Original Poster
#1 Old 7th Jan 2009 at 2:48 AM
Default Welcome!
Welcome to my group for Alabama simmers.Here you can discuss anything about the sims 2 you like.
Test Subject
#2 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 2:43 AM
I like this game , I hope ,as soon as possible I can play the sims3 ,
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Jan 2009 at 5:29 PM
Heh! I admit, I'm surprised Alabama's the first state to get a Simming board. Guess y'all're bored as I am down here.
#4 Old 11th Feb 2009 at 1:50 AM
Hello. I live in Lester, Alabama. I hate it. I use to live in Elkmont, Alabama. I miss it :'( I was born in Chicago though :D

~~~The Official Nintendork Island~~~
"I cannot love you like this anymore..... Alejandro"
Field Researcher
#5 Old 3rd Aug 2009 at 11:15 PM
hello everyone.
nice to see some fellow Alabamians. :]
(still getting used to that word, I'm not from here, but I like it)

When the smoke clears, you can consider us even.
Test Subject
#6 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 5:02 PM
Hello my fellow Alabamians!!! My name is Vivian and I live in Tuscaloosa. Roll Tide!!!!

Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is too Short
So Party We Must
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 30th Nov 2010 at 4:55 PM
Didn't think anyone else from bama was here! Tennessee Valley area here:D
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