Even cereal? I poured my own cereal as a kid). By the time he got home, Jaden was yelling at me about being desperately tired. Poor soul; his brothers let him sleep through the whole night this time. I think he really needed it. |
Cody should buy a Party Food Thing and then maybe have the cheat that keeps it filled with food. heh
Cody is a Terrible Parent, I make my Sims be better at parenting lol
I am fairly sure Sim kids can get leftovers for themselves.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
15th Jun 2017 at 9:02 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 2:56 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

A happy home. Beautiful, sunny days in the summer and frigid, frolicking snowy days in the winter. Snowmen on cold days and snow cones on warm ones. The autumn sightseeing where the nearby forests burst into a smokeless, heatless flame as the leaves changed into their bright, carotene colours. The crisp, spring mornings that felt like ice-cold soda in a glass bottle, and the rainy afternoons where the warmth of the indoors lent itself to board games and LAN parties. |
...and then I got distracted by For my little brother. Ah well. I at least make some effort to archive the stuff I wrote, which comes in handy later on in life when you're making a conscious effort to learn from the successes – and the failures – of the past.
Anyways, even though the novel project was scrapped, I kept this family in my game, and being the Simmer that I am now, I created a story for them as I played. I don't have a novel for you, unfortunately, but I do have something to write about! Without further ado...

Ever since their father's untimely death, Simon and Lucas have only each other in a large, dangerous, and scary world. How far will brotherly love go for these two? |
This actually isn't the first time I revealed these two Sims to the public, although I have mostly teased the idea for it. I posted an image a year ago here along with a brief explanation, but I mostly left it at that.
Quote: Originally posted by k6ka
Perhaps inspired by the Newson family that shipped with AL, and perhaps inspired by some of my own writing, I just created a brand spanking new family with three members... well, two now. I wanted to create a family with no living parents, with the idea that the siblings would have to take care of each other. Since CAS won't allow for an adultless family, I created the three Sims (one adult, one teen, and one child), moved them into a temporary lot, killed the father, and moved his grave to a cemetery lot. Now it's just the teen and the child; I moved them into a cheap apartment that costs about §500 per week, and we'll see how it goes from there. |
The Sims
Frank Torres (deceased)

The father of two sons and the husband to an unknown Sim was pronounced dead at the scene of a house fire in Lion Gates County. The cause of the fire is unclear, but the fire marshal suggests that it may have been caused by an accident in the kitchen. He left behind no will, no letter, and no other legal document that could assist SimNation's bureaucracy in determining what to do with his property... or at least, what remains of it.
Okay, in all honesty, Frank Torres never really had a storyline, mostly because he was a temporary Sim I created to allow for Simon and Lucas to live on their own. Since CAS wouldn't allow for teens and younger to be created without any older Sims (annoyingly), I had to create an adult Sim that would have to see the Reaper's scythe before I could get the results that I wanted. Well, how heartless of me, belittling this array of pixels! I am quite certain that Frank was a good father when he lived, and his children miss him dearly. He will not be forgotten...
Frank is currently buried at the The Last Resort cemetery. He is currently the only Sim I made in this hood that is deceased (Soon, however, he won't be alone in that regard... *evil wink*).
Simon Torres

With no protective adults around, Simon was left to raise his younger brother Lucas alone. He's unprepared, but the love for his brother fuels him every day. |
Simon has always wanted a job working with kids, and what better way to train for that job than taking care of your own younger siblings? At first, it wasn't anything unusual – mostly walking his younger brother to and from school – but after Frank died, Simon had to jump from being a big brother to a little daddy... can he manage it? He had no cooking skill, no job of any kind... he didn't even know how to change a diaper (And he still doesn't)! But he had love, and while that isn't all you need in The Sims,[1] it was enough to get by.

Simon is only a teenager, so he can't have a full-time job yet. Balancing the stress of high school life was hard even when his parents were alive. After Frank's death, he got a job in the Education career in order to ensure that he and his brother were able to eat. At first, Simon was a machine, working double time (and overtime) at work and school. Amar Newbie gave him some excellent study tips, and he was able to snag that A+ grade in no time. Popping donuts and coffee into his mouth, he also managed to stay awake and alert long enough to impress his bosses at work, and reached the top of the teen education career. Simon was an overachiever, and even though his parents weren't around to celebrate his victory, inside he felt quite proud of himself.
At least, until a chance card sent him back to square one.

Simon attempted to report Ms. Moorington, but oh, that old hag!

Simon's firing plunged the Torres into grave financial trouble as they had no other source of income. No paycheque, no food, no lodging, no hope. The drop in morale also caused his grades to tank, dropping from an A+ to a B-, with no sign of improving anytime soon. Simon is unhappy, unable to find another job, and feeling like he's a failure at everything in general. Things are not looking good for Simon.
Lucas Torres

After the death of his father, Frank, Simon is the only person Lucas has left in the world. He's always wanted to be a basketball player – let's see if he can still achieve his goals. |
It was hard for Lucas to leave his old home and move to the city. Lucas loves space, and the grassy fields and well-stocked parks near his old house fuelled his love for sports. While SimVille has facilities for sports enthusiasts, Lucas just doesn't like how the world around him is smaller and more compact. Lucas wants to be a basketball player, but he'd rather play on solid ground than on the rooftop of a building.

Lucas is second-born, and as you probably have guessed correctly, that's why I like him best. While Simon's bogged down by work, work, and more work, Lucas has time to befriend other children after completing his homework.
And what better friend is there to have than Evan Newbie himself?

While Simon may be the breadwinner of the household, Lucas correctly grasps the fact that good friends won't go away even when your money disappears. To the Torres, Evan's not someone who leaves people when they're at their worst, and while the rest of his family might be too wrapped up in their world of popularity to pay much attention to the little guys, Evan will happily sleep over at someone else's crappy apartment if it makes the residents feel any better.
(Yes, the day after Simon got fired Evan Newbie actually did sleep over at their apartment, something his older brother Justin would never do. In fact, he spent the entire day there.)

(Yes, that is Evan washing his own dishes, albeit in a strange location...)

The house
The Torres are one of the poorest families in the hood, and one of the worst off as well, having no adults and no source of income (at least for now). They consequently live in the smallest apartment in SimVille. At least the apartment lot has a nice name: Lil' Apartments, a modified version of the West Vista Apartments download.

The communal area's nice, at least. There's a swimming pool, a grill, and some vending machines available to the tenants.

The roof has a basketball court, a monkey bars set, and a chess table.

