#151 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 10:47 AM
Lol.. We all haven't warmed up to them yet Brenda.. But can't wait to see your next batch.
Lab Assistant
#152 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 7:28 PM
LOL Yeah, I was going to take more interesting pics for the next challenge...It's the Lost family...And, well...they seem heavily medicated. There's no drama here, except for multiple fires...LOL

At my age, any thing I say is an old saying! - Lini
Field Researcher
#153 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 9:50 PM
Nice characters Brenda. Of course, it's sad they're all dead now. 139 is not a bad score. Most have been able to up their score when they play again just because you learn what not to do the first time.
Retired Duck
retired moderator
#154 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 1:53 AM
Goodness knows I haven't got time to play this, but it sounds fun so I'll have a go.
#155 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 9:03 PM
I just finished my first Asylum challenge. I ended up with a score of 250. My sim Gemma had the popularity want of 20 simultaneous best friends. This is probably one of the easiest for this challenge. She got to stay home all day, which meant no fires running out of control while she was at work. Also, she could easily make 7 friends within the household. I think I got lucky!

There wasn't a lot of drama in my challenge. No deaths, just some (8) fires, aspiration failures, and a lot of fights (Alienne ended up with a nasty Scorpio personality.) Here are some pictures: http://www.sims2community.com/showthread.php?t=14021

This is a great challenge--I may try it again for a better score!
Lab Assistant
#156 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 9:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by hotdoggirl
I just finished my first Asylum challenge. I ended up with a score of 250. My sim Gemma had the popularity want of 20 simultaneous best friends. This is probably one of the easiest for this challenge. She got to stay home all day, which meant no fires running out of control while she was at work. Also, she could easily make 7 friends within the household. I think I got lucky!

There wasn't a lot of drama in my challenge. No deaths, just some (8) fires, aspiration failures, and a lot of fights (Alienne ended up with a nasty Scorpio personality.) I'll add some pictures in the stories forum in a little while.

This is a great challenge--I may try it again for a better score!

How'd you get to stay home all day? You were the bread winner for 8 sims and responsible for all thier bills... and only got to start with 100 simoleans... or did I miss something? I'm about to start this and want to make sure I do it right.

Umm Hi... Bored and looking for a fun place to hang out online? Try Becka's COOKIE FEST!
#157 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 10:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kerriiskk
How'd you get to stay home all day? You were the bread winner for 8 sims and responsible for all thier bills... and only got to start with 100 simoleans... or did I miss something? I'm about to start this and want to make sure I do it right.

I'm so annoyed at myself right now! Was that really part of the rules from the very first day? I tried to be so careful--they only have six seats and the un-comfy beds and everything else. Argh! I'll edit my other post to show I started with money. Now I definitely have to try again!
Field Researcher
#158 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 11:00 PM
hotdoggirl, you don't have to edit your money down to 100 if you didn't cheat for money. I added the ability to cheat to build a nicer looking asylum, but as the price for doing that was starting with very limited funds afterwards and no ability to buy more items (except replacements). So as long as you didn't cheat for money when starting, you didn't need to reduce your money. That was a rule add-on to accomodate some people. Originally you couldn't cheat for money at all.

Nice score btw. And yes some ltws are much easier than others. Plus if you get a job one, you could have the problem of that job not being in the paper for some time. Making it even harder. I wonder how hard it is to have dream dates in the asylum? Hmmm.
Lab Assistant
#159 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 12:57 AM
Ok groovy that answers my question as well, thanks Scout!

Umm Hi... Bored and looking for a fun place to hang out online? Try Becka's COOKIE FEST!
Lab Assistant
#160 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 12:59 AM
This challenge is so me! *enjoys torturing her sims* :devil: Well, actually just the ugly ones. *is also completely shallow* XD I'm going to have to print off the first post or I'll forget all the rules. Oooh, I can't wait to start. *is already enrolled in too many contests and challenges* Let's see how many challenges I can do before going insane! Hahaha...ha... o_O *notices everyone is looking at her funny* ...I don't belong in the asylum with my sims...I swear... *runs off before someone can belt her into a straightjacket*

EDIT: I was just wondering if we could alter a sim's personality points within the randomly assigned zodiac sign (so that it doesn't change)?

