
30th Apr 2013 at 11:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Topvideo
I have to admit, the second i looked at Sims 3 WA, I was pretty sure it was gonna suck, and my prediction payed off the next day. I called my friend and asked her about it, and she had it, she said it MAJORLY SUCKS BEYOND POINT. I asked why, and she replied saying
"The trailer was interesting, but the EA games members couldn't fool me this time, the sims in Sims 3 look like clay, like they use those clay objects to make Coraline and stuff, and each sim looks the SAME. And the Sims 2 trailer, they lied, but then it turned out pretty cool anyways, or at least decent to others."
What do you think about my friend's reply? Do you agree, or disagree?
I agree to an extent, but I have a reason to as well. She didn't seem to give any reason as to why this was bad... so I will explain why I personally thought this EP was a mediocre one. There are many things missing from this EP that should simply be in there without question since this is the Vacation EP that many looked forward to.
Tents are missing... why?
RV's would have been a VERY welcomed addition as well, but we got no such thing.
Not to mention the fact that there are for the first time shells in buildings that block off entire sections of buildings and you cannot see into or explore those areas, making several spots utterly useless. Not to mention that aesthetically it's very ugly to look at. WA isn't the worst offender with that (though a close second), because sometimes the shells, or as I like to call them, the black rooms, add to the suspense of exploring the tombs and such, and they are removed when you enter the next area.
Speaking of which, that is a big part of this EP. The problem is, after a short while this novelty of exploring crypts and caves or whatever wears off. You find yourself struggling to keep your sims content and not whining much of the time, and if you get lost it can be a real problem. It becomes tedious and there are times where the treasure hunt ends up simply being not rewarding at all.
Secondly, there is an entire vacation spot which is completely stupid and boring IMO, which is Paris. Paris is the least interesting of the three locales to take a trip to, mainly due to the fact that it's just got nothing to do. With China, you've at least got other things to do and so much to explore that you could spend hours there, and at least in Egypt you can explore all the pyramids and everything (again, spend hours there), but in Paris... what else is there besides nectar and annoying fetch quests? It's just a tedious locale to deal with and could have been replaced with so many other more interesting places, I would have rather explored Russia, personally.
I feel the biggest downfall of the WA EP overall would have to be its heavy reliance on exploration and puzzles, as without the tombs, WA wouldn't be worth even pirating in my honest opinion. It's yet another EP which adds very little in the realm of actual content to the game, leaving most of the objects out for the damn EA store, and again, it has a ton of those blacked out rooms that are incredibly unattractive to behold. It's definitely not the worst EP, but it's not really too great either. It has some excellent concepts, and some pretty decent gameplay additions compared to the other EP's after it, but overall, I felt disappointed with this EP.
That's all just my opinion though. Feel free to like it lol, I just don't think it was worth the money I spent on it.