Lab Assistant
#26 Old 16th Apr 2010 at 9:34 PM
tried slider last night look great
Field Researcher
#27 Old 21st Apr 2010 at 12:31 AM
Uh, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there a way to make a slider that adjusts the width of the neck? I'm guessing there probably isn't, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Test Subject
#28 Old 21st Apr 2010 at 4:11 AM
I'll try out your sliders together and see if it works. Height is one of the things I've been wanting for a long time.
Test Subject
#29 Old 2nd May 2010 at 10:52 PM
I can't find them...

I have HelperMonkey and all, but I can't find the sliders anywhere. My Sims did look taller than usual, but I couldn't find the slider to move them up and down.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 2nd May 2010 at 11:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tailzfoxy96
I can't find them...

I have HelperMonkey and all, but I can't find the sliders anywhere. My Sims did look taller than usual, but I couldn't find the slider to move them up and down.

Maybe, this will help you.
#31 Old 3rd May 2010 at 9:43 PM Last edited by Base1980 : 4th May 2010 at 12:31 AM.
I also made a height slider wich scales the adult to child size but i have no clue how to fix the jumping hands and feet....

Quote: Originally posted by jonha
About the arm position: This seems to be unfixable. You can't change the hand position, the hands are mostly supposed to "snap" to certain objects and positions. For example on my screenshot to the shoulders of the other sim or in general idle state to some position at the hip. This means of course that a sim with a higher torso will have more straigt arms than a person with a lower torso, who will bend them more, because they have the same arm length but have to skip a greather distance.

If you scale down a sim all objects still will be in the correct spot and i was surprised to see that the objects scale along with the sim.
The seating/sitting in a car/bathing etc etc are all messed up

Figured out the hands also, the reason why they jump is because they are related to the foot bones(in the animations.)
You need to keep a specific ratio between the hands/pelvis and the spine0/foot
Still puzzled about the feet....must be something similar.
Here a adult scaled down to child size
#32 Old 4th May 2010 at 1:02 AM
Base1980, I personally will marry you (as long as my fiance doesn't know ) and make you cookies, and jello, and cakes of whatever type you'd like if you please, please share that awesome-ness slider! Ever since jonha released his leg length slider, I've been using that with all my Sims to make them as short as possible, but I've had to amend the rest of them manually, and they never come out the way I've always would like them to. This slider looks perfect - the entire Sim has been scaled down. Granted that beds, sitting etc will be messed up - and I don't know if that's fixable - but it looks brilliant nonetheless

I do hope you release this slider one day (soon, maybe?) once you're happy with it. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed :D

...Titanium white...
#33 Old 4th May 2010 at 1:36 AM
Lol, thank you
I am not releasing stuff untill i am satisfied with it..but i already spent 2 days on it so it would be a shame not to upload it when finished.
#34 Old 4th May 2010 at 1:53 AM
Yay - you made my day, Base! I'll be stalking this thread until it's up
BTW, the food offer still stands, lolol - thanks for the reply

...Titanium white...
#35 Old 4th May 2010 at 3:09 AM
Bristol UK eh?
Thats not so far away :D
Field Researcher
#36 Old 11th May 2010 at 7:29 PM
jonha, base great job guys. thanks
Test Subject
#37 Old 12th May 2010 at 6:15 AM
I just stumbled upon this thread... truly brilliant stuff here, jonha and base. The sliders discussed here are literally the only sliders left that I'd ever want and/or need. Much luck to both of you!
#38 Old 12th May 2010 at 4:43 PM Last edited by Base1980 : 13th May 2010 at 3:00 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Base1980
Figured out the hands also, the reason why they jump is because they are related to the foot bones(in the animations.)

I was wrong here, srry
The shaking hands is due the fact that the bones are related to eachother.
Ill try to explain.
You basicly can split up the full skeleton (Root bone) in 2 seperates:
The spine0 bone and the pelvis bone
If you want for instance scale the spine0 bone you automaticly scale the bones above it like the spine1/spine2/shoulder etc etc but only the spine0 bone will be scaled properly.
All bones connected to the spine1 will be scaled again.

So scaling the spine0 will scale spine0/spine1/spine2/shoulder/shouldertwist/upperarm/biceps/forearm/wrist/hand/index0/index1 and index2.(and all the other fingers)
But spine 1 will do it again, it will scale:
spine1/spine2/shoulder/shouldertwist/upperarm/biceps/forearm/wrist/hand/index0/index1 and index2.
Spine2 again, it will scale:
spine2/shoulder/shouldertwist/upperarm/biceps/forearm/wrist/hand/index0/index1 and index2.
And so on.

So if i scale spine0 the index2 finger will get scaled like 9 times more wich will pull the whole upperbody out of porportion.
That is why the hands tremble.
I say arround 9 times because the shouldertwist and the biceps are not related to the bones that are below them.
These are not movement bones but are there to give the 3d shape more or less volume during a animation.
However, the above story works for scaling the height(y axis) but i have the idea that scaling the z and x are a bit diffrent.....

