Test Subject
#851 Old 13th Mar 2018 at 12:44 AM

I have done this challenge 3 times. I love it each time. Your story made me want to try again. I think I'll take a break from my current neighborhood and get my asylum going. I can't wait!!!

Quote: Originally posted by Sketching
The first time I did the asylum challenge, I plopped the inmates down into an apocalypse neighborhood to add to the story. Four inmates (2 female including my playable and 2 male) somehow survived to the end, although I left aging off in their lot while the apocalypse lineage was advancing through generations. Not bad considering the limitations of the apocalypse though.

This time, I decided to repeat the asylum challenge in an ordinary neighborhood with a whole gamut of "increased challenge" mods that I didn't have back then: more dangerous fires, lower hunger death threshold, Lamare's lot traits (includes power outages), real sickness, harder skills, higher bills, reduced salaries, and several others. It ended up being much harder than the apocalypse challenge. Not a single day went by without a storm or the power cut off and I had to keep using up what little money they had to refurnish the kitchen (and with an empty refrigerator mod, that hurt my wallet) they kept burning down. ACR may have been on full-force but they barely had time for loving.

My playable was a Knowledge female with an LTW to top the Artist career - not exactly ideal with the harder skills mod and 0 outgoing points for the required charisma. I know that there aren't actual LTWs for some of the careers, so I included them in a list and randomized from them to get a wider range of possibilities, at least for her. The other female inmates were Grilled Cheese, Knowledge, and Fortune, while the males were Romance, Family, Pleasure, and Popularity. They're all remakes of my original asylum inmates.

On the first day, Romance died in a fire he started - too bad because he was a hit with the ladies. I didn't want to risk my playable's death, so I had little choice but to call emergency services, and right on time because the phone lines died immediately afterwards. Since we were short on funds, I couldn't buy groceries for a while and another two died of hunger the next day. The ghosts rose up due to the lightning storms but they didn't manage to kill anyone.

From then on, I resolved to leave out plates of lunch meat sandwiches for the other inmates to eat in an effort to ensure their survival. Well, the constant fires plummeted just about everyone into aspiration failures they couldn't overcome; my playable was barely in the green and Grilled Cheese was somehow perpetually in platinum. Fortune went out to peddle for money and was struck by lightning, and later that night, Family got the amazing idea to walk out of the building to clean up the puddles in the yard, only to go the same way as the previous inmate.

Five down, three to go. I practically worked my sim into overdrive doing chores in the asylum to keep it running and thank goodness Grilled Cheese was inexplicably adept at housework, but Pleasure contracted food poisoning from a spoiled dish that was hidden among the garbage and died in due time, a few hours before my sim was fired due to a bad chance card.

Now only unemployed Grilled Cheese and Playable are left in debt in a rundown, haunted asylum without electricity. I wasn't playing for points, but I don't even want to think about the score right now because it must be in the negatives!

Lab Assistant
#852 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 2:32 PM
I never played this before. The only thing I am confused about is how long the challenge lasts. When does it end? Sorry if I missed it in rules somehow. I didn't see it when I read through them.
#853 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 3:00 PM
Technically, the end would be when your playable reaches their LTW then, if you're playing for points, you tally up the score based on the events that happened. During my first run-through, I randomized my next playable from the survivors and so on until 3 out of the remaining 7 inmates barely managed to earn their freedom. I played the asylum alongside a modified apocalypse challenge and I prefer having long-term hoods, so I thought they might as well become genetic donors.

If you play the ISBI challenge, you'll actually have to do this for 10 generations with only one playable for each!
#854 Old 17th May 2018 at 5:29 AM
Finally finished it. This was my first challenge, and it was fun at first, but eventually it got boring because it was basically me trying to get at the top of a career while surrounded by a bunch of idiots.

The bathroom I made was way too tiny, everyone pissed themselves and smelled bad, no one wanted to eat but instead stand around and be hungry, all my friends complained about wanting me to make an effort...but hey, I made it! And no one died!