<3 A
#161 Old 23rd Apr 2006 at 7:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Astrea
This challenge is so me! *enjoys torturing her sims* :devil: Well, actually just the ugly ones. *is also completely shallow* XD I'm going to have to print off the first post or I'll forget all the rules. Oooh, I can't wait to start. *is already enrolled in too many contests and challenges* Let's see how many challenges I can do before going insane! Hahaha...ha... o_O *notices everyone is looking at her funny* ...I don't belong in the asylum with my sims...I swear... *runs off before someone can belt her into a straightjacket*

EDIT: I was just wondering if we could alter a sim's personality points within the randomly assigned zodiac sign (so that it doesn't change)?

<3 A

No, You can't adjust the points, even if you stay within the same sign.

"You can use the method from the Prosperity Challenge to randomly assign the personalities. Roll the die once to choose the set of astrological signs and a second time to choose the sign from that set. Keep the personality traits as they default for the sign."

Good Luck! I can't wait til more people do this challenge and we can see the pictures!
Lab Assistant
#162 Old 23rd Apr 2006 at 9:42 PM
Thanks debikins, I saw that upon rereading the rules for the umpteenth time. I'm actually pretty close to finishing the challenge although I haven't played the lot in almost a month. I've been really lazy lately but I'll definitely get off my butt and post some pics of my inmates. Who knows? Maybe I'll even get started on my story thread for this challenge. ^_~

<33 A
Test Subject
#163 Old 2nd May 2006 at 4:51 AM
Just started mine today, and it's going pretty well so far. It's been two days and my controllable sim, Eve, hasn't yet found the criminal job she needs to reach her LTW. But she's got plenty on her hands for the moment anyway what with keeping her fellow patients from playing the piano until they're dead. I made my asylum house really big, which means that it takes forever for the patients to get around, but on the plus side, it's also easy for them to navigate the house because I made sure there was plenty of empty space for maximum traffic jam avoidance. No fires or deaths yet either, but there's plenty of time left for disaster to strike, probably sometime when Eve is at work. I put three chairs in front of the tv and turn it to The Yummy Channel every chance I get though, so hopefully that'll help.

Edited to add a picture:

The girl in the forefront is Lucie, one of Eve's two friends in the house. In the background on the left you can see Adelaide ignoring Blaze (who seems like a bit of a jerk so far). On the right, there's Laynie tickling Ty and in the very back, Marcus is going to the bathroom. I'll try and post one of poor long-suffering Eve once I get a good picture of her. Nike's not in this picture either, but he's not very important.
Lab Assistant
#164 Old 3rd May 2006 at 4:50 PM
This sounds like so much fun! I'm going to try it even though I have a hard time not using ANY cheats. After reading the rules though, I have a couple of questions:

May they have a small pool for body skill if it's indoors?

What about a telescope, does that have to be indoors or could it be on the roof (accessible only from the inside)? Are they even allowed one (for skilling)? If so, I assume it would only be the cheap one.
#165 Old 5th May 2006 at 12:31 AM
I started mine which feels to be 8 million sim days ago lol. Etrella my playable sim is a fortune sim and has a lifetime want of make 100000 waaaaaaaa this is gonna take me a year lmao. Oh well hehe a few fires and no deaths as of yet but we'll see what happenes.
#166 Old 9th May 2006 at 1:28 PM
Scout this challenge sounds awesome. I'm going to start as soon as i'm done the poverty challenge.
Forum Resident
#167 Old 13th May 2006 at 4:46 AM
I did this challenge, and on the first day, three sims died in a fire, on Thrusday of the same week it was down to my sim and one other, Friday,m the othe rinsane sim died, leaving my all alone..
Test Subject
#168 Old 18th May 2006 at 4:45 AM
I have one question. How do you find out what your sims lifetime want is? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I have no idea.
#169 Old 18th May 2006 at 5:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by queenpossom
I have one question. How do you find out what your sims lifetime want is? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I have no idea.

