#76 Old 28th Jul 2010 at 7:26 PM Last edited by Base1980 : 28th Jul 2010 at 7:37 PM.
I am still having issue's with the sim scale slider.(and others)

Here are 3 sliders i know a 100% they work fine for me:
I have basegame and Ambitions
Install at your own risk :D
They are loacted in the nose section.(if i remember correct)

*a armtwist, rotates the arm
*a shoulder drop/lift, rotates the clavicle on the x axis( could be wrong on the axis tho )
*a shoulder twist, rotates the clavicle on the y axis
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Bloom_ArmTwist_slider.rar (867 Bytes, 2806 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Bloom_ShoulderDrop_slider.rar (885 Bytes, 3269 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Bloom_ShoulderTwist_slider.rar (881 Bytes, 2980 downloads) - View custom content
#77 Old 30th Jul 2010 at 10:37 PM
Those seem interesting. Do you have any screenshots of what the armtwist/shouldertwist does, exactly?

From the sounds of it, I can kind of picture my sim doing the Robot in CAS.
#78 Old 31st Jul 2010 at 4:19 AM
With the armtwist the arm kinda rotates the elbow outside and back.
The shouldertwist brings the full upperarm forward or backwards
Test Subject
#79 Old 18th Sep 2010 at 8:04 AM
I downloaded the latest version of your height slider, first of all I wanted to thank you, and second of all I wanted to ask if there's a way to fix it so that the shorter sims actually get kissed instead of kissing the taller persons chest?
Test Subject
#80 Old 30th Sep 2010 at 10:15 PM
I've tested this months ago, but I haven't tested this recently. As I remember it (and from the pictures I'm seeing) it looks like the game's animations are 90% compatible with these hight sliders. Kissing was one of the biggest issues I had. What is it about the kissing animation that the doesn't correct itself the way the "hold hands" or "hug" animations do? I'm more curious than pushing for a fix, because I'm assuming the fix might have to be with the animation itself.

I was thinking about this recently too - EA is giving us some great options with the sliders from sims 2 to sims 3, and the mod community is fixing all the problem areas. As far as hight, though, I always wondered why not make 3 hight buttons instead of sliders? "Tall" "Average" and "Short". This would allow for animations to be created to fit sims interacting with sims of other or same hight variations. Only the problem animations would need fixing.To me, this would be an easier solution than having so much variety with a slider right now, but since I'm only a dabling modder from TES Oblivion side I am not sure if this is even feesable with the sims. But, just thought it was an option to consider?

Great mod, and thanks for all the hard work on it! Glad to see people are enjoying the mod :D
Field Researcher
#81 Old 17th Oct 2010 at 5:54 PM Last edited by JackJess : 17th Oct 2010 at 5:58 PM. Reason: Because it will not display the image, so I will have to explain.
Default Uh OOH!
Uhh Ohh looks like you need a bit more work on the muscle slider! when you slide it to 0%, the male head rotates at a funny angle!!! [IMG][IMG]Screenshot-6[IMG][/IMG]
#82 Old 2nd Nov 2010 at 2:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by JackJess
Uhh Ohh looks like you need a bit more work on the muscle slider! when you slide it to 0%, the male head rotates at a funny angle!!! [IMG][IMG]Screenshot-6[IMG][/IMG]

Thats a joke Delphy included when you create the slider, pull it the other way
Test Subject
#83 Old 16th Nov 2010 at 6:30 PM
base 1980 can you upload the mod which make the adult to child size
#84 Old 16th Nov 2010 at 7:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by xxmohxx
base 1980 can you upload the mod which make the adult to child size

Its not working properly, so no...
Test Subject
#85 Old 22nd Nov 2010 at 3:39 PM
love the arm and leg length sliders, really well done, I can make really accurate sims with achondroplasia(most common form of dwarfism). i can do this paired with some other sliders and make accurate ones that can be seen as representation not jokes.....thanks for making my game more interesting
Test Subject
#86 Old 14th Dec 2010 at 12:12 AM
O hey this sounds great... could someone tell me where to download this height slider? :]
Test Subject
#87 Old 20th Dec 2010 at 6:57 PM
Thanks for the sliders! They make the game a lot more fun! I wish ea games were that creative!
i agree with the person who wrote about heigh sliders: it should come in 3 options maybe ea games will listen and work on it. And i have a question. Is there a hand slider somewhere? I wish i could make them bigger. Thanks again for the sliders and all the custom content you guys create, they really make the game more fun! And sorry about my poor english!
#88 Old 20th Dec 2010 at 11:20 PM
Making the hand bigger is very difficult, making the fingers longer/fatter is possible.
Field Researcher
#89 Old 21st Jan 2011 at 5:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by XtheXadoristX
love the arm and leg length sliders, really well done, I can make really accurate sims with achondroplasia(most common form of dwarfism). i can do this paired with some other sliders and make accurate ones that can be seen as representation not jokes...