A brief glimpse of life in the Torres family
Despite the fact that they have the smallest apartment in the hood, Simon and Lucas have their own beds to sleep in... mostly because the design of the bedroom makes it unfit for a double bed.

Saving money is a priority for the Torres, and they save every leftover bit of food from meals. I have a mod that allows for 8 servings per meal instead of the default six. With two living Sims in this household, and assuming that they only need to worry about breakfast and dinner, a single serving platter/bowl can provide up to two days worth of food for the family. Sure does save a lot of food points (and money).
Yesterday I had them pick up some mac and cheese at Fresh Rush Grocery, one of Amar's owned businesses. It not only sells groceries, but it also sells garden-grown produce and fully-cooked meals. This means that Sims who want a Baked Alaska but don't have the cooking skill needed to make one can simply purchase one at Fresh Rush Grocery. For Simon and Lucas, buying these fully-cooked meals is more expensive than making it themselves at home, but it saves them a bit of time. This morning they feasted on the leftover mac and cheese. Yes... mac and cheese for breakfast. Now I'm hungry.

Being poor doesn't mean you can just slack off and leave the apartment a mess. And in this town, the rich are slobs that require maids and Servos to do the job. Poorer Sims do not have this luxury – and they don't need it either. Poorer kids learn to clean the house much more quickly than their richer counterparts.

It's Monday. TGIM! ...Okay, so not really. Simon and Lucas both have to go to school. When Simon was doing well in his job, both of them surged ahead in their grades. In fact, they were doing really well in almost all areas of their lives. Now that Simon's unemployed, though, things are probably going to go downhill from here.

At 9AM, the landlord arrives to tend to the lot. And look who the landlord is: Beth Love, the same landlady who's dating Cody Day! Erm, yeah...

Go trim those hedges, you little–

Simon gets home by 1. Normally he'd have work in an hour, but... I think you get the gravity of the situation by now.

Simon is noticeably unhappy.

Lucas gets home by 3; he brought Evan Newbie home with him. Dan and Betty didn't give him permission to sleep over tonight, unfortunately, but it's still nice to have such a good friend.

Evan kicks off a slap dance session, and the Torres follow along. Even though the apartment seems way too small for dancing, the three had a lot of fun together.

Evan needs to be home by dinnertime, and his parents are stricter with him than they are with Justin. Sad... I know the feeling.

The supply of mac and cheese has been exhausted, and there isn't any leftover food left in their inventory tonight, so Simon's going to have to cook.

There isn't enough room in the apartment for a permanent countertop though...

...so I keep a "temporary" countertop in Simon's inventory, which I place in front of the door to the bathroom.

It's fine as long as nobody else needs to go for a pee...

There are chairs and tables out in the communal area, so Sims will go and serve meals there. I lock the apartment door so that they'll sit on the couch to eat instead.

Dinner in front of the TV seems like what lazy slobs do... but for Simon and Lucas, they seriously have no room in their apartment for a proper dining table.

Every bit of leftover food is saved for later.

I love the snuggle interaction... I wish it was available in more places though. For instance, why can't child Sims snuggle up with other child Sims? And why can't Sims half-hug each other while standing up? Would certainly help with picture-taking.

It's Rent Monday today. Rent is precisely §550 per week. With no source of income, though, that's gonna eat away at the Torres' money fast. Will Simon be able to find another job before the landlord gives them the boot?

'nother day, 'nother night. Who knows what the future holds?

While the novel project is dead, the characters certainly lived on! During the "Golden Days" of living on their own, Simon was awfully preoccupied with work and didn't spend an awful lot of time with Lucas. Being unemployed might not necessarily be the curse a lot of people imagine it to be, though. As the saying goes, "When God closes a door, He opens a window."[2] Maybe Simon needs to stop looking outside of his family for answers and instead look inside. Lucas isn't unhappy at all, and it's not because he's ignorant or that he's selfish. Frank may be dead, but not having a father doesn't mean not having a future.
The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
1. Reference to All You Need Is Love by The Beatles. Well, it just came into my mind while writing this.
2. http://www.ywamsalem.org/learning-t...in-gods-timing/
15th Jun 2017 at 9:46 PM

This is a hard knock life for a teen brother and his sibling. It's unfortunate Simon was fired but could he still do the little self-made things for some cash? Such as rapping for tips, playing for tips (if he has an instrument) - if you had a business sim, could they hire him if they saw him wander by? Could he and his brother paint and sell the art for money? Just spit-balling a few of the things I know of to help their financial situation.
Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.
15th Jun 2017 at 10:01 PM

Posts: 1,797
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
This is a hard knock life for a teen brother and his sibling. It's unfortunate Simon was fired but could he still do the little self-made things for some cash? Such as rapping for tips, playing for tips (if he has an instrument) - if you had a business sim, could they hire him if they saw him wander by? Could he and his brother paint and sell the art for money? Just spit-balling a few of the things I know of to help their financial situation. |
Absolutely! It's actually pretty hard to keep my Sims poor (Money grows on trees and falls from the sky in this universe, after all), so it's going to be a bit of a challenge ensuring that the family is able to make just enough to get by while simultaneously making sure they don't get too much money.
15th Jun 2017 at 10:37 PM

Posts: 1,913
Ahh I think you forgot to put the [ img ] [/ img] tags around a few of your pictures.
I enjoyed your update though and I hope that Simon gets another job or earns some money somehow.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
I enjoyed your update though and I hope that Simon gets another job or earns some money somehow.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
15th Jun 2017 at 10:40 PM

Posts: 1,797
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
Ahh I think you forgot to put the [ img ] [/ img] tags around a few of your pictures. |
No, I have those tags around all of my image links. Don't know why some of them occasionally fail to load, though; blame Imgur?
EDIT: There's another version of the forum post here. The images seem to load more reliably there since they're uploaded locally, rather than being hotlinked from Imgur.
16th Jun 2017 at 7:38 AM

Posts: 1,913
Ok I didn't think of Imgur being at fault. Maybe use a different site? I use http://modyourpanties.com Works with MTS.
I did go to your sims.wikia.com page, it loads the images really slow, but it did work. It was a good update on your sims.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
I did go to your sims.wikia.com page, it loads the images really slow, but it did work. It was a good update on your sims.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
21st Jun 2017 at 10:38 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 2:58 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Amar has a passion for cooking (as well as just about everything!). Come on in and at least catch a sniff of the delightful aromas that fill the air! |
For a town of its size, SimVille sure has a lot of restaurants. There's Bernard's Botanical Dining, Restaurant 'Down The Bridge', and Cooke's Place, three dedicated restaurant lots that see quite a bit of business during the day. There's a bistro on the second floor of Wellness Center 'H.E.R.E.', as well as the spacious restaurant in Amar's Hangout. When Amar opened this restaurant, people thought he was crazy; could he really compete against all of these other restaurants? The restaurant in Amar's Hangout, while critically acclaimed, sees very little traffic during the day, except for evenings and weekends. But Amar was determined to make his robot vision come true (I assure you that Amar is not Skynet, and is not plotting our demise), and when the county expanded the boundaries of SimVille and permitted the town to expand across the river along the once lonesome stretch of SimVille Street that fringed the lake and hills, Amar picked a cozy corner, near where the road turned, as his restaurant's home.

