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#151 Old 24th Aug 2007 at 6:18 PM
wow. confusing lol. I got through the others with good results, but i dont even think i can do the first step of this tut. . I'm so confused.
Test Subject
#152 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 2:47 AM
Ok, i got to step 37, but the problem is, when i bring up the Texture Coordinate Editor, Its has the clothes but not the shoes, what could be wrong? And how can i stop this?
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#153 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:27 PM
shamere900 - your mesh at that point is still in 2 groups - each group has its own uvmap. (Note I mention that you should have 2 groups, at that point both named 'body' - one being the clothing, and one the shoes)
You have the wrong group selected.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#154 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 12:57 AM
Ok, thanks
Field Researcher
#155 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 10:40 PM
Default Ty Tigg!!!
Wow after all these months lol, i'm finally somewhat used to attaching different meshes and making alphas all thanks to you tiggs ty so much for your support ever day, :lovestruc Here is what i've been working on my finished outfit..

I have a question, if i want to make alpha part on the male can i also use the hula outfit for females or not ?? i was thinking about it but dont really want to jump into that lol, if yes then would there be any thing i need to alter in SimPE once i have made my male alpha mesh using the hula skirt for females ?
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#156 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 5:29 AM
melanise - uhm in short

Using hula to make a male base mesh.

1) recolor female hula in bodyshop, import.

2) build your mesh file using the 4 female hula parts, fix integrity, save modified shape and cres, link them to your saved sims recolor.

3) change the gender in your saved sims bodyshop file to male (tutorials for that are in bodshop-skinning although they tell you not to do it with adults because the necks of male/female are incompatible, do it anyway (instructions are for kids and toddlers, do the same thing))

4) go ahead and check in bodyshop, now you should see the female body on a male sim, neck doesn't match, etc.

5) start editing your hula gmdc - import female hula gmdc first. Now import a male mesh or meshes. Replace female mesh parts with male - making sure in the end you have groups named the same as the original hula and same comments.

6) go to bodyshop, hit 'new' - go find your MALE outfit. It will be a mess, textures all wrong, because hula is mapped all over the place. Make a new project - and replace the textures with ones that match your new mesh.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#157 Old 28th Aug 2007 at 12:57 PM Last edited by melanise : 3rd Sep 2007 at 5:05 PM.
ty tiggs ^.^

EDIT: Tig about the transparent thing i am stombling across the same problem alittle i need to know the back and front faces do they need to be sperate groups ? or combined like i've always been doing... cuz i know with hair its sepearte groups like alpha 3...alpha 5... kinda thing !help! lol
Field Researcher
#158 Old 5th Sep 2007 at 9:19 AM
Thanks so much for this tutorial Tig!
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#159 Old 6th Sep 2007 at 3:10 AM
melanise, I have not worked with semi-transparent skirts myself -- but this is what has been posted a couple of times.

Either use two groups (I think the woman's slip has 3 groups total) or you can also have 2 groups named the same thing (with the same comments) and they seem to combine -- this is a 'trick' that _some_ of the popular hair meshers use. Or you can regroup them back into 1 group - but see below - the order seems to matter.

At any rate - have the LINING group *above* the outer layer group when it comes to the group page. And scale the lining down a tiny bit, so that it's actually _inside_ the outer part. (as the usual way to make the lining is to duplicate part of the mesh, reverse the vertex order, scale it down slightly (like .99 or .999), and use demon's align normals on the new lining)

iamliz - Welcome to the world of meshing, hair tearing, and other madness

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#160 Old 9th Sep 2007 at 12:03 AM Last edited by melanise : 9th Sep 2007 at 12:10 AM.
thats just it tigg i have my back and front layer and seperate them ever so slightly but i think i've seperated them abit too far apart i think thats where my problem lies because i remember on a test mesh i made everything came out shire and correct so i'm gonna give this a wirl thankyou so much tig again :-)

Quote: Originally posted by tiggerypum
melanise - uhm in short

3) change the gender in your saved sims bodyshop file to male (tutorials for that are in bodshop-skinning although they tell you not to do it with adults because the necks of male/female are incompatible, do it anyway (instructions are for kids and toddlers, do the same thing))

i was also wondering about this sentense where in the saved sims file do i go to change this gender i wasnt sure what you meant, i checked the file and i see gender (this was on a womens mesh) and it had a number next to it ... not sure how to go about changing the gender is there a link to where i can understand this or could you let me know ty tig
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#161 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 1:20 AM
Melanise - did you actually go look at bodyshop SKINNING in the tutorial area and actually look for the tutorial on the list for changing the gender? Because it's there.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#162 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 7:01 AM
Default Tutorial Series Excellence Award to...
*applause applause*

"And this year's Delphy award for Tutorials in a Series goes to... Tiggerypum for her excellent series of tutorials on body meshing."

Well, if there WAS such a Delphy Award, I'm sure you'd get it.
I've attached a picture of the outfit I made _after_ I completed this tutorial. I used parts of three different meshes, and altered part of the main one, to create this nifty set of capri pants and ThinkGeek T-shirt, for everyday or exercise. I have a little fiddling to do on the texture, but otherwise it's perfect. All I did was follow the instructions here, and it worked. So, thanks.

“Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.”
Field Researcher
#163 Old 10th Sep 2007 at 11:25 PM
never mind i figured it out sorry about that tig
Test Subject
#164 Old 28th Sep 2007 at 12:23 AM
tigerrypum THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything

i was just reading some of your replyes 'cos i was looking for something, and as it usualy goes i find something totaly different, and it was something i was searching for long long time - BUMPMAPPING! I CAN'T EVEN TELL HOW HAPPY I AM thanx to you

btw you should put it into the first tutorial with really big letters and red coloured 'cos i'm sure there's still a lot of people who are searching for the bump answer and they are surely as desperate as i was few minutes ago

so thank you very very much again :lovestruc
Test Subject
#165 Old 23rd Oct 2007 at 9:40 AM
hi, it's me again

i have problem with milkshape (i think) - when i try to combine two meshes together, and i'm going to use sims2 unimesh bone tool v4.05, when i click on it, some window pops up telling me that it has to end the program and it falls down

does anyone know what to do?

and another problem is - when i want to add some object to maxis mesh, or some of mine (like high heels for example), then when i'm saving it, it tells me that there are some unassigned bones - so how do i assign them?

i was trying to make it like in this third tutorial but nothing works

and last thing - what does it mean "motphmod ....... has face count mismatch" and what should i do with this?

please help me somebody could you please write it like to a 3 year old kid, because i feel like
Lab Assistant
#166 Old 28th Oct 2007 at 7:22 PM Last edited by wolfmage64 : 28th Oct 2007 at 7:35 PM.
Question about adding shoes... I Don't know if this is the right place to post this:

I noticed on every mesh, adding shoes doesn't change the height of the sim, they are always the same. It doesn't matter if it is 3-5 inches high heels or business heel shoes. Is there anyway to actually add height to sim without using that "simstretch" cheat?

The reason I ask is because I'm seeing that the high heel shoes are merged with an existing pair of legs and you would have to remove your old pair of legs from your existing body mesh one and replace it with the new legs with the shoes. Why can't you manipulate your feet existing old mesh(oldmesh is default female body) to fit into the shoe mesh(foot that fits into the shoe)? If this is possible will I need to add, modify and/or scale the bone locations of the sim?

If any of this is possible, I would like to anyone to post, comment or direct me to any further tutorials or reference sources on adding shoes other than Al's shoes and this forum. Thanks


LOTR Sauron: "Time??, What time do you think we have?"
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#167 Old 28th Oct 2007 at 8:37 PM
tristessa44 - to get the bone tool working correctly, try going to the milkshape site and getting the alternate drivers. There's also a brand new version from only a couple days ago.

As for the heels - sim skeletons (including the ankles) are at one standard in sims 2. So the answer is no. You can only make careful adjustments to the bone assignments to make your altered foot look reasonable while the sim moves. I believe all the heels in game are fairly low due to this limitation.

You can add whatever shoes you want - make them from scratch. And do follow the Al's shoes tips here - because their tutorial last I looked was way out of date and not compatible with unimesh.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#168 Old 9th Nov 2007 at 7:55 PM
hi tig,

could you please tell me what exactly should i do when i want to add high heels to a foot? milkshape tells me all the time that i have unassigned bones, and i still have no idea how should i do that.

please please please tell me i've tryed so many things allready but nothing worked yet

and thank you for your advice with milkshape but i have no idea what the alterantive drivers are ... i have version 1.7.8
Lab Assistant
#169 Old 9th Nov 2007 at 8:14 PM Last edited by ulkrhsn : 9th Nov 2007 at 8:20 PM.
tristessa44 here's the link: http://chumbalum.swissquake.ch/ms3d/download.html Check the 'show bone colors' box and see if there are any white parts (white will show the unassigned parts)
Or click the SelUnassigned button under the joints tab-to see which vertices are unassigned.
If you're adding Al's shoes you should do that because they come in .obj format which means they don't have a skeleton
edit: you don't have to use the bone tool..Select the vertices you want to assign, go to the joints tab and find the joint you want (for example l_foot for left foot), click assign..
Test Subject
#170 Old 10th Nov 2007 at 1:35 PM
hi ulkrhsn,

thank you very much for your quick answer - it helped me a lot - it is finally working! i was trying to do it in that joints tab, but it didn´t work before, because i didn´t know what exactly i should do there

so thanks again :D
Test Subject
#171 Old 11th Nov 2007 at 7:37 PM
Okays, so I need a little help assigning. Can you please help me assign the bones properly, because I used the tut on Sim Skins before to assign, and I got wonky ankles Thankyou

GaGa fo' Gaga.
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#172 Old 11th Nov 2007 at 10:00 PM
Fashion2U - perhaps this will help http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=215835

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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#173 Old 12th Nov 2007 at 5:33 PM
Thanks Tiggery, I'm gunna try it out this week, and I'll let you know how it goes

GaGa fo' Gaga.
Test Subject
#174 Old 12th Nov 2007 at 8:03 PM
i have little problem with assigning long alpha skirt - in thighs area it still doesn't fit.
i tryed to assign it as pelvis + r/l thigh + r/l calf,
then pelvis + r/l thigh + r/l pantsleg + r/l calf,
then only thigh + calf or only as thight or as calf...
bottom of the skirt is ok but middle part is still acting strange.. and how should i assign those middle verticles which can't belong neither to left or right leg?

does somebody know what to do?
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#175 Old 12th Nov 2007 at 9:42 PM
Same assignments as the leg parts/body parts underneath them. It looks like perhaps you confused your left and right on part of it.
You also should make the vertices on the skirt 'match' those on the legs, same amount of rows and columns and location (just pulled out a bit) as much as possible.

Because what you've got is points 'glued' to a bone by their bone assignments, which will be rotated through space accordingly. If your skirt has points that correspond with the legs (but are moved out some) then in theory as things are all rotated by the bone movements - then they will hold their relative position to the bones. I found in the center I had to move the skirt vertices slightly inward and fiddle with the assignments, but you're having major problems in other areas.

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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