#126 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 3:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MCRdazedream
After I bought the lot I still had $4,300 how come everyone else has $100??

You have to use the terrain tool to make either bumps or smoothness, until you have 100 dollars left, then move out if you made bumps or stay if you made bumps smooth.
Or if you have nightlife, use the cheat.
Original Poster
#127 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 5:09 PM
It's okay if you adjust the life span *in order to fix a bug*, so long as you don't make it longer or use it to shuffle off your elders for the inheritance. Preferably it wouldn't be used.

I am on vacation right now, so don't expect me to reply very frequently in the next 2 weeks
Test Subject
#128 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 7:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by plasticbox
Thanks for the story! That's strange with the kids -- mine were always very easy to make happy since their wants were always earn some money, earn amount X, and sell a masterpiece ... all of which were fulfilled every time they sold one of their paintings.

How many creativity points do you need to paint a "masterpiece"? One of my teens (Ricky, the middle boy) had that want and I locked it but every time he sold a painting it wouldn't fulfill it.

I had the "Make some Money" want on occasion, but its only +500 aspiration and the two sims I had the hardest time with almost never had it. I was stuck with two of the wants being "Go to College" and "Get into Private School", and the others woul be really ridiculous things like "Buy a Stereo System Costing at least 1,800" when the family didn't even HAVE 1,800. Sometimes it was worse, at one point Julian wanted to "Go to College", "Buy a stereo costing at least 1,800", "Buy a Stereo Costing at least 2,200" and "Buy a Stereo costing at least 2,700" (which is only a DJ booth, the family couldn't afford wall paper in a few of their bedrooms, a DJ booth would be a little strange...). I bought the most expensive stereo I could afford and sold it again just to get the want to switch over, and it didn't switch to anything better AND I had to deal with him crying about the object he had for two minutes.

With the third generation I'm going for all logic sims, those are a lot easier to fulfill in poor families (I had no trouble getting Derek to platinum before he died).

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#129 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 7:37 PM
HunterGreen, a painting will count as "masterpiece" when it's worth more than 500§. Tip: It doesn't matter whether or not they've made the painting themselves ... so you can have their gifted grand-uncle do the painting, and if your sim sells it, he'll get the points.
Test Subject
#130 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 8:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by plasticbox
HunterGreen, a painting will count as "masterpiece" when it's worth more than 500§. Tip: It doesn't matter whether or not they've made the painting themselves ... so you can have their gifted grand-uncle do the painting, and if your sim sells it, he'll get the points.

They must have to have 10 creativity points then, right? I had Derek (my CAS sim's husband) paint three or four paintings right before he died and he had 9 creativity points and the highest one was in the 200s. Or does it make a difference if its a portrait/still life/regular painting? I was doing still lifes. It is good to know that another adult can make the painting and the sim who sells it gets credit for it, I was wondering about that.

PS. MCRdazedream, the cheat you need to use is "Family Funds (last name) (amount you are adding/subtracting)". You type it into the neighborhood screen.

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
#131 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 9:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MCRdazedream
can you use custom content such as tents in the poverty challenge??

Where'd you find a tent?
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#132 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 9:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HunterGreen
They must have to have 10 creativity points then, right?

Not sure if that's absolutely required, but it would certainly help =). From my experience, the factors that affect the value of a painting are:

* creativity points
* playfulness points
* mood -- I think the painting is worth more if it was done while in platinum, although I'm not absolutely sure about that; in any case they will paint faster when they're in platinum, so they'll earn the same money (if not more) in less time
* experience -- there seems to be a "hidden score" with painting, just like with dancing: the more paintings your sim has done, the higher their value will be (all other factors being the same). The average value of my best "artist" sim's paintings went from just over 400§ to almost 700§ *after* she maxed out creativity.

I haven't noticed any difference between still lifes and regular paintings; portraits I never tried.

In my game, the familyfunds cheat needs to be spelled "familyfunds" (one word). Someone reported that it works on the home lot as well, although I can't second that.
#133 Old 3rd Jan 2006 at 10:51 PM
Painting skill does affect the price, in my non-poverty challenge family I have a sim who works constantly on painting with a 10 creativity skill and the price is consistently going up.