SimVille grew quickly, and Amar's once "naked" restaurant was quickly surrounded by newly-erected buildings. Though it's still a little bit of a walk for Sims living inside the old part of SimVille, they were quick to agree that Amar's Restaurant was "well worth the walk as well as the wait". And wait they did: a few days after Amar opened his restaurant, the place was so busy that Sims were seated on the curb, eating from their laps. The restaurant never did see such a successful (or horrific) day again, but it's still quite popular, and has certainly earned its place in SimVille's culture.
...ahem. So let's get to the point, shall we? Let's go on a tour!
First floor

Pretty much everything you need to have a great dining experience at Amar's Restaurant is located on the first floor. The dining room, while not the grandest, is comfortable and airy. The kitchen has seen some expansion to accommodate the employees. And of course, there's some entertainment too.
Two doors lead into Amar's Restaurant, and each door is staffed by an enthusiastic host that helps customers find their way. No more shuffling around to ask for a table for two... just be sure not to block the doorway so other Sims can come in.

The dining room has received numerous reviews alone. Critics say that it's an "interesting blend of rustic living combined with the sights and sounds of the city." One famous restaurant reviewer wrote: "Amar seems to be trying to tell us something here. Perhaps he's declaring to the last rural holdouts that the city was nigh and it was time to surrender. Or maybe he's actually showing us the strong resilience of the countryside's resistance to urban sprawl–for while the city has surrounded the last plot of 'vacant' land, nature refuses to let Sim-kind have it." Whatever the case may be, it's a popular atmosphere.

Near the front of the restaurant are four musical instruments in the dining room. This is where The Servo Band performs in front of all the customers, and it's the only one of Amar's businesses where the band actually performs in on a regular basis. Every day, from 11AM to 11PM (the restaurant's opening hours) the band is here, playing jazz or country for tips. Given how restaurants don't tune in much of a profit, the tips definitely help with the cash flow of the business. The dining room used to have R&B music playing in the background, but that was removed in favour of a live band of Servos. Amar's Restaurant has a manager that runs the business for Amar, leaving the Servos free to perform here.

There's a patio at the back of the restaurant that provides additional dining space. The patio faces Lake SimVille, a small lake that is filled and drained by the mighty Tasman River. On a warm SimVille evening, couples frequently fight for reservations at these tables, hoping to enjoy a nice evening meal facing the lake and the river. Some families in SimVille, however, aren't too pleased that there aren't any "family" tables out on the patio. Amar might decide to add those in one day as the population in SimVille grows.

You can see a strange temple across the lake from here. Archaeologists have concluded that an ancient tribe constructed it as a sacred place of worship for their polytheistic religion. The tribe was destroyed when Admiral Landgraab conquered the area, but he had no interest in pillaging the temple, so it's been left to the elements for hundreds of years. The temple is protected by the government and is off-limits to the public.

There's a small pond here that Sims can fish in. Unlike the pond at Amar's Hangout, this one sees a bit more traffic. Some couples like to fish together after a meal. To encourage people to fish, Amar's Restaurant allows Sims to fish for their meal in the pond; once a Sim or family is satisfied with their catch, the restaurant will happily prepare the meal for them at half the regular price! It's mostly a program geared towards families, giving children an opportunity to entice their family to eat something that they played a role in making. Of course, if you're not interested, you can just fish in the pond and keep your catch for free.

The kitchen used to be much, much smaller, but as the restaurant grew in popularity, the teeny tiny kitchen that was never big enough couldn't handle all of the traffic. It was frequently hot, crowded, and messy. Amar knocked a few walls out and expanded the kitchen, giving the employees in there more room. It's still hot, but at least it's no longer crowded, and it's much easier to clean than before.

You may have noticed a set of stairs leading down from the dining room. Amar's Restaurant is the only lot in SimVille that currently has a basement,[1] and while it doesn't have any dining tables and chairs, it certainly does give Sims an excuse to linger around after their meals for a little bit longer. Outings and parties make good use of the space.

Near the bottom of the stairs are a few bookshelves and a sofa, intended for the Sim that just wants a book to read while they recover from their overindulged stomachs. It's small, but it works.

There's a TV and a pool table for the socialites that think books are a silly way to pass an evening with.

Sims who like to have fun but aren't into social activities have two pinball machines at their disposal.

The public bathrooms for the restaurant are located in the basement, as is usually the case in small, family-owned restaurants in older parts of towns and cities where the density is greater and there just isn't enough room on the ground floor for a public bathroom. This isn't one of those restaurants, but the dining room needed expansion not too long after the restaurant opened, so Amar built a basement and moved the bathrooms downstairs.

Second floor
There's a spiral staircase leading up from the kitchen. The kitchen is off-limits to customers, so the stairs and the floor they lead to are naturally off-limits as well. There's not much to see up here–mostly because you can't come up here–but if you work here, you certainly know about this place.

The second floor is a bit plain and ugly, but at least there's a TV, some couches, a stereo, and even a food replicator I got off the Booty.

Two bathrooms are available for the employees. They each have a sink, a toilet, and a shower. They're not as nice as the ones in Amar's Hangout, but they work.

The office is located here (Although offices aren't needed here anyways, considering how Sims don't need to do paperwork or any of that boring stuff). It's also where I stash objects like the FFS Lot Debugger here... and the InSimenator? Hrm, so maybe I'm not really an honest gamer.

Interestingly enough, there are also a few crafting benches here. This was mostly meant for the Servos, who could run upstairs and make a few things for Amar's other businesses during off-peak hours. With the addition of The Servo Band, however, these benches are again gathering dust, and are unused for the most part. Still, if you buy something from Amar and notice a "Made at Amar's Restaurant" label on it, this is why.

