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#1 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:12 PM
Default sims 3 stuff you DONT want to return in sims 4.
Instead of focusing on stuff you want to see, lets take a look at the stuff we dont want to return, or at least not in the way it was handled in sims3.

For me personly:

-All sims automaticly having a mobile phone.
Hate this, trying to make a household with elders who arent up to date, and suddenly they take out a smartphone to stream a video. It should be an item sims need to buy, could be in buy mode even. Multible versions could be available. But they shouldnt have it automaticly. Personly I hardly use it either and many people rarely carry one with them at all times. Why should all sims be forced to be obsessed with mobile phones?

-car teleportations.
Cars shouldnt just appear with sims in them and then disappear in their pockets.

-constant opportunity spam for skills.
Sims tend to pick up quite some skills over time, I dont want to constantly have all kinds of silly cookie bake contests and such just because my sim baked waffles once. Its actually rather creepy that somehow the entire town knows my sim baked waffles once and is suddenly in high demand as a chef.
Sure you can disable it, but then all opportunities are disabled, including those for proffesions that need them.

-social groups.
Do it right or dont do it at all, just having three social groups which are poorly made and where sims suddenly are a part of without actually persueing it just doesnt work.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:27 PM

They were cute and all, but I can do without them in 3. Cellars + Basements, on the other hand, are a friggin must.

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Lab Assistant
#3 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:33 PM
I'd like to see better integration and thought behind how the expansions work together, not just adding a bunch of stuff that doesn't fit well with the other EP's.

But more specifically:

- Star/Celebrity System from Late Night.
OMFG. SO annoying that mr Nobody suddenly became more famous than my Sim (who was the mayor) because he chatted with a celebrity. I like the idea that some Sims have more influence than others but that it's so random and stupid in TS3 REALLY bugs me.

- Animals running around
There's absolutely no realism at all to have a horse in your garden. When you live in Bridgeport. Keep the wild animals where they belong - in the woods.

- SimPort
Guh. Just get it out of my game.

- Zombies
Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Don't have much faith in The Sims franchise anymore but am naïve enough to think that someday, my plumbbob will turn green again.

Been playing since 2000
Ex-Moderator of Swedish Official site: (closed in 2011)
Admin of Sims UnCut

Field Researcher
#4 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:34 PM
The imaginary friend
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:34 PM
Repetitive/recycled/overused animations. The biggest pain in the bum about TS3. Made the game seem lazily thrown together.

I talk to myself but no one answers ;_;
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#6 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:39 PM
Toddlers with huge bushy dark eyebrows. Toddlers and Kids both looked much older than they were meant to, compared with their TS2 counterparts

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#7 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 5:53 PM Last edited by douglasveiga : 3rd Sep 2013 at 5:12 AM.
Repetitive Opportunities.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 6:09 PM
The whole supernatural crap
#9 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 6:25 PM
Does it even matter, because EA will somehow read all our posts as "CASt" and be like "alright good job guys nobody wants CASt back"
Mad Poster
#10 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 6:36 PM
Traits and moodlets that do nothing. Show, don't tell. I don't want pop-ups telling me about my sim. If they're is taking an evil shower, they should be peeing while cackling loudly. If they're sad, they should stop every so often and have a little cry. If they think someone is being obnoxious or boring, they should recoil in horror or yawn in their face.
Restaurant rabbitholes. NO. Story progression that can't be completely switched off. NO. And that God-awful 1950's celebrity shaming system. I don't give a tinker's toot if my sim had a baby out of wedlock or if their spouse is supernatural.
#11 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 6:39 PM
Action that can't be cancelled out of queue. If there's going to be scolding and accusing of cheating, I want to decide if/when it happens.
One Minute Ninja'd
#12 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 6:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sushigal007
Traits and moodlets that do nothing. Show, don't tell. I don't want pop-ups telling me about my sim. If they're is taking an evil shower, they should be peeing while cackling loudly. If they're sad, they should stop every so often and have a little cry. If they think someone is being obnoxious or boring, they should recoil in horror or yawn in their face.

Well, it really is only evil to pee in the shower if you're showering with another person. Or, depending on the person's fetishes, perhaps not even then.

But yes, things like evil shower, or my personal annoyance for a trait, the extreme everything that Daredevils have, even though they do absolutely nothing different during the event. I mean, really, extreme sleep? But a burglar, or a crying baby wakes them right up? Extreme shower? Maybe if it was an ice cold shower by choice, but it's not.
#13 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:11 PM
Derpy faces and the cross-eyed neener-neener-neener routine, which I've seen in a few Sims 4 photos.
Quote: Originally posted by eskie227
But yes, things like evil shower, or my personal annoyance for a trait, the extreme everything that Daredevils have, even though they do absolutely nothing different during the event. I mean, really, extreme sleep? But a burglar, or a crying baby wakes them right up? Extreme shower? Maybe if it was an ice cold shower by choice, but it's not.

