Field Researcher
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#1 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 12:33 AM Last edited by Craft90 : 8th Jan 2025 at 1:02 AM.
Default Back at it again with Tomb building (moved)
Edit. I realized I posted in the wrong forum.

As mentioned elsewhere, I've been trying my hand at making a tomb again. Pic down below if you're curious about what I got so far. (No pics of the actual tomb as of now. Though it's fully made, start to end room)

There are some things I'd like any help in figuring out. In Jericho there are these pop-ups that show tips and "thoughts" of the Sims when they inspect plaques. I found that neat. I can't seem to make those work myself. I know how to set a text to the plaque itself. That I've figured out. But I don't have a good grasp on the TNS part.

I spoke with simsample about this earlier.
Okay so here is is. I placed down a plaque. The options are thumbnail camera, enter txt, make usable by npc, reset current link, clear all links, clone, reset, delete, triggers.

Under triggers there is read inscription, clear deleted references on this lot, clear drawing, draw all links, draw links from triggers.

Under read inscription there is: clear TNS text, Actvate All links, set trigger TNS text.

I can set a text. When I read the plaque, that show up in the text box. But I can't figure out how to reveal the TNS text. I can't seem to link the plaque back to itself. (it's called a prompt in the text box)

Okay... I don't know what I did. I wrote a TNS prompt. I the hooked the plaque up to a hole. So when you read the inscrption the hole appears. I set a TNS in the hole's options. Then when i read the plaque both messages appeared... somehow it worked... but I've no clue how.

...and there's where I am now.

So... any ideas? I do have a "trigger" option but no "link triggers" or "activated behavior" on the plaque.
Now I could make the plaque link to a hole and make it appear. The hole does have a TNS option which did trigger when I read the plaque. But I can't seem to make the TNS trigger with just the plaque. I tried with a hidden switch below the plaque but it didn't seem to do much either.
I want to go out
retired moderator
#2 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 3:12 PM

They should look something like that I think!
Maybe someone who uses Sims 3 to build tombs now can help you, it's years since I did all this and I really don't know what's changed since I built Jericho as there have been many new EPs and game versions, and they always seemed to change things at each update.

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Field Researcher
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#3 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 4:52 PM
I do have those options. But I don't seem able to make it work. I could set the text of the sign. I could set the TNS prompt. But linking the two together doesn't seem to work for me. Now I could link the plaque to a different object and have it be set as visible by reading the plaque. That triggered the prompt. I also connected the plaque to a light. Reading the plaque then changed the color and changed the color. I guess you can't connect items to themselves?

Btw I'm on version 1.69 with all expansions.
Field Researcher
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#4 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 10:49 PM
Anyhow... here are some updates to the exterior of the pyramid. Any ideas on stuff I could add? I'm planning on finishing off with terrain paint. But the game started lagging so I got worried and saved, just in case. I didn't get to the second part. Maybe I should add some spawners aswell? Fog emitters (tho I'm not sure what effect would add to the build). As for gameplay objects... any ideas?

I was planning on adding some more secrets but for some reason my game decide it no longer wanted to cooperate with me. I couldn't add any more trigger behaviors. Is it because I already placed the final room marker?
Mad Poster
#5 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 4:03 PM
Looks very nice. I tried to set up some tomb things on a lot and they just would not work. I know when I played Jericho much did not work and I think I read that the Pets expansion messed up a lot? Others will know more about this than I do. I read many tutes and some things would not work no matter what I did.
Field Researcher
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#6 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 4:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
Looks very nice. I tried to set up some tomb things on a lot and they just would not work. I know when I played Jericho much did not work and I think I read that the Pets expansion messed up a lot? Others will know more about this than I do. I read many tutes and some things would not work no matter what I did.

Well... the tomb stuff does work. It's a bit tricky and requires several rounds of testing, but I managed to figure it out. A good idea is to keep a copy of the lot in your catalog. So when you run into issues while testing you add the fixes to the copy. Then try again. By the end my Sim had like 800 ancient coins, having tested the tomb thoroughly.

I've played some in Jericho and the tombs I gone through so far (The Asylum, Moonshine factory, Leif Hedge, Battery) have all worked. The biggest issue I've seen in that there's no cause/effect fx to tell you what thing you unlocked. It may make it seem like nothing happened. But it does. You just gotta find it. Also, don't unlock doors yourself. That breaks things.