Amar's Restaurant is SimVille's most critically acclaimed restaurant, and sees the most traffic out of all. Sims love the atmosphere, the patio, the music, and the menu: the restaurant has the largest selection of food in the hood, and offers them all at a competitive price. Amar's Restaurant is located near some of the cheapest apartments in SimVille, and the Sims there sure do love Amar's reasonable prices. While it may not be as lavish as Restaurant 'Down The Bridge', for most Sims, Amar's attempt at getting into the restaurant industry more than exceeds their expectations.
If you liked this lot, there are more images of it over at The Sims Wiki.
The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
1. You can build a basement using foundations. A game guide for it can be found here.
22nd Jun 2017 at 1:01 AM

Posts: 1,913
Oh very nice! A particularly fine basement as well.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
28th Jun 2017 at 9:59 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 4:01 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Anyways, those are some recent developments in the real world. Now back to the neighbourhood I have been working on:

Recently forced out of their old home after a house fire, can Jones regain his former police rank? Can Angela get the third child she's been dreaming about? At least the kids are growing up well, but will this trend last? |
I first created the Kovax family in The Sims 1, and it was one of the families that I played most often. They had a massive house and lots of furnishings (All thanks to cheats), and they lived quite a comfortable life. The family consisted of Jones and Angela Kovax, and their two sons Joey and Tim. During the course of the game, Angela had a baby boy (Sans the pregnancy and toddler stages... remember, this was The Sims 1), which I handily called Justin Kovax. The two existing siblings opened up just enough to include the new arrival into their family.
And then my computer died.
Oh well! It was my old, piece of crap Windows Vista PC, and I was not too terribly sad to see it go (And when Microsoft killed support for Vista earlier this year (2017), hardly anybody mourned). I moved on to my older XP desktop (Which still works fine), where I installed The Sims 2. In my old, corrupted Pleasantview, I recreated a number of Sims I made in The Sims 1. Then I abandoned that corrupted hood for several other hoods, recreating some (but not all) of those TS1 families. Now I'm onto SimVille... and the Kovax family was the sole survivor of them all. But not unscathed! I never recreated Justin Kovax in The Sims 2, perhaps hoping that eventually Angela would get pregnant with him again... but that hasn't happened. Yet.
So, without further ado, let's take a look at...
The Sims
Angela Kovax

Angela loves to cook – and loves to concoct new recipes. Unfortunately her old book of recipes went up in smoke along with her old house. |
Angela's parents loved to cook. And their parents. And their parents too. It was no coincidence that Angela got bitten by the cooking bug, and she was helping out in the kitchen from a young age. When she moved out, being unable to cook wasn't of a concern for her. When she married Jones, she very nearly scoffed at the breakfast toast he ate every morning and made him help out in the kitchen, making food that was far more interesting (and tastier). While Jones seems to have evaded the cooking bug, Angela's trying to get it to bite her kids.
If you read the family bio (And Angela's bio), you probably know that the Kovaxes lost their old home to a house fire. While most people would point fingers at Angela, the fire marshal's office have deemed the cause of the blaze to be an electrical fault, not an attempt at cooking gone wrong. Nevertheless, Angela was fairly devastated at the loss. She's happy that no one was hurt, but her book of recipes didn't make it. Angela loved to experiment in the kitchen, and she carefully logged everything she did like a scientist in the laboratory. Alas, perhaps she really should've kept electronic copies of her log in the cloud as a friend suggested. Now she's going to have to start all over again...
Jones's career also took a turn for the worst, and needing new opportunities, they decided to move to SimVille. At the time, Amar's Restaurant was nearing completion and was looking for employees. Angela applied for a job immediately, and while she didn't get the chef position there, being a server isn't half bad; Amar liked her enthusiasm over describing the menu to her customers. Amar pays well, and the tips are icing on the cake.
Jones Kovax

Jones was once at the top of his career... until it all went wrong. He is now reclimbing the ladder with a heavy heart. |
Jones Kovax was a Lieutenant in the Law Enforcement career back in The Sims 1, and he quite liked his job. Nothing like being a hero on the streets during the day and being a hero to your kids during the night. Alas, it just couldn't last... Through intentionally unspecified means, Jones lost his job. To boot, he lost his home as well (And during the great transition from TS1 to TS2, his youngest son Justin got lost in cyberspace somewhere along the way). It's back to square one for Jones, working as an evening security guard at the FreeTime Recreation Center. It's going to be a difficult climb back up the career ladder for Jones.
Joey Kovax

Joey wants to join the school basketball team one day, but his grades probably could use some work. |
Did you know that there was a basketball court in The Sims 1 base game? (And TS2 had to wait until FreeTime before basketball was reintroduced!) Joey was no odd one out; there was a nice basketball court in his old, spacious backyard, and he would play on it for hours on end. His love for sports carried over into The Sims 2, and I made sure his Sports hobby enthusiasm had its daily dose of kindling. He also loves his younger brother Tim, and when Justin rejoins the family at some unspecified date in the future, I'm sure Joey will be a good brother to him too.
Well, erm, except for his grades. Joey has a B- average in school, and while it's good enough to pass, his teachers and his parents aren't too pleased with that. Still, Joey hopes the school basketball team will let him in.
Tim Kovax

Tim likes street hockey, but he's having a hard time finding equipment and players. He wants to move to Canada someday. |
I, k6ka, am Canadian. Proudly. And while I was never into sports as a child (Didn't play hockey or street hockey, sad to say), I do like my country's hockey teams. SimVille doesn't have any ice rinks (Although there's a proposal for it!), and most of its roads see too much traffic for street hockey to be viable. However, Tim lives on Marc Crescent, a quiet street that doesn't see an awful lot of traffic, so it might be possible for him to play. Of course, TS2 doesn't support street hockey (Which sucks); street hockey is illegal in SimVille (Which sucks); hockey equipment isn't in high demand in this county, where most Sims would prefer basketball and soccer (Tim's okay with those sports, but he still prefers hockey, so it still sucks); and even if the first three weren't a problem, Tim's mostly alone in his love for hockey. SimNation's hockey leagues see few fans in Landgraab County, and in order for Tim to get to a decent hockey arena for practice, he's going to have to take the bus (or get his parents to drive him) 30 miles (48 km) to the City of Vance. That's a bit too far for his parents to drive him every day (and back!). Tim's sadly not going to be a hockey kid anytime soon... but maybe that'll change someday.
Like Joey, Tim's grades are a bit on the iffy side, but he's doing slightly better than his older brother with a B average.
The house
The Kovaxes current house is nowhere near as grand as the one I built for them in The Sims 1, but at least TS2 allows for more than just two storeys! Like the Newbies, Barbs, and Cuevas, the Kovaxes detached house builds up due to the lack of horizontal building space.