Do you have screenshots? I'd really like to see them .

I've never been quite sure how I feel about having sims with disabilities - on the one hand, I like the idea that sims live in a happy land where no one has anything wrong with them; on the other hand, it is unrepresentative of the real world. I'd like to see some so I get a better idea of what could be done.

(Ancient) Sims 2 stories | Adventurous, Bookworm, Eco-Friendly, Genius, Over-Emotional
Test Subject
#90 Old 27th Jan 2011 at 12:46 AM
Does it also go throught the genes like.. the kids might be tall, short too?
Field Researcher
#91 Old 9th Mar 2011 at 4:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by richa70
Does it also go throught the genes like.. the kids might be tall, short too?

you prob already know this, but yeah it does....
#92 Old 26th Mar 2011 at 10:04 AM
This slider is very good and well done. The only issue I've noticed is with sitting. Taller sims seem to float above their seat.
I don't know what happens to shorter sims because I haven't done any yet.
Test Subject
#93 Old 23rd Apr 2011 at 11:45 PM
Asking for help
Hey people! Do you know any application which can make morphs for a Mac? Thank you, I really enjoy the torso height. And I use NRaas' Facial Slider Hack x50 and I'm making sims of 500 metters xDDD
#94 Old 23rd Apr 2011 at 11:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ajores
I've tested this months ago, but I haven't tested this recently. As I remember it (and from the pictures I'm seeing) it looks like the game's animations are 90% compatible with these hight sliders. Kissing was one of the biggest issues I had. What is it about the kissing animation that the doesn't correct itself the way the "hold hands" or "hug" animations do? I'm more curious than pushing for a fix, because I'm assuming the fix might have to be with the animation itself.

Quote: Originally posted by YourMotherAteMyUsername
This slider is very good and well done. The only issue I've noticed is with sitting. Taller sims seem to float above their seat.
I don't know what happens to shorter sims because I haven't done any yet.

shorter sims sink into it.
The reason this happens(and the kissin and such) is that the sims slots are not updated
It is possible but very time consuming to update all the slots(there are 83......)
Test Subject
#95 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 11:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by moca chi
O hey this sounds great... could someone tell me where to download this height slider? :]
Hey! You can download Delphy's Height Slider here!
Another height slider which can make giant sims!

Enjoy! Greetings from Spain!
Test Subject
#96 Old 25th Apr 2011 at 8:17 PM
Default Giant Sims
That my giant sim, I think she heighs about 30 metters. Enjoy it!
Test Subject
#97 Old 3rd May 2011 at 10:17 PM
witch sims is this on the 2 or 3
#98 Old 8th May 2011 at 6:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fargoes1986
witch sims is this on the 2 or 3

Those sliders are for TS3 of course. It's easy to notice differences between those games via screenshots which have been posted by other people in this thread.

Quote: Originally posted by BloomsBase
The reason this happens(and the kissin and such) is that the sims slots are not updated
It is possible but very time consuming to update all the slots(there are 83......)

Still it's not a greater issue that may crash game or mashup game's core. I'm sure that most of players are going to survive it until someone updates those slots.
Test Subject
#99 Old 20th May 2011 at 7:04 AM
how does the bodybuilder slider work??
#100 Old 20th May 2011 at 8:57 AM Last edited by BloomsBase : 20th May 2011 at 12:17 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by farhanyousaf
how does the bodybuilder slider work??

You first use EA's muscle slider(to its max) then you can use the bodybuilderslider(nose sub section)
Works like any other slider exept that the slider only works to the right side, the left side still contains Delphy's ''fun'' head settings
Use the arm/shoulder sliders to finetune(top of this page)
I finally found out why the hand/shoulders/hips and feet are shaking and when i have some time ill try to make a final version for upload.
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