Test Subject
#51 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 10:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to adjust a few of them later and upload them when I get the chance.
Test Subject
#52 Old 13th Nov 2024 at 9:29 PM
Okay, finished adjusting the students I sent earlier as well as the other ones that I hadn't shown yet.
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Random assortment of students.7z (790.5 KB, 5 downloads)
Original Poster
#53 Old 13th Nov 2024 at 10:15 PM
I'm looking at them and I love them, they are very unique!! Great, now we have a few students for the "actors file" ^^. Later, when the rest of us create sims, we can fit them in and mix them in the different houses and stories. ^^ I already see some striking sims and possible protagonists in these sims you sent @Higginserted ^^
Test Subject
#54 Old 13th Nov 2024 at 10:52 PM
Thanks a lot for the kind words, I'm planning on making and sending another batch of possible students for the University, also I know it's possible to make custom teachers for universities so I was also thinking of making a few of those for the different majors and stuff.
Test Subject
#55 Old 29th Nov 2024 at 9:00 AM
Alrighttttt I'm back, sorry for the wait, I was busy setting up stuff at a relative's house for the holidays and I haven't had the chance to upload this.
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Random assortment of students 2.7z (878.3 KB, 5 downloads)
Original Poster
#56 Old 2nd Dec 2024 at 7:48 PM
Sorry for not having answered sooner, I spent many days editing memories for my neighborhoods and I ended up saturated. The rest of the creators will understand me. xD I downloaded the files, tonight I'll see how the sims look! ^^
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 6th Dec 2024 at 5:12 PM Last edited by ed95 : 7th Dec 2024 at 12:39 AM.
Hi!! Log time no see!! I've been very involved in real life stuff, but I made a couple advances on the project ─and of course, I've been keeping tabs on this thread!! I will post more when I got time, but so far ─it seems Uni admits older sims, or at least dead older sims. I don't know how the game will behave when downloading a subhood with dead sims, though.

Since I would like to make a couple of lots like that, I tried to build some houses with "overhanging" passageways over the road. The aesthtic is... interesting, but it can certainly be done too!!! When I have more time, I will post some pictures and take a look at what you've done, @Higginserted ─it looks very promising!!!
Mad Poster
#58 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 12:25 AM
This is a fun idea I might have a go at creating - I only have UC though so can't make lots compatible with just the base game + uni. Or is it allowed to use all EPs but just not CC?

The name Justin Time makes me think that he might be obsessed with discovering a way to invent some kind of time travel or way to freeze time. Perhaps he has a secret in his past which he wants to undo. Maybe he never got the chance to meet one of his parents, and he wants to go back and make that happen?

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#59 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 2:19 AM
So I apologize for not being active. I didn't abandon this project, it's just that real life took a nose dive for me. But anyway, I've still got the neighborhood file, and it is fully decorated with (empty) lots. I'll have more on that here in a few days.

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
This is a fun idea I might have a go at creating - I only have UC though so can't make lots compatible with just the base game + uni. Or is it allowed to use all EPs but just not CC?

The name Justin Time makes me think that he might be obsessed with discovering a way to invent some kind of time travel or way to freeze time. Perhaps he has a secret in his past which he wants to undo. Maybe he never got the chance to meet one of his parents, and he wants to go back and make that happen?

Well, CC is already being used for some small rocks I used as neighborhood deco. But that's the only CC I think should really be used, for sake of keeping the university lightweight... but all in all, it really is up to @Sokisims to decide how much CC can be used since they're the project lead. I do think we should allow an all EP/SP design, because this will give us much more options and freedom to create what we all envision.

edit: As for Justin Thyme, I like your idea.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Original Poster
#60 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 2:55 AM Last edited by Sokisims : 5th Jan 2025 at 3:29 AM.
Good to see you back @HarVee, don't worry, it's understandable that you have things to do. It hasn't been that long anyway!! It's great that you have a save with the decoration. The truth is that it makes me very curious and I want to see it ^^!!

I spoke with @ed95 and he said that he had been writing down everything that had been talked about and ideas and he was going to publish it, to give us a little idea of ​​how the story is going. So I think that when we see the map again and read how the lore is going we will be able to decide things to do for the people who have been joining? @simsfreq We are going to try not to use cc apart from HarVee's rocks, if as the story progresses we need some cc that is essential we could talk about it, especially if they are aesthetic things or some not very invasive cc. But really the goal is for the university to be as accessible and CC-free as possible. Also that the buildings are well optimized, whether simple or complicated. As for the expansions and packs, yes, you can use all the content of all the packs, most custom neighborhoods use the ultimate collection.

I'm glad you joined @simsfreq !! I'm sure what you do will be very cool, whether it's a build or a sim. Maybe a sign for a specific lot type? :D

@Zoe8888 also asked me if she could create a simulation. So with @Higginserted's wonderful sims, plus the ones we all create, we probably have enough sims without problems ^^ I want to create some sim with a very peculiar or strange face hahaha If you all want to create sims we can assign them a role later. Or if you can think of a role that the sim could have, tell :D. Sometimes the secondary stories are also very fun and interesting. I want to create some sim that goes with the main plot and also some silly or more secondary sim plot xD
Mad Poster
#61 Old 7th Jan 2025 at 8:05 AM Last edited by HarVee : 7th Jan 2025 at 8:57 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
Good to see you back @HarVee, don't worry, it's understandable that you have things to do. It hasn't been that long anyway!! It's great that you have a save with the decoration. The truth is that it makes me very curious and I want to see it ^^!!

This is what I've got insofar. I'm still putting some final touches on it but should have it uploaded by tomorrow. Btw, this is the first time in all my years playing that I've actually decorated a concrete terrain.

(See attached images)

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Original Poster
#62 Old 7th Jan 2025 at 7:57 PM Last edited by Sokisims : 8th Jan 2025 at 12:39 AM.
I love it!! The first thing I said when I saw it was "how beautiful!!" The truth is that it has the style of the photos at the beginning, I think it looks great And you also combined the gray floor with mountain and desert colors and some vegetation, the truth is that it combines very well

Edit: When I saw the terrain for the first time in the game and then in Simcity 4, I thought that maybe it would be good to add roads to the outside to center the map a little more and so that the avenue wouldn't end in such a sharp corner. But it didn't quite fit me, maybe now with the decoration it would look better. Would you try it @HarVee? Or is it too much trouble?
Mad Poster
#63 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 1:41 AM
I can give it a try and then use hood replacer to replace the roads. No guarantees that the result will be good though.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Original Poster
#64 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 2:23 AM
Greatt! I don't know, I would try either a straight line, or a zig zag, whether they are all exits or not. I don't know... Let's see if you can get it!!
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