Forum Resident
#76 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 11:44 AM
Oh these house's are so awsome. I think I need to learn some more building techiques my house is so blah..... COME TO ME INSPIRATION
Lab Assistant
#77 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 2:45 PM
Default Hotel Seafoam
Welcome to hotel Seafoam, located on the beautiful Builders Island. We can offer you six bedrooms in a luxurius style, diningroom with a top class kitchen and a relaxing lounge.


Second floor

First floor


Diningroom and kitchen


Indoors garden

Test Subject
#78 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 3:37 PM
Do Items from the EA Exchange count as official or CC?
Lab Assistant
#79 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 3:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Twilightsimgirl123
Do Items from the EA Exchange count as official or CC?

I'm pretty sure only store content and expansion pack stuff doesn't count as CC.

Excuse me, but I just have to explode.
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#80 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 4:26 PM Last edited by heaven_sent_8_18 : 31st Jul 2010 at 4:46 PM.
Fragglerocks - Your house is so cozy! I love the upper deck and the green house and the sloping path up the lake. I'd live there!!!

Armiel - your house is really neat. However, that TV sticks out like a sore thumb! Chances are with no walls or roof, it would have been stolen at some point. Unless you can make it look as grungy as everything else, I would chuck it!

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Space Pony
#81 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 5:19 PM
Default El Palacio del Sol (The Palace of the Sun)
El Palacio del Sol (The Palace of the Sun)

This is my entry for Round 3!
It is called El Palacio del Sol, or The Palace of the Sun. You guys can probably see why...

Like my R2 entry, I chose a bright color for the exterior. However, this time it isn't an eyesore...I think it looks nice.

Lets get on with it!

  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • 2 Floors
  • Bright & Cheery Color Scheme
  • Large Deck
  • Pool
  • Outdoor Kitchen

*****NO CC! (Only Store Items)*****


Front View (The bamboo tree faded away)

First Floor

Second Floor

Formal Living Room


Formal Dining Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom


Zoomed-Out Front View

Wellll there it is. That was fun...
Good Job everyone! All of your houses are awesome!
Can't wait until the next one.
Lab Assistant
#82 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 5:30 PM
Bchbch Walk, this one's definitely not an eyesore! Very beautiful and very sunny indeed. Love what you did with the standard square windows. Why can't I ever think of something like that? The customized sports car out front is a nice touch too.
Test Subject
#83 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 6:25 PM
Default Shoji
Hi, I’m Kimiko welcome to our house. A Shoji is wall made out of wood and paper. It can be used as walls, windows or doors. So why did we named our house Shoji? because there's none.
As you can see this is a real false traditional Japanese house. We didn’t inherit it from some unknown crazy uncle nor did we restore it with all our love and money. We just have it built like any other house.

We wanted a traditional house with all modern comfort. We have four bedrooms, five bathrooms, kitchen, dining area, living area, training room and a studio. Of course No CC was used in this house.
Maybe you want a sky view, then let’s climb that tree (we actually don’t have enough money to afford a helicopter) to see the house from above.

This is the second floor where we have the training room, the studio and a bathroom just in case my husband sets himself on fire.

This is the first floor with the bedrooms, three bathrooms and an office area.

Here is the ground floor with the kitchen, dining area, living area and one bathroom. On this floor we have a lot of arches to let us have a view of the garden wherever we are.

Let’s go inside now. This is the living area. The floor is made out of tatami so please take off your shoes. We have tatami in every room except the kitchen and the bathrooms. We choose black and red for the furniture to make a contrast with the tatami and the walls which are light.

This is the dining area. We used the same colors as for the living and this is where we have the best view of the garden because of the arches.

This is the kitchen. Everything is made out of wood and stainless steel. So even with three children the kitchen stays clean.

Here is our bedroom. Black and grey with very few decorations to stay Zen.

This is the Zen garden so nothing for the children just a pond and a cherry tree. You can swim and fish in the pond.

This is a porch where we have a mini Zen garden with Koi fish. This is my favorite place in the house.

Well you seem exhausted; maybe I shouldn’t have talked you into climbing that tree. You better go home and have some rest. Good bye.
Mad Poster
#84 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 6:28 PM
Quick question; are we allowed to raise or lower the terrain inside the foundation hole?
(please excuse any typos. I'm commenting from my Wii!)

