Test Subject
#51 Old 28th May 2011 at 9:32 AM Last edited by PurpleLotus : 28th May 2011 at 11:00 PM.
I've done an absolutely terrible job of getting screenshots throughout this, but it's going along fine.

Tawny and Bastian finally reach adulthood, after what seemed like an eternity. I've been grooming Bastian to the be the provider for the next stage, since he was born with better traits. Unfortunately it's gone a bit downhill since then... He went from being brave and athletic to being brave, athletic and lucky, yet shy with no sense of humor. Oh well, I guess that lack of a sense of humor won't really hurt him if he doesn't like people all that much...

Carrying the hopes of a future generation of Wolfsbanes is the only girl, Ranger. She's a sweet, easily impressed genius with a side of virtuoso in her. I'm disappointed I'll probably have to kill her eventually, since the chances of her being auto-assigned family oriented as her last trait are next to nil, and I need to get these kids started on the next generation.

After I came to that realization, I immediately impregnated Genesis again. I need another girl, unless I'm going to depend on the boys to find someone at work. And I'm a bit frightened of the military women they might bring home. I'd been trying for days to get her pregnant again, but she and Darius just refused to woohoo. That was odd, because they were both in good moods. I even kicked the kids out of the house to give them privacy (shoo, kids. go garden. or fish. or stare at the fire), and nothing happened. But at any rate, Genny's pregnant again.

OH, funny thing - I didn't realize until two days ago that eating apples will make you more likely to have a boy. Yeah, my garden is almost entirely apples. Apples, grapes and tomatoes. Sigh. She's on a fish diet now until this kid is born.

Edit: Found one I got of Darius watching the boys while their mother slept. Not twins, but they could have been. The one with the silly long hair is Tawny. He spawned that long hair as soon as he grew into a toddler, and he kept it through childhood and teen transitions. I thought it fair to leave it. Unfortunately, I'm afraid he's going to have to die. His traits are loves the outdoors, born salesman, easily impressed, workaholic, and mooch. Nothing bad there, but nothing survivaly, either. Poor, poor Tawny. I just haven't decided how to do it... I could drown him, I suppose, but I don't have a pool. And I can't lock him out of the lot because Bastian needs a gate in it to get to work. Hmmmm.

Here's a current one of Ranger studying. The painting on the wall behind her is one of Bastian's originals, of course. They've all been in much better moods since he started hanging his masterpieces.
Test Subject
#52 Old 28th May 2011 at 10:58 PM
Sprint Family

This is the Sprint family. They've built an underground shelter but as outdoor lovers, prefer to spend most of their time outside (when it's safe to do so).
Test Subject
#53 Old 29th May 2011 at 12:07 AM Last edited by PurpleLotus : 29th May 2011 at 1:43 AM.
Tawny shortly before his death.

RIP Tawny.

Yet in a cruel or perhaps beautiful twist of fate, at the very instant that the Grim Reaper loomed over Tawny's pleading ghost, Genesis went into labor and shortly thereafter gave birth to baby Spero.

Genesis is aging now, and soon she'll be an elder, but she and Darius got together one last time to have one more little one. Hoping for a girl again... somehow I get the feeling that getting a girl with that family oriented trait is going to be a bit difficult.
Field Researcher
#54 Old 29th May 2011 at 10:53 AM
watermellons. eating watermellons gets you girls. i would almost put my hand on a stack of wonderwoman comic books that i read that somewhere
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 29th May 2011 at 1:10 PM
Oh I so wanna use the apocalypse lots in this, even make my own apocalypse world with custom rabbit holes. Oh how much fun one could have with this challenge. . .

Once I get some proper time on my own, I will definitely have to give this a go.
Test Subject
#56 Old 29th May 2011 at 11:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by somethingelse
watermellons. eating watermellons gets you girls. i would almost put my hand on a stack of wonderwoman comic books that i read that somewhere

I read that too! Unfortunately in the early days Genesis and Darius, out of hunger and desperation, ate all the watermelon that I was going to plant, so I didn't get any in my garden.

However things are moving along great now. Bastian has his job, and he's pulled in enough money to put up a wall for the babies' bedroom so the others can get some solid sleep. That's right, babies...Spero is now a walking toddler, and the last of Genny's and Darius's kids was another girl, Festin. They were both born with the Genius and Athletic traits - how odd!