I tried to earn a living on my poverty lot solely by painting but it just isn't working out, I had to make the husband get a job lol. Between trying to meet all their needs and painting it's hard to finish the pictures fast enough.
Original Poster
#134 Old 4th Jan 2006 at 6:23 PM
I think they are also affected by whether or not they have ever completed still life paintings and portraits before. I got a message box once telling me that a sim needed to try the other kinds of paintings to develop their own personal style, so I always make them paint two or three of those once their painting skill gets high enough.
Test Subject
#135 Old 4th Jan 2006 at 10:50 PM
Thanks to all three of you (plasticbox, Howabominable & Ellatrue) for the information. I had always assumed that painting value was only based on creativity points. Though, it makes sense that its one of those "hidden skills" like dancing. I have so few sims with 10 creativity (a lot are close to that) that I never noticed any real difference in painting value.

Also, I have an update on my poverty family. The second-oldest child (Ricky) became an adult and I had him move out with his little sister Sophia (a teen, so she still counts as being raised in the house). He is not married, but he had one of his neighbors (Estella Dragonson) move in and she had a baby girl called Antigone. The baby doesn't count, of course, since its a different house, but it was just so nice to not have to use a NPC as a breeder. By the way, can that rule be changed? Estella only brought $88 when she moved in, which I assume is because there were 7 other sims in her house, which is A LOT less than I've gotten out of NPCs.

Back in the house, Julian (the oldest) is working through the science career, and he is engaged to Dagmar Bertino, the mail-lady. She's a romance sim, but she will be having children anyway (she's pregnant right now, after about 5 tries, its probably the hardest time I've EVER had getting a sim pregnant, I usually get it on the first try). Dagmar also had almost all her skills maxed out, just excepting creativity and logic (both about half-full).

PS. Pictures here:

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Original Poster
#136 Old 7th Jan 2006 at 1:53 PM
Wow, I had no idea Dagmar was such a useful sim- maybe I'll have my sims talk to her more often.

Simgirl88- the tents are on MTS2
Original Poster
#137 Old 12th Jan 2006 at 12:01 AM
I actually can't see the pictures, are you sure you posted them correctly?
#138 Old 12th Jan 2006 at 12:19 AM
Aurora_ae_c_a_l, we have to sign up for something to see the pictures.
#139 Old 12th Jan 2006 at 2:32 PM
name : Nadja Forever
age: 26
adress: Strawberry field park.
job: first level in the criminal career

This Is Nadjas first week. Going to community-lots, eating hotdogs, work as a barista, and coming home, tired and miserable:

Eventually, I made her stay for a while in a community-lot called the shelter. Her first night in a normal bed ( she woke up from nightmares and panicattack all night through.)

And a shower! Some more work as barista, really hot weather this day!

She met this guy, Gordon, at the shelter. Well, all kinds of peple end up at this lot... He fell in love and theyre now engaged.
They went back to Nadjas "place" to live there. I cant see how this is going to "end" all that well...

I dont think I take this to the next level, cause what lies ahead of them is quite boring (and hard) to play. Work-sleep-work-sleep. Cant see they will ever afford to build a HOUSE! But they make a great couple! (hi, hi)
Original Poster
#140 Old 12th Jan 2006 at 5:17 PM
It's probably better, since using a bed on community lot is considered a cheat (grrr!). Interesting that she bagged Gordon, I didn't know he was playable.
#141 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 7:47 AM
Oh, I thought I was smart. (LOL)
(Going to a community-lot is not cheating, is it?), well...
Im not used to play without cheating, one way or another. The challenge is very inspiring though.I admire the patience it probably takes to make them survive to have grandchildren.
Test Subject
#142 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 9:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sayyadina
(Going to a community-lot is not cheating, is it?), well...
Im not used to play without cheating, one way or another. The challenge is very inspiring though.I admire the patience it probably takes to make them survive to have grandchildren.

Going to a community lot is not cheating, but using a hack or cheat that allows you to sleep on one is.