The house is somewhat similar to the one the Cuevas live in. It has a walk-in basement with a garage, and the front door is technically located on the second floor. The basement is also similar to the ones the Cuevas have, but it has an indoor swimming pool to boot!

Second floor is where the front entrance is located. A living room/dining room combo exists for the family to use. A kitchen that Angela likes to be in, a small bathroom, and some playground equipment finish the picture.

Third floor is a small rec room with a pool table, punching bag, dartboard, and a computer.

Fourth floor is where all of their bedrooms are located. Each bedroom has a small bathroom.

The roof is home to their basketball court. In SimVille, rooftops are prime real estate places, since an inaccessible rooftop is pretty much wasted space. Many apartments have an accessible rooftop, and they're often home to a small playground or communal area, since there isn't enough room on the ground for them.

A brief glimpse of life in the Kovax family
It's just before 6AM. Angela will be waking up soon. Jones works the graveyard shift, so he's dead tired. I let him sleep in.

Well, their two sons woke up half an hour earlier. Are they seriously early risers or do they just dislike bedtime?

Angela is no fan of boring breakfasts. She prepares a favourite of the family: grilled cheese sandwiches![1]

Be sure to save some for Jones when he wakes up!

Joey and Tim go to public school, like everyone else in the hood. Angela works in an owned business, and like all other playable Sims employed in a business, works the ugly 9 to 5 weekday.[2] Jones, on the other hand, works from 8pm until 2am. Angela and Jones love their children and want to spend more time with them – and they could, back in the days of The Sims 1 – but their careers do suck up a lot of time. Still, Angela and Jones are willing to sacrifice a vacation day – or even their job performance – if the kids really wanted it.

Jones gets up at 10AM. He has plenty of time before he needs to report for duty. Jones heads downstairs and eats his brunch.

A good cop must stay fit, just like firefighters and paramedics do! Jones knows Suzie Urban, and he's heard her comment about the overweight cops in her precinct. Jones isn't a fan of fat either, and he's studied nutrition in school before, so he keeps a healthy amount on him and burns off the rest.

Jones is busy working out... until he hears a noise outside. He rushes over to investigate, only to find Mr. Serge Barb making a mess of his yard...

They fight.

Jones wins!

Now get out of here you little–

The kids get home at 3.

They head for the rooftop basketball net.

Angela gets home at 5. No time to dawdle now, though... she has to make dinner before Jones starts his shift!

The Kovaxes are fortunate to have the opportunity to eat together despite their working schedules.

Jones leaves for work. It's a depressing job, watching the place close up and then having to stay for a few hours afterwards, but it does remind him of his younger self.

Angela's spent! She crashes on the bed and goes straight to sleep. Amar treats his employees well and the pay is generous, but eventually, nothing beats a good night's sleep.

Joey and Tim spend a quiet evening together.

I wish kids could play pool in this game...

Normally kids like to stay up late, but I, the player, send them off to bed. And what joy, they listen!

Jones gets home at 2am. Obviously he's not bringing any colleagues home from work at this time of night. He's not that tired, but he goes to bed anyways.

I was not big on storylines in The Sims 1, so it wasn't until recently that I properly came up with some background for this family. Given that this family is the only surviving family from my TS1 days, and given how TS1 doesn't run very well on Windows 10 (It works, at the very least, but I must either play it in fullscreen and never Alt+Tab away from the game, or play in windowed mode at a very uncomfortably small resolution; hence I never had much of a drive to play it recently), this family holds a special place in my heart. While all the other Sims they lived with back in the days of Old Town have vanished into cyberspace, and even though their lofty castle of the past was broiled to ashes, and even though their youngest son Justin disappeared along with their past, the Kovax family has survived all of that uncomfortable moving. Their story is one of loss but also of resilience; one not of failure but of success despite their struggles. The family may not be doing as well as they were in TS1, but they're alive, and they're still together. And who knows what the future holds? Maybe they'll get a daughter next. Maybe Jones will find another job and stop lamenting over his previous career. Maybe Angela will be able to man the stove at Amar's Restaurant. Maybe Joey will take up electric guitar lessons. Maybe Tim will actually move to Canada. Whatever the future holds, it definitely promises something for the Kovax family.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more!
The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
1. Did you know: In The Sims 1 vanilla game, the only meals Sims could prepare was a bag of chips (snack), a quick meal (requires no preparation, can be cooked or eaten raw), a can of beans (serving or making breakfast/lunch/dinner without a preparation surface), a plate of salad (serving or making breakfast/lunch/dinner with a preparation surface, without a cooking appliance), and a plate of steak and beans (serving or making breakfast/lunch/dinner with a preparation surface and a cooking appliance). That's it. The meals didn't even change regardless of the time of day! More dishes were introduced as expansion packs came along, but mealtimes in general consisted of the same standard meals. I'm sure Angela didn't like that!
2. Amar's Restaurant is open from 11AM to 11PM, which would normally mean an even uglier 12 hours of work (plus the time spent before and after opening/closing to set up and clean up the place; thank goodness there are Servos to help out!).
29th Jun 2017 at 12:02 AM
Last edited by lordtyger9 : 2nd Aug 2017 at 3:47 PM.

Posts: 1,913
Quote: Originally posted by k6ka
I have a summer job between the start of July and the start of September. I'm working out of town, and while I will most likely bring my laptop with me, and while I might be able to come home on weekends, I probably won't have time to update this thread with in-game developments. However, I still check this thread regularly, and I'll be able to see any feedback/questions/comments here. I might be able to get some things in, but do expect a dearth of updates for the next few months. My apologies if you like how this hood is turning out and wanted to see more. <snippage> |
Oh we don't mind if you don't post much in the next few months, you need to do what you need to do in Real Life.
I used to play the Sims 1 a long time ago on my Ancient Mac and I still have the Makin' Magic disk around someplace.
I really like the Kovaxes and the background story you made for them is great.
The house you built for the Kovaxes looks really good.
I thought that your slice of the Kovaxes life was very good.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
29th Jun 2017 at 5:16 AM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 4:04 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Jake's been recently divorced, but can he still find a new woman to spend his days with while simultaneously taking care of two boys and a dog? |
Jake and his old wife just couldn't get along, could they? Fortunately there was no hitting or other kinds of abuse, but there was no shortage of tears, hurt feelings, and broken hearts. Over the course of three years, Jake just felt like he couldn't keep the commitment he made to his wife any longer. Jake took the kids and the dog, his wife took the house and the money, and Jake moved to SimVille, looking for a fresh start. Ryan and Jordan have settled in and spread their roots, while Tucker's just good at being a four-legged companion. Jake wants a new relationship, but can he keep it? Or is becoming SimVille's fourth ill-fated romancer on his bucket list?
The Sims
Jake Logan