Oh, here's something I need advice on. I figured out how to delete the trashcan and mailbox early on, but they keep reappearing, and always outside my fenced in area. That wasn't a problem as long as there was no gate, but I had to put one in so Bastian could get to work. Well, Darius got it into his head that he should clean up the lot, and I don't blame him, all the dead plants are really adding up, but anyway, he went outside the fence to get to the trashcan.

So I don't know if I should kill him or not. Technically, there shouldn't have been a trashcan there. The game's buggy system stuff made him go outside. So I could give him a pass and let him live. He IS already an elder anyway. But on the other hand, he DID go outside the fence, and if you go out - you die.

What do you guys think? Let the old man live because his brave, athletic son was standing nearby on guard (that's how I'd play it, anyway)? Or say he was bitten and had to be killed?
Test Subject
#57 Old 30th May 2011 at 1:46 AM
Zombie invasion!!! There is a random woman on my lot... what should I do? I think Genesis met her online or something - I chose a computer as one of my two electrical objects.

Should I just kick her out and carry on? I don't really see any other option...

Edit: After further research, I see that's it's actually Bastian's boss. So, I suppose she's allowed to be here. The only problem is that she's a vampire, and she's kind of freaking everybody out.... hehehe. So much for him dating her, anyway. Guess we'll just have to hope that he has other female coworkers. Or that Ranger can have kids. Otherwise, it's going to be a long wait for Spero to grow up.
Test Subject
#58 Old 31st May 2011 at 11:36 PM

Artie Gerard is a Brave, Vegatarian Athlete with a Green Thumb who's also an Angler. His wife Sonya is a Green Thumbed, Athletic, Family Oriented & Disciplined Vegetarian. Their son Gabriel is a Virtuoso who Loves the Outdoors. Their daughter Hazel is a Brave Athlete.

I'm getting a lot luckier with the good traits this time around. Not much is different. I decided to do this family in Bridgeport, though. Can't remember the name of the lot, but it's HUGE, and secluded. I deleted the school, but other than that, didn't do all the start up things for this.

I bought 3 of every fruit & vegetable, all the toddler books and all the fishing books. Made for a very small camp, and they live in a cellar they "found". All the plants they weren't advanced enough to plant on the first days got put into the Family Inventory til they got their skills up. The couple lived entirely on fish until the first harvest came through. Unless you count marshmallows . I was surprised at how much marshmallows helped out. honeslty.

I wanted a daughter for them early on, so Sonya ate 2 of the precious watermelons, & I'm glad it worked. Especially since Hazel got such good traits. Once they finally get to harvest some limes, they won't be allowed to eat them.....I want LOTS of lime trees, they're such a moneymaker. Yeah, I probably shouldn't be selling 'em but....meh.

It's kind of a good thing that they're too unhappy to have kids right now since the little one room cellar is crowded enough as it is. All I have is one Queen bed, 2 cribs, one potty chair, one toybox & a bookcase.....and a closet for the leaking toilet.
Test Subject
#59 Old 1st Jun 2011 at 12:13 AM
When I get home from University, I think I will make some custom rules for this to adjust some bits I find too easy/too hard, I'll post them up and see if anyone else likes them and start my challenge when Awesomemod is updated. (Probably on Friday. And no, I cannot stand to play Sims 3 without awesomemod anymore.)
Test Subject
#60 Old 1st Jun 2011 at 7:21 AM
I want Awesomemod so bad. ^.^

Computer froze last night for the first time since I've been playing this challenge and I lost about a day. Not too bad. I'm just anxious to get Bastian a girl (no female coworkers for him, unless you count his vampire superior), so when Ranger ages up tonight, she'll join the police force. Then maybe they can bang each other's coworkers - sounds fair to me! We know they're not zombies!
Field Researcher
#61 Old 9th Jun 2011 at 2:53 PM
*sneaks out of the woodwork*

Hi! First time I've tried a proper challenge here. My game is really buggy atm so it's hard, but I'm enjoying it anyway.

My starting sims were Ethan and Summer. Ethan is Brave, Disciplined, Great Kisser, Athletic and Angler. The Great Kisser trait may seem odd, but it helped to give them a nice moodlet Summer is Loves the Outdoors, Family Orientated, Green Thumb, Light Sleeper (which I really wish I hadn't given her) and Natural Cook.