If you don't mind spoiling yourself, you can open the tomb in Edit Town to see the lay of the tomb. You can also make the objects show what thing links to them. So if you can't find that last switch, it could tell you where to look. it's the "Draw all Links on this Lot" option in the shift-ctrl pop-up.
I want to go out
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#7 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 5:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I guess you can't connect items to themselves?

Btw I'm on version 1.69 with all expansions.

Hmm, maybe not? I'm sure that's how I did it, but you never know (my brain is a fuzzy thing and I couldn't even remember how to solve some of the tombs when I played through a while back). I hope someone who builds tombs more recently can give you guidance, as some things definitely work differently with tombs now to how they used to. I've never played with 1.69.

Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
I know when I played Jericho much did not work and I think I read that the Pets expansion messed up a lot?

You never specified to me exactly what didn't work though, as far as I can remember- when I played through with all EPs up to Showtime last year, all tombs worked. The only thing different was that you can manually unlock doors now (and if you do that it will break some of my puzzles, as the WA kit relied on solving problems and doing actions in turn to unlock doors and trigger other events). I know that things have been broken and fixed many times over the course of the game's history though- for example, the fog emitters were broken at one point, but seem to work now. Routing also went a bit haywire with pets and occasionally you'll see a horse walk across the river, but nothing world breaking or lag inducing. As far as I can tell, Jericho works fine with the EPs I created it with. I'd appreciate specific problems posted on the download thread though- as if I know exactly what EP has broken something, and exactly what- I can warn people in the download post.

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#8 Old 10th Jan 2025 at 2:09 AM
I played Jericho years ago and at the time some tombs were not working. I did cheat and then open them to try and see why? I was told at the time that some things no longer worked. I have all EPs. Some things would not work for one of the latest worlds I was working on. I finally said forget it and at this point none of it matters .
I want to go out
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#9 Old 10th Jan 2025 at 11:29 AM
No worries, I do remember advising people to rebuild tombs as I was reading that they broke (although at that time I didn't have the game installed to test). Last year I installed it to test and found that everything worked, so I guess they fixed something! I don't think you could have got very far by manually unlocking the doors, as other bits (like rooms unfogging or stairs appearing) wouldn't have triggered that way, so probably this was a bit confusing! I would have given up too.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Field Researcher
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#10 Old 10th Jan 2025 at 3:16 PM
I haven't had any issues with Jericho tombs so far. Most problems I had was not finding the right switch to open something. But that's an user error not a fault of the tomb. I did noticed that the "code room" at the Battery seemed to lack a tomb marker tho. It was visible prior to me reaching it. But idk, maybe it was intentional.

Anyway, here are some updated shots of the lot. I feel quite content with it. My only issue is the spawners. I placed three but I didn't spot any creatures spawned. I'm not sure if they're kept from spawning because of obstacles or if it's just a case of giving them time to spawn.

I'm thinking about making a CC-free version to upload here. The tomb should be fine as it's only furnished with CC, and none of the objects are connected to CC. But I'd probably need to run a test round just to be sure.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 2:07 AM
Very nice lot. I look forward to playing.
Field Researcher
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#12 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 11:26 AM
I'd like to upload a no-CC version for people to download from here. But I'm not sure how to do that. I tried exporting and cleaning with CUSTARD but it didn't seem to help. On the other hand, all the spawners uh "spawned" stuff. Glad that worked.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 2:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I'd like to upload a no-CC version for people to download from here. But I'm not sure how to do that. I tried exporting and cleaning with CUSTARD but it didn't seem to help. On the other hand, all the spawners uh "spawned" stuff. Glad that worked.

You probably know this already, but Custard will not show packages. I convert all my CC to them so Custard is a problem for me regarding some worlds I may want to upload somewhere later. I have been doing 2 versions of Sims, one with my conversions, and one with the original packs also for some things. A pain to do but necessary as I do want CC to be included in some things.
Field Researcher
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#14 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 3:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
You probably know this already, but Custard will not show packages. I convert all my CC to them so Custard is a problem for me regarding some worlds I may want to upload somewhere later. I have been doing 2 versions of Sims, one with my conversions, and one with the original packs also for some things. A pain to do but necessary as I do want CC to be included in some things.

I didn't know... I thought I could just uncheck and save as a clean sims3package. I suppose I have to pull out all CC and clean the lot. Then fix it up with non-CC stuff and upload.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#15 Old 19th Jan 2025 at 12:17 PM
Does a sims3package file include all content used in a lot, or jut references? I'm asking because if it doesn't then i could just export into a clean sims 3 folder and take it from there. if it does include all content, then I'd have to manual delete every CC which will take time.
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