Jake just doesn't appeal to the ladies like he used to, although that may be partially due to the added stress in his life. |
Jake's a young athlete and video game enthusiast. He works as a Starter in the Athletic career and is otherwise financially stable. When he's not working, eating, or sleeping, he's either playing video games or working out. Or is there something else on his mind?
A month ago, Ryan and Logan came home from school with Jake missing. At first, the two didn't think too much about it – probably just another date that's gonna turn sour. They did their homework, ate dinner, played for a bit, and then went to bed. The next morning, however, Jake still wasn't in, and he missed work that day. His two sons started becoming worried about him. Finally, just when they were about to call the police to report their missing father, Jake staggered out of a taxi, half-drunk, half-drugged. After his kids spoon-fed him some soup, he quietly explained that he had spent the night before in La Vistas – a strip club in Niato, a city fifty miles (80 km) away! Ryan and Jordan, both reminded of their father's inability to keep commitments as evidenced by his divorce, were aghast. While Jake hasn't disappeared mysteriously from the house since, his kids are wary of him. Is Jake's desire for an intimate relationship translating into an unhealthy yearning for lust?
Jake is a Gemini, as are his sons. His seven active points ensure that he at least doesn't stay on the couch for very long, and his job does involve a lot of running around. Jake is also quite outgoing, which is probably what charmed his first wife in the first place. But Jake forgot that marriage has to go deeper than surface level... and he didn't dig deep enough for a solid foundation.
Ryan Logan

Ryan can be rough at times, but he's usually nice, especially to people he likes. He enjoys spending time at the gym toning his muscles. |
Ryan's the gym enthusiast – which is good, because Serge Barb doesn't like the Logans, and his high body skill rivals the town troublemaker's. Ryan's four nice points, however, doesn't hold up very well, and he sometimes loses his cool. He generally reserves his anger for Serge Barb, however, and chances are you'll get on his good side more often than his bad. If you happen to find Ryan at the gym, you'll typically find him at his best, so do greet him if you see him there.
Serge views Ryan as his second worst enemy, the first being Amar. Serge has had countless fights with Ryan, and both have won (and lost) plenty of fights with each other. While Ryan's not the most admired of Sims, his efforts at defeating the town troublemaker has earned him respect within the SimVille community.
Ryan is also very outgoing, and he maintains a healthy number of friendships. However, his zero neat points make him a slob, although the lack of Servos in the house means that he can't be like the Newbies anytime soon.
Jordan Logan

Jordan's an adventurous young child. He dreams of exploring jungles and caves one day. |
Jordan's also a fitness enthusiast, but he also has a thirst for adventure like the Urban twins do. Spelunking appeals to him especially, and he hopes to land a job in the Adventurer career someday. For now, though, he's quite happy with his current arsenal of exercise equipment. He's also the master of Tucker, the family dog. "Every boy needs a dog," as I read somewhere. Well, Jordan certainly has one.
Jordan's personality is similar to his older brother's, except that he's slightly more outgoing. He also has more enthusiasm in sports than Ryan does. He's good friends with many of the other kids around the hood, and while the Logans aren't that rich, they're at least "average" enough to fit in with the rest of the crowd. Jordan's cool with that.
Tucker Logan

Messy but friendly, Tucker is an excellent four-legged companion to have. He likes running around and playing fetch. |
Tucker is the family greyhound, a hyper, friendly dog that would also be thrown out of a neat-freak's house. While Tucker's been trained to stay clean, the Logans don't have many neat points on their end either, so they don't mind Tucker being a little dirty here and there – just so long as he doesn't escape from the bath.
Tucker is one of only two playable dogs in the neighbourhood and one of only three playable pets in SimVille, the other being Oreo Newbie.
The house
The Logans aren't very wealthy, but they still have enough for a house of their own. It's nothing grand, but it's not a shack either.

The house has a very simple layout. The ground floor consists of one large living room/dining room/kitchen combo, as well as a small bathroom and a garage.

The second floor has a simple hallway, two bedrooms, and another bathroom.

The Logans are one of the few families in SimVille that actually have somewhat of a decent backyard. There's a swimming pool, a grill, and a basketball court.

A brief glimpse of life in the Logan family
Like the Urbans and the Newbies, the Logans are early risers. 5AM wakeup times!

Either Jake or Ryan prepare a simple breakfast of cereal, and the three seat themselves around the dining table.

Tucker wakes up and eats from his food bowl.

Jordan takes Tucker out for a walk.

Ryan and Jordan go to school. Jake also has to leave the house at the same time. Tucker doesn't have a job, but thanks to a mod, animal services won't come just because no Sims are around! Because seriously, people leave their pets alone at home for a day in order to go to work/school in real life. What was Maxis seriously thinking here when they coded this in?!

Tucker's alone... well, not really. I get to watch over him and take care of him myself (with cheats!). However, pets are rather boring and dull in The Sims 2... so there's not much I can do with this four-legged friend, aside from having him gnaw at his chew toy.

Ryan gets home by 1. He has a job at Amar's Hangout, working as a server in the restaurant there. It's not exactly a job he likes, but he does get to work at Amar's Hangout... I mean, how much more awesome can that get? Plus, Amar's Hangout has a gym, so on breaks and after his shift's over, he can just run upstairs and tone his muscles.

Jake and Jordan get home by 3. Jordan's a restless child, so he's either on the punching bag, in the swimming pool, or shooting hoops.

Jake's been a mix of emotions and desires recently. After the strip club incident a month ago, Jake's been harnessing the power of video games to cope with his addiction to lust... but is that really helping? He works out too, like Ryan and Jordan, but not as much as they do.

Jake's usually the one who cooks dinner in the house, but recently his love for video games has turned from a passionate hobby to a perilous addiction, and he frequently forgets to tend to his growling stomach. Either Ryan prepares a simple meal or Jordan orders a pizza. Today they went the pizza route.

Jake heads back to the video gaming console once he's full.

Ryan heads for the weight machine.

Jordan takes Tucker out for a final evening walk.

"Play dead!"


"Good boy! Good boy!"

And of course, which dog doesn't like belly rubs?

Jake at least remembers to go to bed...