They were fairly easy to keep their moods up at first, despite stinking, but now they've had two children it's very hard (they're happy at the moment because they just gave birth to their daughter).

Cole is their son. I got to pick both his traits, and chose Loves the Outdoors and Genius. Hope is their daughter. She got assigned one trait, but it was Loves the Outdoors. I chose Good for her other one. I figure she can go round brightening everyone's day for mood boosts. Despite their mother being pale and their father being lightly tanned, they are both very dark

As there is a pond on the property, I've allowed them a sink where they can cart water after boiling (using Lisen's tin sink). I wish I'd made them inappropriate because then they could have sponge bathed! When Ethan gets level 5 Martial Arts, I'm going to allow them to go into the field outside their house, provided their together and it's day - as long as they don't go near the houses or trees, they should be fine. (Because, yes, I built their fortified house in the middle of a field in Riverview.) I actually saved up all Summer's aspiration points to grab her Dirt Defiant, but it still decreases just as fast (I got her back up to plain old smelly after getting it to see).

Last time I loaded the game it had wiped all their relationships, so I guess I'll keep loading until it goes good. Sorry about the long post!
Test Subject
#62 Old 10th Jun 2011 at 8:32 AM
Hmm, this looks interesting. I'm going to give it a shot.
Test Subject
#63 Old 10th Jun 2011 at 6:32 PM Last edited by PurpleLotus : 11th Jun 2011 at 7:22 AM.
Here we have Spero and Festin, my identical not-twins. It's a bit odd how they ended up with the same traits. They are both Brave, Athletic, and Family Oriented. I have high hopes for them, since Ranger will die if she gets pregnant, and Bastian is having a lot of trouble finding a girl. I mean she doesn't even have to be a nice girl! Just one who can make a baby and then get out!

Well Bastian finally found a nice girl - young Miss Keely Chadwick, who was one of Ranger's coworkers. They had a whirlwind romance - it took little more than a day for Bastian to woo her, his somber lack of a sense of humor seemed not to matter to the young girl at all, and they snuggled passionately on Bastian's parents bed. Immediately afterward, as Bastian was confident that she carried his child, he proposed and they were married by the end of the day. But alas, tragedy would soon strike. As Keely settled into the household, it became clear that she was not motherly material. It was plain to the whole family that she would never survive the birth, although she did bear a fine young daughter who was quite strong and healthy.

Satisfied that her life was complete, Genesis looked into the eyes of her first grandchild and knew it was her time to go. She died peacefully and was laid to rest near the beloved garden that had fed them for so many years. Darius tried to be strong for the sake of his children, but his heart was broken. He lived on a few more days, but soon joined his life's love in death.

And so the family became five, with Bastian taking the leadership over his sisters and his young daughter. They were all settling back in to a normal pace, Bastian and Ranger working on to provide while Festin studied her books and Spero taught little Radley how to walk, talk and potty. Could they finally be reaching happiness in this barren world? Thanks to Bastian and Ranger's strong athletic skills, the house was now quite comfortable, even if they didn't have running water.

But fate is cruel and sudden, and no one was prepared for what came next. Strong, stoic Bastian, the handyman of house, was bent over the computer one day repairing what his pesky ghost brother Tawny had broken the night before when a spark flew. It flew, and it caught his sleeve, and in no time at all, the fire raged out of control. Spero and Festin worked desperately to put out the fire while Ranger screamed in horror and baby Radley cried in the crib, but the flames were strong, and their efforts were simply not fast enough. The girls watched in horror as Bastian twisted in agony from the heat, and suddenly, it was over, and the only sound that was left was the echoing words of the man the military had sent to put out the fire "Phew, close call! Good work on putting out that fire!"

The girls looked at each other in shock. Close call? Bastian was dead!