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
The other one
#85 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 7:38 PM
I have. I just figured as long as you level out the edges of the foundation again you're technically noy altering it

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Test Subject
#86 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 8:11 PM
Default My Entry
This beautiful house once stood proud within acres of farm land. The owner Mr Farmer, took great pride in his work, and his wife the same with the farm house. As time moved on and the couple began to get old the work became to much so bit by bit Mr Farmer sold the farm land to whoever wanted to buy it, but he was determined to leave the house to his only son, Jack Farmer. Sadly 10 months Mr and Mrs Farmer passed away and the house fell into the hands of Jack. Jack was so happy to have such a lovely house, he has carefully modernise the entire house yet kept it feeling warm, just like a farmhouse should. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 of which is the master room and boosts a gorgeous fire place, a large hallway, kitchen/diner, lounge, laundry and downstairs loo. Outside is a comfy deck, laundry area, sunken veg plot, BBQ area and a swimmable pond- ideal for the hot summer months! There is also parking for 2 cars and 2 bike stands.

Lab Assistant
#87 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 8:50 PM Last edited by Mia138 : 5th Aug 2010 at 12:28 AM.
Default Sunset Valley Natural History Centre
Alfred Hawkes is an outdoor sim who inherited a love of nature from his father, Ernest Hawkes, the founder of the SVHNC thirty years ago and his statue stands outside the entrace to the Centre.
Of course the centre looked very different back then but a year ago Alfred was awarded a large grant by the Sunset Valley Council in honour of all his work on local preservation and restoration of endangered species. He used the money to rebuild the centre and this is what we see today.

Part of preserving local wildlife involves being 'green' and so he was determined to make use of both solar and wind energy to power the Centre.

The Centre houses a large collection of butterflies and beetles from all over the world. He has some of the rarest species on display together with photographs taken on his collecting trips.

The focal point of the Centre is the large glass atrium which has been carefully planted with a tree, shrubs and flowers all food sources for the butterflies and beetles which are also housed there.

A gallery surrounds the Atrium and along the walls are several live exhibits collected by Alfred and on the walls are photographs taken on his travels, photography being a great passion of his.

He has written several books and brochures about the creatures he has collected and these are on sale from reception along with other nicknacks. All proceeds from sales are, of course, used to keep the Centre up and running.

At the rear of the centre is a wildlife garden, again planted and landscaped to encourage local wildlife. He holds lectures there often for local groups and especially the local cubscouts and brownies who sit for hours mesmerised by the stories he tells them of his adventures and the wondrous sights he has seen. Very often the youngsters will persuade their leaders and parents to let them sleep over and so a couple of tents are left set up for such occassions.

To the everyday visitor the Centre is a shining modern example of contemporary style - I wonder how shocked they would be to see beyond that door marked "Private". To see the living area that Alfred retreats to each evening after the Centre has closed.


He has spent so much time travelling and living in either a tent or a very basic mud hut that he is no longer comfortable in what we would think of as 'normal furnishing situations'. His small two roomed accomodation is so basic it almost resembles the interior of a shack or tent.

Containing only the basic essentials needed to eat, drink and sleep. More photos from his travels adorn the walls. Very often a sick or ailing insect will be perched on a shelf so that Alfred can keep a caring eye on it and then there is the fish tank, currently housing some frogs he 'rescued' on a recent trip to France.. A photo of his father sits on his desk, reminds him of the humble beginnings.

In the small private garden area outside are three neatly kept graves. One belongs to his father. The other two are his beloved wife Kathleen and their daughter Elizabeth who caught a fever while travelling with him and died within a week of their return. Now Alfred lives alone with his bugs and his memories.


No CC was used in this build.
Space Pony
#88 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 9:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BGatot
Bchbch Walk, this one's definitely not an eyesore! Very beautiful and very sunny indeed. Love what you did with the standard square windows. Why can't I ever think of something like that? The customized sports car out front is a nice touch too.

Whyyy Thankyouuu. I tried
Can't wait to see your house!
Mad Poster
#89 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 11:45 PM
OMG how do you guys come up with all of these back stories? And how come most of them are so sad?

PS confused_claire where did you get the decorative rocks by the pool? Are they from World Adventures?