Anyway, I scored 306 points.
Mad Poster
#855 Old 19th May 2018 at 5:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SimmingSince7
I never played this before. The only thing I am confused about is how long the challenge lasts. When does it end? Sorry if I missed it in rules somehow. I didn't see it when I read through them.

I bolded and underlined it for you:
Quote: Originally posted by discordkitty
You have been committed to a run down mental health facility against your will. In order to prove that you are fit to rejoin society and earn your freedom, you must achieve the goal your psychiatrist has set for you � your lifetime want.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Test Subject
#856 Old 6th Jun 2018 at 10:12 PM
I've finished mine now. After 26 days my sim has finally achieved hiw LTW although in the meantime 4 of his inmates died. I ended up with 137 points
#857 Old 13th Oct 2018 at 2:21 AM
I finished this last night, and the whole thing was a lot more peaceful than I thought it would be. My controllable's LTW was to become a celebrity chef, so she made sure her roommates always had decent food to eat. That and putting down a buffet table before I started helped ensure that no one died (either from starvation or setting the kitchen on fire). Most of them were buddies with each other by the end, and a few fell in love (including my controllable). Haven't had a chance yet to tally up my score, but I'll do that next time I open my game.
Test Subject
#858 Old 21st Apr 2019 at 9:24 AM
Kudos to those who did this challenge more than once! Once was enough for me. It took me roughly over 24 hours of real time and it took 6 weeks and 8 hours (first day of 7th week - I just counted it as 6 weeks plus one day.). Lost a roomie. With the genie lamp wished her back (random I didn't make the lamp appear) and picked ressurect completely forgetting zombies were a thing, lol. I thought it would resume/save her from death whoops! Then lost another roomie. He haunted us. Both him and zombie girl got done in by heat exhaustion, by the way, and not because of challenge stuff).Then my main sim got hit by lightning and DIED! Or so I thought! I was staring at the screen, stunned thinking it was all for nothing (during the 6th week) and then I see her ghost playing a game with Grim Reaper (I thought at first it was red hands and I was so annoyed and not amused, at all) next thing I know, her ghost fist pumps the air and she was back (and not a zombie). Then about 20 minutes later in real time our roomie ghost scared another roomie to death literally. He got his life returned, as well.

My score is embarrassingly high due to how long my sim was stuck in there. 760 (that is including the minus 80 for the 4 deaths).Gave the roomies way too much time to accumulate aspiration points.

I don't regret trying this challenge but yeah, once is good enough for me, lol. It was my first challenge for Sims 2 and I completed it so I'm satisfied. My sim was a fortune sim with LTW to make 100 000 simoleans.

Mad Poster
#859 Old 24th Apr 2019 at 7:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Amalia81
I finished this last night, and the whole thing was a lot more peaceful than I thought it would be. My controllable's LTW was to become a celebrity chef, so she made sure her roommates always had decent food to eat. That and putting down a buffet table before I started helped ensure that no one died (either from starvation or setting the kitchen on fire). Most of them were buddies with each other by the end, and a few fell in love (including my controllable). Haven't had a chance yet to tally up my score, but I'll do that next time I open my game.

Just fascinated by your sigi/thingy. DAMN! and here's an extra one for YOU; DAMN.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#860 Old 2nd Jan 2020 at 3:22 AM
I just started and finished this challenge in the span of maybe 6 or 7 hours? Lol, yes, I played straight through. This is my second time doing it, and it is so much fun. I wound up with -76 points (ouch); all of the other patients died within the first week lol. It took my sim 36 days to get out. It would have taken my sim much less time, but he (I) was dumb enough to play with chance cards and he got fired. With only the newspaper, it took him probably another 2 sim weeks to get his job back. Luckily, in all that time, he acquired all the skills and friends needed to make it to the top of his career, so when he finally did get his job back, he maxed it in about a week's time. Also during his time at the asylum, he maxed his OTH of Games, got engaged to a townie named Marisa, and also was lucky enough to score the genie lamp.

