Lab Assistant
#51 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:32 PM
wow...people are done ALREADY?? is my day off too. thought i'd go outside.
Field Researcher
#52 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:36 PM
lol, mines only up 'cause I'm not at Uni for Summer and I have nothing better to do with my time

I'm the sexy guy with half an orange in my face ;)
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#53 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:42 PM Last edited by heaven_sent_8_18 : 19th Jul 2010 at 9:56 PM.
Grrr!!! I can see my house in my head...trying to get it actually down is a completely different story. I WILL get it right. (It doesn't help that my computer is mad and keeps freezing the game.) Everyone's looks good so far.
#54 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:50 PM
Default Yuppers
Quote: Originally posted by mr.moo7999
Eh, all these homes for round 2 will be modern. I hate modern =p. Oh well.

Not much of a modernist myself tbh.
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:51 PM
Awesome work so far guys!

I won't be ready for another few days, but since there has been talk about the foundation gently poking us towards modern design I decided to post a quick teaser collage of something anything but modern. I decided to make myself a haunted mansion!

I hope you like it.

Top Secret Researcher
#56 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 9:57 PM
Oh my.. I am so looking forward to seeing the finished result of that

The bar has been raised for this round definitely!

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
#57 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:00 PM
Oh holy wow that's magnificent, Fyendiar.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:28 PM
Thanks guys, always good to hear that others like your idea.
I have a feeling I will be having a few "what the heck was I thinking!" -moments in the next few days, especially when I have to find a way to show the 14 or so rooms, roof effects, ghosts and garden.... in 8 screenshots!

Hmm time to start drinking...
The other one
#59 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:34 PM
Urgh Fyendiar! I had a very similar idea and now I'm gonna have to rethink Fantastic job though

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
Space Pony
#60 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:43 PM Last edited by Bchbch Walk : 19th Jul 2010 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Cuz I'm Pretty, K?
Default The Blue Eyesore: My Entry (#2)
The Blue Eyesore

Hello! This is my entry for the second foundation contest. This lot is called "The Blue Eyesore" and I think you can tell why. The story behind this house is when I was looking for a theme of the house, I saw this pattern in the Rock & Stone section and I was like "What if I made a completely blue house?!" So I did. This is how it turned out:

  • Completely Blue Exterior
  • Pond
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Large (Completely Red) Bathroom
  • Open Layout
  • 1 Floor

**NO CC (Only Store Items)**

Now here are the Pictures.

Front View

Floor Plan

Living Area

Kitchen Area

Dining Area

Master Bedroom

Second Bedroom


For the next one I want to do a biggg matter what the foundation is.
Again, I had lots of fun doing this!!! Can't wait for the next one! I hope you guys like this!
Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#61 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:55 PM
trench, hate to say it, but... you aren't a contestant in round 2 - you aren't on the list in post 2. Please re-read the first post again, and if you want to post your house in the chat thread, please do so.

Just to re-iterate:

Please only post up a lot if you are a contestant and are on the list!

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 10:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by missroxor
Urgh Fyendiar! I had a very similar idea and now I'm gonna have to rethink Fantastic job though

Aww, now you deserve a hug! Sorry...
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
#63 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 11:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Delphy
trench, hate to say it, but... you aren't a contestant in round 2 - you aren't on the list in post 2. Please re-read the first post again, and if you want to post your house in the chat thread, please do so.

Just to re-iterate:

Please only post up a lot if you are a contestant and are on the list!

Um, Delphy.. He is.... 52. trench - R1
Space Pony
#64 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 11:02 PM
Default Hannah Monatana
Quote: Originally posted by armiel
Um, Delphy.. He is.... 52. trench - R1

Everyone Makes mistakes, Everyone has those days! Everyone knows what I'm talkin' about, everyone gets that way!
Test Subject
#65 Old 19th Jul 2010 at 11:31 PM
Default Asian Contemporary
this house is on the cutting edge, with many modern features such as a large flat screen television, florescent lighting, fireproof stoves and much more. this house is designed to be clean, and spacious while providing all the convinces of a modern home. This house contains many large rooms, inculding Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a small observatory and a large back yard with plenty of room to entertain guests.

Just be sure to take your shoes off before entering the house.

Front View

First floor

Second Floor

Observatory (Third Floor)


Living Room




No custom content was used in the making of this house
Test Subject
#66 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 12:53 AM
Turns out my original idea isn't going to pan out, but the back up plan is coming along nicely. Everyone's houses look great so far!
Field Researcher
#67 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 1:08 AM Last edited by sandymdh : 27th Jul 2010 at 11:42 PM. Reason: updated (again)
Default Casa Casablanca
Casa Casablanca

Front View

Second Floor

First Floor

Ground Floor

So, Hayley - where did you get your inspirations when designing your home?
All it took was the one holiday to Marrakesh and my love of world travel was ignited. Of course I met my husband there and we share that love. Since then we have explored not only North Africa but India and China too. We have a teenage daughter now, Anna, and she often comes with us on our travels.
Our home reflects our interests and loves. We bought basically a foundation, the original owners had gone bankrupt during the recession so we designed our home on that foundation. Overall as you can see the theme is predominantly Morrocan with a blend of bright and neutral colours. Around the house you will find souvenirs and artefacts that we have picked up on our travels.
The Living Room

Master Bedroom


What are your favourite parts of your home?
My favourite parts of the house? I just love all the little hidey-hole corners with seating. There's one in the study, a gorgeous one in the courtyard which is even curtained for ultimate privacy and of course the sitting room on the top floor, in the tower, is secluded too- a perfect reading place. I also love the open, arched gallery that looks down onto the courtyard.