You need to have Uni, and just run your mouse over the sims aspiration meter.
Test Subject
#170 Old 18th May 2006 at 9:21 AM
D'OH! Foiled again by expansion packs! Thanks anyway zizismommy
Test Subject
#171 Old 28th May 2006 at 4:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by queenpossom
D'OH! Foiled again by expansion packs! Thanks anyway zizismommy

What you could do is ask someone to make a sim with the aspiration you are going to use and use THAT Lifetime Want (then it would still be random). I think that's the only thing you would need university for.

I am going to start this today, I'm so glad I (finally) finished the poverty challenge so I can play this one.

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#172 Old 31st May 2006 at 3:28 PM
This is great -- finally a challenge that's playable in less than 100 years =)! And also finally an opportunity to use some of those ridiculous Maxis clothes ...

I started this yesterday, and my sims are doing quite well so far (it's sunday now in-game, so almost one sim week has gone by). They're all still alive (although they cry a lot), and they behave civil towards each other -- the only fights until now were with visitors. Two of them even developed a crush on each other on the first day! Seems like the sims' sexual orientation is not so much affected by who they actively flirt with (which is what I've been thinking so far), but by who's interested in them (little opportunists, they are) -- my "sane sim" is female and checked out everybody else when they moved in, and two of the girls apparently got defined as lesbians in the process ... they proceeded to flirt with each other straight away.

Their house was an unpainted windowless box when they moved in (meanwhile it's a painted windowless box), since I only used 20.000 to build it -- 19.955 to be exact, so they had 45 left. This is much harder than using money cheats I believe: they can't afford a hot tub or anything expensive, their only luxury is a tiny pool that nobody's using anyway (except when asked to join ... and then they get straight out again and leave).

I tweaked the rules a tiny little bit by defining the front porch as still being "inside the house" so they can have their boom box there -- the chess board would have fitted in the living room as well, but having everybody smustle across the kitchen didn't seem like such a good idea. And I put the pool outside because an *indoor* pool seemed even more outrageously luxurious than a normal one.

Notes about the house:

* The sink in the hallway was a bad idea -- two of my sims are sloppy enough to resort to sponge baths when the tub is in use, and then the others refuse to enter the room (wich means whoever uses the toilet will be stuck there, while the others are peeing themselves in the kitchen).

* The bookcase in the living room isn't great either: when they try to write in their diary, there's always somebody else in the room, so they sit on the floor all afternoon with the diary clutched to their chest ...

* Pool without diving board is pointless -- nobody's using it since it doesn't seem fun enough.

* The stove in the extra room works great -- if there's a fire, I hope only one sim will die because nobody else can enter the room at all. (You can't normally place a stove like this -- it wants at least 2 tiles free space in front of itself --, but with moveobjects on I could put it opposite the doorway and that works fine ... they stand in the doorway when cooking).

I've yet to see whether or not a fireman will be able to reach the stove .. there haven't been any fires yet (although they habitually burn their food) because the "sane sim" feeds the others a couple of times a day and also puts out some gelatin before she goes to work. It helps a lot that her goal is to become a celebrity chef, so she needs some practice anyway. I guess it's also good that there's nothing else in the "stove-room" that the sims could get distracted by.

* One toilet and tub for 8 sims is obviously not enough (particularly when you have sims that will block the tub for hours on end playing in it) ... luckily I have one very outgoing sim who will just go ahead and jump in the tub while everybody else is still trying to shoo each other, and then the room empties out within seconds =).

