#251 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 2:55 AM
So I made a new full body mesh with a shirt mesh by MrLucas and shorts from the H&M polo shirt. It looked awesome in milkshape and bodyshop, so I went into game to take pictures to share it on Tumblr, and noticed all this inexcusable clipping when the sims move/do stuff. How do I fix this? I lengthened the shorts a bit by just dragging down the bottom row of vertexes on them, and lengthened the shirt mesh a bit to cover the top of the shorts.
Is this a bone problem? Looking at the color fade map, im assuming the bottom of the shirt needs to be neon yellow, and the bottom of the shorts need to be pink and green fading into purple and orange? how do I do that? Or will that even fix the problem? I think even maxis shorts clip, so is that just how it is? The shirt dosnt even move with the shorts, it just stays straight. (as seen in the running pic.)

If it makes a difference, the shorts are connected to the shirt where they start, so the shirt mesh overlaps the shorts mesh a good amount.
This is my second time meshing, so im still pretty new to all of this.
Test Subject
#252 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 2:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by fakepeeps7
Did you fix the comments for your body group in MilkShape? If you combined a top and a bottom, your comments will have extra stuff that's not needed.

I made sure that I did and that is not the issue I don't think.
Test Subject
#253 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 3:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BloomsBase
Did you fix intigrity on the meshfile?

I did when I first made the new package. I thought I was pretty sure I didn't have to do that twice. Maybe I am wrong.
Mad Poster
#254 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 8:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Night Racer
I lengthened the shorts a bit by just dragging down the bottom row of vertexes on them, and lengthened the shirt mesh a bit to cover the top of the shorts.
Is this a bone problem?

Yes, it is a bone problem. You can't really drag rows over vertices over joints (like knees, elbows, waists, etc.) without having animation problems. The waist might be fixable (though a bit oddly animated) if you change the bone assignments, but the knees won't work. There aren't enough vertices there to do anything with. If you simply assign the bottom row of vertices to, say, the calf, your Sim won't animate properly because the shorts will be missing the bones that are assigned to the knees. To lengthen something like shorts, the easiest way to do it is probably to find a mesh with the shorts the length you want and then chop that bit out, insert it into your mesh, and fix the UV map.
#255 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 11:36 AM
you can also reassigne the mesh with Toolkit with a pants reference mesh.
Or unassigne the problem area and reassigne that area it with Toolkit:
#256 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 4:59 PM
Bloom: So, are you saying I can change bone assignments from say, mr lucas's original outfit mesh with jeans to my shorts version, and it will animate (better)?
I would ask if it would also fix the waist, but I think his jeans are connected right to the very bottom of the shirt, where my shorts go up inside the shirt.
#257 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 11:34 PM
yes, you can
So you best pick a outfit(read mesh) that comes close to your custom one.
Toolkit will transfer the boneassignements from the reference mesh to your custom mesh(or only the vertice area's that you choose)
#258 Old 18th Feb 2013 at 11:47 PM Last edited by Night Racer : 19th Feb 2013 at 12:46 AM.
too cool! Ill mess around with the tutorial you posted now and see what happens. Thanks.
I am having one issue though, where Unimesh bone took keeps crashing milkshape, and its really getting frustrating but.

EDIT: TSRW Object/WSO file isnt available in the milkshape export Wait do I need to install it? hm. I guess it dosnt hurt to try. Ugh TSRW.
EDIT: Nope. Still not there. Um...?
#259 Old 19th Feb 2013 at 12:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Night Racer
too cool! Ill mess around with the tutorial you posted now and see what happens. Thanks.
I am having one issue though, where Unimesh bone took keeps crashing milkshape, and its really getting frustrating but.

I know, it does this on Windows 7

you do NOT have to install TSRW, read the tut on how to get the plugins without installing.
just unpack the exe(with 7zip orso)
#260 Old 19th Feb 2013 at 12:51 AM Last edited by Night Racer : 19th Feb 2013 at 1:39 AM.
Yea, I just got it. Sorry I need to learn to read better. x_x. NOW lets try this...
Dose it matter if my start mesh im trying to fix has a fat morph? or no?
EDIT: Ok, well, this is what I got:
Upon completion of the tutorial, this is what my bone color fade looks like:

Im pretty sure thats not right. And when exporting and re-importing as Half life files the only group left is the fat morph.

But right before the part where you fix the Askul joint problem, the fade looks like this, which is what I want I think right? But then the fat morph has no color fade on it, so it has no bones?

I tried twice, first I tried with just a bottom that was similar to the shorts, and figured thats what the problem was. So then I tried MrLucas jeans version, and still get that result.
#261 Old 19th Feb 2013 at 2:24 AM
looks ok to me, the yellow parts are from the fatmorph wich doesn't need assignements.

forget the smd export/import story, test the mesh first ingame.

If you still need to do the smd export/import then delete the morph first, you dont need it.
import later the first file over the fixed smd base mesh.
Delete the basemesh that comes with the import but keep the morph.(make sure you name both correct)

The smd fix shouldn't be necesarry if you fix underweighted vertices on your reference mesh first(i think)
Lab Assistant
#262 Old 2nd Dec 2014 at 9:56 AM
Very interesting tutorial, thanx

By the way the "frankensteining" tutorial from the wiki doesn't explain how to modify the shoes, it is just a duplicate of Unimesh Tutorial 2 (from Part 6).
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