And then they were four.
Test Subject
#64 Old 21st Jun 2011 at 4:49 AM
Lovin' the story, Lotus
#65 Old 21st Jun 2011 at 9:42 PM
I'm going to try this out one of these days Looks like fun!
I might make a blank town and make all the zombies have green/yellow skin and pitch black eyes
Test Subject
#66 Old 10th Jul 2011 at 9:22 AM
I don't recommend having sims live in a basement. Since I got generations, I destroyed the basement, sold almost all their posessions.....bought sleeping bags & built a tiny shack. One room has the toilet, the other a crib for the new baby so everyone can get a good nite's sleep. I plan on expanding the shack slowly until it can be called a home. They're a family of six now..... Cecily is a child (so are Gabriel & Hazel) and Dean is just a baby.
Field Researcher
#67 Old 10th Jul 2011 at 11:33 AM
I'm still going with this - I'm a slow player though so I haven't even managed to get to stage 2(1?). Ethan and Summer had 3 children - Cole, Hope, and Lee. Cole developed clumsy as a teenager but I'm hoping he'll luck out with the YA transition. Hope is also a teenager but she got given excitable. Not really helpful to a zombie apocalypse but not detrimental either, so I know she'll live. She has family orientated too so I've got a definate way of bringing in the next generation.

Both teens started martial arts as soon as they aged - Ethan hopes it'll help counteract Cole's clumsiest. I want Cole to go into police but he just want roll that LTW - his sister has and he's rolled every other possibility based on his skill points though. Now that Summer doesn't have to concentrate totally on trying to get some nutrition out of the food she's growing (she's at excellent/outstanding/perfect plants) she'll take up martial arts too. When I can start making money I'll start remodeling a little so they don't have to sleep in the same room. I figure with Ethan at maxed martial arts and his children learning, if they go out in pairs they can scrounge furniture from nearby homes in moderate safety.

Lee is going to be military (if he gets to live). Hope has to stay home and pop out babies (I may need lots of sims around by the time I get to the vaccine stage >>) I've discovered without work/school and limited means of skilling etc I get bored if I play for too long because there's only so much they can do. I'll be glad when the kids are older and can get jobs.

I've already decided I'm going to modify Stage 3(2?) for a bit (the question marks are because I vaguely recall there being a Stage 0 ;p). Looters makes sense; having to join the criminal career when their parents will be in military/police still doesn't quite work for me. They're already on the opposite side, so to speak. So I might go for someone having to become the leader of the free world instead. Still maybe force a burglar but they can fight them off. Not sure - by the time I'll actually get there I'll have decided :P

I do have some pictures. Maybe I'll share them at some point.
Test Subject
#68 Old 10th Jul 2011 at 8:58 PM
I'm a slow player too. When I do play, it'll be for like 2-3 hours, and then I'll get so sick of it that I won't play again for 3 days or so. That's if I even have the time to play at all.

I understand what you're saying about how it's effed up for the kids to be criminals when their parents were in the military/police fields. But they're doing it to save their family from being robbed all the time. They have to join the enemy in order to protect their home. I like the whole looking at it as becoming Leader of the Free World though. Join the enemy, play along for years and then show your true colors at the end when you've worked your way to the top
Field Researcher
#69 Old 11th Jul 2011 at 7:07 PM
i finally managed to download a lot without schools, from the exchange, or whatever the launching site calls itself now... but the lots are all too tiny to do this challenge properly. i'm gonna try again with the biggest lot and a fresh new couple, maybe the original couple i built for this is still in my library somewheres...

build that fence all the way around. and the pond.

i gotta go re read those rules.
Space Pony
#70 Old 16th Jul 2011 at 6:03 PM
Default Serlye Family
Okay so I'm not following the challenge to a T. I didn't see the 10x10 shack thing so they got something that looks more like an actually house at the beginning. They have no running water per say. They do have a pond and they do have a portable fire bowl, which to someone who has camped for 2 weeks straight in the summer equals bath water. So they got a tub but not until someone got to level 6 handiness and was able to make it unbreakable. When they went to the grocery store, I had them get enough fish to stock the pond.

Story Photos will be hidden by spoiler tags.
Garis Serlye(Flirty, Loves the Outdoors, Family-Oriented,Athletic,Friendly) was visiting the planet Earth, confused by these pink skinned people (people on his home planet being blue) when he met and fell in love with Lili (Loves the Outdoors, Excitable, Bookworm, Good, Family-Oriented). They got married and planned on having a large family (both having the LTW to raise 5 kids), though how that was going to work left Garis a bit nervous.