One additional rule I made for myself: No playing red hands (unless initiated autonomously) -- it's so much fun it's just ridiculous. And my "sane sim" mainly does what she Wants (I usually play like that, and it's hard to get out of the habit) -- she only talks to / plays with her colleagues when she has a Want to make a new friend, for example, not just to make the others happy.

I haven't used Influence yet, but I might ... I have one fortune and one family sim who are both very unhappy (the guy with the propellor hat and the lady in the fur coat), maybe they would find comfort in each other if I could get them to be more than "just friends".

That's it for now. I'll post more when something interesting happens -- has been lots of fun so far, thanks for posting the challenge!
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#173 Old 1st Jun 2006 at 10:49 AM
Question: When a sim dies, and my controllable sim successfully pleads for them, does it count as a death?
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#174 Old 1st Jun 2006 at 6:55 PM
Turns out that I was wrong about the stove ... very wrong. One of the idiots started a fire (as was bound to happen at some point), and not only did the others take notice *even though it happened behind a doorway*, they also ran straight to the stove room in order to scream and panic. I had no idea that five sims would be able fit into that tiny space!

The first time (I've had two fires meanwhile) my sim called the fire department, then ran out to the hallway and started to Call Over the idiots ... when the firewoman arrived, she stood idle for a *very* long time staring at the flames, then finally two of the other sims left the room (not sure if that was because they were Called Over, or if the firewoman managed to shoo them somehow) so she could put out the fire. Nobody died, but they were all very unhappy and the fortune sim has been in almost constant aspiration failure since then.

The next day, stupid Betsy (the fat girl in the ridiculous party dress) started a fire *again* ... this time the firewoman stood there for a while contemplating the situation (with, again, five other sims cramped in that little room panicking), disclamed "I can't get to the fire" and retreated to the living room in order to make faces at the fortune sim who was apparently enjoying a visit by the Shrink. So I tried to get my sim to put out the fire on her own ... bad idea: she tried, failed, and promptly caught fire herself; at least the firewoman managed to extinguish *her* because luckily she hadn't even been able to get into the stove room in the first place.

In the meantime, one of the other sims burned to death, the fire went out, and Grim Reaper arrived ... my sim, in dire need of a pee, pleaded for his life and won -- which was funny because she had the "I really need to go!" thought bubble above her head the entire time and relieved herself immediately afterwards.

So they're all still alive now, but it was a close call the second time. I'm really paying attention now that there's always food on the table so that the others won't try to cook -- and if I still catch someone using the stove, I have the sane sim distract them and finish the cooking herself.

Oh and that near-death experience apparently had the side effect that the sim whose life she saved (Elmo) fell in love with my sane sim (I have no other explanation for it -- they never flirted or anything (except for one "check out" back in the very beginning)) ... a couple days later, a visitor tried to kiss her and Elmo got raving mad at them both. They are still furious at each other, although Fedora (the same sim) does everything she can in order to repair their relationship.

The house looks a little bit better meanwhile, it has windows and a proper roof -- an expensive dummy level construction that I could only afford because Fedora got a 2000ยง bonus (chance card) and a promotion on the same day. She got promoted to Sous Chef, demoted (another chance card) and promoted again; not sure how close she is to the top of the carreer but I guess it's at least two more promotions. She's more than halfway through her adult life -- about two sim weeks have passed I think.
Test Subject
#175 Old 2nd Jun 2006 at 9:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by plasticbox
I started this yesterday, and my sims are doing quite well so far (it's sunday now in-game, so almost one sim week has gone by). They're all still alive (although they cry a lot), and they behave civil towards each other -- the only fights until now were with visitors.

Hi plasticbox, that's great you are joining the Asylum Challenge (did you ever finish the poverty challenge?). That's odd that you haven't had any fights, I have about two a day in my house. And I've had the *microwave* cause about twice as many fires as the stove has.

