
21st Oct 2006 at 8:29 AM
Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 21st Oct 2006 at
2:26 PM.
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Default Replacement Package for Making Your Own Pet Eyes
I love the fur textures but the eye textures Maxis used are FAR too cartoony, especially considering the beautiful fur. It took me a while to track down which of the bazillion textures are used for cat and dog eyes, but here ya go.
Attached is a .package file that should default-replace all the cat and dog eyes. I have gone ahead and imported the full-size textures for you to use as a base for your eye textures - I have also attached the .pngs in the file as there is a bit of image degredation each time you edit and Build DXT. Otherwise I have NOT changed the textures in any way, so if you put the .package file as-is in your game, you will see no change. This is merely a template for you to make your own.
Please note that the game uses eye textures that are part of a fur texture - so ALL you can/should change on these is JUST the eye part. Leave the fur and everything else alone.
It should be fairly obvious from the colours if you look on the textures, but here's what replaces what:
Dog Eyes: (names start with 'du')
Black/Darkest Brown - cblack
Blue - cdkbrown
Brown - ccream
Dk Blue - cmedbrown
Dk Green - cgolden
Green - cbluegrey
Red - cred
Silver - cdkgrey
Violet - csilver
Yellow - cwhite
Cat Eyes: (names start with 'fu')
Blue - csilver
Brown - corange
Brown Green (Dk Brown) - cblack
Green - cdkbrown
Grey - cgrey
Lt Blue - cwhite
Lt Green - cltbrown
Yellow - cyellow
I haven't tested these myself yet as I don't have any good textures to use just yet (though I do plan on trying to make some better than the Maxis ones) so please let me know if you have any trouble. Edit: I've now tested them with some textures I slapped together and these do work just fine as defaults. My textures suck though, so please make use of this if you can. We need better pet eyes.
General instructions on how to make a default replacement skin (and therefore eyes as well) may be found
here. Please ask there if you have trouble with making default replacements... The files attached here are, well, designed for people who know what they're doing.
Of course, you can only have ONE default replacement of anything in the game, so make sure if you use these, you tell people so, and have a nice descriptive filename including DEFAULTREPLACEMENT so people can find them and remove them later easily.
If you do use these, a line of credit for the originals would be nice.
Other than that, go nuts.
Attached files:
peteyes.rar (5.94 MB, 342 downloads)
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Package file | Size | Type | Description |
DEFAULTREPLACEMENT_PetEyes_HystericalParoxysm-DemusedSims.package | 3,149,517 | | |
Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver
3149517 1968629 62% 20-10-06 23:11 .....A. 9A9F9163 m5g 2.9
270019 269211 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. A221DD05 m5g 2.9
281590 280678 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. 821DFFF5 m5g 2.9
308254 306337 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. F4A188C3 m5g 2.9
263866 263040 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. 8B96BCF4 m5g 2.9
203319 202796 99% 20-10-06 23:02 .....A. D4D440B5 m5g 2.9
311200 308884 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. 31770FDA m5g 2.9
297212 295429 99% 20-10-06 23:01 .....A. 63E04862 m5g 2.9
271250 270182 99% 20-10-06 23:02 .....A. 22C64781 m5g 2.9
304030 302216 99% 20-10-06 23:02 .....A. 47961544 m5g 2.9
297319 295941 99% 20-10-06 23:02 .....A. 8C0E07A0 m5g 2.9
130810 130810 100% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. 6DA66448 m0g 2.9
192132 191875 99% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. 0B9C5F82 m5g 2.9
191827 191827 100% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. 3E009DC4 m0g 2.9
207065 206823 99% 20-10-06 23:06 .....A. 4B9D4D5E m5g 2.9
208769 208450 99% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. 5D3EDDD6 m5g 2.9
133110 133074 99% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. A5AE304D m5g 2.9
189380 189370 99% 20-10-06 23:05 .....A. F94CBFE9 m5g 2.9
207125 206887 99% 20-10-06 23:06 .....A. 7591C0F4 m5g 2.9
19 7417794 6222459 83%
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