So if you scale spine0 smaller you should scale the bone that is connected to it bigger, this will scale back all related bones back to the correct ratio and the hands will stop shaking.
All bones related to the pelvis will act the same, if you scale the pelvis you need to scale the thighs bigger and so on.
Altho you can fix the shaking hands the feet are alot harder because the foot bone is rotated twice, arround 43.6 degrees in the y axis and 0.785 in the z axis.
I guess scaling the foot bone will mess up those angles wich are used in the animations.
Or its due the fact that the foot bone is somehow connected to the floor as lifting it will move the footbone up but pull all related vertices out of porportion.(they got stuck on the floor)
Sorry for my crappy explnation....not my home langauge
Hope this made sence
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
#39 Old 13th May 2010 at 2:48 AM
Thanks, Base. I had suspected something like that since in my attempts at a bodybuilder slider I saw that scaling one bone would affect other bones as well. Maybe I'll give it another try since I have a better idea of what's going on now thanks to you!
#40 Old 16th May 2010 at 11:30 PM
Lol, i was wrong again.....
Altho you can fix the jumping hands by rescaling the bone above the spine0, its not wat i thought it would be....
Supreme Social Simmer
#41 Old 19th May 2010 at 12:36 AM
These new sliders are great, the only thing I think could be done would be to add a slider that scales the hand size (short Sims look really odd with large hands) . I don't know if this is even possible, but it would make proportioning more realistic. As is though I can live with these fun to use sliders (I love my giants, elves, and dwarves).
#42 Old 19th May 2010 at 12:44 AM
a handslider shouldn't be that hard to make, ill have look.
Test Subject
#43 Old 19th May 2010 at 8:15 AM
Default Any way to make apply a height change to a gender by default?
I've created some height sliders of my own. And while testing came across this problem:

I created different values for the max/min points of the sliders for both sexes with the idea that men are taller than women (usually).
I've based the zero point of my slider at 5'7", so new women usually get a nudge down and males usually get a nudge up. This works out fine until they procreate, when an average height mother (5'5"ish about 30% on my slider) has a son with her average height husband (5'9"ish - 70%). If the son inherits mom's height he now runs a 50% chance of inheriting mom's genes and becoming short due to her slider position (instead of average).

The simple solution I can think of would be to apply a default shrink/grow to females/males and then recalculate my sliders to shrink/grow from there. Does anyone know if there is a warp applied to sims by default that I could modify to acheive this result?
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
#44 Old 19th May 2010 at 10:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Absimiliard
I've created some height sliders of my own. And while testing came across this problem:

I created different values for the max/min points of the sliders for both sexes with the idea that men are taller than women (usually).
I've based the zero point of my slider at 5'7", so new women usually get a nudge down and males usually get a nudge up. This works out fine until they procreate, when an average height mother (5'5"ish about 30% on my slider) has a son with her average height husband (5'9"ish - 70%). If the son inherits mom's height he now runs a 50% chance of inheriting mom's genes and becoming short due to her slider position (instead of average).

The simple solution I can think of would be to apply a default shrink/grow to females/males and then recalculate my sliders to shrink/grow from there. Does anyone know if there is a warp applied to sims by default that I could modify to acheive this result?

Interesting problem - I also would like to see a default gender height difference. I don't know of any way to apply a slider effect automatically to new sims unless someone wants to do a core mod.

A suggestion to resolve your inheritance problem - make two separate sliders, one for males and one for females. That way the sim son in your example wouldn't inherit his mother's shortened height. He would, however, have the chance of passing it along to his daughters. Each gender would inherit actual height only from their parent of the same sex, but would carry a 'recessive' gene for height from their opposite sex parent. Create sims with their male slider set taller and their female slider set shorter, and their kids should have an appropriate gender difference on average.

At least I think that's how it would work! It would make an interesting experiment.
Test Subject
#45 Old 20th May 2010 at 10:33 AM
I think I agree with you CmarNYC. I'd rather go the core mod way though as it'd be the most elegant solution. I've been hacking through the bbase packages trying to find some way to find out where intial facial blends may be instatiated but I can't find anything so far... Does anyone have an idea where the female bones/skeleton is established?
#46 Old 20th May 2010 at 5:37 PM
I think the easiest option would be to change the inheritage code so that if male children inherit the height from the mother, they get an extra bonus in height and if girls inherit from the father, ther height slider is lowered a certain amount.

The sceleton/facial blend code itself is probably located in the main game executable and therefore not accessible with a core package.
#47 Old 20th May 2010 at 8:05 PM
I thought every mesh(GEOM) has its own skeleton.
Test Subject
#48 Old 20th May 2010 at 8:05 PM
Grr. I am quite set now on trying to find a way to mod this, but you may be correct johna.

The reason I'm so keen on this is I would like for a short parent to pass on shortness to their children (50%) but have that applied to their gender's default height.

johna, you wouldn't happen to know shere inheritance is set would you, I've taken a quick peek around for it too and had no luck. (Methinks, I am just a bad package delver).

ETA: Base1980: I was seeing that it seems that way myself (every mesh has a skeleton) but if the Facial Blend sliders work between outfits I would think there must be a way to apply one by default.
Test Subject
#49 Old 25th May 2010 at 7:54 AM
I love you! Thank you for making this.
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 27th May 2010 at 10:55 PM
Thank you so much for making this. I have tried it with All three games, with the latest pach installed, and they work good

Known as Elevinia on simscave and GoS
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