Now he lives in a nice house with Marisa, and they are expecting their first child. Thanks to the lamp and $65,000 chance card, the two are now rolling in cash and highly successful. I think I will now transition it to a legacy and add more sims to the town as well.
Mad Poster
#861 Old 3rd Jan 2020 at 8:44 PM
Read through posts tell everything started to blur..trying to find answer; when the kitchen burns down can you replace stuff? And can you have more than one counter? dishwasher?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#862 Old 3rd Jan 2020 at 10:28 PM
I believe that you can't replace anything that burns down, but you *can* have multiples of anything that you're not explicitly forbidden to have multiples of. One strategy I've seen was to have multiple sets of kitchen appliances separated from each other in case one of them burned down.
Mad Poster
#863 Old 5th Jan 2020 at 9:23 PM
So I would have had to stash a second stove when I was first building the lot? I did put it in a little separate room..moot point. My playable and another woman were in love with the same man; I managed to keep her from fighting, but fights went on all the time. Also sobbing. Also fires. After one died unexpectedly- probably starved, even though my sim would tell every one to come and eat, and 3 more died in a fire while she was at work, I quit trying to keep them happy...or even alive.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#864 Old 21st May 2020 at 11:51 AM
Thank you for posting this challenge. I had a lot of fun with it. I started it many years ago, then stopped doing it, and only started it again this week. I found it difficult, but compared to a lot of the stories here, I managed fairly well in the end! The housemates started a fire, but the playable sim manged to call the fire brigade in time. She also forgot to order food a couple of times, and had very hungry sims waiting for her when she returned from work. They all stayed alive until the end though, and I had a final score of 304, and played for 33 days. I had a popularity sim who wanted to top the military career. She was doing well, then need to build several body skill points to max the body skill for the second to last promotion. This was very difficult to manage, but she was on track, until she rolled a chance card which lost her a skill point. At least she managed to stay employed. They were all elders by the time she finished, and half of them aged up ok, and the other half aged up badly, and had another breakdown as a result of that.

I felt sorry for the housemates when I finished the game, so I kept playing. I bought everyone a nice bed, so they didn't need to sleep in shifts, enough toilets and showers, and enough seating for meals. Then I set to working on their aspiration scores. Fortunately it was spring, and the housemates all had good relationship scores, so it was simply a matter of figuring who was attracted to whom, and setting them up. The ones which didn't have a suitable partner in the house were a little harder, and it took a few days for them. I needed to find a fiance for the family sim, and I set the knowledge sims to their skill building. I kept sending the romance sim on dates with the pleasure sim, and fortunately the romance sim was satisfied with woohooing in different locations with the same sim, although if I'd kept playing for longer, I would have had to find a discrete affair or two for her to keep going.
#865 Old 21st May 2020 at 1:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Read through posts tell everything started to blur..trying to find answer; when the kitchen burns down can you replace stuff? And can you have more than one counter? dishwasher?

You ARE allowed to replace items destroyed by fire or reposessed.

You can put in as many surfaces as you like, but can’t buy extra after starting the challenge. You can have a dishwasher, microwave, toaster oven if you like.

I allowed mine an exercise bike as well as the tv, on the theory that tv plus bookshelf was allowed anyway, which gives two ways to skill cooking. Only one autonomous/joinable option per skill, though, which I think was the original intention.

I’ve been playing this challenge again lately, and it is rather different than when I played with just Basegame. For one thing, I have mods now, so needed to work around some of those. SmartBeds means none of the sims will use a bed until they are assigned one, but I was able to send each sim to bed once, and they don’t mind hotbunking from there. EdukashunIzGud stops my controllable getting promotions after level five, so I can either remove the mod or manually promote her when she’s gone a few days at top performance. The crazies keep cooking enormous meals and then putting the leftovers away, so the next sim also cooks an enormous meal. You never saw so much turkey! ...I try to get my sane one to put out a selection of plates regularly, but there are still many many leftovers. I have a mod that makes sims returning from work bring groceries if they are needed, which takes some of the grind out of keeping the fridge full.