Tucker looks so cozy snuggled up on his pet pillow.

Jordan's next to hit the hay.

There's no texting in The Sims 2, but that doesn't stop Ryan from chatting with his friends.

Eventually he'll put himself to bed, I'm sure of it.

The Logans seem like a fairly ordinary single-parent family on the outside, but on the inside, Jake's having some serious issues, both with his lustful quest and his video game addiction. Jake needs to take some time off and focus on other pursuits. After all, he does have two boys and a dog to take care of, and he does at least have a solid source of income, so why leave it at that? Jake's probably forgotten that he has family at home; he doesn't need to go to strip clubs to find company! If Jake's that interested in pursuing one-night stands, then he should probably take a look at Cody Day and see how he turned out. As for Ryan and Jordan, they should realize that their father's going through a pretty rough time, and he needs them more than ever. As tempting as it seems for Ryan to just give Jake the boot and toss him onto the curb, he shouldn't. Where's Jake gonna go if that happens? Regardless of the circumstances, Jake is still their father, and every Sim deserves a second chance. A third chance. Fourth chance. Seventy-seven times seven chances! No matter what, families can only survive if they remain unified. No one wants to see the family they grew up in fade from existence, do they?
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more!
The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
29th Jun 2017 at 9:50 AM

Posts: 1,913
Oh I loved the Logans. great pictures and a good story line.
Got to keep that guy from going off the deep end too much.
Speaking of video games in The Sims 2, I am glad to note that I have The Urbz video game and it works great.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Got to keep that guy from going off the deep end too much.
Speaking of video games in The Sims 2, I am glad to note that I have The Urbz video game and it works great.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
29th Jun 2017 at 3:33 PM

Ryan looks just like his dad in profile! At first, when you depicted them getting out of bed I thought they were the same sim for a brief moment! Is Jake's ex-wife their birth mother? I am curious because you said over the course of three years that Jake decided he couldn't keep his commitments but then Ryan looks to be a teenager. Or was it just the past three years were turbulent in the overall relationship that led to divorce? Tuckers seems like such a good boy! it's been years and years and I still never managed to teach a dog to play dead, lol.
Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.
29th Jun 2017 at 5:21 PM

Posts: 1,797
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
Speaking of video games in The Sims 2, I am glad to note that I have The Urbz video game and it works great. |
Oh, I've always wanted to give the Urbz a try. I've always felt like The Sims series have been too "suburban", and I've always wanted to give city living a try. Do tell us more about it!
Quote: Originally posted by Charmful
Ryan looks just like his dad in profile! At first, when you depicted them getting out of bed I thought they were the same sim for a brief moment! Is Jake's ex-wife their birth mother? I am curious because you said over the course of three years that Jake decided he couldn't keep his commitments but then Ryan looks to be a teenager. Or was it just the past three years were turbulent in the overall relationship that led to divorce? Tuckers seems like such a good boy! it's been years and years and I still never managed to teach a dog to play dead, lol. |
Yep. Jake's marriage started out alright, and the two had Ryan and Jordan together, but the marriage soured after about a decade. The "over the course of three years" part was supposed to mean the turbulent time it took for their marriage to go from "Good" to "Really, Really Bad" (So not the length of the marriage). Jake's divorce was a process -- a painful and prolonged one -- and it seems that he never really fully recovered from it. Poor soul! He should probably get in touch with someone who knows couples counselling if he wants to mend that relationship, or at least, get some much-needed emotional healing.
30th Jun 2017 at 8:59 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 4:07 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Why am I mentioning all of this? Well, at the end of the day, while going through the screenshots I take, I generally edit the ones I want to include in my posts and ignore the rest. Out of the ones I select, I may exclude a few more at the last minute. This means that I generally wind up with a number of screenshots that go unused. Some of them are just crap, but others aren't too bad. I'm not exactly one who likes to throw away things (It's hard for me to let go), so I upload all of the screenshots from my Dropbox – including the ones I used – into Google Photos, which offers unlimited storage at slightly (but not noticeably) reduced quality. That's fine for me, if it means that one day I can look through my old screenshots, see one that wasn't too bad, and say "Hey, that's pretty good! I should share that!"
Well, today, I did a little bit of that. I went through my Google Photos folder, selected some screenshots that I took while making this thread but didn't use, processed and edited them, and here they are! Not all outtakes are here, only the ones I found... "more interesting".
"The Days -- today's not the day" outtakes
Original post

The boys eating dinner together.

Cody playing computer games.

Cody going to work.
"The Newbies – well, not so new" outtakes
Original post

Newbie family neighbourhood view.

A Servo making a bed.

Lobster thermidor for dinner.

Juggling glasses.

Andrew selling stuff.

Evan the baller.

Evan the jumper.
"Barbs of Steel!" outtakes
Original post

Serge vs. Cooper #1

Serge vs. Cooper #2

Airborne Cooper.

"No paper for the taker!"
"The Cuevas" outtakes
Original post

Weightlifting Julio.

Inquisitive Julio.

Proudly Julio.

Flying Evan.

Primping? Aren't you supposed to be, like, sneaking out?

What a piss-poorly written description...
"The Firebaums" outtakes
Original post

Waking up.

Cory's omelettes.
"The Torres: A Story of Brotherly Love" outtakes
Original post

Evan and Lucas.

"Goodbye, Mr. Bus Driver! Thanks for driving us safely home!"

Cheerier Simon.
"The Kovax Family" outtakes
Original post

Swinging into the city.

It's game time, bro!
"The Logan Family" outtakes
Original post

Focused Jordan.

Aim for the square.
30th Jun 2017 at 11:50 PM
Last edited by lordtyger9 : 1st Jul 2017 at 12:04 AM.

