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#26 Old 21st Jun 2006 at 6:48 PM
Default It Works
Quote: Originally posted by tiggerypum
If you want to combine parts to make a new mesh.

1) Load in a base mesh (even if you're not using any of it) that is of the proper final form. For instance, if your final mesh is going to be a full body outfit for a woman, you must load in _some_ full body outfit for a woman, make it similar to your final goal. The names and comments of those groups are going to be the names and comments you should have for your final mesh. If you're going to do a very complex edit, load it in without morphs to start with. *use the proper gender and age*

2) Then you can import in however many other gmdc-meshes (do not read in the bones/skeletons) They will come in with their bone assignments, but you don't want to add more skeletons to the projects.

2a) As you are doing these major edits, save your file in milkshape format at various points, and up the version number with each save -- that way you _might_ be able to go back to a previous version if you decide you don't like some of your edits.

3) chop, delete, make sure everything is aligned perfectly - and regroup things such that you have the *same number of groups* in your new mesh as the 'base' mesh. Usually that means one group. Copy the comments from the base mesh group(s) to the new ones. Rename the new ones to match the base mesh names. NOW delete your base mesh groups.

4) Test in game. Make the sim sit on couches and chairs, dance, jump on a bed or couch. Make sure the mesh works as you expected. I usually have several rounds of edits at this point just to clean up little bits of bone assignments that don't match up, adjusting textures or other things.

5) Assuming this was a complex edit, _now_ is the time I'd add back in the fat morph. Start milkshape with 'new' and import the gmdc of the original base mesh you used in step 1, and read in the morphs. Hide the original body and the morphs (on the display)

6) Import your final gmdc. Go to the 'body' group of the first mesh, copy its comments. Put those comments on your new 'body'. Delete the original body and move your new body up into place.

7) Now select the entire body and say 'duplicate'.
Hide the original body. Just to be sure you only have the duplicate showing, 'hide' it and then click hide again to make it show. This is going to be your new fat morph. Make the original fat morph visible, and hide and show it as needed. Now use 'scale' and 'move' and make your new morph close the the shape of the original fat morph.

8) Once you're done, copy the fat morphs comments and name to the duplicate - and delete the original fat morph.

9) Now you're ready to test again. You _must_ test the mesh in CAS and make sure that when you flip your sim between fit and fat that the mesh looks fine.

Test Subject
#27 Old 21st Jun 2006 at 6:55 PM
it works..thanks a lot ...thanks HP
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