Original Poster
#1 Old 1st Mar 2011 at 9:17 PM
Default Sims 3 LN party time or down time
i have seen thoughts on all the other sims 3 games but since the last thread i thought i could do better.

i got late night for christmas hopeing that it was detter than the other sims 3 stuff but i was worng.

this one nearly put me off sims 2 and vampires beacuse i made the mistake of thinking that it would de a good game for once and that ea had finally for there hat together. turns out that it is as rubbish as the others. I HATE SIMS 3 AS MUCH AS I HATE SCHOOL

late night is for fans of sims 3 and twilight no a fence
Field Researcher
#2 Old 16th Apr 2011 at 3:46 AM Last edited by TMNTForever : 16th Apr 2011 at 3:47 AM. Reason: Wait, is hell against the rules?
Quote: Originally posted by nightwitch
i have seen thoughts on all the other sims 3 games but since the last thread i thought i could do better.

i got late night for christmas hopeing that it was detter than the other sims 3 stuff but i was worng.

this one nearly put me off sims 2 and vampires beacuse i made the mistake of thinking that it would de a good game for once and that ea had finally for there hat together. turns out that it is as rubbish as the others. I HATE SIMS 3 AS MUCH AS I HATE SCHOOL

late night is for fans of sims 3 and twilight no a fence

Omg maybe you should like not buy anymore Sims 3 crap. Its obvious that it will never get any better...

Guess what? Game Informer gave it a 9! A 9! WTF?!? At least they rated Dead Rising 2 as a 9.5. It's way better than this crap! Go to hell, Sims 3! Go to (bleep)ing hell!

Press Button, Receive Bacon...
Deadly Assassin Ninja...on a tricycle...
Paste this anywhere as an image for funnyness:
#3 Old 3rd Jun 2011 at 2:59 PM
Late night could have been done a lot better than it was. All of TS3 could be a lot better than it is. But its not all bad --I like building in TS3. And I like that Bridgeport looks rather different but the lack of real esate in that a town is ridiculous. I feel like the Ts3 team always takes the easy lazy route to implementing things.

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Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 30th Jun 2012 at 6:01 PM
Can't they bl*y put in some blooming straight roads so you can actually place new lots ON A Road like in Sims 2

Just Call me Square!
Test Subject
#5 Old 7th Jul 2012 at 6:06 PM
Late Night was a good idea but they went wrong on the 1.) "Party areas" WTH no one is there. 2.) Celebrity status's sure it's okay but they rank to easy and should have been more entertaining 3.) Apartments are terrible they are just one story houses at the top of a building!.
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