What do visitors make of the house?
A lot of people comment on the statues on display at the front of the house. Probably because most visitors come at night and the uplighters make these look very beautifual when it's dark. The house is certainly geared for entertaining so most visitors say that it's very comfortable and welcoming. Apart from the integral courtyard there are 3 tiers of entertaining spaces outside. We like a drink occasionally and the bar above the garage gives us great views. My personal favourite has to be the traditional style seating area by the pool.

Hayley, Thank You for showing us your beautiful home.
No problem, it's been a pleasure.

Decided to go with a no-CC version in the end. No CC at all in this house.
Top Secret Researcher
#68 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 1:20 AM
Sandymdh - I love that theme. Makes me want to jump on the first plane available to warmer parts

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#69 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 1:58 AM Last edited by heaven_sent_8_18 : 29th Jul 2010 at 12:37 AM.
Default Rolling Hills Dairy Farm
Jim Bob moved back to Riverview after his granddad passed away to help take care of the family farm (and his eccentric grandmother). He was shocked upon arriving that, due to hard times, bits and pieces of the farm had been sold off and all that was left was a small vegetable plot and the barn. Having to choose between the barn and nature's finest for shelter, his grandparents remodeled the said barn into livable space and kept on attempting to bring the soil back to the fertile ground it used to be.

Okay, okay, so the hills aren't exactly rolling and the plants are all withered and dead. And yes, sadly, it's true. The cows aren't real either; who wants cows that close to the house anyway. It is now Jim Bob's responsibility to restore Rolling Hills to its original glory on a greatly diminished scale.

Welcome to the Farm! Don't mind Granddad's gravestone. Mamaw promised she would bury him under his favorite tree, right next to what was left of his beloved garden. Jim Bob doesn't quite understand why Granddad's john boat is precariously balanced on wooden pilings and every time he tries to ask her about it or even goes near it, she prattles on quite agitated about renovating and fixing up and something or another about needing it for the best spots. Best to leave it be for now.

Front Side:
There is a close up of those cows. What's a dairy farm without cows? That's right; a garden. And Rolling Hills is NOT just a garden.

Rooftop View:
From a bird's eye view you can see the small pond, vegetable fields (what did we say about calling it a garden?!?), cow pasture, and baling storage.

First Level:
Living room, dining room, kitchen, Mamaw's bedroom, and 3 separate porchs.

Second Level:
Bathroom and small loft space that is Jim Bob's "room".

Living Room:
Simple, spacious (once those stall walls were knocked out and the floor mucked and renovated the square footage was quite impressive!) and quite cozy.

Dining Room:
Mamaw's favorite room. On her lucid days, she is encouraging Jim Bob to find some nice girl to marry and make lots of babies with so she can fill the table with kids and cookies. On her not so lucid days, she likes to sit at the table and color.

Once the tack room, the kitchen has hand painted cabinets and Mamaw's homemade curtains.

Mamaw's Room:
Her knees can't take too many trips up and down the stairs, so the master bedroom is on the ground floor. Don't worry about the bathroom being upstairs, she's got a backup system for when her arthritis acts up. Vertical blinds cover the French doors leading to the dining room and she has a private patio overlooking the pond.

Small, yet highly effiecient, this bathroom carries on the country theme in the wash basin style sink and floral towels and accents on the commode.

No CC has been used in the making of this lot. Only base game installed. Lot has been play tested...everything functions and is accessible for use. In case anyone is wondering, the farm stuff (cows, hay, water trough, etc) is from the EA store...not CC. Also, the vertical blinds in Mamaw's room were NOT placed with moveobjects, they ARE functional and sims are able to walk through the door.
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 3:32 AM
Heaven_Sent, i love your uniqueness you put into this. Such an interesting way to turn that foundation into a farm home Just one thing, the front is on the side where the 3 foundation peices are. It looks like you have it turned due to the first picture.
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#71 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 3:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by NickelNicole12
Just one thing, the front is on the side where the 3 foundation peices are. It looks like you have it turned due to the first picture.

Thank you! I wanted to try to completely switch from my last house. The 3 foundation pieces are still in the front, I just took it from a more side view so everyone could see the front door. There is a little path that goes down through the pampas grass to the street. I'll definitely have to show a better picture of that though when I update everything.
#72 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 4:10 AM
Amazing house heaven_sent_8_18 but where did you get the cows ?
Lab Assistant
#73 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 4:18 AM
Your welcome And the cows come with riverview i believe
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#74 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 4:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by NickelNicole12
Your welcome And the cows come with riverview i believe was part of what I got when I registered and got Riverview. From the EA store. Woohoo for it not being CC!!!
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#75 Old 20th Jul 2010 at 5:39 AM
My GOODNESS! You guys are FAST! I think I.. nah.... I won't be jealous... I'll plod along as usual.. lol

My first idea was that this foundation was perfect for a Japanese style home... all those small bends are great for small gardens!, but I do not have any shoji sliding doors I only have what comes with the game and no store stuff because the downloads are BORKED! grrrrrr * can't get my stufz!*** I'm trying options..... but I don't have zen garden stufz anyways./// grrr... lol Oh Well! If I can't go Japanese, I'm going to make a sculptor's haven! :0)
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