But then the zombie plague arrived. Garis' crewmates flew to the stars, leaving him and his wife behind to perish on the infected world. They managed to find a fortifiable place with a pond (with fish) and plenty of land to grow on. With a portable fire bowl they spent their days fishing for what they needed for the day, Lili started working on a garden while Garis was reading handiness books. He wanted to find out about setting up a tub or some sort.

Alas without contraceptives, they started a family that grew and grew. They had three daughters first and two sons. Daughters were Orita (Loves the Outdoors,Shy,Excitable,Family-Oriented,Daredevil), Omia(Loner, Family-Oriented, Loser, Mooch, Athletic), and Osime(Clumsy, Easily Impressed, Family-Oriented, Good). Sons were Heniv(Loner,Loves the Outdoors,Genius,Athletic) and Coir(Brave, Bookworm,Athletic,Mooch).

Orita and Coir were pink-skinned like their mother, Orita being nearly a replica of her mother say for having her father's gold eyes. The other three had their father's blue skin.

Pictures include: Garis holding toddler Orita with baby Omia in a crib. Lili playing tag with Orita while Garis teaches toddler Omia to talk. Lili sitting at the fire bowl while Orita, Garis, and Osime fish. Heniv is heading off to do something and Omia is giving a hand at gardening off screen (Coir's a toddler).

Osime's clumsy trait left the rest of the family a bit nervous, considering the zombies outside the fence. And since she was easily-impressed, she got talked into going into this fenced area that was then locked. Poor Osime died of starvation before reaching adulthood.

Life continues on. Orita became a young adult and joined the military, showing an interest in her boss Christopher Steel. Omia was nervous after what happened to Osime and focused on her gardening skills to provide food and another source of income without traveling outside and risking her loser trait killing her. Heniv and Coir are also working on their handiness skills (with books) and athletic skill (using a stereo) to join the military.

Orita invited her boss Christopher over, found out he had a girlfriend River, but still managed to woo him to bed. And yes she got pregnant.

The fire bowl is a gathering place of sorts and Osime's ghost has even bee spotted once or twice.

Lili and Garis have both aged into elders, completing their LTW (raising five babies to teens so Osime counts). They have a grand baby on the way and three of the four surviving children getting ready to kick butt and take names in the military. The forth happy to stay on the lot and tend the garden.
Field Researcher
#71 Old 18th Jul 2011 at 5:17 AM Last edited by tiffyandthewall : 18th Jul 2011 at 8:11 AM.
i like this challenge a lot! i just started tonight.
the only rule i'm breaking is that instead of starting with a couple, i've started off with 4 unrelated sims. it makes it a bit more challenging because you have to feed (and keep happy) more people, and i use a risky woohoo mod so there's more chance of unexpected pregnancies, etc. i'm following the other rules though! i've gotten rid of my mailbox and trash bin, and they have a nice big brick wall around their shack. i'm going to try to remember to screencap as i go along.
one of my sims just had a baby, and i'm waiting to see if she'll develop the necessary traits when she ages up.
Test Subject
#72 Old 18th Jul 2011 at 5:41 AM
I like this challenge. I edited the story of it a little, but it's given me an inspiration. Looks like my legacy might get a lot darker soon...

*stereotypically evil laugh*
Space Pony
#73 Old 24th Jul 2011 at 2:52 AM
Found a mod to let you make rabbit holes in your sims game. So those that want to delete the school and so forth and then build a more post-zombie apocalyptic buildings, here's the mod: rabbit holes. For what I can tell they're a door you add to the building.
Field Researcher
#74 Old 24th Jul 2011 at 7:15 AM
I finally put some pictures together for this, just snapshots of the stage really.


Cole got Good Sense of Humour as his trait and gets to live (yay!)
Test Subject
#75 Old 3rd Aug 2011 at 11:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by somethingelse
i've got myself convinced they all go to a secure "military" school

Have you got generations? Now that I'm at Stage One again, with generations this time......I'm going to send some of the kids to Fort Starch for a bit. This is the Military Takeover stage after all......realistically, why wouldn't they take over education? Which kids go all depends on traits & such. My family has a HUGE garden, they definitely need the kids' help with it.

I'm finally getting close to being where my old family (before the computer crash) was with the Gerards. Oldest son Gabriel just spun & became an adult.
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