Posts: 1,913
Quote: Originally posted by k6ka
Oh, I've always wanted to give the Urbz a try. I've always felt like The Sims series have been too "suburban", and I've always wanted to give city living a try. Do tell us more about it! Yep. Jake's marriage started out alright, and the two had Ryan and Jordan together, but the marriage soured after about a decade. The "over the course of three years" part was supposed to mean the turbulent time it took for their marriage to go from "Good" to "Really, Really Bad" (So not the length of the marriage). Jake's divorce was a process -- a painful and prolonged one -- and it seems that he never really fully recovered from it. Poor soul! He should probably get in touch with someone who knows couples counselling if he wants to mend that relationship, or at least, get some much-needed emotional healing. |
Oh the Urbz: Sims in the City is an old PS2 and XBox game. I really love the game. You could probably buy it used if you have a PS2 or an Xbox. I gather that it might not have met expectations for EA Games as your Sim will find it and then trash it in The Sims 2 for PS2.
I first started playing The Sims with The Sims Bustin' Out on the PS2, only later did I play any of the Sims games on the computer.
I have played all of the Sims games for the PS2 and I like The Sims Bustin' Out, Urbz, The Sims 2 for PS2 and Castaways for the PS2 the best.
I like the console games a lot.
You take good pictures, I like your out-takes as well as the ones you usually post.
On my Sims 2 for my Mac I use the keyboard to take the built in Screenshots that the Mac does and then I sometimes crop them and some times resize them and I always change them from .PNG to .JPG, using the paid Shareware GraphicConverter 10 that I have, I use the Batch features that this App has. Then I go through them and delete the ones that didn't come out right or that are too redundant.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
8th Jul 2017 at 4:26 PM
Last edited by k6ka : 18th May 2018 at 4:24 AM.
Reason: Convert Imgur links to HTTPS

Posts: 1,797

Okay, enough of that. Fresh Rush Grocery's an unowned community lot, so it was easy to pop the lot into the lot bin and move it into whichever neighbourhood I wanted to move it into. Fresh Rush Grocery was built in SimVille after the town's boundaries were extended and was bought by Amar shortly afterwards. He drastically altered the place in order to suit his own entrepreneurial spirit – and to meet the needs of his customers.

Fresh Rush Grocery has only one usable floor and a very high ceiling. Amar mostly kept the original structure of the store intact, although he did build an extension of the building. He also changed the exterior quite a bit, getting rid of the bland pavement in exchange for more shrubs, flowers, and trees.

At first glance, though, you probably won't notice much change. Amar kept the main entrance intact, and the swings that townies randomly go on because they're the only fun objects on the lot are still there.

The right side of the lot saw quite a bit of change, though. Instead of boring pavement, Amar ripped it all out and planted a ton of flowers, shrubs, and even a fountain here. All of this is visible through the windows looking out from the "dining area" inside. Sure is better than looking at asphalt while enjoying your cheeseburgers.

The left side of the lot also saw a lot of change. Amar removed most of the asphalt and planted some produce-bearing trees and plants. He also added in a number of compost bins for fertilizer.

Yes, as you might have guessed, Amar grows produce here at Fresh Rush Grocery, and he sells them exclusively here too. Most Sims in SimVille don't have room to grow their own food, so Amar grows all of the fruits and vegetables introduced in Seasons. His dream is to encourage more local farming in SimVille instead of relying on food imported from elsewhere, and for Sims who don't have the money or the space to do that, they can still purchase locally-grown food that didn't hitch a ride in the back of a truck. Sadly, no other Sim in SimVille actually grows food of their own... except for Serge Barb, interestingly enough!

Moving along. Inside, some parts have hardly been touched. The checkout aisles have been left intact, as have the cell phone kiosk, photo booth, video game rack, and freezer.

The fruit and vegetable stands have mostly been left alone too.

If you read my story about the Torres, I mentioned that Fresh Rush Grocery sells some premade food, ready to eat immediately upon purchase. Well, here's where that stuff is sold. Amar sells pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches, toaster pastries, lunch meat sandwiches, mac and cheese, chef salad, spaghetti, salmon, Santa cookies, layer cake, gelatin, cheesecake, turkey, and Baked Alaska. It's not everything, but it's a lot, and it's certainly enough to impress the Headmaster if you choose to invite him over.

The dining area is a good place for guests to enjoy their purchased meals. I have the Build Buy Enabler mod which allows me to simply pull out a customer's food from their inventory after purchase and place it out here for them to enjoy. I had a date here once, and it went quite smoothly. Nothing quite like buying a delicious meal and being able to enjoy it at a table of your choosing without having to deal with restaurant staff and pricey menus. For Sims that do not know how to cook, Fresh Rush Grocery can be a way to get some healthier food instead of just living off of pizza and Chinese food.

On the left side of the store, you can find the display counters where the grown produce is sold. Currently it only sells peppers and tomatoes, but Amar's working on expanding his inventory and eventually sell all kinds of fruits and vegetables here. Amar promises that everything sold here is in mouthwatering quality, and he'll never run out of stock! That is quite the thing to promise, and even Amar needs some time to build that up.

The bathrooms were left untouched.

The premade food sold at Fresh Rush Grocery is usually prepared here. There are kitchens in Amar's Hangout and at home too, so some food sold here may come from there, but most of the time the food is made on-site. The first kitchen shipped with the default lot, and can be used by customers during normal business hours. The second kitchen, located behind a locked door, can only be used by employees. Before opening and after closing, Servos are usually here to replenish the food supply.

The latter kitchen is also part of the office, located at the very back, and is part of the extension that Amar built. It's a nice enough office, I guess.

Well, it certainly has been great that I was able to crank this out away from home. Fresh Rush Grocery is located near some of the lower-class apartment units in SimVille, so Amar keeps his prices competitively low. Fresh Rush Grocery is also the only dedicated grocery store in SimVille, and Sims who want a larger selection of food to choose from tend to go to Amar's grocery store (As opposed to the frozen food sold in the corner store). Amar likes the fact that his business is the backbone for many a family's diet in SimVille, and he's happy to give back to the community. Even though not everyone is fond of the Newbie's wealth and influence in the region, they at least have to agree that, without Fresh Rush Grocery, the standards of living in SimVille – especially the west side of SimVille – will probably go down.
Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more!
The Sims Wiki Fanon pages
9th Jul 2017 at 11:50 AM
Last edited by lordtyger9 : 2nd Aug 2017 at 3:51 PM.

Posts: 1,913
I like your Fresh Rush Grocery. Looks good. Makes me want to have one of my Sims buy it. 
I enjoyed your post and I am looking forward to your next one.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.

I enjoyed your post and I am looking forward to your next one.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
2nd Aug 2017 at 12:32 AM

Posts: 1,797
I have the week off from work! My parents drove me back home and I'm just chilling for about a week before I go back to work for the remainder of the summer (And school in September). Hopefully I will be able to get another family or two done during this week. Stay tuned!
Field Researcher
3rd Aug 2017 at 11:50 PM

Posts: 319
Your hood looks really nice. I love the detailed family stories and your storytelling style. You really brought the personalities of your sims to life. I really felt sorry for Cody Day's children. I think this might be the story I'm most interested in, and I think my favorite part of your posts is the glimpse into the daily life of each family. I have a fondness for taking family meal pictures, and I enjoyed seeing yours. I look forward to reading more.
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