I stretched the rules a bit when I was making my patients in order to get a little more extreme behavior. With about half of the sims, I took their two most extreme personality traits and maxed them out (taking points from the least extreme ones). So a sim with 8 playful and 2 neat, for example, would become 10 playful and 0 neat. I also went through all the aspirations and assigned one sim with each aspiration first, and then did the rest randomly. I did half male and half female sims as well (my controllable sim is male). I used cheats to build the house (technically, I used cheats to *buy* the house since I built it first them moved them in). But since there is such a limit on what you can buy its just a lot of empty space, with very little in it.

My sim ended up being a romance sim, and his lifetime goal is to "woo-hoo with 20 different sims". Since I usually force my romance sims to live more normal lives, I never noticed this before, but romance sims seem almost like sexual predators. Or at least Edward (the controllable sim) does. Every woman that happens to walk by the house or every woman that delivers the paper or food or anything, I make him drop everything to greet. Its a little strange to see him chatting it up with woman he does not have chemistry with (I learned real fast that certain sims build up a relationship A LOT faster, and there have been a few that I just cannot get the lifetime to go up where I need it to be), just because he wants to woo-hoo with them. I have already let him go after some of the women in the house, and there has been some jealously and face-slapping.

About the fights I mentioned above, nearly all of them involve this one female sim who made enemies with another sim just about the first day in the house. I have seen four fights in one day, almost always involving her. Oddly enough, she's the one who I put in the "Nun Outfit", which makes it very clear why her career as a nun did not work out. What's interesting is while a few sims in the house HATE each other, others have become best friends (I don't think anyone is in love with anyone else though, besides Edward).

I can see why this was based on something called "I'm Surrounded by Idiots", because I really feel that way with my sim sometimes. One time he ordered grocerise, and I wasn't sure if sims could autonomously pay for them, so I had my sim quickly do that before running off for work, and he left them on the counter. Well, apparently (I've noticed since) sims can automously PAY for groceries, but if another sim leaves them on the counter, they have no idea what to do with them. So while he was at work (I had him take the first job the paper offered sim for the sake of randomness, and he's in the "Fight Evil" custom career, which is night shifts), I had to watch all the sims walk around the house complaining about how hungry they are when there was food sitting RIGHT THERE.

About a week into the challenge, I had a fire break out when Edward was at work. There was nothing I could do but watch as it burned down the ENTIRE kitchen (more than six counters, in addition to the fridge and the stove and the table and the overhead lights). Four sims died as well. I was going to keep going but with only three uncontrolled sims in the house it was sort of boring and I wasn't sure if I could use the money cheat to replace the things lost in the fire (or if I could sell other things in the house to rebuild the kitchen). I decided to somewhat start over. I rebuilt the kitchen exacty as it was, resurrected the dead sims, and made a decision to have two of the other sims get a job. At random I had two of them get jobs as "test subjects" so that my sim would not have to attempt to feed a family of eight in addition to trying to have sex with 20 different sims, and keep the house up (he, of course, has to be the one fixing everything, and that includes MANY times of the toilet getting clogged and the shower breaking).

Other than getting the microwave which has caused more trouble than its worth (in the Sims 1 a mircowave didn't start fires, which apparently is NOT the case now), I really wish I would have just got a shower instead of a shower/bath combo. The sims keep taking bubble baths which takes about TWICE as long as a shower, and there's usually sims almost literally waiting in line to use the shower. I also wish I had skipped the TV (since I used two chairs for it) and put those chairs at the table in the kitchen. They almost never watch TV and when they do, its NOT the Yummy Channel. Even if it happens to be on that channel, they CHANGE it.

I've had one sim almost die (was saved by winning against the grim reaper), and another acutally die, both by hunger. I think it might be due to letting the fridge empty too often (even though both sims starved to death when there was food in the house). The sim that died was the one that kept starting all the fights, so I'm not too upset.

"Look, I don't need this, I inhaled my favorite whistle this morning."
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