I hate those too.

It's almost like the sims are trying to convince themselves that they're evil or daring. If they have to say it, it probably isn't true.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:23 PM
Susie Sim will always remember walking to the bathroom.
Susie Sim will always remember opening the door.
Susie Sim will always remember using the toilet.
Susie Sim will always remember washing her hands.

AnifromId will always remember playing the memory system for less than an hour before looking for mods to disable it, because there was no differentiation between major (I got married) and inane (I read a book).
Test Subject
#15 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:27 PM
The camera abruptly centering on the "important" events like growing up, dying, being born, or UFO abduction. I usually want to focus on something else than watching 3 family members and the dog having birthday one by one. And I find it annoying that changing a life stage resets the action queue... as if my Sims had no future.
#16 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:36 PM
If I ever do decide to get Sims 4 (highly unlikely), I do not wish to see the watered down/chaperoned social interactions like in Sims 3, when compared to Sims 2.
#17 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:41 PM
Other than pretty much everything from TS3, I prefer not to see fairies or celebrities, elders with walking sticks (just looks silly at home using it just to walk to the bathroom), the ice cream van stopping on your street everyday, just to name a few...
Mad Poster
#18 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:46 PM
- Imaginary friend
- neighborhood pet adoption
- the dating spam

With mods these are none issues but their existence still bug me. Other than this I hope they don't cut too many things because the game would loose too much.
Top Secret Researcher
#19 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:49 PM
"So-and-so you've met once and who's happily married would like to go on a date. They also sent you a stove in the mail."
The omnipresent police force dedicated to ruining the adolescent years.
Burrito babies.
Quest-like gameplay.
The flawed celebrity system. I see what they were trying to do, but it failed. The paparazzi spawning everywhere you are is insanity.
Repeated/nonsensical features in EPs (Vampires introduced in Late Night and "re-featured" in Supernatural)

~* Childish, Eco-Friendly, Snob, Couch Potato, Inappropriate *~
Mad Poster
#20 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 7:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by calisims
Action that can't be cancelled out of queue. If there's going to be scolding and accusing of cheating, I want to decide if/when it happens.

I swear you are so right! Feels like a secret way to promote abuse on the kids. (Oh no you didn't move from that corner! I don't care if you were going to school, march yourself right back in that corner. Haha, no dinner for you either, STARVE!) Introduce the Social Worker. (Why did they take my baby from me?!!)

It was cool to have a punishment system, but not a forced one that can't be control by the player. Either all or nothing, because you have to mod it out.

OK, I agree about no inability to cancel out stupid queues and tired of the focus on the Uni mascot. I can get those items from the buy mode if I need it. I know I have University.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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Forum Resident
#21 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 8:02 PM
I really hate pregnancy delaying a woman's "age-to-elder" birthday. I much prefer the TS2 system. I'm not opposed to some other new way. But I do not like being pregnant keeping someone from getting old.
Test Subject
#22 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 8:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
tired of the focus on the Uni mascot. [...] I know I have University.

University contains many such 'conveniences'. The completely useless Social Networking skill, shiny Smartphones (now by default, because everyone can afford a Smartphone ) and the ability to text during classes... and kittens! And the mascot mentioned above can dance Gangnam Style! I think these stereotypically hipster features were fake and coerced. Please, no more attempts to show us that the game creators catch up with the Internet stuff.
Mad Poster
#23 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 9:51 PM Last edited by RoseCity : 2nd Sep 2013 at 10:21 PM.
I hate the Celebrity system, so I wouldn't care if it was gone, but I usually just turn it off somehow anyway. In my current Moonlight Falls game I use a paparazzi guy who's always hanging around my sims' house as a guinea pig for elixirs, so they have some uses.
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#24 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 10:05 PM
Actually the whole "becoming a member of a group by interacting with them or doing things that are artificially associated with them" stuff should best be forgotten and never return. Celebrity status, social groups whatever. It's horrible. Did you know that you can get Rebel status by merely watching someone else play with the kicky ball?
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#25 Old 2nd Sep 2013 at 10:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by babele44
Did you know that you can get Rebel status by merely watching someone else play with the kicky ball?

It's not something I'd ever have allowed *my* kids to do In fact when I was a kid, even whispering the words "kicky ball" in my own room would have got me a sound thrashing.

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
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