Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 12th Dec 2024 at 10:37 PM
Default Looking for help/a guide on how to make non-recolourable patterns or patterns with non-recolourable details
Hello! I used TSRW to make my first ever pattern this week, a simple design with two recolourable channels and a black outline around the shapes. I tested it in game and it came out a success.

Next I wanted to convert a piece of seamless art (see below) into a pattern but it's not really something that would benefit from recolourable channels.

Basically I want it to appear like this in game, in full colour.

I've had custom patterns in my game in the past where the design is 'static' not recolourable or at least dragging the colour wheel has no effect on the pattern. I'd like to do that for this pattern but I'm just not sure how this is achieved.

Any pointers would be appreciated. Maybe it's simpler than I'm imagining but I'm a total newbie who only just worked out how to make a basic RGB mask haha.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 13th Dec 2024 at 9:09 PM
You can make a single channel mask (just flat red image) and set the default color to white.
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