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#90 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:08 AM
Default 132 Cherry Street
The Nickengregs built this house to accomadate their growing family needs. They decided to settle down on 132 Cherry Street because it was in beautiful small community. The parents decided both of the girl's rooms would be exactly the same size, have the same wallpaper, and the same flooring. They did let the girls decided the colors though. They wanted a classic house. They accomplished this dream very beautifully.



Third Floor (Master Bedroom)

Second Floor (Girls' Room's and Study)

First Floor (Kitchen, Home Gym, Dining Room, Deck, Lounge Area, Living Room, Entry)


Living Room

Master Bedroom

Girls' Bedrooms, Closets, and Bathroom

Study and Second Floor Hallway

Living Room, Dining Room, and Home Gym

Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#91 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
OMG how do you guys come up with all of these back stories? And how come most of them are so sad?

I LOVE stories...reading is my absolute favorite past time and I would love to one day write a novel. So, making stories up is just something I do anyway. Also, I can't build a house without a story. I mean, I have to understand why it was built, who lived there, etc. Even when I build for myself, I make up little stories/ideas about the people who would most likely live there and, at least with TS2, would usually end up making them and moving them in later.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Test Subject
#92 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Menaceman44
OMG how do you guys come up with all of these back stories? And how come most of them are so sad?

PS confused_claire where did you get the decorative rocks by the pool? Are they from World Adventures?

The big massive rocks came with Riverview! x
The other one
#93 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by confused_claire
The big massive rocks came with Riverview! x

Really? I don't have them I have some big light brown ones that came with WA but the only big grey ones I have were made by Gillianivy on here....that said, I seem to be missing some other stuff that I'm sure I should have. For instance, can someone tell me where in the catalogue to find the solar panels? I know I've used them in the past so I had them at one time but I can't bloody find them for the life of me!

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Top Secret Researcher
#94 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:37 AM Last edited by Kaospilot : 1st Aug 2010 at 12:47 AM.
They are from the renault eco pack:

Some nice plants in there too

EDIT: Oh, the catalogue. Yea it's under misc like menaceman said!

Note to self: L2 read

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
Mad Poster
#95 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 12:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by confused_claire
The big massive rocks came with Riverview! x

Hmm. Where are they in the catalogue? I have riverview but can only seem to find the regular small rocks or the giant waterfall rocks in BuyDebug.

Missroxor, the panels (and turbines) are found under misc. decoration in the function sort.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
#96 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 3:48 AM
Hey,does anyone know how to put colourful text?
Lab Assistant
#97 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 4:31 AM

HP, I really don't mean to be pushy an any way, but do you have an update on the scores? I'm just dying to see how everyone did!

Thanks! =)

(BY THE WAY, I'm almost freaking out at how good some of these homes are. I mean, really Llihnae? Do you just want to make us all look bad LOL?)

Man, the comparison between the 1st round and now is amazing... Some of the builders out there really have talent! =)

Currently not able to take requests at this time... sorry!
#98 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 4:47 AM Last edited by gabrielorie : 3rd Aug 2010 at 4:02 AM.
Wow,amazing and creative ideas/stories guys .This is my very first Victorian styled house so be nice .I present to you...

The Victorian Cottage

Britney and her family have always been farmers for many generations but britney was always facinated with the Victorian era so she built this house.

Front Yard

Outside it seems nice and peaceful/countryish but wait until you reach inside...

Living Room

Inside it is a lovely victorian style house that can cope with your everyday needs.

Whats a Victorian house without a fountain

Kitchen And Dining

A nice cozy area :lovestruc

Master Bedroom

A perfect specimen of country and victorian (plus it has a great view of outside)

Outdoor Patio

A nice BBQ area

Balcony View

Back View


First Storey

Second Storey


Price Furnished $121,704
Price Unfurnished $69,932

No CC Used

#99 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 6:03 AM the house! How interesting that all those styles work so well together!

But just to let you do have 5 pictures too many! I had a hard time choosing pictures myself this round.
#100 Old 1st Aug 2010 at 6:18 AM
Thanks,thats a very nice thing to say because this is my very first victorian styled house and my 2nd or 3rd 2 storey house .And sorry :o.I'm making a video right now for the extra pictures,btw can you tell me how to get the colourful text ?
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