I included a small fishing pond, hemmed in at the edge of the lot so max two sims can use it at a time. Plus three garden plots for growing veg. I’ve only seen autonomous fishing once, but there’s a lot of hanging out, piano and cooking channel. The crazies are mostly good friends. The controllable sim is at level seven of her career, so they are going along quite well.
Test Subject
#866 Old 23rd Jul 2020 at 1:50 PM
love that whole idea! I might try it myself
#867 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 9:54 PM
How does anyone pass this without cheating? I tried this challenge officially two times a month ago, and all my sims died from fire and ghosts. Maybe I shouldn't have the insane patients cook any meals, next time

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
Mad Poster
#868 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 10:30 PM
I think that's the point..watching the mayhem! There is only so much the controllable sim can do to try to keep everyone alive.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Forum Resident
#869 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 4:39 PM
I tried this challenge yesterday and it was fun. It went well until an arsonist set fire to the TV, though. Since I couldn't have a burglar, or fire alarm, nor could I call emergency services, everyone died. I'm planning on reusing the same asylum for attempt two, but I have a question. Is it okay to place the graves of past participants elsewhere, or do I have to leave them in the asylum?

When a game is predictable, it's boring.
That goes for any medium that isn't life.
That's why The Sims 2 is my favourite sims game.
It has elements of unpredictability and everything feels more involved.
The Sims 4 is another story altogether...
Mad Poster
#870 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 8:23 PM
That's a good question, since they can also kill!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#871 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 8:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CrystalFlame360
I'm planning on reusing the same asylum for attempt two, but I have a question. Is it okay to place the graves of past participants elsewhere, or do I have to leave them in the asylum?

I think that would be up to you - do you want the added challenge, or do you want to start fresh?
There are lots of tricks to minimize the 'everybody dies' risk. For example, leaving a platter of food out when your sim goes to work, so the remaining sims are less likely to cook.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
#872 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 8:46 PM
IMO .. this would be up to the player. As they are part of a previous challenge I'd say it depends on if you wish to add that level of difficulty to the new challenge. If he answer is yes, then keep them. If it's no, then I don't see that it breaks the rules in moving them to a "cemetery lot".
Forum Resident
#873 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 10:04 PM
Right, I just thought I would be breaking the rules if I moved the graves. My plan was to move them to a cemetery, but I read the rule about patients/visitors dying and having to leave their graves on the lot. I guess that applies to the current attempt, not past attempts. Thank you for clearing that up!

When a game is predictable, it's boring.
That goes for any medium that isn't life.
That's why The Sims 2 is my favourite sims game.
It has elements of unpredictability and everything feels more involved.
The Sims 4 is another story altogether...
#874 Old 26th Oct 2020 at 5:12 PM
I started this challenge on saturday keeping my mods in and using Aefled's asylum lot. I remove the TV and the pottery station.
The whole household's last name is Follet. My playable Vladimir is knowledge with the LTW of becoming city planner. I made the other patients unselectable with Sim manipulator.
After two simdays, he got promoted twice. He needs friends to get promotions. It'll be hard since I play in a test hood with 8 playables and no townies.
One sim died, I guess from using the exercise bike. I just add a fix by Nopke.
ACR kicks in on second day. Everysim got their first kisses except Vladmidir. He got rejected with the only female he has chemistry with (1 bolt).
Food is low and money is tight with a bigger bills mod and wages scaled to the base game career.

TBH I'd rather sims to run businesses. I was contemplating adding an asylum to my main hood. I'm not so sure now.
Mad Poster
#875 Old 31st Oct 2020 at 1:24 AM
Fail. Again. I like to make it harder by deliberately making personalities & interests "interesting". Like a romance Sim with family as a secondary. Or a romance or popularity Sim who's not friendly, or nice. First day 2 fell in love (nice), and 3 hated each other. Next day constant fighting blocked kitchen and bathroom...interesting. Then everyone got sick. Tried to make my Hero rest...someone starved. Then 2 more died (of ?). Then my hero died. I forgot I had a "real sickness" mod.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
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