And once you have another sim move in the challenge gets a little easier (at least keeping them bathed and fed is). They bring money with them, at least enough to build and furnish a small house. After that you have two people bringing in an income, and the non-CAS sim is allowed to get promoted.

Currently, with my family, my CAS sim (Julia) just died and left a modest inheritance (not nearly as big as her husband did, but not small). I had my first grandchild (in the house, one of the sims that moved out already had a daughter in his house) born as well, a boy called Jude, and there's another on the way. All of Julia's children (5 in all) are adults now, and three of them are still in the house. Julian is married to Dagmar Bertino, the mail-lady, Liam is working on his career, and Victoria is building a relationship with the clerk from "Sudden Square" (the community lot in "Sudden Valley", the neighborhood this is all taking place in).

Pictures are here:

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#143 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 9:51 AM
That link gives me a 404 ... ?
Test Subject
#144 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 10:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by plasticbox
That link gives me a 404 ... ?

Sorry, typed the link wrong, it should work now.

Any updates on your Poverty Family plasticbox?

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#145 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 5:25 PM
Thanks! Now it works. I updated yesterday, the story is here: Page 1 | Page 2

HunterGreen, you're saying [about the first grandchild born in-house] "When he dies, the challenge will be over" -- are you sure about that? I was thinking it's over when *all* the (in-house) grandkids are dead? And there must be more to come, with Dagmar being pregnant on that pic and all ...¿?
Test Subject
#146 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 8:40 PM
I just assumed it was when the first grandchild born in the house died. Perhaps Ellatrue can weigh in on this...

If it is when the LAST grandchild in the house dies, I might move the youngest girl back into the house.

It looks like your story is ahead of mine (with Timoteo being a teen already), and it appears you had a lot of girls as opposed to all my boys. What was Laura's last name? She is pretty good looking for a townie. I love your story by the way, I thought *my* sims were into painting, I don't think I had any of them but Derek (my CAS sim's husband) max out their creativitiy.

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Original Poster
#147 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 8:50 PM
It is when the last grandchild born in the house dies- however, once you move someone out, you may not move them back in again.

Glad to see the new updates!
Original Poster
#148 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 9:32 PM
Awww! Jude is adorable!
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#149 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 1:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HunterGreen
It looks like your story is ahead of mine (with Timoteo being a teen already), and it appears you had a lot of girls as opposed to all my boys. What was Laura's last name? She is pretty good looking for a townie.

As far as I know, I'm ahead of pretty much everyone =) that said, I meanwhile lost track of other people's stories, so I actually don't know what I'm talking about.

Laura's name is Laura Wong, but I don't play with the standard townies ("deleteallsims" when you create a neighbourhood makes the game regenerate all townies/NPCs) so you won't find her in your game. It makes the game less predictable with the "fresh" townies, that's why I like to do that ... they also look better most of the time + are a lot less annoying in general.
Test Subject
#150 Old 14th Jan 2006 at 4:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by plasticbox
Laura's name is Laura Wong, but I don't play with the standard townies ("deleteallsims" when you create a neighbourhood makes the game regenerate all townies/NPCs) so you won't find her in your game. It makes the game less predictable with the "fresh" townies, that's why I like to do that ... they also look better most of the time + are a lot less annoying in general.

Darn it, I was thinking about doing that and then I didn't. I thought for some reason that there was a different set of townies for nightlife. I haven't played with townies in such a long time (I killed them all off in my other custom neighborhood), it was horrible to see Marsha Brunig and her ilk again. That's why I have been sticking to service sims for my Poverty Family, they are much better looking than townies. Hmm, I wonder if I should just kill off five or six townies just to get some fresh ones.

PS. Dagmar had the baby (a little girl named Leah), and I had Liam move out so his little sister could get married to a store clerk (George McCarthy), and she's expecting (after an encounter in the car; silly me, I didn't even know sims could woo-hoo in the car until he got a want for it). George is a fortune sim, but him and Victoria get along really well (3 lightning bolts), he brought $1400 when he moved in (my highest yet, Dagmar only brought $2000) and he also has nearly all his skills maximized.

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
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